This is catty as fuck, but Michelle Obama's warmth and sincerity is such a contrast to Melania Trump
Melania Trump is obviously not comfortable in the public sphere and I don't think it's right to judge her for that.
This is catty as fuck, but Michelle Obama's warmth and sincerity is such a contrast to Melania Trump
As Clinton has repeatedly said in interviews, her top consideration is someone who would be able to step into the presidency should anything happen to her. And, by extension, someone who Republicans could not credibly cast as ill-prepared
Reddit is having a field day, meanwhile the real world realizes there's nothing particularly weird about the DNC writing up a list of weaknesses of Hillary, along with nothing actually illegal being mentioned, nor really anything new that hasn't already been beaten to death for the last year.
Fox New's article on it is pretty low key, which tells you about how much this will matter
I'm pretty curious if the DNC research on Bernie will leak.
I don't think Bernie fans will be quite as happy with the dirt that document might have as they are with Hillary's leaks.
It's probably nothing.
Politico interviewed nearly 20 of Sanders colleagues over the past week and found a surprisingly strong appetite for change, including among influential members of the party establishment such as Sen. Tim Kaine (D-Va.), a top prospect for vice president. More than half the senators surveyed support at least lowering the number of superdelegates, and all but two said the party should take up the matter at next months convention in Philadelphia, despite the potential for a high-profile intraparty feud at a critical moment in the campaign.
The findings point to growing momentum among Democrats for changing a system thats been criticized for giving party bigwigs undue sway over the nominee at the expense of the grass roots. But powerful Democratic Party constituencies, including the Congressional Black Caucus, are firmly opposed. And lawmakers who are open to reform disagree over how far-reaching it should be.
Its not useful to anyone to be in a position where you could potentially overturn the will of the electorate. I mean nobody likes this, and it undermines public confidence, said Sen. Brian Schatz of Hawaii, who has spoken privately to a dozen other Democratic senators about the matter. His support for scrapping superdelegates isnt shared by a majority of the Senate Democratic Caucus, but it could be a starting point for negotiations.
Im fine with the superdelegates, Schumer said in an interview. Caucuses harness the energy of individual people, theyre legitimate. Superdelegates harness those who worked in the party a long time. Im for having a nice mixture.
Given the resistance of Schumer and other longtime senators like Bill Nelson of Florida, proponents of eliminating the superdelegate system altogether may just be making an initial bid ahead of the talks in Philadelphia. Several supporters of reform said its more realistic to get rid of some superdelegates but not scuttle the system altogether.
Some Democrats argued that Republicans might have been well served by having superdelegates this year.
They might have been able to prevent Trump. So I think that superdelegates play a big role, said Sen. Tom Udall of New Mexico, who supports eliminating half the partys superdelegates. If Trump ends up being a disaster, [Republicans] are going to try to figure out How do we prevent this from happening [again]? And my guess is the way they will do it is come up with something like a superdelegate model.
Maybe just keep Senators and some choice officials like the president and former presidents as Supers and drop the House Supers entirely.
Maybe just keep Senators and some choice officials like the president and former presidents as Supers and drop the House Supers entirely.
Politico: Sanders' anti-superdelegate push gains steam in Senate
It definitely sounds like a reduction in the number of superdelegates could happen, but eliminating them entirely seems unlikely.
Maybe just keep Senators and some choice officials like the president and former presidents as Supers and drop the House Supers entirely.
I hope he loses that tie. He looks like my burger king store manager.Tim Kaine seems to perpetually have this look on his face
And it weirds me out.
Pls, pls do not pick him ughf. He's a Gore/Kerry all over again. What will it take for Dems to learn they cannot win throwing pieces of dry wood up in a general and expect to win. We need to keep putting our more charismatic, interesting people towards the top
Maybe just keep Senators and some choice officials like the president and former presidents as Supers and drop the House Supers entirely.
Biden, VP for life? Well, he's certainly the most qualified!
Clevelanders pissed that they're going to take down the Lebron James banner for the RNC. LOLOLOL
“You know what? It’s rare that you see someone get stupider before your eyes, but he’s really working at it… You have to give him credit. It’s a difficult thing to do but he’s accomplished it,” the billionaire entrepreneur and Dallas Mavericks owner said in an interview with Extra.
Earlier on Tuesday, Cuban tweeted saying Trump “doesn’t have the cash” to fund his own campaign, following a Federal Election Commission report showing his campaign had $1.3 million compared to Hillary Clinton’s $42 million at the beginning of June.
Cuban also told "Extra" on the set of ABC's "Shark Tank" that the presumptive nominee had to “start learning and understanding the issues.”
“Donald has been at this a year but you don’t look at him and say, ‘Wow, he’s gotten so much smarter on this topic or that topic.' In fact, you look at him and say, ‘What the hell are you talking about?',” he added.
Trump, he remarked, would "get kicked out of 'Shark Tank' so fast, it would make your head spin.”
The only other apparent public mention of Draper Sterling effectively accuses it of being a scam that helps perpetrate legally questionable activity.
It comes from an FEC complaint against an entity called “Patriots For America,” a federal super PAC seeking to influence the Missouri governor’s race. The complaint, filed on May 12 by an economics professor named Aaron Hedlund, alleges that Patriots For America listed no receipts or disbursements on its FEC filings, yet sent out direct mail.
It also highlights an unusual debt of $56,234 to “Draper Sterling LLC” for “business consulting.” Hedlund describes the debt as “mysterious,” “highly unusual” and a potential violation of the law.
Cuban jumping on the bandwagon lol.
They're going to blame Lewandowski for everything.
I'm ok with getting rid of superdelegates. People keep bringing up Trump as an example, but the way I see it, if we nominate an idiot like Trump we deserve whatever comes our way in November and I have much more faith in the Democratic base to not go completely nuts.
Didn't this moron want to be Trump's vp? Pretty sure he was plenty stupid back then too.
I take another approach to Superdelegates outside "OMG NO TRUMPS"
If we limit them to elected Democratic officials, it requires our candidates to, you know, build relationships with the people who are integral into setting their policy in motion. What good is a President who has zero support among the elected members of the party? You'd have a White House that was (potentially) fighting the Congress on everything.
That's why I loved Hillary's listening tours. She knows she doesn't know everything, and she knows she can't be spoon fed everything either. While it's important to listen to voters, I think it's important to listen to regional elected officials as well. Superdelegates can help make that a requirement for each candidate.
You say this, but...does it? We've never had a scenario where superdelegates overturned the pledged delegate count anyway, and if that did happen it would guarantee a loss in the general election.
Superdelegates are quite frankly a paper tiger that would only really matter if there were 3+ candidates to the very end, so that nobody got a majority.
Bleh. Throwing out superdelegates is just reacting to a non-existent problem and caving to people who don't understand the process at all.
ugh, I just took at test for a pollster/strategic communications firm
I hate that feeling when you feel like you failed