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I know it's too early for the media to basically destroy Trump, but there has to be a point in time where enough is enough later in the race and all the bullshit he has done is openly talked about and exposed where he is shown to be the con man he is


Donald J. Trump ‏@realDonaldTrump4 minutes ago
Hillary took money and did favors for regimes that enslave women and murder gays.

Donald J. Trump ‏@realDonaldTrump 3m3 minutes ago
If you want to know about Hillary Clinton's honesty & judgment, ask the family of Ambassador Stevens.


Donald J. Trump ‏@realDonaldTrump 8s8 seconds ago
I am "the king of debt."That has been great for me as a businessman, but is bad for the country. I made a fortune off of debt, will fix U.S.

Ok..... how is that disproving her?
I love the idea that they took Trump's phone away to tweet for him, but he begged and said like "Just give it back to me for one second. One tweet. Gotta slam her. Boom! Done. Got her."

*hands phone back triumphantly*


Let me put it this way - racist attitudes don't exist in a vaccum. Because American society is built upon white supremacist foundations, white supremacist attitudes are absorbed unconsciously by most white people. Even consciously racist attitudes don't emerge by choice. In communities where explicit anti-blackness and xenophobia are just a facet of daily life, it's difficult to grow past these attitudes.

Pretending that those of us who are not racist are better human beings is idiotic and offensive. Racists are normal people acculturated in environments that breed hatred. Trying to correct racist behavior without addressing the external causes of racism doesn't seem to be effective.
This is the same fallacy "education will fix everything" people fall into - racism is a symptom of a broader issue: the desire of many for social dominance. You can't "fix" the assholes.


This is the same fallacy "education will fix everything" people fall into - racism is a symptom of a broader issue: the desire of many for social dominance. You can't "fix" the assholes.

In the UK right now you're seeing the manipulation of the working class/poor (because they can be two different demographics) by the rich and upper class, using "fear of the other".

Yes, it can be a desire for "social dominance" - but that doesn't necessarily mean the ones being racist are the ones wanting that dominance. Working class/poor just want a decent life, but are so easily manipulated, by the media (The Daily Mail), by politicians (UKIP) that they end up blaming everyone but the ones they should blame.

Not saying working class/poor can't be racist on their own, but it's not all one-sided.

Secret Service veterans denounce anti-Clinton tell-all book

The author of a new tell-all book about Hillary Clinton could never have seen any of what he claims — he was too low-ranking — say several high-level members of Secret Service presidential details, including the president of the Association of Former Agents of the United States Secret Service.

On Tuesday, AFAUSSS, which is strictly nonpartisan, is set to release a statement blasting Gary Byrne author of “Crisis in Character,” saying members “strongly denounce” the book, which they add has made security harder by eroding the trust between agents and the people they protect.

“There is no place for any self-moralizing narratives, particularly those with an underlying motive,” reads the statement from the group’s board of directors, which says Byrne has politics and profit on his mind.

AFAUSSS rarely issues public statements of any kind.

The book has rankled current and former members of the Secret Service, who don’t like anyone airing their business in public — but who also take issue with Byrne inflating his role. Byrne was a uniformed officer in Bill Clinton’s White House. But that’s the lowest level of protection within the White House and around the president.

People familiar with West Wing security laugh at the idea that Byrne or any uniformed officer ever would have walked in on Bill Clinton anywhere, whether in a meeting or, as a New York Post article over the weekend claims, in the middle of a make-out session in the Map Room with the late daughter of former Vice President Walter Mondale. The Secret Service presidential detail would have stopped him. (That affair was a well-worn rumor during the Clinton years, though strongly denied by Eleanor Mondale, who died of brain cancer in 2011.)

“The inner perimeter is 100 percent controlled by the presidential protective division,” said a former supervisor of the presidential protective division, who asked not to be identified by name.

And if Byrne or any uniformed officer had been posted near a room the president entered, he would have been moved at least 15 yards away, to the outer edges of the security bubble — not quite what Byrne describes in his book: “I stood guard, pistol at my hip, outside the Oval Office, the last barrier before anyone saw Bill Clinton,” according to the Post, which has been teasing excerpts of the book.

“Operationally, one who has the working knowledge of how things are done there would realize that certain of those statements do not coincide with the operational plan,” said Jan Gilhooly, AFAUSSS president and a 29-year Secret Service veteran.

