I have no problem with diverging, but Season 5 was pointless and poorly executed.
Still had Hardhome. Also didn't hate the King's Landing storyline.
I have no problem with diverging, but Season 5 was pointless and poorly executed.
In latest Trump news, interesting choice of the Star of David here
He just tweeted out a second version of it without the star, but still left the star version up.In latest Trump news, interesting choice of the Star of David here
He just tweeted out a second version if it without the star, but still left the star version up.
The fucking incompetence.
It's so fucking good. You can't make this stuff up. Jesus.Also they just did a shitty photoshop over the star. You can still see the points under the circle.
He just tweeted out a second version of it without the star, but still left the star version up.
The fucking incompetence.
Also they just did a shitty photoshop over the star. You can still see the points under the circle.
In latest Trump news, interesting choice of the Star of David here
So, we seem to be in the final steps of the email thing
pls be over soon
My question is, has been, and always will be:
What the fuck did Artax have to be so depressed about? He's a god damned horse!
Based on what?This means that the FBI finally interviewed Hillary this morning.
Maggie Haberman ‏@maggieNYT 30m30 minutes ago
Clinton was at FBI hq for 3.5 hours, per side
Maggie Haberman ‏@maggieNYT 31m31 minutes ago
Clinton spox Merrill: "Secretary Clinton gave a voluntary interview this morning about her email arrangements while she was Secretary."
HA Goodman must have gone through 4 pairs of creamed pants
You guys r annyng
Going to visit the Pope and apologize, probably.Trump wants to announce his VP pick next week, and Christie is on vacation in Italy next week. I think it will be Gingrich.
I'm visiting Seattle, this is truly the yaasest timeline.
Jokes on you because I do.
I was daydreaming today about the dark alternate timeline where Clinton is indicted. If that happened, I think the DNC convention battle between Bernie and Biden would be legendary. The establishment would push so hard for Biden and it'd be so fun to watch. That's my Hillary indictment fanfic.
Trump wants to announce his VP pick next week, and Christie is on vacation in Italy next week. I think it will be Gingrich.
Wtf is wrong with those Hillary supporters from 2008? Why did a whopping 16% or whatever vote for McCain? Unbelievable!
(racists in Appalachia who didn't want to vote for a black man)Wtf is wrong with those Hillary supporters from 2008? Why did a whopping 16% or whatever vote for McCain? Unbelievable!
Warrior of Virtue.. Jesus Adam.
Exactly! Dude.. You're a damn horse.
So is a statement expected to be made by the FBI on Hillary today
So is a statement expected to be made by the FBI on Hillary today
Whos looking forward to the Republican National Convention in Clevelandbesides presumptive nominee Donald J. Trump, that is?
Damn few top Republicans, according to a report this week in POLITICO by Alex Isenstadt. Senators, governors and leading members of the House of Representatives are sending their regrets by the dozens to the July 18-21 affair. If theyre attending, many are telegraphing their intent to avoid speaking from the podium on behalf Trump. Corporations like Wells Fargo, UPS, Ford and others who usually sponsor the event are bailing, too, threatening to turn the Cleveland confab into a Potemkin Village of a convention, if not a ghost town.
A political version of a beauty pageant appears to be in the offingwhich is logical given the fact that Trump owned and operated the Miss Universe franchise for two decades. But who will play the beauties? Variety reports the low likelihood that any top stars will appear at the arena on Trumps behalf, which means a record number of B-list celebrities, politicians and reality TV stars may be conscripted.
Even when a candidate enters the nominating convention as the presumptive winner, the partys culture may still be tainted by the residue of the primary battles. The losers are allowed to bring their grievances to the convention to make a final expression of them before burying them before uniting with the victor in combat against the opposing party. Symbolic unity can be achieved by giving the losers podium time in a desirable TV slot, or a plank in the platform that nobody reads anyway, or some other gesture, or promises of presidential appointments should the nominee win the election. (Loser Bernie Sanders is doing thisa lot of thisinside the Democratic Party.) And so the wheel turns.
But the wheel cant turn if the major losers refuse to participate in the healing ceremony, which is how the 2016 Republican convention is shaping up. Something like this happened in 1964, when Barry Goldwater won the Republican nomination. The non-Goldwaterites didnt boycott the convention as the non-Trump forces are this year, but they did resist making peace with Goldwater, refusing to participate in the sociodrama of the 1964 presidential election. Disaster followed for the party.
As the 15,000-strong news media army rolls into Cleveland, several ready-made stories will be there for the journalists to tell, none of them to Trumps liking. Denied the traditional story about a splintered party coming together, reporters will zero in on Trumps imperial style, and frame him as a modern-day Caligula who has attempted to stamp out all opposition, continuing many of the themes already present in news stories about him. For Republicans who have the stomach to attend, the convention will give them the loudest possible megaphone to express their distaste for Trump. And finally, the relative news void created by Trump will free reporters to give blanket coverage to the inevitable street protests against him.
Trumps convention will contain so much of his winning that, as he promised in September, youll soon be bored by it.
RNC speaker lineup will be announced Wednesday.