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Wow, she's really going in. Great stuff so far.
Another Chyron
Clinton: Trump "exploited people for years"

This is absolutely perfect messaging.


this speech is lit

this is looking like a complete disaster month for trump


what is his plan leading up to the convention...I do wonder
Hillary's economic theories are questionable (though MMT should be dragged until more evidence appears in support of it), but I think most people will like and agree with this speech.


No Scrubs
She's got jokes, daaamn.

Huge CNN Chyron
Clinton: Trump's Biz Books "End at Chapter 11"


That's coooold bloooooded


Wow it actually does look like Trump has someone else running his twitter account right now. Shocking, but the tweet content isn't really much better.


I do wonder if Trump wrote that fundraising email or he just has impersonators. Most people can do it pretty well at this point. Just throw in a "Crooked Hillary" here, a "failing" and a "losing" there, etc.


contribute something
Along came a white Neo-Nazi overtly racist, sexist, scummy piece of shit who was otherwise to the left of pretty much everyone on that stage of 17 people on everything EXCEPT for white supremacy and the white working class "non-racist" people you talk of flocked to him.

No, Trump showed, above all else, that the only reason those scumbags have been voting Republican for decades is purely due to racial animosity. They don't give two shits what the tax rate is for rich people, where regulations are or aren't, what the line items in the budget are, or what 95% of conservative orthodoxy is.

He came out and said Mexicans are rapists and we need a wall and he jumped to 1st place. Ben Carson came out and said he wouldn't trust a Muslim of any kind as the POTUS and jumped to second place.

White working class people are racist and sexist and shitty because they've convinced themselves that their rightful economic prosperity which is their American right has been stolen by immigrants ,and women, and black people, and China.

They're scum. That's it.

I can't agree with this attitude. Racism is a learned behavior, brought on by isolation and ignorance, and supported by those who would enflame hatred to their own means. Do you honestly believe that poor whites are natively inferior to everybody else? Discussing poor whites as a morally bankrupt people beyond salvation is unfounded, because many poor white people are not bigots, counter-productive, because the causes of bigotry are not addressed. Perhaps most importantly, treating poor white racism as an isolated and spontaneous problem completely absolves those who instigate and profit from racism.

Much like far-right Islam, white supremacy and other forms of bigotry are illegitimate responses to legitimate grievances. Poor whites are absolutely underserved by our government, but the Republican Party has gained their support using hateful tactics that Democrats find abhorrent. We don't to love the white poor, and we absolutely should not tolerate their bigotry, but these generalizing attitudes -- which often permeate politics -- prevent real change from coming to poor white communities.

Rebel Leader

Donald J. Trump ‏@realDonaldTrump 8s8 seconds ago
I am "the king of debt."That has been great for me as a businessman, but is bad for the country. I made a fortune off of debt, will fix U.S.

Ok..... how is that disproving her?
Donald J. Trump ‏@realDonaldTrump 8s8 seconds ago
I am "the king of debt."That has been great for me as a businessman, but is bad for the country. I made a fortune off of debt, will fix U.S.

Ok..... how is that disproving her?

This is literally the dumbest thing he could say.

What a pivot!


My biggest takeaway here is that, between that fundraising email and the rapid response going on here, it looks like Manafort really is turning Trump's campaign into a relatively real thing. They're doing campaign things! They are using staffers for jobs! They are providing a coherent rebuttal message! It may not be perfect but it's an attempt and that's actually a big improvement.

Next step is to see whether anybody comes out on CNN or with statements defending Donald Trump. Manafort should at the very least be throwing Chris Christie out there on some talking head shows. I mean what the hell else is he good for?


No Scrubs
Donald J. Trump ‏@realDonaldTrump 8s8 seconds ago
I am "the king of debt."That has been great for me as a businessman, but is bad for the country. I made a fortune off of debt, will fix U.S.

Ok..... how is that disproving her?

Trump has got to be the biggest fucking dumbass of all time to think this was a good idea. This was literally the dumbest thing he could say in rebuttal.


Donald J. Trump ‏@realDonaldTrump 8s8 seconds ago
I am "the king of debt."That has been great for me as a businessman, but is bad for the country. I made a fortune off of debt, will fix U.S.

Ok..... how is that disproving her?