The group’s statement, which POLITICO obtained in advance of its release, very carefully calls Byrne a liar.

“One must question the veracity and content of any book which implies that its author played such an integral part of so many [claimed] incidents. Any critique of management by one who has never managed personnel or programs resounds hollow. Additionally, why would an employee wait in excess of ten years after terminating his employment with the Service to make his allegations public?” it reads.

The closest contact that Byrne could have had, according to Gilhooly and others, is seeing the president or the first lady pass in the hallway — far from the intimate access he would have needed to catch Bill Clinton in the act or see Hillary Clinton fly into the cursing rages he now writes have convinced him that she doesn’t have the “integrity and temperament” to be president.


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This is the same fallacy "education will fix everything" people fall into - racism is a symptom of a broader issue: the desire of many for social dominance. You can't "fix" the assholes.

Sure, there are a lot of very bigoted people who will always be bigoted. I'm speaking about the long game: removing attitudes of bigotry from impoverished communities, and ensuring that the children and grandchildren of racist people don't share those hateful views.

Donald Trump is a great example of how hatred can be enflamed an exacerbated for selfish purposes. By bringing such dangerous rhetoric into the public sphere, and courting open white supremacists, he's legitimized so many hateful attitudes that he's making this country more racist.


Donald Trump questioned Hillary Clinton’s commitment to her Christian faith on Tuesday, saying that little is known about her spiritual life even though she’s been in the public eye for decades.

Speaking to a group of top social conservative evangelical Christian leaders at a gathering in New York City, Trump said, “we don't know anything about Hillary in terms of religion.”

“Now, she's been in the public eye for years and years, and yet there's no — there's nothing out there,” Trump said. “There's like nothing out there. It's going to be an extension of Obama but it's going to be worse, because with Obama you had your guard up. With Hillary you don't, and it's going to be worse.”


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the trump train has gone completely off the rails

we're days away from Trump attacking Hillary for not being sexy enough


No Scrubs
*scratches head*

What is the context of this joke?

The chapter 11 joke is like a HS diss, so I went back and pulled one out. You know, "_____ got one big titty and one little titty so they call that b---- Biggie Smalls"? It was a classic.

This is offensive to James "I was raised by a family of eels" Carville, who famously taught the Clintons this technique and is from Nahrlins where they actually do fish with dynamite.

Where do you think they learned it from? Carville!


In the UK right now you're seeing the manipulation of the working class/poor (because they can be two different demographics) by the rich and upper class, using "fear of the other".

Yes, it can be a desire for "social dominance" - but that doesn't necessarily mean the ones being racist are the ones wanting that dominance. Working class/poor just want a decent life, but are so easily manipulated, by the media (The Daily Mail), by politicians (UKIP) that they end up blaming everyone but the ones they should blame.

Not saying working class/poor can't be racist on their own, but it's not all one-sided.
spoiler: that's the exact same thing that happens in the US. And everywhere.

Many people don't want to necessarily be top dog, but they really want to be lording over somebody else. See: School Administrators.


If the GOP is gonna dump Trump, it can't be at the convention. That's their one and only chance to turn the shit show around. No, they need to vocally get behind someone else now, and hope to build enough momentum between now and Cleveland that brushing Trump aside will be acceptable to the base. Furthermore, Trump himself needs to step aside and encourage his supporters to vote for the GOP candidate. None of this will happen, they are fucked.
Ed Rollins, who's running a Trump Super-PAC:



I do wonder if Trump wrote that fundraising email or he just has impersonators. Most people can do it pretty well at this point. Just throw in a "Crooked Hillary" here, a "failing" and a "losing" there, etc.


I can't recall the exact moment or what specifically triggered it, but after an unbroken string of 12-hour days, I found myself possessed by the voice of Trump: that in your face, balls-to-the-wall style, overflowing with turbo confidence and showmanship. My boss said I had found the voice, and my co-workers agreed. I became known around the office as the Voice of Trump.

I was tasked with developing the Trump Blog ("Ideas and opinions from Donald Trump and TrumpU faculty") and making it a key platform for the company, as Trump had only a slight online presence then. Though I'd been on the job for less than a month, my boss left me to my own devices. I selected the topics and turned them into blog posts, with little or no supervision.

