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Thank you for posting this. Perhaps my blindly idealistic friends will take his word on this topic to be more persuasive than mine.

A lot of my friends are hardcore socialists, and most of them think a vote for any Democrat -- including Bernie -- is ideological treason. I try to say that a Trump presidency would be fucking disastrous for leftist activism, but that doesn't seem to faze them.


What Bernie really should be pushing for is keeping the superdelegates, but now allowing them to announce their choice until after the primaries have finished.

This is silly and simply a reaction to the Sanders campaign. You expect people in the party to not express their opinions?
bernie people on my time line are bitching about the NYstate delegate convention.

I've never seen a losing campaign so convinced they should control the party because they are a minority or this vague idea of "the future"
Darrel Issa is tied in a DCCC internal poll

Internal = grain of salt but his top-two primary win wasn't very impressive (51-45) and it indicates the DCCC is taking this race seriously
why are we talking about drinking anything beyond whiskey neat or on the rocks?

also lol
:jnc that's a good one there NSA

Clevelanders pissed that they're going to take down the Lebron James banner for the RNC. LOLOLOL
Make the call LeBron. Tell them I really run shit here and the banner stays up. But in all seriousness.. Why are they taking it down?

Also it would be awesome if there was a banner put up with Trump, Brady and Ben. God.. That banner would be fucking destroyed..
Donald Trump: ''There's Nothing Out There' About Clinton's Religion''
At a series of meetings to court evangelical leaders Tuesday, presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump took issue with Hillary Clinton's religious beliefs, suggesting that she gets a pass on her faith.

In a closed-door meeting, Trump asserted that people don't know "anything about Hillary in terms of religion," according to a video posted on Twitter by Bishop E.W. Jackson, a Virginia pastor who attended the events in New York City.

"She's been in the public eye for years and years and yet there's no - there's nothing out there. There's like nothing out there," Trump continued at a gathering with about 50 evangelicals at the Marriott Marquis in Times Square.


LOL!!! Trump of all people questioning other candidates' religiosity. Deep thoughts, lol


I hate that religion is being brought into the campaign, but Clinton should challenge Trump to a bible quiz.

He should get murdered on this because it is well known that Clinton is pretty religious.
Donald Trump: ''There's Nothing Out There' About Clinton's Religion''


LOL!!! Trump of all people questioning other candidates' religiosity. Deep thoughts, lol

As I said above, this was just for the evangelicals he was addressing so that they could feel better about supporting Trump, who clearly isn't religious. This isn't a general attack, it's rationalization fodder for the true believers, who can equate the two now.
what they saying?
I don't want to out them but basically cuomo didn't let a free vote happen. And bernie people are bitching that they were curtailing democracy even though the vote was locked in anyways.

lots of "the 42% is the future!"

Shit like this

Chants of "Bernie" as Latisha james calls for Dems to bring the fight to Republicans at DNC delegate meeting


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
I hate that religion is being brought into the campaign, but Clinton should challenge Trump to a bible quiz.

He should get murdered on this because it is well known that Clinton is pretty religious.
"Two Corinthians"


Bleh. Throwing out superdelegates is just reacting to a non-existent problem and caving to people who don't understand the process at all.

Yea they are basically party flavor and represent quantity of endorsements by party members. Endorsements would still be tracked even if superdelegates were gone, and they would still have influence!

Getting rid of them is like getting rid of clouds because Grandpa Simpson yelled at them.


Darrel Issa is tied in a DCCC internal poll

Internal = grain of salt but his top-two primary win wasn't very impressive (51-45) and it indicates the DCCC is taking this race seriously

Holy fuuuuuck! Taking out Issa would be number three on my list of shit I would love to see done this year behind getting Hilldawg elected and taking back the Senate.
Even by media standards, Halperin has this pathological need to appear that he's being "fair" to Republicans.

Halperin's dad is prominent liberal in think tank-y circles and was even on Nixon's Enemies List after the Nixon White House thought he was the one that leaked the US was bombing Cambodia while he was working on the NSC under Kissenger.

So, it's basically an overreaction on Halperin's part. Kind of sad really.
:jnc that's a good one there NSA

Make the call LeBron. Tell them I really run shit here and the banner stays up. But in all seriousness.. Why are they taking it down?

Also it would be awesome if there was a banner put up with Trump, Brady and Ben. God.. That banner would be fucking destroyed..

They're putting up a red, white and blue Sherwan Williams banner, then LeBron's will go back up after the convention.


I'll never understand the Clinton hate. However, for someone who has been at it for so long she is doing well. Ironically, Clinton's largest group of haters is Dumpster's only supporters.


No Scrubs
I don't want to out them but basically cuomo didn't let a free vote happen. And bernie people are bitching that they were curtailing democracy even though the vote was locked in anyways.

lots of "the 42% is the future!"

Shit like this

The media narrative the press used to justify making the race close is behind a lot of this.

