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Report: Donald Trump cutting back on TV interviews

Donald Trump has slashed his regular cable television appearances and is largely restricting himself to "friendlier terrain" on Fox News, according to Howard Kurtz, the channel's media analyst and host of "Mediabuzz."

According to Kurtz's report, Trump's staff is not notifying him of every interview request. It's part of an effort to tamp down on the "risk of the candidate making mistakes or fanning minor controversies."

"Several weeks ago, high-level staffers concluded at a meeting that the boss should be limited to no more than three interviews a week, print reporters included. He wound up meeting that quota in just half a day. But aides now vet whether certain reporters can ride on his plane, which used to be a snap decision by Trump," Kurtz reports.

So Hannity and O'Reilly every other day.
Yes, looks like the campaign is more disciplined, but the candidate on the campaign trail?

I don't think he'll be able to help himself.
I just had this realization on Reddit when I was arguing with someone. I hadn't fully realized the significance of winning this election until I spelled it out for myself:

Also, all the promises Trump is making that people claim he"doesn't really mean" or "would never get through congress". If he wins, it's all validated. Why would a Republucan Congress not attempt to carry them out? They basically have to. The voters put someone in office to do the things he said he was gonna do and his own party is control of the legislature. How could they refuse to try without getting primaried out of office?


There's like 3 or 4 different insulting ways to read that.
True, but if my interpretation is close enough, he may mean, to the people he's addressing, that they don't understand the harsh reality of being black in the US due to their privelege.

Of course I am probably wrong.
It's a horrible choice of words, but read the whole quote. It's a case of Gingrich actually putting forth something positive.

And no, I am not a Gingrich fan by any stretch.
Seeing people who identify as Liberals sharing links to Allen West and Breitbart is literally soul-crushing...

I don't think those people are actually liberals. It might be mostly apolitical and apathetic people that have some liberal leanings, but are not held by such convictions when in comes to some things.
If you need a piece to link to conservative white family members being jerks on Facebook- this RedState piece I just ran across is shockingly cogent and might be able to get through to them- http://www.redstate.com/leon_h_wolf/2016/07/08/uncomfortable-reason-came-dallas-yesterday/

That is in fact a very good read.

I don't think those people are actually liberals. It might be mostly apolitical and apathetic people are have some liberal leanings, but are not held by such convictions when in comes to some things.

I'm starting to suspect a lot of people I know support liberal policy, but have a huge misunderstanding about what a liberal actually is.


That is in fact a very good read.

I'm starting to suspect a lot of people I know support liberal policy, but have a huge misunderstanding about what a liberal actually is.

I mean if you cut out "legalize weed", "gay marriage" and "end student debt" I'm sure my peer group of liberals would shrink substantially. Seems like most social policies are "eh whatever" rather than personal conviction, and they're only for traditionally liberal economic policies while they're living at home in a bad job.
Republicans just can't let it die:

Referral for Clinton perjury probe could come next week

The House Oversight Committee is expected to send a formal request asking the FBI to open a criminal investigation into allegations that Hillary Clinton lied to Congress as soon as next week, a committee aide told The Hill.

Despite a vow Thursday from Chairman Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) to deliver a referral to FBI Director James Comey “in the next few hours,” committee leaders are still working on the request, the aide said.

Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.) said Friday that he was reviewing more than 100 transcripts of witness testimony before the House Select Committee on Benghazi to determine whether such a referral was appropriate.
“If a witness said something to a committee of Congress and/or under oath that is not consistent with the truth, our committee, like every other committee, has an obligation to refer that to those who actually do investigate,” Gowdy told reporters. “But we do not investigate crimes in Congress.”

Gowdy confirmed that the committee has not yet submitted a referral to the FBI.

The move comes on the heels of the Justice Department’s decision not to press charges against Clinton for her use of a private email server while she was secretary of State. Republicans, outraged that Clinton appears to be getting off scot-free despite mishandling classified information, have quickly pivoted to accusing her of perjury.

At issue is Clinton’s marathon 11-hour testimony before the Benghazi panel last year, during which she insisted under oath that “there was nothing marked classified on my emails, either sent or received.”

But Comey revealed on Thursday that Clinton did, in fact, exchange emails through her private server that included information marked classified, though he provided some cover for Clinton during his testimony before the House Oversight Committee.

“I think it’s possible — possible — that she didn’t understand what a C meant when she saw it in the body of an email like that,” Comey said, referring to the official system of marking certain paragraphs as “confidential,” the lowest level of classification.


More at the link (pic in the article is perfect).
I literally sent a message to my group text expecting this about 20 minutes ago.

Yeah wasn't a matter of if, but when.

This part is important:

The FBI is not obligated to open an investigation based on a referral from Congress, several former Justice Department prosecutors told The Hill.
While there may be some cases when a referral requires a response, that’s “the exception and not the rule,” one former official said.

So maybe Comey will tell them to fuck off.
I mean if you cut out "legalize weed", "gay marriage" and "end student debt" I'm sure my peer group of liberals would shrink substantially. Seems like most social policies are "eh whatever" rather than personal conviction, and they're only for traditionally liberal economic policies while they're living at home in a bad job.

Basically my experience. There's actual research--I believe--that shows people are more likely to support liberal economic policies only as long as they earn below like $100,000 a year. I had to argue with someone who spent 6 months posting every Bernie article on the Internet that Welfare recipients don't in fact make the equivalent of $21 an hour, as well as that not every one is abusing the system. How can you shit on Welfare recipients and support the guy that basically wants to expand welfare to multiple institutions and give it to everyone who classifies as Middle or Working Class???


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Chaffetz is so fucking stupid he will literally recreate the fall of newt Gingrich.

The only person stupider is Mark halperin.
@daveweigel 22m22 minutes ago
First thing I see at DNC platform meeting: A Bernie delegate wiping away tears and asking Jeff Weaver to make sure he doesn't concede.

glad to see HA Goodman made his flight to Orlando.
That is in fact a very good read.

I'm starting to suspect a lot of people I know support liberal policy, but have a huge misunderstanding about what a liberal actually is.

I think a lot of people do. I think some people just believe that as long as they have some views that liberals support then they are liberal. I think the right vs left, or the liberal vs conservationism is a bit too simplistic. Even the political compass way might be too simplistic.

I don't believe in purity; a liberal might believe that people should have guns and a conservative might support affirmative action or welfare. Although, some aspects might just make it a completely different category. One thing that does not seem to get measured is how exactly one person might care about something or how much they prioritize it. Like many so called liberals; have little interest in social issues, being nearly apathetic to it and having no real stances on it; but they think that economic injustice is the prime issue the country should focus on and support liberal measures, or like what you said they might support a few things like gay marriage and legalizing marijuana, but they have no solid standing on anything else. They might be even hostile to some aspects of liberalism as well.

The same could be said with conservatives as well. Many conservatives are just single issue voters that really don't care about all that much abut tradition or religion. Maybe some part of it personally, but not when it comes to politics. All they care about is their gun rights and getting their benefits check.

I think people like Trump, who have no solid convictions on anything and have stances that are all over the place is probably common, but less extreme then Donald Trump. I also don't believe that they are moderates either.

There can be also some other odd things like some so called liberals being more or less authoritarian and a bit nationalistic, would they still be called liberals? Then theirs people who might care about some right or left leaning policies , but are driven by anti-establishment ideals.
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