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PoliGAF 2016 |OT5| Archdemon Hillary Clinton vs. Lice Traffic Jam

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I just found out that 50% of Israel's waste water is recycled. The US recycles 10%. Wtf kind of backwards country is this? Do we live in a third world country?


I just found out that 50% of Israel's waste water is recycled. The US recycles 10%. Wtf kind of backwards country is this? Do we live in a third world country?

Israel has a greater need for water recycling than the united states does. Aside from Florida and California no other state has a direct need to spend the extra resources right now to get the necessary water reclamation plants up and running.

I know many farmers and people that have rain collectors to collect water for gardening and some farming purposes but its a lot of work to get it running on a large scale.

It's not something you can just change right away.


LA County has more 25% more people that all of Israel. It's not a lot.

Which is the more morally reprehensible position:

A. A Flat Tax

B. Getting rid of public education

Huelen is for both.
Lies and slander, stop it. I am for the cutting of the DOE as Ron Paul proposed, not cutting public schools. That way school and department management would be more streamlined with less bureaucracy. Oy gevalt...


LA County has more 25% more people that all of Israel. It's not a lot.

Which is the more morally reprehensible position:

A. A Flat Tax

B. Getting rid of public education

Huelen is for both.
B. By a lot. But both are insanely damaging to the poor of this country.


Perhaps the most potent move he could make without sacrificing his policy agenda would be to declare, after the last ballot is cast in the District of Columbia on June 14, that Hillary Clinton won the majority of the pledged delegates “fair and square.”

Sanders could ditch his strident anti-establishment tone and help disabuse his supporters of their suspicions, closing the electoral chapter of the campaign with a speech along the lines of: “Our campaign performed exponentially better than anyone predicted. We worked together to raise enough money to be heard, and our message was heard. We fought for more debates, we got them and we engaged in a substantive dialogue of ideas. We should take enormous pride in winning [probably by then] more than 20 states and 45 percent of the pledged delegates, while we also tip our hat to Hillary Clinton for winning a little more. Our party’s commitment to democracy gave us a fair shot, and the proof is in how well we did in the face of the long odds.”

Read more: http://www.politico.com/magazine/st...2016-becoming-nader-2000-213893#ixzz48q8A6keN
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Lies and slander, stop it. I am for the cutting of the DOE as Ron Paul proposed, not cutting public schools. That way school and department management would be more streamlined with less bureaucracy. Oy gevalt...

Why would shutting down the organization devoted to organizing and managing schools make schools better organized and managed?
Is there a technocratic argument for universal pre-K? The meta-analyses I've seen on the impacts aren't that great compared to things like spending more money on tutoring services.


Is there a technocratic argument for universal pre-K? The meta-analyses I've seen on the impacts aren't that great compared to things like spending more money on tutoring services.

There's enough noise on the nurture vs nature debate to make me think it's a worthy way to spend money, although I admit I don't know nowhere near enough about the literature.

My impression is that there's certainly more there than making public higher education free, though.


Is there a technocratic argument for universal pre-K? The meta-analyses I've seen on the impacts aren't that great compared to things like spending more money on tutoring services.

Evidence differs. Here's an article: http://www.vox.com/2015/10/26/9616196/tennessee-preschool-study

The summary is that there are a couple of studies showing universal pre-K not having much benefit (in fact, having a slight negative benefit) and a couple of studies showing them having huge benefits. All of the studies have come in for statistical and methodological critique, but none really stand out. So there's presumably another factor, which may be quality of pre-K program (the studies that showed large benefits were analyzing well-funded, small-enrollment pre-K programs).

The biggest benefit of universal pre-K isn't really covered in these studies, though, which is that it would provide free childcare to low-income households. That is probably a pretty valuable result all on its own.


Anyone else getting embarrassed that the GOP has figured out their nominee faster than us dems? The Sander's campaign is starting to get a little long in the tooth and annoying now that they clearly have no shot.


No Scrubs
Evidence differs. Here's an article: http://www.vox.com/2015/10/26/9616196/tennessee-preschool-study

The summary is that there are a couple of studies showing universal pre-K not having much benefit (in fact, having a slight negative benefit) and a couple of studies showing them having huge benefits. All of the studies have come in for statistical and methodological critique, but none really stand out. So there's presumably another factor, which may be quality of pre-K program (the studies that showed large benefits were analyzing well-funded, small-enrollment pre-K programs).

The biggest benefit of universal pre-K isn't really covered in these studies, though, which is that it would provide free childcare to low-income households. That is probably a pretty valuable result all on its own.

I imagine it's like Sesame Street on PBS, since everyone benefits from it equally it fails to even things out and instead just lifts everyone up. Which I am totally OK with.
I hate to do this but I would like to see how eliminating the DoE would help anything and examples where it has had a net negative effect

Actually if anyone had some good resources on education reform that would be great


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
There's no negative mechanism mentioned in the cox article. Like why do people that get prek perform worse? It seems to be replicable but why?


aka andydumi
LA County has more 25% more people that all of Israel. It's not a lot.