Also, what the what? Explain?
Sopan Deb ‏@SopanDeb 10m10 minutes ago
Trump tells @NorahODonnell that "all of the money that [Clinton] is raising is 'blood money.'"



This + the playboy cover lol.

P.S.: This is from the religious meeting today.


New York Times: Donald Trump Hints He May Fund Race Himself

In Las Vegas last week, Donald J. Trump’s Nevada headquarters stood dark. A sign taped to the door declared that it had moved, with “no forwarding information available.”

On a weekday morning in New Hampshire, another battleground state in November, a single worker hovered in Mr. Trump’s main office in Manchester.


In crucial states, his campaign offices have withered. He has not yet put out a single television ad in the general election. He has about as much money on hand for his campaign as the Manhattan district attorney and the New York City comptroller each disclosed having in their last reports.

The situation has grown so dire for Mr. Trump that on Tuesday, he suggested that he might tap his personal fortune to keep the campaign afloat. He disclosed on Monday that his campaign finished May with little more than $1 million in the bank. Mrs. Clinton reported having about $42 million.

In a defiant statement, Mr. Trump said that he was just getting started as a competitor against Mrs. Clinton, and that there had been a “tremendous outpouring of support” from donors since the beginning of June. But he has mused publicly in recent days about funding the race himself, and on Tuesday opened the door wider to that possibility.

“If need be, there could be unlimited ‘cash on hand’ as I would put up my own money, as I have already done through the primaries, spending over $50 million,” he said.


Mr. Trump is to be feted at two fund-raisers in Manhattan this week, organized by Woody Johnson, the owner of the New York Jets, with one event featuring Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey. But the ticket price for that event is only $500, a paltry sum for a presidential campaign, and only 260 people have signed up, according to a person involved in Mr. Trump’s fund-raising, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because the information was not intended for the public.

Charles Spies, a Republican election lawyer who advised Jeb Bush’s “super PAC,” said Mr. Trump would have to put in an enormous amount of his own money to jump-start his campaign and win over big donors. He suggested an appropriate figure would be $100 million to $200 million.

Mr. Spies said Mr. Trump should also forgive the loans he had made to his campaign, to reassure contributors that he would not use their money to repay himself.

“For donors to invest in his campaign, he’s got to show that he’s investing in it also,” Mr. Spies said. “He’s got to have $500 million to run a bare-bones campaign, and that would mean getting outspent by Hillary Clinton and her allies, between 2 and 3 to 1.”


And Mr. Trump has struggled to expand his operation, facing cold shoulders and arch skepticism from strategists with deep campaign experience. He has sought to hire a communications director, but has been rebuffed by at least two seasoned operatives who were concerned that working for Mr. Trump could harm their careers, according to Republicans briefed on the hiring efforts.
This is great.
Let me put it this way - racist attitudes don't exist in a vaccum. Because American society is built upon white supremacist foundations, white supremacist attitudes are absorbed unconsciously by most white people. Even consciously racist attitudes don't emerge by choice. In communities where explicit anti-blackness and xenophobia are just a facet of daily life, it's difficult to grow past these attitudes.

Pretending that those of us who are not racist are better human beings is idiotic and offensive. Racists are normal people acculturated in environments that breed hatred. Trying to correct racist behavior without addressing the external causes of racism doesn't seem to be effective.
No I'm quite comfortable with the idea that racists and bigots are pretty shit people. This isn't even an American issue alone. The outgrouping and scapegoating isn't something the US has a monopoly on.

I don't want to assume you're not part of any systematically and culturally oppressed group, but regardless I'd say it's pretty rich to tell people who are that they should sympathise more for the straight white men, who are lashing out because they think they've lost their privileged position in society or that they're entitled to success. And if you don't sympathise well shame on you, you're the real bigot.

I am all for policies that will reduce racist attitudes. And that lift all boats including the racist white homophobe. That doesn't mean I have to hold someone who calls me a faggot or a chink in particularly high regard.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
“If need be, there could be unlimited ‘cash on hand’ as I would put up my own money, as I have already done through the primaries, spending over $50 million,” he said.
I don't know what his plan is by repeatedly threatening this but not pulling the trigger. If he's gonna do it, do it. The more he just floats it as an idea, the worse his fundraising opportunities get. He's losing to himself.
I bet Manafort will get fired or demoted right before the convention if Trump's poll numbers don't improve after this "pivot." I'd expect his kids or son-in-law to take over.
I'll never understand the Clinton hate. However, for someone who has been at it for so long she is doing well. Ironically, Clinton's largest group of haters is Dumpster's only supporters.

I know this sounds crazy, going past the usual sexism, but the fact she probably seems so close in personality, age, and background to the mothers of a lot of 19-29 year olds who play a lot of video games probably has a lot to do with it, at least in this specific community.

Obama's the 'cool Dad' who'd play a round of COD with you. Hillary's the 'mean Mom' who would tell you to finish your homework.
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