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PoliGAF 2016 |OT7| Notorious R.B.G. Plans NZ Tour

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I think a lot of people do. I think some people just believe that as long as they have some views that liberals support then they are liberal. I think the right vs left, or the liberal vs conservationism is a bit too simplistic. Even the political compass way might be too simplistic.

I don't believe in purity; a liberal might believe that people should have guns and a conservative might support affirmative action or welfare. Although, some aspects might just make it a completely different category. One thing that does not seem to get measured is how exactly one person might care about something or how much they prioritize it. Like many so called liberals; have little interest in social issues, being nearly apathetic to it and having no real stances on it; but they think that economic injustice is the prime issue the country should focus on and support liberal measures, or like what you said they might support a few things like gay marriage and legalizing marijuana, but they have no solid standing on anything else. They might be even hostile to some aspects of liberalism as well.

The same could be said with conservatives as well. Many conservatives are just single issue voters that really don't care about all that much abut tradition or religion. Maybe some part of it personally, but not when it comes to politics. All they care about is their gun rights and getting their benefits check.

I think people like Trump, who have no solid convictions on anything and have stances that are all over the place is probably common, but less extreme then Donald Trump. I also don't believe that they are moderates either.

There can be also some other odd things like some so called liberals being more or less authoritarian and a bit nationalistic, would they still be called liberals? Then theirs people who might care about some right or left leaning policies , but are driven by anti-establishment ideals.
When they look at "moderates" - they don't actually hold moderate views. They simply hold extreme views all over the spectrum.


remember me
Wait, what? lol


3 graduate degrees, including a PhD, and I might have to move out of the US because Visas here are utterly fucked, even with overwhelming proof that there are no reasonable American substitutes for the job, simply because visa processing times are GIGANTIC :/

PoliGAF, do something with your immigration policies, this can't be right :/
3 graduate degrees, including a PhD, and I might have to move out of the US because Visas here are utterly fucked, even with overwhelming proof that there are no reasonable American substitutes for the job, simply because visa processing times are GIGANTIC :/

PoliGAF, do something with your immigration policies, this can't be right :/
There are a lot of people in this country that think you are taking jobs away from "Americans" (even though we're actually just losing talent). Sad.
How is it hard to understand that we need to make sure that the police aren't shot AND ensure that the police aren't abusing their power? CNN, these things are not mutually exclusive.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
How is it hard to understand that we need to make sure that the police aren't shot AND ensure that the police aren't abusing their power? CNN, these things are not mutually exclusive.

It's far less exciting if they are not mutually exclusive.


3 graduate degrees, including a PhD, and I might have to move out of the US because Visas here are utterly fucked, even with overwhelming proof that there are no reasonable American substitutes for the job, simply because visa processing times are GIGANTIC :/

PoliGAF, do something with your immigration policies, this can't be right :/


Have you tried hitting on Adam? Maybe you can marry him for a green card :p


I'm having an argument with a dude who is literally arguing genetics is why black people in Africa are so dumb, and how all black people in America need to be evicted from the country. He's linked it to the shootings we've had lately..

Is the alt-right this fucking bad?
I had to argue with someone who spent 6 months posting every Bernie article on the Internet that Welfare recipients don't in fact make the equivalent of $21 an hour, as well as that not every one is abusing the system. How can you shit on Welfare recipients and support the guy that basically wants to expand welfare to multiple institutions and give it to everyone who classifies as Middle or Working Class???
What?! On disability it works out to lower than minimum wage, though I can't speak for other programs. Christ it's miserable. Anyone who claims someone is trying to milk the system for easy cash to avoid working is a goddamn liar. And yeah, the perception of people abusing the system ruins it for people who do actually need and use it.

That's not the sort of talk I'd ever expect out of a Sanders supporter. More typically #FYGM territory. Bernie himself is a king of the "can't live on minimum wage" talking point. And he's right!


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
I'm having an argument with a dude who is literally arguing genetics is why black people in Africa are so dumb, and how all black people in America need to be evicted from the country.

Is the alt-right this fucking bad?

