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PoliGAF 2016 |OT5| Archdemon Hillary Clinton vs. Lice Traffic Jam

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It's all good. You live and you learn, and then you have the facts of life.

It's gonna be ok Adam, I just got dumped last week and it's something that will make you stronger. GAF is here for ya. Oh and once our Qween wins you can replace romance with pure uncut Shadenfreud.


Consider it from the Trump perspective. Gingrich represents the last time republicans changed Washington effectively, has a history of fighting the Clintons, is a very good speaker (and thus good on television), and would be a "conciliatory" choice for elected republicans: the establishment hates him but not as much as they'd hate a Palin or insane former general.

People outside of the Trump camp know it's a terrible choice, of course. Especially for a ticket struggling with the female vote. But I can see how Trump would justify it. And Gingrich has been making positive comments about Trump for quite some time. Gingrich is smart and recognizes being Trump's VP would make him president in some ways.

I certainly wouldn't mind him as president. I am still surprised that Romney trounced him. Romney's shit.


Come on guys, have you kept up with Sanders? Come DNC time, if state battles are anything to go by and Sanders delegate gofundmes continue, wether or not he or Clinton wins, there's gonna be discussion and debate.

I would not be surprised if it ends up being Clinton vs Trump, I really wouldn't, but Clinton's definitely not a done deal; it's plenty clear that sanders, people at state conventions, and delegates will not act like it is over until it is actually over.


It's done, and it is literally borderline delusion to suggest otherwise. You either profoundly misunderstand how to process works, do not grasp what is going to occur at the convention with Hillary having the delegates she does, or are allowing fanciful dreams to pervert your view of reality.

The only debate going to occur at the Convention is how prominent a role they should even give Bernie, considering what an asshole he has made of himself at the end. He could have had a nice graceful speaking role, set some talking points and maybe even tailored the themes of the convention a bit. Now? He better be glad he's even allowed to speak.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
I find it hilarious that Oklahoma now has to set up an Obamacare/Medicaid expansion system to save their disastrous health systems. These conservative groups will NEVER learn. Even with the many hospitals and nursing homes saying they'd have to shut down without the expansion, the Kochs et al are still campaigning against it.



Got a Hillary fundraiser email this morning

Friend --

Thank you for being a part of this campaign. I'm thrilled to have you on my team, especially at such a critical time.

I'm counting on you to make sure we have the resources we need to finally secure the nomination and look to the take on Donald Trump. Can you chip in $1 right now?

It's time to act on raising wages and reforming our immigration system. It's time to change our gun laws and make education more affordable for our children. It's time to make sure that all people are an equal part of our political process and our communities, regardless of your gender, race, or who you love.

It's time we make sure that every single child has the chance to live up to their God-given potential.

We can't wait any longer. I need you to stand with me by chipping in again to support that vision right now. It's the only way we can get this work done and keep Donald Trump out of the White House:

I like all of it except the religion angle, but that is part of Hillary. Wonder when society will be OK (as in over 50% in polls say they're fine with it) with an openly non-religious president

I certainly wouldn't mind him as president.

lmao, even for you this is amazing


Got a Hillary fundraiser email this morning

I like all of it except the religion angle, but that is part of Hillary. Wonder when society will be OK (as in over 50% in polls say they're fine with it) with an openly non-religious president

lmao, even for you this is amazing

Adam mentioned it yonks ago, but the "god given potential" line is one she has used quite a bit and seems to have tested well with certain demographics. Its definitely the most visible religious aspect to her campaign it seems.


Adam mentioned it yonks ago, but the "god given potential" line is one she has used quite a bit and seems to have tested well with certain demographics. Its definitely the most visible religious aspect to her campaign it seems.

Yeah I totally get it, a lot of demographics want the president to be religious and she is so it's a good angle for her.

I was a bit off on my "expectations" for acceptance of a non-religious candidate though, it's already around 58, so I guess 90% is the "electable" range. Mittens got a decent bit of grief for "magic underwear" and stuff, so I'm sure there'd be some attempts to make the candidate look foolish in some way regarding lack of religion



Obviously Adam's version had a numerous story involving his mum at the time, which is something I unfortunately am not capable of bringing to the table... ;-)
I find it hilarious that Oklahoma now has to set up an Obamacare/Medicaid expansion system to save their disastrous health systems. These conservative groups will NEVER learn. Even with the many hospitals and nursing homes saying they'd have to shut down without the expansion, the Kochs et al are still campaigning against it.


It's been clear for awhile they don't care about policy so they'll never learn. I'm not convinced they even care about state based solutions given how half baked the proposals tend to be. They don't work and the end result is almost always the same: the poor are left out, the middle class blames the federal government, and the rich go on as normal.
Donald J. Trump plans to throw Bill Clinton’s infidelities in Hillary Clinton’s face on live television during the presidential debates this fall, questioning whether she enabled his behavior and sought to discredit the women involved.

Mr. Trump will try to hold her accountable for security lapses at the American consulate in Benghazi, Libya, and for the death of Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens there.

And he intends to portray Mrs. Clinton as fundamentally corrupt, invoking everything from her cattle futures trades in the late 1970s to the federal investigation into her email practices as secretary of state.

Drawing on psychological warfare tactics that Mr. Trump used to defeat “Lyin’ Ted” Cruz, “Little Marco” Rubio and “Low-Energy” Jeb Bush in the Republican primaries, the Trump campaign is mapping out character attacks on the Clintons to try to increase their negative poll ratings and bait them into making political mistakes, according to interviews with Mr. Trump and his advisers.
Donald J. Trump plans to throw Bill Clinton’s infidelities in Hillary Clinton’s face on live television during the presidential debates this fall, questioning whether she enabled his behavior and sought to discredit the women involved.
Please proceed Trump


Hillary did the 11+hour Benghazi hearing. While clearly tired as the hours went by, she never lost her cool and she had multiple people going after her; by the end of it she made them look like fools.

