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Zoe Quinn notices that the new Paper Mario game has a joke that could refer to her (and it would be super mean spirited).

Half of the NeoGAF thread calls her an attention whore.

This forum has horrific misogyny. It could be a Watergate joke also, but it's natural to think that a joke that has two things that could be referencing you (and you're a public figure) is about you if it's mean and people have been horrible to you for years.


No Scrubs
Zoe Quinn notices that the new Paper Mario game has a joke that could refer to her (and it would be super mean spirited).

Half of the NeoGAF thread calls her an attention whore.

This forum has horrific misogyny. It could be a Watergate joke also, but it's natural to think that a joke that has two things that could be referencing you (and you're a public figure) is about you if it's mean and people have been horrible to you for years.

I'm pretty sure Nintendo didn't put in a mean spirited joke about her. It looks like a Watergate joke. This is what happens when everything's a -gate.
Zoe Quinn notices that the new Paper Mario game has a joke that could refer to her (and it would be super mean spirited).

Half of the NeoGAF thread calls her an attention whore.

This forum has horrific misogyny. It could be a Watergate joke also, but it's natural to think that a joke that has two things that could be referencing you (and you're a public figure) is about you if it's mean and people have been horrible to you for years.

It really does seem to be an unfortunate coincidence though. The scenes don't even occur consecutively.

They should change it though, joke's either quite appalling, or really rather passe.
I'm pretty sure Nintendo didn't put in a mean spirited joke about her. It looks like a Watergate joke. This is what happens when everything's a -gate.

Probably, sure.

But calling Zoe Quinn an attention whore for noticing that the joke might be a super mean joke about her is just misogyny.


Zoe Quinn notices that the new Paper Mario game has a joke that could refer to her (and it would be super mean spirited).

Half of the NeoGAF thread calls her an attention whore.

This forum has horrific misogyny. It could be a Watergate joke also, but it's natural to think that a joke that has two things that could be referencing you (and you're a public figure) is about you if it's mean and people have been horrible to you for years.

I'm not seeing a horrible level of misogyny there. Just a lot of people disagreeing. But I didn't read more than a few pages.
I feel like Hill is just playing mind games against Trump by featuring Warren so heavily in her campaign early on. Potentially baiting out his VP pick or something.

She's running a great campaign, to be honest.

Since you're also in Oxford, do you have a picture of that truck trailer off of Highway 6 that reads, "Make a stand for God. Put God back in our lives, our schools, and our goverment"

Yes, put God back in schools. And I guess replace all those spelling lessons that don't seem to have helped haha.

I'm actually surprised that 23% of Americans want to stop immigration from Canada. I thought Trumpian racism was all about race, but I guess some hardcore xenophobes are bothered by all immigrants, even white ones.

It's still about brown people. A lot of people think Canada is letting them slip through the border to destroy America, or whatever.

"A willingness to do both"

Don't pretend like you have a spine Rubio.

Thought the same thing. That line was super rich.


Here's a fun one!

TX General Election:

Hillary 30%
Trump 37%
Undecided 31%



I know Texas is staying red, but the Dems should push HARD to register Hispanics in Texas this cycle to be prepped for 2020 and 2024. Start laying he groundwork when Trump is at the top.


Just to be clear, I think the most notable thing about this poll is that 30% of Texans claim to be undecided. That is a crazy figure! Trump is NOT playing well.
Just to be clear, I think the most notable thing about this poll is that 30% of Texans claim to be undecided. That is a crazy figure! Trump is NOT playing well.

Oh, god, that poll coupled with the fact I just ate Burger King means I'm dead...but for totally different reasons.
Here's a fun one!

TX General Election:

Hillary 30%
Trump 37%
Undecided 31%


edit: crosstabs!

* Usually vote GOP
** Hillary 4%
** Trump 72%
** Undecided 23%
* Usually vote Dem
** Hillary 81%
** Trump 2%
** Undecided 17%
* No usual voting preference stated (depends/unsure)
** Hillary 19%
** Trump 16%
** Johnson 8%
** Undecided 58%



I know Texas is staying red, but the Dems should push HARD to register Hispanics in Texas this cycle to be prepped for 2020 and 2024. Start laying he groundwork when Trump is at the top.

Also, force Trump to spend money and other resources to defend it. His fundraising should eventually be able to match Clinton's in red states, but that would be it. If he has to blow it on states like AZ and TX, then he won't have much for places like FL or VA, and without both of those, no Republican can win.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
On MTP Daily, they were praising Ryan for not having Rep, Lewis physically removed from the floor.

OH, you better not fucking even THINK about that.

I never went to prom. :(

Oh thanks Ryan!
C-Span gets to use periscope phone footage instead of the cameras already there thanks to Ryan too!


Here's a fun one!

TX General Election:

Hillary 30%
Trump 37%
Undecided 31%


edit: crosstabs!