"Makes you sad doesn't it
That there's so much hatred in the world"


FGC Waterboy
3 graduate degrees, including a PhD, and I might have to move out of the US because Visas here are utterly fucked, even with overwhelming proof that there are no reasonable American substitutes for the job, simply because visa processing times are GIGANTIC :/

PoliGAF, do something with your immigration policies, this can't be right :/

Welcome to American immigration laws. They sort of suck for folks trying to get in legally.


Welcome to American immigration laws. They sort of suck for folks trying to get in legally.

It does sort of shock me that someone with a phd would have so much trouble. Maybe it's only older folks who have a lot of publications who can get in easily
I'm having an argument with a dude who is literally arguing genetics is why black people in Africa are so dumb, and how all black people in America need to be evicted from the country. He's linked it to the shootings we've had lately..

Is the alt-right this fucking bad?

I could not have an argument with that person....unless by "argument" you mean cussing them out for fifteen minutes straight.


I could not have an argument with that person....unless by "argument" you mean cussing them out for fifteen minutes straight.

I tried, but that bubble is very strong. His arguments were the following.

- Blacks have weak IQs because Africa has weak IQs. He's ignored the infrastructure and poverty problem. Strangely, he admitted free will doesn't exist, so he concluded systemic issues are at bay. Instead of it being known prior causes that we can debate about - society, culture, beliefs that drive what one may call the "bad" behavior one objects to, etc - he banked his argument that blacks are innately inferior. As someone who twerks to a Zen freakuency, you would imagine how much this claim surprised me and got me fumed.

- He argued blacks in America have inherently weak genes because of their IQs because of what they are in Africa, and thus are a problem. I brought up the fact if we're using genes and living as an example, the fact he is gay could be used to say "all gays are inherently bad because they do not normally reproduce with their desired sex." He admitted the absurdity there, that some can have children despite being gay, but didn't wish to admit that his paintbrushing of all blacks, had the same level of falsity. It was very much a "blacks is bad" objective claim, and good fuck, the alt-right is prone to doing this shit constantly with no evidence. Some of these homies seem to beyond hope, for it's just another game of ingroup vs outgroup, and of course ingroup has the "truth" and answers.

I can feel my blood cortisol spiking. I should just stay on Twitter retweeting Zen and RuPaul quotes and not try to speak to others.


I tried, but that bubble is very strong. His arguments were the following.

- Blacks have weak IQs because Africa has weak IQs. He's ignored the infrastructure and poverty problem. Strangely, he admitted free will doesn't exist, so he concluded systemic issues are at bay. Instead of it being known prior causes that we can debate about - society, culture, beliefs that drive what one may call the "bad" behavior one objects to, etc - he banked his argument that blacks are innately inferior. As someone who twerks to a Zen freakuency, you would imagine how much this claim surprised me and got me fumed.

- He argued blacks in America have inherently weak genes because of their IQs because of what they are in Africa, and thus are a problem. I brought up the fact if we're using genes and living as an example, the fact he is gay could be used to say "all gays are inherently bad because they do not normally reproduce with their desired sex." He admitted the absurdity there, that some can have children despite being gay, but didn't wish to admit that his paintbrushing of all blacks, had the same level of falsity. It was very much a "blacks is bad" objective claim, and good fuck, the alt-right is prone to doing this shit constantly with no evidence. Some of these homies seem to beyond hope, for it's just another game of ingroup vs outgroup, and of course ingroup has the "truth" and answers.

I can feel my blood cortisol spiking.
Tell him by that logic white people should get out of America obviously, because Asians have the highest IQs so we should have the promised land lol


Tell him by that logic white people should get out of America obviously, because Asians have the highest IQs so we should have the promised land lol

But America is "their" country, or at least this is what they claim.

It hurts even trying to comprehend the level of pigshit on display.


Neo Member
Sounds like MA did good

Now awaiting the court case to try and kill it

I feel like the court case(s) attempting to kill it won't even be blip(s) on the radar. Maybe I'm being overly optimistic, but I don't see the MA courts or the federal courts killing something like this, especially given the existing laws around other protected classes (race, religion, gender, etc).


