To be released in December: "Agent Ivanka: How I Saved America From Inside The Trump Campaign." The international best seller.
I mean it'd be the only way to make her even more attractive.
To be released in December: "Agent Ivanka: How I Saved America From Inside The Trump Campaign." The international best seller.
Kaine, Warren and Castro have been asked to submit documents for vetting. Probable final 3.
Hillary Clinton's search for a running mate is moving into a more intense phase, according to several Democrats, as aides contact a pared-down pool of candidates to ask for reams of personal information and set up interviews with the presumptive Democratic nominee's vetting team.
Those on the shortlist include Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren, a favorite of progressives who has emerged as a blistering critic of presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump; Virginia Sen. Tim Kaine, a well-liked lawmaker from an important general election battleground state; and Housing and Urban Development Secretary Julian Castro of Texas, a rising star in the Democratic Party.
Warren, Kaine and Castro represent the two schools of thinking about the running mate pick that have emerged among those closest to Clinton's campaign.
Some advisers believe Clinton should pick a running-mate that would energize Democrats: a woman, a staunch liberal or a minority. Others argue that Trump's deep unpopularity gives Clinton an opportunity to win over a share of independents and Republican-leaning voters with a more centrist pick, such as Kaine.
Clinton is also said to be cognizant about the risks of tapping a senator who would be replaced by a Republican governor if Democrats won in November. That's a particular liability for Ohio Sen. Sherrod Brown and New Jersey Sen. Cory Booker. Clinton's campaign is said to have considered both, but it was unclear Monday whether either would be fully vetted for the vice presidential slot.
A handful of other Democrats are also said to be under consideration, though the full list is being closely guarded by the Clinton campaign. Longtime Clinton allies John Podesta and Cheryl Mills are overseeing the search and few people beyond them are believed to know the full list of candidates being vetted.
Kaine, Warren and Castro have been asked to submit documents for vetting. Probable final 3.
Castro would be a terrible president and Kaine is super boring, booo.
Ted Cruz winning on the 9th ballot after Reince goes to the hospital with alcohol poisoning and Tom Brady spends time talking about white genocide will really endear the party to the public though.
Jesus get over it! He is you know, actually qualified to be President should anything happen. You know, the single most important thing a VP may have to do...
How much did Hillary spend? Was that 117 million in the other thread accurate?
Jesus get over it! He is you know, actually qualified to be President should anything happen. You know, the single most important thing a VP may have to do...
If they dump him at the convention the convention won't end without them naming a candidate. I mean unless the intentionally try the "no contest" strategy of letting her run unopposed to delegitimize her.what if the GOP decides to drop Trump but can't actually find anyone to run instead?
But what's going on inside that campaign? If the Trump kids were supposedly pissed at Lewandowski for doing nothing, and Trump shocked that Lewandowski had no plan, and Priebus is complaining and everyone is noticing that no money is being raised, what have they doing all day up until now? Trump isn't the only guy there but is he literally shooting down any idea that involves raising money? It's completely baffling.
Jesus get over it! He is you know, actually qualified to be President should anything happen. You know, the single most important thing a VP may have to do...
Biden is probably more qualified to be president if we're looking at that criteria alone.
I don't think Kaine will cause any electoral advantage whatsoever and there's Dems I would like better than Kaine to be president.
Here's an article about this:
Chicago Tribune: Warren, Kaine, Castro on shortlist as Clinton's VP search intensifies
EDIT: Oops, didn't notice that ItWasMeantToBe19 posted the same article from a different site before me.
And? He can still be a boring pick. These two things aren't mutually exclusive, you know. If politics was nothing more than who is most qualified, Donald Freaking Trump wouldn't be anywhere near the top of the ticket, and Sarah Palin would still be in Bumfuck, Alaska.
So, what do we think about Trump taking public financing? Clearly, this shit isn't working. So, he'd get, what is it, $20 million? He can only give himself another $50,000. But, he could spin it as "I'm so great, the government is paying me to run. I'm taking advantage of the system. That's what we need more of in Washington."
I don't think "I'm so broke I need a government handout to run for President" is very... Trumpian. Trumpish?
Nick Confessore ‏@nickconfessore 14m14 minutes ago
Trump has less cash on hand than the former majority leader of the New York State Senate, who is headed to jail.