Trump is fucked.


No Scrubs
Thanks everyone for being awesome. Massive group hug. &#128512;

I just saw, I'm really sorry dude :(

He is going to look like an utter and complete asshole.

Hillary did the 11+hour Benghazi hearing. While clearly tired as the hours went by, she never lost her cool and she had multiple people going after her; by the end of it she made them look like fools.

Trump is fucked.

Yup. If an entire committee couldn't get her to flinch over 11 hours then good luck to Trump, he'll need it.


Trump supporters are forgetting how awful the optics are of a man accusing or verbally attacking a woman on live television.

Clinton vs Lazio redux
Yup. If an entire committee couldn't get her to flinch over 11 hours then good luck to Trump, he'll need it.

Especially since we've already learned not only is that a Hillary strength, it's a Trump flaw - overtime he simply gets more and more bored with the whole thing and doesn't have much of an attention span. He's riding high now because of the presumptive nomination, but as we get closer and closer to the GE it'll be interesting to see if he follows the same trajectory he did during the primaries (less rallies, not giving a fuck about the debates, etc.)



Any moderator can discredit his attacks by bringing up his own personal and moral failings, especially if we're going to talk about bad business deals, mismanagement of money, infidelities, and personal "character." This isn't the strategy that's going to either gain him new followers, get him more big money backers, or prevent Democrats from turning out.

We'll see how long it lasts.
Come on guys, have you kept up with Sanders? Come DNC time, if state battles are anything to go by and Sanders delegate gofundmes continue, wether or not he or Clinton wins, there's gonna be discussion and debate.

I would not be surprised if it ends up being Clinton vs Trump, I really wouldn't, but Clinton's definitely not a done deal; it's plenty clear that sanders, people at state conventions, and delegates will not act like it is over until it is actually over.



Yeah, kinda embarrassing. That being said, not all Sanders voters would vote for Clinton if he loses, but some say the opposite is not true, that Clinton voters might be open-minded enough to vote for Sanders in a general... so would Sanders voters and Independents (like me). but then again, polls, and surveys and shit and variances and whatnot...

We will see. We will see...

I am just tired of people counting Sanders out. If you are gonna count anyone out, count Ted Cruz out.

You know what happened after all the brouhaha in Nevada? Clinton got the number delegates she was supposed to have in the first place. They can cry and scream and yell and boo and shoutdown and block cameras but in the end Clinton has been democratically chosen and no amount of whining is going to change that.

Looks like he won't have much on her. The Democrats have far, far more stuff on Trump than he has on her. He'll probably drive her negatives up a bit, but most people that already don't like her wouldn't vote for her anyway. I only see this working for some Republicans, some independents, and some hardcore leftist people . Most of the issues has been done to death already like Benjamin Ghazi and emailgate . Once the all clear is from the FBI on the emails Trump won't have much to stand on.
If all Trump has is the same useless talking points Reddit Bernie users have been screaming for months with no effect, mixed with a healthy dose of overt sexism is his plan of attack, he's not going to go anywhere.

Trump fans were giddy at the idea of Trump getting fired up and crushing Hillary in scandal, but Hillary has been so vetted and so many scandals have gone nowhere... that he can't really come up with anything that hasn't been beaten to death and discredited ages ago.

In a way, Hillary is probably the perfect candidate to handle Trump. In having so many scandals, she's actually immune to scandals.
Good luck Donald, but please don't go overboard; the truth should be enough, no reason to get Slick Willie's sexy funtimes into this. You can do this without having to sink to that level.
Have you been paying attention to his campaign so far? He doesn't have to sink to that level but he loves doing it anyway.


I like Carson a lot, and I think he could have brought a lot as president, but he is horrible at his current role and if it even happened, would make a horrible VP.
Thanks again everyone. I don't want to totally derail the thread by quoting and responding to everyone but it means a lot to me. <3

I also hate that god given potential line with the fire of a hundred burning suns. I cringe everytime. But it totally plays well with my mom and a few other mostly older people I know.


everything i have heard so far about how Trump is going to handle the GE is sweet nectar. Its going to be fun watching the shit show when you have no worry about the outcome because you have a moron running a campaign
If all Trump has is the same useless talking points Reddit Bernie users have been screaming for months with no effect, mixed with a healthy dose of overt sexism is his plan of attack, he's not going to go anywhere.

Trump fans were giddy at the idea of Trump getting fired up and crushing Hillary in scandal, but Hillary has been so vetted and so many scandals have gone nowhere... that he can't really come up with anything that hasn't been beaten to death and discredited ages ago.

In a way, Hillary is probably the perfect candidate to handle Trump. In having so many scandals, she's actually immune to scandals.
The Trey Growdy 10 and under playhouse couldn't do anything. Years of Republicans whittling away at her credibility have hardly worked. She's still in this after 3 decades of negative attacks. And yet...

I would laugh my ass off if Donald Trump managed to dethrone her.

Ben Carson has the GOAT poker face. Don't cry when he burns you!
I just got owned by a guy who thinks the pyramids store grain.
Also I'm revising my earlier pledge to donate $50 to Gafs candidate of choice if Queen wins Oregon. $50 of she's within 10 and $100 of she wins outright. Let's end this thing.

I'll going to make some calls after work. I've had enough of the Bernie campaign.
If there's a candidate who would make a worse President than Trump it's Ben Carson. The only one that immediately comes to mind as on a similar level of shitastically awful is Herman Cain.

Clinton has a prayer group. And sent parables or whatever in her super secret emails.

Also I didn't notice before but is Trump's twitter photo just really old or airbrushed to oblivion.
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