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PoliGAF 2016 |OT7| Notorious R.B.G. Plans NZ Tour

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"Billionaire" begging for money. Sad!


I don't know if you all saw, but Trump sent his first small donor fundraising email out, promising to match up to $2 million (wow).

edit: I guess we all saw it in the post above mine.

So as not to waste this space, here's a funny quote from the second page: "Even without this match, this initial effort would have been the most successful first fundraising email in history."



Deep into his 30th decade
A lot of his ton reminds me of dudes not understanding they're not always right and assuming they're smarter/better/have more integrity than women.

I don't think its intentional or Bernie is a bad dude but I think there is an element of sexism in Bernie's choice intentional or not. Who else has acted like this when they lost?

I am not really surprised it is the first woman nominee that suddenly has the much stricter "superdelegates don't actually count until the convention" requirement then everyone(all male) else in history.

Every day I come into work my coworker asked me if Sanders dropped out yet. He has basically become a joke.
LOL the intercept has magically discovered that politico uses anonymous sources to bash politicians but pretends its only against Warren and Sanders


Their entire MO. They trash everybody, idiots. I've never seen lazier reporting.

Wonderful readers too Intercept
So I suppose that the self interested cheap phony Ben White, is passing of the “wrath” of Warren as justification for anonymous sourcing because Warren’s “wrath” might be a “rare circumstance” wherein the source’s livelihood would be put at risk. Ben White’s livelihood will, very hopefully, be put at risk due to this article having come out in The Intercept.
The fact that Bernie still hasn't endorsed just shows what an entitled ass he is.

Senate Dems should not give him any chair post.
Going to r/s4p is like going through the looking glass. Bernie is still campaigning, still somehow going to win by flipping counties in Cali, winning state conventions everywhere and Hillary is literally Mephisto from Dinky Di's. It's always tea time in wonderland.
I feel like everything I've ever seen from Lee Fang has been stupid.

I has to be a bad place to work. They literally can't get any good reporters. I have a feeling if you don't tow greenwald's line you don't get a job which is a major turn off for many. I mean the site is literally a blog
Okay, so I heard about this a while back, and thought "cute gimmick, founding fathers story with hip-hop and black/Hispanic cast." Heard the overture and wasn't especially impressed. Hip-hop isn't really my thing (don't hate it, just not drawn to it.)

Recently, my wife listed to the whole soundtrack, and said I'd love it. So over the weekend I did.


The hype is real. It's incredible, and it's a lot more than the "cute gimmick" I thought it was.

Most of what I know about the founding fathers and early America is what I remember from high school history (a fair amount) plus what every current culture has contributed to my understanding (like the glow coming off Thomas Jefferson, for instance). My schoolboy memories of Hamilton were reductionistically simple-- he was for a central bank and strong central government, he was opposed to Jefferson who wanted more power in the states. Having idolized Jefferson in my youth, Hamilton was on "the other side."

So, beyond the fact that the music is incredible, the show really manages a lot of cool stuff
- giving a sense of the buzz in the air during the revolutionary period
- showing the political rivalries as both personal and ideological
- diving into the nation's first sex scandal
- getting into how petty politics could be even then (which I know in my head, but was fun to see dramatized)
- showing how hard things were *after* the war, which itself seemed impossible, and how the lines of power sorted out once there wasn't a common enemy

After listening I went and brushed up on the facts and details as I know better than to trust a musical for history lessons, and the whole Hamilton story is really fascinating. What's particularly amazing is that you have this revolution of wealthy landowners, and here's this kid, basically, who's brilliant and a hard worker, but also essentially lower-class than the rest of these guys and social climber. And somehow my whole life I've associated him with rich, conservative moneyed interests*, which completely misses the target. And like so many brilliant men since, he ruined his career because he couldn't keep it in his pants.

* While somewhat true, it's also likely the lasting power of the campaigns run against him at the time.


No Scrubs
I hear the live show is even better than the album. Apparently they're going to be putting it out on DVD at some point along with a making of documentary feature. So for those of us who can't get tickets, that's coming.
How does funding for the RNC itself go down? Is Trump accountable for the bugdet if his campaign contributes nothing substantial? I remember reading some stuff but him envisioning sonething spectacular as far as planning.


No Scrubs
Cheapest I could find was like $1300-1500 for shit tier seats. Which....I paid like $400 for Kinky Boots tickets that were terrible...soooooo. Considering I just had to drop $1400 on a work computer....ugh. :(

Miranda is trying to kill the second-hand market since prices have gotten so crazy, so you might want to look into buying directly from the show instead. Maybe put in for the lottery.
Anecdotally, of the diehard Bernie fans I know here in Ohio (and I know a lot, because I'm liberal and hang out in the liberal neighborhoods and destinations), a good 80% freely admit they'll vote for Hillary if they have to. But more tellingly, the ones that say they won't are the ones who have never been reliable voters aka they skip lots of elections or have never voted before.

Bernie can't hurt Hillary in Ohio. And I'm really confident Trump is going to get his butt kicked here.
Ali Vitali ‏@alivitali 1h1 hour ago Manhattan, NY
Trump spox tells @KatyTurNBC Wednesday's cryptically emailed about speech is actually the postponed anti-Clinton speech.