Is the alt-right this fucking bad

Yes. The alt-right are basically a mix of open racists, fascists, white supremacists, etc. who believe movement conservatism is too weak to oppose "SJW Cultural Marxism" and bends over to liberals (henced "cucked"). Some of them like to justify their opinions with pseudo-science and excessively long faux intellectual blog posts.
What?! On disability it works out to lower than minimum wage, though I can't speak for other programs. Christ it's miserable. Anyone who claims someone is trying to milk the system for easy cash to avoid working is a goddamn liar. And yeah, the perception of people abusing the system ruins it for people who do actually need and use it.

That's not the sort of talk I'd ever expect out of a Sanders supporter. More typically #FYGM territory. Bernie himself is a king of the "can't live on minimum wage" talking point. And he's right!

It was taken from a Cato Institute study that basically took the max value for every conceivable benefit, despite the fact that most people didn't get more than a handful. I'm talking Welfare, SNAP, WIC, Medicare, Medicaid, Utility Subsidy, and a bunch of other shit. The kicker was for Medicare/Medicaid they allotted people $25,000 a year in benefits, effectively doubling the "cost per recipient". It was absolute bullshit. I only had to spend 5 minutes on Google to discover that the max benefit for TANF in our state was $640 a week--which comes out to ~$4 an hour.
Mencius Moldbug is their God-King savior. I keep thinking it's all a big joke but the alt-right's corner of the internet is a real post-ironic hellscape of chauvinism and racism.


Yes. The alt-right are basically a mix of open racists, fascists, white supremacists, etc. who believe movement conservatism is too weak to oppose "SJW Cultural Marxism" and bends over to liberals (henced "cucked"). Some of them like to justify their opinions with pseudo-science and excessively long faux intellectual blog posts.

I can handle the words in quotes because I looked at them as memes, but are people really deep in the rabbit hole to not see the ghost in that being reality?

Does the state of their character reflect itself when many of people folk have anime avatars and seem to fit that "shut in" meme? Even the guy I spoke to pulled that argument earlier, but not to me. "Y-you can't say we're wrong because we don't have or know X!" kind of thing.

I can only hope the average intelligence of Americans when compared to that is Carl Sagan levels of smartness. I worry it's Jaden Smith levels of fuckery.


Nice try Don.

On Friday morning, Mr. Trump asked the New York Police Department if he could address an afternoon roll call at a Midtown Manhattan police precinct, in a show of solidarity with the police, but the N.Y.P.D. denied his request.

“Our interest is in staying out of the politics of the moment, not to provide photo-ops,” the police commissioner, William J. Bratton, said during a news conference at Police Headquarters in Manhattan.
There was a kid that was in my mom's class that was at Pulse, in Orlando. He wasn't hurt, but we just found out he committed suicide. He said he felt too guilty for surviving.

I used to work with him one-on-one, because no one at home would work with him. I did his Book-It and everything. Obviously, he was just a kid when he was in my mom's class....he used to call me Ms. Adam because he had no idea guys could be teachers.



There was a kid that was in my mom's class that was at Pulse, in Orlando. He wasn't hurt, but we just found out he committed suicide. He said he felt too guilty for surviving.

I used to work with him one-on-one, because no one at home would work with him. I did his Book-It and everything. Obviously, he was just a kid when he was in my mom's class....he used to call me Ms. Adam because he had no idea guys could be teachers.


Jesus, that's really dark and tragic man. I had no idea you were so close in proximity to that community. That's really tough to hear, I'm sure it's difficult. I hope things get better.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
There was a kid that was in my mom's class that was at Pulse, in Orlando. He wasn't hurt, but we just found out he committed suicide. He said he felt too guilty for surviving.

I used to work with him one-on-one, because no one at home would work with him. I did his Book-It and everything. Obviously, he was just a kid when he was in my mom's class....he used to call me Ms. Adam because he had no idea guys could be teachers.


Oh no

I'm so sorry


Tearing apart alt-right manifestos is hyperbolic time chamber training for your rhetorical skills. It crushes the body and soul, but teaches you to dig deep for foundational weaknesses and inconsistent application of standards of rigor to the massive labyrinth of bullshit built on top. Also, contractual immunity to semantic bullshit!
Jesus, that's really dark and tragic man. I had no idea you were so close in proximity to that community. That's really tough to hear, I'm sure it's difficult. I hope things get better.