Which is the more morally reprehensible position:

A. A Flat Tax

B. Getting rid of public education

Huelen is for both.

On the flat tax, in general, do people advocate for a flat tax for everyone, or for incomes above X threshold to account for living needs? Does it change the acceptance dramatically if you do offer a threshold?


While I haven't looked at the literature for pre-K, I would be worried that some studies could suffer from selection bias. The people who currently get pre-K probably skew higher on the socioeconomic scale. If you control for this, ie comparing rich kids without pre-K vs rich kids with pre-K, I would expect that you wouldn't see a huge difference because the rich kids will have a higher standard/starting point.

If the consensus of studies that look at poor children found that pre-K didn't help them, that would make me question the push for universal pre-K.
Anyone else getting embarrassed that the GOP has figured out their nominee faster than us dems? The Sander's campaign is starting to get a little long in the tooth and annoying now that they clearly have no shot.

Barely anyone is paying attention to Bernie or his supporters anymore. Unless they riot, in which case the media paints them as whiny and naive on the political process.
Anyone else getting embarrassed that the GOP has figured out their nominee faster than us dems? The Sander's campaign is starting to get a little long in the tooth and annoying now that they clearly have no shot.
Democrats have been settled since March 15, regardless of what anything or anyone on the internet has tried to convince you otherwise.
This is a terrible strategy:


Just play ads of Trump saying he could have "nailed" Princess Diana right after she died.

Running against Trump's often outlandish behavior will be tempting, but it's a losing strategy as voters are prone to dismiss Trump's antics as entertainment, said David Beattie, a Democratic pollster.

Clinton instead must find a narrow, narrative argument to make against Trump, said Beattie, who worked for Democrats in the 2010 and 2012 Connecticut Senate races against Republican Linda McMahon, a multi-millionaire former president of the WWE, or World Wrestling Entertainment.

In Connecticut, voters weren't interested in salacious details from McMahon's past, such naming her yacht “Sexy Bitch” or, in the wrestling arena, degrading a woman portraying her husband's mistress by ordering her to undress, crawl around the ring, and “bark like a dog.”

Instead, Beattie said, McMahon's opponents honed in on comments made during the campaign, such as her support for phasing out Social Security. “I've run a lot races against candidate who have said crazy things, and those crazy things seem to have less and less impact,” Beattie said.

“With Trump, the hardest thing is knowing where to attack,” Beattie said. “He says so much and changes so frequently, it's almost like you're always behind, because you don't know what he's going to say. You have to have a narrative: He's not a deal-maker. He's a bad businessman who's taken advantage of the system to enrich himself, and he's not interested in helping people.”

I think they gave a good explanation as to why the strategy they are doing is the preferred one. The example you gave is something some people won't care about, just another reason for the people who already wouldn't vote for him to not do so, or it just shows something typical of what you expect of Trump. Attacking his issues on policies is something he'll have to defend against. As we all know, any discussions on policy is his weak point attacking that makes the most sense. It'll either show that he really is clueless to the point of being idiotically dangerous and a risk that can damage the country. People at this point will want to know what he stands for if he doesn't have any solid ground and keeps switching positions no one will really know what exactly what he wants. Some will lose confidence of supporting him. The campaign can also use his positions like the wall to imply that he is a racist.

Using his offensive antics is something that the PACs and surrogates can use on their own and that would be effective in some cases. Most people like some white Americans are really going to care about the stuff he says and the minorities aren't going to vote for him en mass anyway. They are mostly are going to care about policies and that his Trumps weakest aspect. The campaign can really just focus on the wall and how unrealistic it is, how it can hurt relations with other countries and how it can effect the economy. Eventually he'll start to make less and less sense to do and getting Trump to backtrack will highlight the problem I stated and the article said above. He has no ground to stand on and still no one would really know what he is running for.
Trump's negatives won't improve. People know what he's said and he will continue to say ignorant things. Focusing on policy directly while allowing PACs to savage his comments on women/minorities/etc makes sense. It also will drive a contrast between the candidates. Hillary is whip smart. Hearing her discuss policy in contrast to Trump evading/attacking will be very powerful.

And don't underestimate the debates. Trump has a clear problem when he is confronted by women directly, and Hillary is going to make him self destruct in a debate.


On the flat tax, in general, do people advocate for a flat tax for everyone, or for incomes above X threshold to account for living needs? Does it change the acceptance dramatically if you do offer a threshold?

Most every modern flat that proposal has details to not fuck you over if you are poor. Take my man Ben Carson's tax plan. He was for a no-deductions, no-loophole flat 14.9 percent tax that takes income only once, with no double up for capital gains, no AMT, and no pointless itemization for everyone above 150 percent poverty level.

Seems fair to me.


I like Carson a lot, and I think he could have brought a lot as president, but he is horrible at his current role and if it even happened, would make a horrible VP.