So, what do we think about Trump taking public financing? Clearly, this shit isn't working. So, he'd get, what is it, $20 million? He can only give himself another $50,000. But, he could spin it as "I'm so great, the government is paying me to run. I'm taking advantage of the system. That's what we need more of in Washington."
He would get up to $96,140,600.
Kenneth P. Vogel ‏@kenvogel 4m
Trump campaign expenses in May, per @FEC report:
Hats: $208k
Online advertising: $115k
Data management: $48k
Communications consulting: $38k
Reuters said:The primary Super PAC supporting Trump, Great America PAC, reported raising $1.4 million in May - accounting for most of the $2.5 million the group has raised this year.
Efforts are underway by some wealthy Republican donors and a group of conservative leaders to investigate whether a new Republican candidate could still get into the presidential race. The talk is still preliminary and somewhat wishful, but it reflects dissatisfaction with the two leading candidates, Newt Gingrich and Mitt Romney.
Conservative leaders are looking into whether it is feasible for a dark horse to get on the ballot in select states. The deadline to qualifying for the ballot has passed in Florida, South Carolina, Missouri, and New Hampshire. But a candidate could still get on the ballot in states like Tennessee, Oklahoma, Louisiana, Michigan and Texas. At the first-in-the-nation Iowa caucuses, voters write in their choice, so there is no formal filing deadline.
The chatter about potential new entrants include former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani, Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels, businessman Donald Trump, Rep. Paul Ryan of Wisconsin and South Carolina Sen. Jim DeMint.
What? How does that work?
I remember in late 2011, there were rumblings about getting another Republican to jump in the GOP race. That would've came off desperate then and now we're a month away from the RNC and there's rumblings of trying to oust Trump.
FEC said:Public grants of $18,248,300 went to each of the major parties for their conventions in 2012. On April 3, 2014, President Barack Obama signed legislation to end the public funding of presidential nomination conventions.
Now that Clinton is rising even without consolidating Bernie stans, I'm off the Warren VP train. She doesn't offer anything we need. The Democratic flank is nailed down.
The issue I can't reconcile is how to be respectful of the minority communities that support Hillary with someone that appeals to white men. I don't think I can square this circle. Is it Tom Perez?
That doesn't work. People just drive a few hours from Chicago to Indiana where there are no regulations and then drive back. I want a repeal of the 2nd amendment.
Now that Clinton is rising even without consolidating Bernie stans, I'm off the Warren VP train. She doesn't offer anything we need. The Democratic flank is nailed down.
The issue I can't reconcile is how to be respectful of the minority communities that support Hillary with someone that appeals to white men. I don't think I can square this circle. Is it Tom Perez?
Kaine would be a real lame choice. Wouldn't we be losing a swing state Senator too?
Just pick Perez or a Congressman from a safe district.
Hillary has a speech attacking Trump' practices today. Hollly sheeet if she can work some of this in there....hell, even if she can't, it'll fit the narrative.
Maybe god is a Democrat. She seems to love me this cycle.
Kaine would be a real lame choice. Wouldn't we be losing a swing state Senator too?
Just pick Perez or a Congressman from a safe district.
Yes. Perriello was the fucking man. I know he's mentioned as a possible candidate every time a statewide race in VA is open. I hope his loss in 2010 didn't discourage him, he ran as well as he could have.Dem governor in Virginia so the replacement wouldn't be hard, and he or she would win a special election.
In a perfect world Kaine gets the VP nod, Tom Perriello gets his senate seat.
She's decided that it's someone else's turn to wander the desert for 40 years.Guis...guis....
Hillary has a speech attacking Trump' practices today. Hollly sheeet if she can work some of this in there....hell, even if she can't, it'll fit the narrative.
Maybe god is a Democrat. She seems to love me this cycle.
Sorry, I meant how does Trump get 96 million from publicly funding his election?the man really loves his hats
Fluent Spanish speaking white man from Virginia.Now that Clinton is rising even without consolidating Bernie stans, I'm off the Warren VP train. She doesn't offer anything we need. The Democratic flank is nailed down.
The issue I can't reconcile is how to be respectful of the minority communities that support Hillary with someone that appeals to white men. I don't think I can square this circle. Is it Tom Perez?
Sorry, I meant how does Trump get 96 million from publicly funding his election?