This was originally supposed to be his message. I remember this coming up during the debates. "I know the problems America has with regulation because I took advantage of those problems to get super rich. So hire me and I will prevent others from doing it!"
My biggest takeaway here is that, between that fundraising email and the rapid response going on here, it looks like Manafort really is turning Trump's campaign into a relatively real thing. They're doing campaign things! They are using staffers for jobs! They are providing a coherent rebuttal message! It may not be perfect but it's an attempt and that's actually a big improvement.

Next step is to see whether anybody comes out on CNN or with statements defending Donald Trump. Manafort should at the very least be throwing Chris Christie out there on some talking head shows. I mean what the hell else is he good for?

Yeah, it's a real campaign. Or like, one that should placate the Republican donor class. I don't think it'll actually work, but it's what I expected from Trump at this point.


can someone remind me the last time Trump was actually on the offensive?

it was a long time ago it feels
Reports are tomorrow he's finally gonna give his anti-Hillary speech.

He's just been biding his time for the past couple of months. Now's the perfect time to strike! Genius!


Next Hillary commercial will be black screen for 30 seconds with:

'I am "the king of debt."That has been great for me as a businessman, but is bad for the country.'

Donald Trump admits he is bad for the country.
This speech helps Hillary lay the groundwork for calling Wall St. donors' bluff. She's going to choose Warren as her VP and then say "you can choose me, or Trump. Your choice."


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I don't really get why we seem to so often be apologising for particular groups of white people's racism. Woe is the put upon racist.

Let me put it this way - racist attitudes don't exist in a vaccum. Because American society is built upon white supremacist foundations, white supremacist attitudes are absorbed unconsciously by most white people. Even consciously racist attitudes don't emerge by choice. In communities where explicit anti-blackness and xenophobia are just a facet of daily life, it's difficult to grow past these attitudes.

Pretending that those of us who are not racist are better human beings is idiotic and offensive. Racists are normal people acculturated in environments that breed hatred. Trying to correct racist behavior without addressing the external causes of racism doesn't seem to be effective.
My biggest takeaway here is that, between that fundraising email and the rapid response going on here, it looks like Manafort really is turning Trump's campaign into a relatively real thing. They're doing campaign things! They are using staffers for jobs! They are providing a coherent rebuttal message! It may not be perfect but it's an attempt and that's actually a big improvement.

Next step is to see whether anybody comes out on CNN or with statements defending Donald Trump. Manafort should at the very least be throwing Chris Christie out there on some talking head shows. I mean what the hell else is he good for?

The next next step is to see whether Trump gets bored, frustrated, or impatient with this before the end of the week.


I can't realistically see how Trump makes it to the convention at this point with any support beyond the voters. Like this is insane. Heard on NPR yesterday that he was basically ready to go it alone. I believe it with shit like this dropping left and right.

The man is wildly out of his depth, this is crazy.
My biggest takeaway here is that, between that fundraising email and the rapid response going on here, it looks like Manafort really is turning Trump's campaign into a relatively real thing. They're doing campaign things! They are using staffers for jobs! They are providing a coherent rebuttal message! It may not be perfect but it's an attempt and that's actually a big improvement.

Next step is to see whether anybody comes out on CNN or with statements defending Donald Trump. Manafort should at the very least be throwing Chris Christie out there on some talking head shows. I mean what the hell else is he good for?

I have doubts about the realness of any campaign that only starts to get built at the end of June. It'll be interesting to see how the fundraising, staffing, and ad buy numbers have changed when the convention starts less than four weeks from now. It'll also be interesting to see whether Manafort gets fired after Trump follows his advice and still is persistently trailing Hillary in the polls. I don't think Trump has the patience to cope with that.


Apparently he's going to quote the Secret Service agent that wrote that anti-Hillary book.

Who has already been denounced as a fraud.

Clinton has a lot of momentum right now - even if he threw everything at Hillary from the 90s on, I don't think it'd work. At worst, she comes out looking better than Trump because she's not racist and has a ton of experience. At best, he insults her personally, and she gets even more support.


On Friday Donald Trump is making a presidential campaign visit to Scotland. Why, you ask? Good question.

Most Americans don’t know that reporters finance the bulk of presidential candidates’ campaign travel, by buying seats on the candidate’s charter plane. Mr. Trump has taken this a step further. He wants campaign reporters to pay for a charter to Scotland to open a Trump hotel property. Cost to reporters: $10,000 round trip, plus hotel and restaurant bills, which will probably be racked up at the two Trump-themed venues they’ll be visiting — if anyone signs up.

Here’s the itinerary the Trump campaign sent to reporters last week:

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