Thanks. Ya, we lived about 45 minutes from Orlando. It's where I grew up. I spent 99% of my free time in Kissimmee/Orlando. Pretty much you wanted gay nightlife you had to go to Orlando or Tampa. I had a friend and his fiance who were there that night. I'd gone to Pulse quite a few times. I liked it better than Parliament House.

Oh no

I'm so sorry

Thanks. Sorry to vent but we just found out through the grape vine and...fuck. :(

They've had a TON of resources for people, though. Like mental health assistance and all that. Supposedly they've been great about helping people access the help they need.
There was a kid that was in my mom's class that was at Pulse, in Orlando. He wasn't hurt, but we just found out he committed suicide. He said he felt too guilty for surviving.

I used to work with him one-on-one, because no one at home would work with him. I did his Book-It and everything. Obviously, he was just a kid when he was in my mom's class....he used to call me Ms. Adam because he had no idea guys could be teachers.


Lurker, but, as someone who helped out in my mom's class when I was in high school and college, that sucks man. Sorry.


I can handle the words in quotes because I looked at them as memes, but are people really deep in the rabbit hole to not see the ghost in that being reality?

Does the state of their character reflect itself when many of people folk have anime avatars and seem to fit that "shut in" meme? Even the guy I spoke to pulled that argument earlier, but not to me. "Y-you can't say we're wrong because we don't have or know X!" kind of thing.

They're serious about it. I mean, a lot of that stuff did start as memes but they were just "ironically" hiding the racism. The anime thing ties in with it, since these are the same people as GamerGaters - disenchanted young white single nerdy guys who feel like they have no opportunity to succeed in life and so they retreat to fantasy worlds (the fictional, with "pure" anime waifus who at the same time are sluts but only for them, and the political where they can pretend to be the Aryan Master Race fighting Cultural Degeneracy), taking out their anger on their perceived enemies.


Here we go

In an emotional interview on Fox News on Friday, Texas Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick blamed Black Lives Matter and people who “have a big mouth” on social media for the shooting in Dallas. He also said that the protesters were hypocritical for running from the shooting and expecting the police to protect them.

“I do blame people on social media with their hatred towards police. I do blame — I saw Jesse Jackson, I think it was on Fox last night, calling police racist without any facts. I do blame former Black Lives Matter protests,” Patrick said in an interview first picked up by the Texas Tribune. “I grew up in a world, I’ve been around long enough, that we’ve always had bad people, we’ve always had dangerous people, but the general republic respected the police. Too many in the general public who aren’t criminals but have a big mouth are creating situations like we saw last night.”

“All those protesters last night, they ran the other way expecting the men and women in blue to turn around and protect them. What hypocrites!”


Steve King

#DallasPoliceShooting has roots in first of anti-white/cop events illuminated by Obama...Officer Crowley. There were others.
2:58 PM - 8 Jul 2016

31 31 Retweets


There was a kid that was in my mom's class that was at Pulse, in Orlando. He wasn't hurt, but we just found out he committed suicide. He said he felt too guilty for surviving.

I used to work with him one-on-one, because no one at home would work with him. I did his Book-It and everything. Obviously, he was just a kid when he was in my mom's class....he used to call me Ms. Adam because he had no idea guys could be teachers.


:( that's awful. RIP

I can imagine the PTSD from being present at the shooting must be pretty devastating
Lurker, but, as someone who helped out in my mom's class when I was in high school and college, that sucks man. Sorry.

Thanks. Ya, I spent like a 1000 hours a year in her class. I was volunteer of the year my Jr. and Sr. year of high school.

:( that's awful. RIP

I can imagine the PTSD from being present at the shooting must be pretty devastating

I was thinking about that over the 4th. Like, fireworks and stuff are really, really bad for people with PTSD. :(


In happier news, Charlie Baker has signed a trans anti-discrimination bill into MA law:


The Boston Globe has a longer piece on the ramifications and compromises on the bill: https://www.bostonglobe.com/metro/2...gender-bill/FXryaLOAIQVwiLTHPYhz3L/story.html
Yeah, I'm super happy about it.:) Charlie Baker is good in my book now.
There was a kid that was in my mom's class that was at Pulse, in Orlando. He wasn't hurt, but we just found out he committed suicide. He said he felt too guilty for surviving.

