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Marco Rubio said:

In politics, admitting you've changed your mind is not something most people like to do. But here it goes.

I have decided to seek reelection to the United States Senate.

I understand my opponents will try to use this decision to score political points against me. Have at it. Because I have never claimed to be perfect, or to have all the answers.

Still, the people of Florida deserve to know why I've changed my mind.

I have often said that the U.S. Senate can be a frustrating place. And it's true. After witnessing the gridlock that grips Washington, I think just about every American - Democrat or Republican - would agree.

But the Senate is also a place from which you can perform great services for the people you have the honor of representing. And I am proud of the work we have done to help thousands of Floridians over the last six years.

The Senate can also be a place from which great policy advances can be made. I am proud that we have done that too.

But as we begin the next chapter in the history of our nation, there's another role for the Senate that could end up being its most important in the years to come: The Constitutional power to act as a check and balance on the excesses of a president.

Control of the Senate may very well come down to the race in Florida. That means the future of the Supreme Court will be determined by the Florida Senate seat. It means the future of the disastrous Iran nuclear deal will be determined by the Florida Senate seat. It means the direction of our country's fiscal and economic policies will be determined by this Senate seat. The stakes for our nation could not be higher.

There's also something else. No matter who is elected president, there is reason for worry.

With Hillary Clinton, we would have four more years of the same failed economic policies that have left us with a stagnant economy. We would have four more years of the same failed foreign policy that has allowed radical Islam to spread, and terrorists to be released from Guantanamo. And even worse, if Clinton were president and her party took control of Congress, she would govern without Congressional oversight or limit. It would be a repeat of the early years of the current administration, when we got Obamacare, the failed stimulus and a record debt.

The prospect of a Trump presidency is also worrisome to me. It is no secret that I have significant disagreements with Donald Trump. His positions on many key issues are still unknown. And some of his statements, especially about women and minorities, I find not just offensive but unacceptable. If he is elected, we will need Senators willing to encourage him in the right direction, and if necessary, stand up to him. I've proven a willingness to do both.

In the days ahead, America will continue to face serious challenges - the possibility of terrorist attacks at home and abroad, a declining military, anemic economic growth and low wages, assaults on our rights and values, outdated health care, education and pension programs in desperate need of reform - that face backward or uncertain responses from either Clinton or Trump.

No matter who wins the White House, we need a strong group of principled, persuasive leaders in Congress who will not only advance limited government, free enterprise and a strong national defense, but also explain to Americans how it makes life better for them and their families. I ultimately changed my mind about this race because on that front, and in that fight, I believe I have something to offer.

In the end, this was a decision made not in Washington, but back home in West Miami over Father's Day weekend, with my wife and our four children.

There were two paths before us. There was one path that was more personally comfortable and probably smarter politically. But after much thought and prayer, together we chose to continue with public service; to continue down the path that provides the opportunity to make a positive difference at this critical and uncertain time for our nation.

In the end, there was simply too much at stake for any other choice.

- Marco Rubio
Yaaasss King
Someone should ask Trump how he'll handle a potential financial collapse in Europe from the Brexit vote.

I'm curious if Trump actually even knows what a Brexit is, even though it's something the next president will potentially have to deal with if it passes.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Someone should ask Trump how he'll handle a potential financial collapse in Europe from the Brexit vote.

I'm curious if Trump actually even knows what a Brexit is, even though it's something the next president will potentially have to deal with if it passes.

He seemingly did not know what it was until the reporter basically said what it was, then he said he was for it.


contribute something
All my Cuban Republican friends are salivating over the chance to vote for Marco once more

Sad thing is, he's probably going to win


Deep into his 30th decade
Seems dangerously close this comic:


I think I don't know what cuck means. I thought it meant something else, but that doens't make sense with this comic....what does it mean?
Someone should ask Trump how he'll handle a potential financial collapse in Europe from the Brexit vote.

I'm curious if Trump actually even knows what a Brexit is, even though it's something the next president will potentially have to deal with if it passes.

Do you really need to ask?

If Britain leaves the EU, I'll make sure we win. They'll be begging to do deals with the US and I'll make Cameron beg for it. The Brits love me. I'm huge over there.



And his whole answer to why he was running for president after only one term was that the Senate didn't do anything and the Presidency was the only thing that was going to actually change things. The Dems attack ads write themselves at this point. Murphy needs to hit him hard and hit him fast.



No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Do you really need to ask?

If Britain leaves the EU, I'll make sure we win. They'll be begging to do deals with the US and I'll make Cameron beg for it. The Brits love me. I'm huge over there.
More like he'll say Britain is right to look after itself first and foremost, and is smartly questioning its established relationships with other countries.


Do you really need to ask?

If Britain leaves the EU, I'll make sure we win. They'll be begging to do deals with the US and I'll make Cameron beg for it. The Brits love me. I'm huge over there.
I've made so many deals with Britland. Great England loves me, I have so many friends there.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
I think I don't know what cuck means. I thought it meant something else, but that doens't make sense with this comic....what does it mean?

The alt-right has appropriated the word and made it lose all meaning.
More like he'll say Britain is right to look after itself first and foremost, and is smartly questioning its established relationships with other countries.

A measured response from Trump? Not unless his new Twitter handlers write it for him.

Although, besides that point, I'm not sure how an up-or-down national referendum on a clouded, hot-button issue with potential major financial repercussions could be considered "smartly questioning its established relationships with other countries."


Unconfirmed Member
I'm actually surprised that 23% of Americans want to stop immigration from Canada. I thought Trumpian racism was all about race, but I guess some hardcore xenophobes are bothered by all immigrants, even white ones.
I mean Canadians might be white but one drop of Tim Hortons in their blood and they can never be a real American.


He tweeted support?

Regarding Brexit, in a surprisingly honest move, Trump actually said in an interview (I think on Today this morning) that he didn't know much about it so he shouldn't speak about it.

But he then did - and said he was in favour of brexit.
He's running for President, he doesn't have time for this for Pete's sake.

But, what a perfect example of why he would have been an absolute shit President.

The only thing he is worth a damn for is protesting, and he even can't do that right anymore.

What a mess.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
A measured response from Trump? Not unless his new Twitter handlers write it for him.

Although, besides that point, I'm not sure how an up-or-down national referendum on a clouded, hot-button issue with potential major financial repercussions could be considered "smartly questioning its established relationships with other countries."
Oh, I didn't mean he'd have a measured response. It'd be laced with xenophobia and isolationism, and as you say, would spit in the face of economic repercussions.


So, anyone have any links to Hillary's speech? And what's this about Bernie looking dejected? Was he interviewed today to and is there a video link?


Sanders giving a "where we go from here" speech tomorrow evening in NYC.

The show must go on,
The show must go on
Inside my heart is breaking
My make-up may be flaking
But my smile still stays on.
Whatever happens, I'll leave it all to chance
Oh, I didn't mean he'd have a measured response. It'd be laced with xenophobia and isolationism, and as you say, would spit in the face of economic repercussions.

ohh, ok. Yea, that's definitely his well-worn path. He can really dig into the WWII connection: US and Britain teaming up to rid the world of evil Muslim and Mexican immigrants.
He's running for President, he doesn't have time for this for Pete's sake.

But, what a perfect example of why he would have been an absolute shit President.

Why? What is the floor stunt going to achieve politically that makes it so much more important than whatever nonsense Sanders will be doing later today?
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