Probably all the nonsense that Hannity does everyday.
Miranda is trying to kill the second-hand market since prices have gotten so crazy, so you might want to look into buying directly from the show instead. Maybe put in for the lottery.

I'm too poor to travel to NYC right now anyway. :( I just had to drop a ton of money on a stupid computer to start this job tomorrow. On the flip side, I ended up with a great schedule. Get off work at 4:30 every day...but I work weekends. (By choice.)

Anecdotally, of the diehard Bernie fans I know here in Ohio (and I know a lot, because I'm liberal and hang out in the liberal neighborhoods and destinations), a good 80% freely admit they'll vote for Hillary if they have to. But more tellingly, the ones that say they won't are the ones who have never been reliable voters aka they skip lots of elections or have never voted before.

Bernie can't hurt Hillary in Ohio. And I'm really confident Trump is going to get his butt kicked here.

I think Ohio is one of his best states to pick up, which isn't to say it's very good. We don't have a large enough Latino population to make it as safe as, say, Florida. I don't think he takes it, but I think the margin in Ohio will be closer than Virginia, Florida or Colorado.
Daily Caller writers are illiterate at best, but really, they're just white nationalists.

Alawa was the subject of an article on conservative website The Daily Caller, titled "Syrian immigrant who said 9/11 'changed the world for good' is a homeland security advisor."

It used some of Alawa's tweets to support the claim, including one in which she wrote "9/11 changed the world for good."

Alawa explained that she meant "for good" as in "forever" -- not "for the good." The same tweet also read, "I just hope we keep having open conversations about our differences."

Alawa, who is Syrian, was born in Denmark and lived in Japan for several years before immigrating to the United States as a child.



If Plouffe is that confident in PA, then I'd be inclined to follow his lead. He's someone I'd' unquestionably trust on this stuff.


FGC Waterboy
Trump running independent would be AMAZING

Think Sore Loser laws would squash it?

Okay, so I heard about this a while back, and thought "cute gimmick, founding fathers story with hip-hop and black/Hispanic cast." Heard the overture and wasn't especially impressed. Hip-hop isn't really my thing (don't hate it, just not drawn to it.)

Recently, my wife listed to the whole soundtrack, and said I'd love it. So over the weekend I did.


The hype is real. It's incredible, and it's a lot more than the "cute gimmick" I thought it was.

Most of what I know about the founding fathers and early America is what I remember from high school history (a fair amount) plus what every current culture has contributed to my understanding (like the glow coming off Thomas Jefferson, for instance). My schoolboy memories of Hamilton were reductionistically simple-- he was for a central bank and strong central government, he was opposed to Jefferson who wanted more power in the states. Having idolized Jefferson in my youth, Hamilton was on "the other side."

So, beyond the fact that the music is incredible, the show really manages a lot of cool stuff
- giving a sense of the buzz in the air during the revolutionary period
- showing the political rivalries as both personal and ideological
- diving into the nation's first sex scandal
- getting into how petty politics could be even then (which I know in my head, but was fun to see dramatized)
- showing how hard things were *after* the war, which itself seemed impossible, and how the lines of power sorted out once there wasn't a common enemy

After listening I went and brushed up on the facts and details as I know better than to trust a musical for history lessons, and the whole Hamilton story is really fascinating. What's particularly amazing is that you have this revolution of wealthy landowners, and here's this kid, basically, who's brilliant and a hard worker, but also essentially lower-class than the rest of these guys and social climber. And somehow my whole life I've associated him with rich, conservative moneyed interests*, which completely misses the target. And like so many brilliant men since, he ruined his career because he couldn't keep it in his pants.

* While somewhat true, it's also likely the lasting power of the campaigns run against him at the time.

To be fair, if Hamilton had his way, anyone who wasn't white, male, and rich wouldn't be able to vote or hold national office, and the presidency and senate would be lifetime appointments. :p. He basically believed in the bad sides of human nature versus Jefferson believing in the good. There's a reason the reductionist view of him is where it is, and it's not entirely incorrect.

That said, Hamilton's up there with RENT for my favorite musical of all time - so I'll take the inaccuracy for the awesomeness. :-D

I would consider donating $1000 to Trump if I could get a ticket to Hamilton.

The missus and I keep thinking about it, but it's hard to justify those kind of costs. :-(
To be fair, if Hamilton had his way, anyone who wasn't white, male, and rich wouldn't be able to vote or hold national office, and the presidency and senate would be lifetime appointments. :p. He basically believed in the bad sides of human nature versus Jefferson believing in the good. There's a reason the reductionist view of him is where it is, and it's not entirely incorrect.

That said, Hamilton's up there with RENT for my favorite musical of all time - so I'll take the inaccuracy for the awesomeness. :-D

The missus and I keep thinking about it, but it's hard to justify those kind of costs. :-(

We're trying to get tickets for Chicago, which literally went on sale less than an hour ago.

And the musical isn't really inconsistent with the bolded, it just doesn't touch on it. There's nothing more American than a guy who pulled himself up saying "I got mine" to people who don't. It was pretty clear in the musical that he helped himself up in part by catering to bankers.

As far as RENT-- we just won't discuss that. My favorite modern musicals are Fun Home and Hedwig.

Just realized Hamilton is on Spotify.

Also on Google Play Music, which is where I heard it.
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