I used to work with him one-on-one, because no one at home would work with him. I did his Book-It and everything. Obviously, he was just a kid when he was in my mom's class....he used to call me Ms. Adam because he had no idea guys could be teachers.

My condolences Adam.
Tell him by that logic white people should get out of America obviously, because Asians have the highest IQs so we should have the promised land lol

I've seen conservatives in places like the National Review and Takimag make a similar claim: that they aren't white supremacists because they place Jews and Asians higher than whites. In a way, I agree. What they are is black inferiorists.


Tearing apart alt-right manifestos is hyperbolic time chamber training for your rhetorical skills. It crushes the body and soul, but teaches you to dig deep for foundational weaknesses and inconsistent application of standards of rigor to the massive labyrinth of bullshit built on top. Also, contractual immunity to semantic bullshit!

Man, I am still recovering from my conversation, but this all came off as Deepak Chopra wordbukkake when I first read it.

On second reading, I get it fully. I had to don the right booty to bounce on it.

You have a very strong way with words, dude. Keep it up. <3

They're serious about it. I mean, a lot of that stuff did start as memes but they were just "ironically" hiding the racism. The anime thing ties in with it, since these are the same people as GamerGaters - disenchanted young white single nerdy guys who feel like they have no opportunity to succeed in life and so they retreat to fantasy worlds (the fictional, with "pure" anime waifus who at the same time are sluts but only for them, and the political where they can pretend to be the Aryan Master Race fighting Cultural Degeneracy), taking out their anger on their perceived enemies.

I wonder how much of that is them being at risk of being part of the precariat, or if they're people who have crashed and burned assimilating to the atypical evocations of "right" living in society. Grasping from what I have seen, many of these guys would quite like a social collapse or sorts, and I can only imagine it's become their lives, in relation to society, have collapsed in some sense. A macro-scale lust for disempowerment because of the micro-scale impression of disempowerment, perhaps.


I'm sorry to hear that, Adam.

With all the terrible news recently, stuff like this seems trivial, but this is still happening this weekend:

Washington Post: Democratic platform meeting kicks off in Orlando

The last debate between supporters of Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton is taking place Friday in Florida, as the 187 members of the platform committee discuss what the Democratic Party stands for. Supporters of Clinton make up the majority of the committee, with 103 members; 72 are supporters of Sanders, according to a list provided to reporters by the Democratic Party. For the first time since 1988, supporters of the party's likely nominee are being asked to compromise with the runner-up.

The weekend began with a moment of silence for all of the week's fatal shootings, led by platform committee co-chairman and Clinton supporter Connecticut Gov. Dan Malloy (D). "What happened in Dallas was un-American," he said. "It was those very police officers who sought to keep protesters safe."

Then the work began, with Malloy praising the work of the platform drafting committee, and suggesting the ways in which Democrats could ameliorate the problems revealed in the Texas, Minnesota and Louisiana shootings.


Still, the outnumbered supporters of Sanders, who scored numerous policy victories across three drafting committee meetings, came to Orlando with more changes in mind. Josh Fox, the director of the "Gasland" film series, is in Orlando as a Sanders delegate, and he intends to amend the platform to favor "a full national moratorium" on hydraulic fracturing (also known as fracking) instead of the current, less definitive language about energy. Ben Jealous, the former president of the NAACP, will attempt to strengthen the criminal justice language to "require the Department of Justice to investigate all police-involved shootings."

Most controversially, Sanders delegates intend to try, one more time, to put the Democratic Party on record against one of the Obama administration's final legislative priorities. Jim Hightower, the progressive author and Sanders delegate from Texas, intends to introduce language stating that "it is the policy of the Democratic Party that the Trans-Pacific Partnership must not get a vote in this Congress or in future sessions of Congress."


Sanders's team, which includes a dozen people in Orlando, is anticipating the TPP debate to come Saturday morning. Votes on fracking and other issues may come Friday. In the run-up to this meeting, Sanders repeatedly said he would "take the fight" on key planks to the Democratic convention in Philadelphia. What's unclear is how his expected endorsement of Clinton next week would affect that.
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