* Usually vote GOP
** Hillary 4%
** Trump 72%
** Undecided 23%
* Usually vote Dem
** Hillary 81%
** Trump 2%
** Undecided 17%
* No usual voting preference stated (depends/unsure)
** Hillary 19%
** Trump 16%
** Johnson 8%
** Undecided 58%

Was curious how this compared to Obama v Romney at a similar time in the cycle:
PPP (D) 6/25 - 6/27 795 RV 3.5%err 42 50 Romney +8

So it looks like the main difference is the massive amount of undecideds.
Also, two things I wanted to mention:

One, I'm super proud of Hillary's Twitter/Rapid Response team. They've managed to be snarky and bitchy, but still keep it Presidential. They don't bte at every single idiotic thing Trump rambles on about. They're showing restraint. Like today, for instance, they didn't live Tweet his asinine speech. They let her give her speech later that was a far better repudiation of what he said than random Tweets. So, I'm glad to see they have a strategy, and they seem to be sticking to it. I think it would be super easy to fall into the "Jump on every fucking stupid thing he says" and beat it into the ground. Good on them.

Secondly, Mook is taking over Hillary's Insta. COME ON DADDY MOOK GIMME SOME NAKEY MENSSSSSS> YASSSSSS

I didn't either

Would you go to prom with me? IDK where the fuck we're going, but we'll worry about that later. I want a corsage fyi.


I think I don't know what cuck means. I thought it meant something else, but that doens't make sense with this comic....what does it mean?

Alt right /pol/ memesters appropriated it because they consider movement conservatives ("cuckservatives") to be weak and let liberals run over them. So they are therefore like white guys who let black guys have sex with their wives. It's racially tinged, of course.


FGC Waterboy
I'm pretty sure Nintendo didn't put in a mean spirited joke about her. It looks like a Watergate joke. This is what happens when everything's a -gate.

The reason everyone's freaking out about it is because while not only is Watergate famous for the -gate suffix, it's also famous for having five burglars who had their careers ruined.

I am guessing people don't realize the five guys reference is actually a reference to watergate, and instead think it is a reference to GG.

ItWas - have a longer response, but short version is - the reason those polls are always going to have 30-40% in support of anything the GOP (or Dems) ask for is an old political science test


It's all about your ingroup; not your policies. (something that Clinton will always struggle with campaigning, since her mastery of policy and the issues isn't..well relevant to most voters). One of the things that's true about 85-95% of voters (2008 data) is that they have a handful (1-4) of general policy issues that drive their initial decision making, and then the rest of it tends to come down to the tribal affiliation.

A couple years ago, Huffington Post recreated a classic political-science experiment that found that respondents will answer confidently about things they have no real opinions or knowledge about. (This phenomenon will be familiar to fans of Jimmy Kimmel’s “Lie Witness” man-on-the-street interviews.) Huffington Post went one step further, asking respondents to share their feelings on the 1975 Public Affairs Act. When they told their respondents that President Obama wanted to repeal the act, Democrats said they agreed, while Republicans opposed repeal. When they told respondents, in turn, that Republicans favored repeal, Democrats wanted the act to stand and Republicans wanted it repealed. In other words: It’s all about tribal identification, not policy.

Also - about the idea of the Liberal Tea Party that occasionally comes up...


So far the Democrats have been mostly spared the anti-compromise insurrection, but their defenses are not much stronger. Molly Ball recently reported for The Atlantic’s Web site on the Working Families Party, whose purpose is “to make Democratic politicians more accountable to their liberal base through the asymmetric warfare party primaries enable, much as the conservative movement has done to Republicans.” Because African Americans and union members still mostly behave like party loyalists, and because the Democratic base does not want to see President Obama fail, the Tea Party trick hasn’t yet worked on the left. But the Democrats are vulnerable structurally, and the anti-compromise virus is out there.

If you push heavily on social progressive purity tests, I think you could drive a hard wedge in the Dem Party.
The reason everyone's freaking out about it is because while not only is Watergate famous for the -gate suffix, it's also famous for having five burglars who had their careers ruined.

I am guessing people don't realize the five guys reference is actually a reference to watergate, and instead think it is a reference to GG.

ItWas - have a longer response, but short version is - the reason those polls are always going to have 30-40% in support of anything the GOP (or Dems) ask for is an old political science test


It's all about your ingroup; not your policies. (something that Clinton will always struggle with campaigning, since her mastery of policy and the issues isn't..well relevant to most voters). One of the things that's true about 85-95% of voters (2008 data) is that they have a handful (1-4) of general policy issues that drive their initial decision making, and then the rest of it tends to come down to the tribal affiliation.

Also - about the idea of the Liberal Tea Party that occasionally comes up...


If you push heavily on social progressive purity tests, I think you could drive a hard wedge in the Dem Party.

This is ridiculous. Most elected GOP officials condemned the Muslim ban when Trump called for it and almost all of Trump's endorsers are still ashamed to admit that Trump wants to ban Muslims from the nation. However, Trump went from 25% to 35% in the polls after the Muslim ban and every exit poll showed 70-75% of Republican primary voters supporting the ban which included voters voting for candidates that did not support the Muslim ban (this later issue shows that they in fact selecting opposite of what their team believed).

Republicans hate Muslims... Period.
This "don't listen to the polls!!!!1!" bullshit is exactly how no one in the media saw Trump coming. PPP kept coming up with these insane results about how many Republicans thought that Islam was evil and that Obama was a Muslim and that the Confederacy should have won the war and centrist people kept yelling that these were "troll polls."

And then Trump comes along and has nothing but white nationalism and crushes a field of 16 competitors that fully represents the GOP's intellectual qualities. And Trump dominates despite the fact that Trump will probably start a nuclear war with China and is clearly not religious or not prepared to be president.
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