Each post was an opportunity to stretch out the voice, to further become the voice. In one of the early posts I wrote: "The glamour and grandeur of my buildings and my life are no mere trappings. ... It's a product of style, and it comes from deep inside — you cannot buy style." That went over big around the office.
Former Republican presidential candidate and Minnesota congresswoman Michele Bachmann leads an alphabetical list of names announced by Donald Trump's campaign on Tuesday as the presumptive Republican nominee's evangelical executive advisory board.

She's back!


Remember that the last thing Bachmann did was go to Israel to try to convince Jews to convert to Christianity so they wouldn't be tortured for all eternity after the rapture which is coming very soon.


There's a new VP shortlist article on CNN:

Clinton closing in on running mate search

With her long Democratic primary fight now over, Clinton has privately signaled she is less concerned about choosing someone who fills a specific liberal or progressive void, rather than selecting a partner who is fully prepared for the job and has a strong camaraderie with her.

The list of serious vice presidential candidates is believed to be smaller rather than larger, with Democrats close to the campaign placing it at no more than five contenders. But several aides acknowledged they were not sure, considering the secrecy imposed on the process by Clinton.

Clinton has not yet conducted formal interviews, but has devoted hours studying the records and backgrounds of several Democrats on a list that includes Sen. Tim Kaine of Virginia, Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts and Housing and Urban Development Secretary Julian Castro of Texas.

But those three should not be seen as absolute finalists, several Democrats said, only as active contenders. The roster also may include Labor Secretary Tom Perez, Sen. Sherrod Brown of Ohio and Rep. Xavier Beccera of California.


Another top consideration for Clinton and her aides, Democrats said, is finding someone she actually wants to work with, not necessarily someone who checks regional or specific electorate boxes. She, perhaps more than most presumptive nominees in recent history, knows the inner-workings of the West Wing intimately.

This could bode well for several Democrats, who aides say Clinton enjoyed campaigning with this year, including Kaine, Perez, Castro and Sen. Cory Booker of New Jersey.

For all the calculations about who would make a better running mate, the list of actual candidates is believed to be fairly small. Clinton is not expected to make a decision before Trump reveals his choice at the Republican convention, but aides say she is almost certain to have her decision made privately by then.

As I thought, we won't find out who she decides on until after Trump reveals his own choice. Makes sense. And I'm glad Becerra could still be under consideration.

Reddit is having a field day, meanwhile the real world realizes there's nothing particularly weird about the DNC writing up a list of weaknesses of Hillary, along with nothing actually illegal being mentioned, nor really anything new that hasn't already been beaten to death for the last year.

Fox New's article on it is pretty low key, which tells you about how much this will matter
So now Trump's children are in charge? I think it's a little too late to save the sinking ship. Making Trump into a politician will only blow up in his face. How would his supporters react to him sounding like a completely different person?


No Scrubs
So now Trump's children are in charge? I think it's a little too late to save the sinking ship. Making Trump into a politician will only blow up in his face. How would his supporters react to him sounding like a completely different person?

Is the racism still going to be there?

There's a new VP shortlist article on CNN:

Clinton closing in on running mate search

As I thought, we won't find out who she decides on until after Trump reveals his own choice. Makes sense. And I'm glad Becerra could still be under consideration.

It definitely feels like she's using her experience to her advantage when making this pick. She's seen the inside of two White Houses, seen how two different presidents have got on with their VPs, and is going off of that.
She's back!


Remember that the last thing Bachmann did was go to Israel to try to convince Jews to convert to Christianity so they wouldn't be tortured for all eternity after the rapture which is coming very soon.

Picking a female VP would help Trump *a lot* with white republican women. In theory anyways. I've also heard that female registered GOP voters are especially hard on female GOP members running for office.
Man I'm glad I ditched reddit years ago, place is a pile of shit in terms of getting any type of debate or conversation going. That entire upvote/downvote system is amazingly stupid.


I know it's too early for the media to basically destroy Trump, but there has to be a point in time where enough is enough later in the race and all the bullshit he has done is openly talked about and exposed where he is shown to be the con man he is



Bringing in those Hannity talking points now.

Speakin of Fox, what was their response to that joke of a gun vote last night?
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