Ladies and Gentlemen, the next President (but certainly not Vice President!) of the USA:

"I remember growing up, I would turn the TV on. You would see Walter Cronkite or someone like that. And you could really trust them. Even though he was a left-wing radical, would you never know that," Carson said.


No Scrubs
Trump's negatives won't improve. People know what he's said and he will continue to say ignorant things. Focusing on policy directly while allowing PACs to savage his comments on women/minorities/etc makes sense. It also will drive a contrast between the candidates. Hillary is whip smart. Hearing her discuss policy in contrast to Trump evading/attacking will be very powerful.

And don't underestimate the debates. Trump has a clear problem when he is confronted by women directly, and Hillary is going to make him self destruct in a debate.

Yup. There's no reason for Hillary herself to get her hands dirty. Let the SuperPACs and the media hit him on his bullshit. I guarantee the media will love digging up Trump shit since it's an easy way to hit deadlines.
Most every modern flat that proposal has details to not fuck you over if you are poor. Take my man Ben Carson's tax plan. He was for a no-deductions, no-loophole flat 14.9 percent tax that takes income only once, with no double up for capital gains, no AMT, and no pointless itemization for everyone above 150 percent poverty level.

Seems fair to me.

Holy Shit


I agree that there's no reason for Hillary to get negative against Trump. Honestly, the media does a fine enough job of that by simply letting him speak in front of a camera. She should stick to policy, a positive message, and only attack Trump on the actual legislation he's voiced support for. As long as the economy keeps humming along and ISIS keeps losing ground, there's really nothing Trump can touch Hillary with.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Most every modern flat that proposal has details to not fuck you over if you are poor. Take my man Ben Carson's tax plan. He was for a no-deductions, no-loophole flat 14.9 percent tax that takes income only once, with no double up for capital gains, no AMT, and no pointless itemization for everyone above 150 percent poverty level.

Seems fair to me.



Most every modern flat that proposal has details to not fuck you over if you are poor. Take my man Ben Carson's tax plan. He was for a no-deductions, no-loophole flat 14.9 percent tax that takes income only once, with no double up for capital gains, no AMT, and no pointless itemization for everyone above 150 percent poverty level.

Seems fair to me.

Lies and slander, stop it. I am for the cutting of the DOE as Ron Paul proposed, not cutting public schools. That way school and department management would be more streamlined with less bureaucracy. Oy gevalt...

I'm not sure this is much better than cutting public funding, honestly. Though next time I'll get it strait.

Most every modern flat that proposal has details to not fuck you over if you are poor. Take my man Ben Carson's tax plan. He was for a no-deductions, no-loophole flat 14.9 percent tax that takes income only once, with no double up for capital gains, no AMT, and no pointless itemization for everyone above 150 percent poverty level.

Seems fair to me.

So this doesn't fuck poor people over how?
Most every modern flat that proposal has details to not fuck you over if you are poor. Take my man Ben Carson's tax plan. He was for a no-deductions, no-loophole flat 14.9 percent tax that takes income only once, with no double up for capital gains, no AMT, and no pointless itemization for everyone above 150 percent poverty level.

Seems fair to me.

Most every modern flat that proposal has details to not fuck you over if you are poor. Take my man Ben Carson's tax plan. He was for a no-deductions, no-loophole flat 14.9 percent tax that takes income only once, with no double up for capital gains, no AMT, and no pointless itemization for everyone above 150 percent poverty level.

Seems fair to me.



Most every modern flat that proposal has details to not fuck you over if you are poor. Take my man Ben Carson's tax plan. He was for a no-deductions, no-loophole flat 14.9 percent tax that takes income only once, with no double up for capital gains, no AMT, and no pointless itemization for everyone above 150 percent poverty level.

Seems fair to me.

You are what's wrong with America.

Why would a flat tax be fair when the marginal utility of money has diminishing returns?


Most every modern flat that proposal has details to not fuck you over if you are poor. Take my man Ben Carson's tax plan. He was for a no-deductions, no-loophole flat 14.9 percent tax that takes income only once, with no double up for capital gains, no AMT, and no pointless itemization for everyone above 150 percent poverty level.

Seems fair to me.

It's fair to charge 15% tax on the 43% of American households that are so poor that they currently pay no income tax?


People still getting baited by Huelen. What a mess

The biggest benefit of universal pre-K isn't really covered in these studies, though, which is that it would provide free childcare to low-income households. That is probably a pretty valuable result all on its own.

That's definitely a big benefit, especially for single parent homes. It looks like full time daycare for a year can cost $12,000+ per kid depending on location. Crazy when you think about minimum wage being $7.25 and a 2000 hour work year only netting them $14,500
Most every modern flat that proposal has details to not fuck you over if you are poor. Take my man Ben Carson's tax plan. He was for a no-deductions, no-loophole flat 14.9 percent tax that takes income only once, with no double up for capital gains, no AMT, and no pointless itemization for everyone above 150 percent poverty level.

Seems fair to me.

I have given up trying to follow Huelen's logic. Legitimately the musings of a crazy person.
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