Spoiled Milk
Ok, phew, finally found my Hillary avatar! I'm with her!
Serious question: who's the old dude next to Lincoln and why's he smiling like he cut a sneaky fart?
Serious question: who's the old dude next to Lincoln and why's he smiling like he cut a sneaky fart?
The High Sparrow.
Low Fantasy and a cast of thousands= *Yawn*
HBO should have done Fables isntead
They should have done a Hitchhiker's guide mini-series instead.
They should have done a Hitchhiker's guide mini-series instead.
The last two take what you dislike about the series and turns it up to 11. Hope you like the plot slowed to a snail's pace so that much more worldbuilding can get stuffed in!I actually read the first two books. I started reading the third, made it about halfway through and never finished. This was several years ago. I felt like the majority of pages in a book were spent name dropping hundreds of characters and houses and going into gloriously boring detail describing house banners.
The last few pages would make anyone drink in despair.
I'm more of a lurker, but I dig Adam. Except for all them gifs. Sometimes they are so forced.
Sorry Adam, #dogpile #icantquityou
A drag queen gif is never forced. She is posted precisely when she means to.
HBO should have done Fables instead
They should have done a Hitchhiker's guide mini-series instead.
This is the best thing I've seen in a long time.
Please have my babies. Or vice versa.
Adam, how do you feel about Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy? This could fundamentally alter my opinion of you so maybe you shouldn't answer... :\
Also, #teammosdef. I would definitely go gay for Mos Def and he was a perfect Ford Prefect, in my opinion.
I love Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. The books and the 70s tv show moreso than the film, but the movie was fine for what it was. I actually wrote an entire mini-thesis on the books in college. Got a 97 and fucked up the curve for everyone.
I love Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. The books and the 70s tv show moreso than the film, but the movie was fine for what it was. I actually wrote an entire mini-thesis on the books in college. Got a 97 and fucked up the curve for everyone.
I'm selling my Wii U because I can't handle having a console that Adam has
That's not actually why I'm selling it. /hug Adam
I have the batman superman directors cut movie thing. Should I watch it?
you occasionally redeem yourself
you're right about game of bore
YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAS. Now no matter what you like, dislike, do, or say, we're bros.
I guess it's not "kind of dating" anymore.the guy I'm dating
I love this thread right now.I hate this thread right now.
I was badgered into giving Game of Thrones a shot a week ago. I'm half-way through season 2 and I'm loving it so far. Does it really go to shit afterwards? Please say no.
I guess it's not "kind of dating" anymore.
I kept shouting "oh shit! Oh shit!" at the beginning of the finale.The final two episodes of season six are probably the best in the series. The finale was ridiculously good. Like wow. I've gone back through the episode twice since it aired to watch a bunch of the key moments. So good.
I was badgered into giving Game of Thrones a shot a week ago. I'm half-way through season 2 and I'm loving it so far. Does it really go to shit afterwards? Please say no.
The Wisconsin voter id law should be a crime:
There's really nothing else to say. Republicans are disgusting.In addition to the voter-ID law, since 2011, Wisconsins GOP-controlled legislature has cut the early-voting window from 30 days to 12, eliminated night and weekend voting, banned straight-ticket voting, made it more difficult both to register to vote and to cast an absentee ballot, and tightened residency requirements. It has also disbanded the widely respected nonpartisan agency that oversees state elections and was supposed to educate the public about the voter-ID law. University of Wisconsin political scientist Barry Burden calls it death by a thousand cuts.
I was badgered into giving Game of Thrones a shot a week ago. I'm half-way through season 2 and I'm loving it so far. Does it really go to shit afterwards? Please say no.
Things about Michele Bachmann:
-LGBT individuals commit suicide at a higher rate than non-LGBT people because "they know what they're doing is wrong." according to Bachmann.
-Bachmann thinks bullying is good for society.
-Bachmann believes in Jesus' imminent return and that all non-Christians will be tortured for all eternity.
-Bachmann approved of the Chinese Exclusion Act.
-Bachmann wants to eliminate Social Security and Medicare.
The first four things are problems for Trump because they're insane things that no reasonable people would ever believe in, but the last would have to be a campaign ender if Bachmann became VP.
Things about Michele Bachmann:
-LGBT individuals commit suicide at a higher rate than non-LGBT people because "they know what they're doing is wrong." according to Bachmann.
-Bachmann thinks bullying is good for society.
-Bachmann believes in Jesus' imminent return and that all non-Christians will be tortured for all eternity.
-Bachmann approved of the Chinese Exclusion Act.
-Bachmann wants to eliminate Social Security and Medicare.
The first four things are problems for Trump because they're insane things that no reasonable people would ever believe in, but the last would have to be a campaign ender if Bachmann became VP.
If your name is not on the list tell me. You have till tomorrow night to be on it. Your choice is FINAL once I submit it.
Adam has the worst opinions. Just the worst. Take back what you said about Lord of the Rings you bastard.
Just kidding
Not actually kidding