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PoliGAF 2016 |OT7| Notorious R.B.G. Plans NZ Tour

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Sanders, "It doesn't appear that I'm going to be the nominee."


"In any speech that I gave, if I used the word 'yuuuuge,' it had an impact," he said.

This gun control bill they want so badly to vote on is garbage, probably won't be voted on, and will be ruled unconstitutional if passed.

I don't even think a SCOTUS of 9 Hillary appointments would let the ban sales from people on the no fly list stand.

I get that they think it's the only thing that could be agreed on because it's a previously bipartisan Bush era law. But I don't get why they don't think of something better. Or word it differently


Hillary is referencing her "faith" and says "As we Methodists like to say". Going after Trump's evangelical comments really quickly, I guess.


Mama Bush, adding to the atmosphere that'll make suburban GOP-leaning women feel okay about not voting for the Republican this time around. That quote is going to be seen in TV ads later on this year.
Without amending the constitution, background checks and assault weapons bans are about as good as it's going to get.

Or at the very least, instead of banning gun sales to people on the no fly list, have an extra extended waiting period for them to get one, which I think the scotus would allow.

It's funny but if Obama wanted to, he could declare war on Jihadist terrorism he could theoretically forgo due process, suspend habeas corpus and ban people who we know have visited ISIS websites or pledged allegiance to them and ban them from buying guns.

But he is obviously not going to do that because it's a horrible idea and isn't even close to the only kind of gun violence we are trying to stop.. But it's the only way it could work.
If we hadn't fucked up reconstruction so bad we'd probably be in a better position today. We needed to stamp out that apartheid state shit immediately instead of waiting 100 years. It's easily one of the biggest fuck ups we've made as a country.

Almost like hand holding bigots doesn’t actually work eh?
If we hadn't fucked up reconstruction so bad we'd probably be in a better position today. We needed to stamp out that apartheid state shit immediately instead of waiting 100 years. It's easily one of the biggest fuck ups we've made as a country.

Andrew Johnson was easily the worst President in our history and fucked everything up worse than anyone else has and it isn't even close.
He's basically going to be worthless on the campaign trail it seems. Whatever.

At this point I'd just take him personally repudiating Trump's ham-fisted overtures to his supporters, although he doesn't seem to be in any particular fucking hurry to do even that. You'd think he'd be, you know, aghast.
Nothing says "I'm going to do everything possible to make sure Donald Trump isn't President", like sitting on your ass while he uses your line of attacks against the only person standing in his way from becoming President.


New York Times: Why Hillary Clinton Probably Won’t Pick Elizabeth Warren as a Running Mate

In perhaps the most telling sign that Ms. Warren won’t win the No. 2 spot, former President Bill Clinton is expected to co-host a five-figure fund-raiser in New York in August with the vice-presidential nominee, according to a fund-raiser involved in the planning. Although an aide said such an event was not currently on Mr. Clinton’s schedule, it’s just the sort of event a running mate is required to do and that would be awkward with Ms. Warren, who has made enemies of many of the New York financiers who could afford such a fund-raiser.

This article is mostly opinion and speculation, but that bit jumped out as interesting.
At this point I'd just take him personally repudiating Trump's ham-fisted overtures to his supporters, although he doesn't seem to be in any particular fucking hurry to do even that. You'd think he'd be, you know, aghast.

Ironically he's persona non grata while his Senate people are actually doing ya know activist work, and you can't use age as an excuse, John Lewis that demon of black establishment is right there. Filibusters, sit ins, where's Sanders? In Vermont only now "realizing" he's not going to be the nominee.

Sanders talks but doesn't walk.


Nothing says "I'm going to do everything possible to make sure Donald Trump isn't President", like sitting on your ass while he uses your line of attacks against the only person standing in his way from becoming President.

This cycle is so weird, you have the most egregious style of BS and people eat it like it's candy.
I'm game for a book or a movie that explains how we came to this.


you can't put a price on sparks


Trump Card vs. Woman Card (would be funnier reference if Clinton/Warren ticket)


Those shady Canucks

lol King of Debt will always be hilarious to me. It sounds so amazingly ridiculous.

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