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Came back from basketball last night to see what was happening in Dallas.


I'm actually glad that some people, even among the Republicans, are refusing the bait (Ryan, Gingrich) and trying to bring us together more than separate us.

We can't let a few deranged idiots who think murder is a solution to tear apart the message of those that what change peacefully. We must unite more than ever.

I'm so thankfully Trump isn't in a position of power because he would be so divisive right now. Just like that asshole Walsh or Patrick or King.
I wonder how Trump's handlers have been able to somehow restrain him from saying something terrible about all this.

Perhaps it took a crisis like this to put the awesome responsibility of the office in stark relief for him, and how the balance of society often relies on the words of the President to steady it.

OK, it was probably elephant tranquilizer.


So I'm seeing a lot of people theorize Trump announces Pence as his VP at an event scheduled in Indiana Tuesday.

Somehow Trump is going to end up picking the worst of his meager VP candidates? Even Newt and Christie add more than Pence.
Dr. Jill Stein is terrible.

I mean, not necessarily her positions (which are kinda shitty), but her freaking attempts to win Bernie supporters. You have to be subtle about that shit. You can't, literally, bring it up every day in a random tweet. Come on. I know she doesn't believe in vaccines, does she not believe in good strategy either?

I don't see how she could believe in good strategy and join the Green Party.


Students asked Harvard law professor to stop wearing BLM shirt. Professor responded.



Alex Seitz-Wald

I'm told negotiations are ongoing behind closed doors. First major issue when they get back is minimum wage.

Alex Seitz-Wald

7 hours after the start of the Democratic Platform meeting, they've so far:

1. Approved the preamble

(that's it)

Peter Nicholas

Slow progress at Dem Platform meeting. 6 hours into session, they've approved the preamble. Clinton and Sanders not so much negotiating as waiting

Dem Platform committee has been adjourned for 4 hours. No accord between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders on min wage, TPP, etc

Negotiators at Dem Platform comm meeting are outside the hotel, milling around. Talks appeared stalled.

DNC Platform Committee delay now entering hour six. "Killing Me Softly with His Song" is now playing over the loudspeaker in hotel ballroom.

Sounds like the negotiations aren't going very well so far.


Man, I am still recovering from my conversation, but this all came off as Deepak Chopra wordbukkake when I first read it.

On second reading, I get it fully. I had to don the right booty to bounce on it.

You have a very strong way with words, dude. Keep it up. <3

Thank you! <3

That professor's response was beautiful, both in content and in writing.


Kills Photobucket


On Friday morning a rep from Donald Trump's Manhattan organization asked the city's top cop to let the candidate speak to a 3 p.m. roll call at the NYPD Midtown North Precinct. The request came in the wake of the murders of five Dallas police officers Thursday during a protest over police shooting.

But Police Commissioner Bill Bratton strongly rejected the idea, which a police source said came from Trump's head of security Keith Schiller.

"Our interest is staying out of the politics of the moment, and not to provide photo ops," he told reporters. "If Mr. Trump wants to speak to me, I would be happy to brief him on what we&#8217;re doing. If Sen. Clinton wants to speak to me, I would very happy to brief her on what we&#8217;re doing. But we are not in the business of providing photo ops for our candidates.&#8221;

Ted confirms he's speaking at convention:


Depressed smirk

Is it wrong to hope for a political red wedding, where all of Trump's speakers denounce and turn on him?


The next 2 weeks will be very telling. I hope that people don't fall for charlatan trump's facade. His supporters will keep supporting him no matter what, but if those who claim to be undecided end up falling in line just because he seems to have 'softened' his tone I fear it will become difficult to push everything back. If in two weeks his poll numbers don't improve significantly he will most likely revert to his usual demagoguery and that will harm his numbers even more.
WHERE IS THE LINEUP? C'mon Trump! You can fill it all in yourself for all I care. I'm just sick of waiting.
Is it wrong to hope for a political red wedding, where all of Trump's speakers denounce and turn on him?
Not wrong per say and it would be completely entertaining in its own way, but I've so enjoyed Cruz being humiliated this year that I want to see his miserable, slimy face one more time so I can laugh at him again. It would be terrible if he were allowed to regain any dignity after Trump owned him so hard and went crawling back to him anyway.


The next 2 weeks will be very telling. I hope that people don't fall for charlatan trump's facade. His supporters will keep supporting him no matter what, but if those who claim to be undecided end up falling in line just because he seems to have 'softened' his tone I fear it will become difficult to push everything back. If in two weeks his poll numbers don't improve significantly he will most likely revert to his usual demagoguery and that will harm his numbers even more.

I don't see Trump's numbers improving beyond the usual convention bump and to be honest probably less so. Plus, Clinton has been airing ads against Trump for a while now and I'm still of the mind that that stuff matters.
Emment Rensin has finally left Vox.

Rensin is also known as the dumbest person in the world by encouraging lefties to start riots and assault Trump supporters. He seems deeply confused about the fact that lefties do not own guns and Trump supporters DO own guns and that this matters if things fell to violence. He seems to take pointing this out as a threat against his life.


Rensin is also known for writing the Smug Liberals!!1! essay in which he argued that liberals were too mean to Trump supporters. He wrote this article a few months before arguing that Trump supporters should be assaulted and possibly killed in riots. He had no real sense of anything except a love for Venezuela and now he's gone from Vox and thank god.

Bernie or Buster Twitter gets fucking freaky sometimes too.


It doesn&#8217;t take politicians long to figure out where the money is: Just try to talk as crazy as the craziest Jew and watch the money pour in. You can see this dynamic play out at every AIPAC conference. This year the &#8220;progressive&#8221; candidate Hillary Clinton&#8217;s speech at AIPAC sounded more like Rabbi Meir Kahane than Eleanor Roosevelt. What is the message these ethnocentrics at AIPAC get over and over and over from the objective non-Jews: oh they &#8220;understand,&#8221; Israel is surrounded by the Palestinians who are trying to drive them into the sea and finish the job Hitler started. Every ridiculous tribal fantasy is catered to.

That is the battle that is playing out in the Democratic Party platform fight where the Bernie Sanders forces have been crushed. It is the battle playing out in Clinton&#8217;s aggressive courtship of neoconservative hawks and her repeated hammering of the only nonviolent movement to put pressure on Israel, Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions. It is playing out also in the claim that Trump&#8217;s campaign used a Jewish star to brand Clinton as corrupt and thereby issue a dogwhistle to anti-Semites (I agree with the guy who fired me, Jared Kushner, that Trump doesn&#8217;t hate Jews).



I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Sounds like the negotiations aren't going very well so far.

Another tweet from him:

Dem Platform Committee approves an amendment that would raise the fed minimum wage to $15 an hour indexed to inflation, "over time."

That's one way to do it, lol.
I can see Dems not dying on the sword so to speak over that.

Do we want to have a discussion on TPP? I'm still undecided personally, as I think it overreaches a bit.



The hold-up: Committee leaders were trying to consolidate the 200+ amendments submitted to 38, which they&#8217;ll now vote on.

That explains what was taking so long. Now they've finally resumed, and some news, they passed an amendment to the minimum wage section:

Alex Seitz-Wald

Breaking: Democrats pass amendment to add $15 minimum wage to party platform. Read it:


Uppercase is amendment to the amendment. All of it gets inserted.

The words "over time" are also an addition that should have been uppercase.

EDIT: Suikoguy beat me to the punch.


I really hope Bernie comes around well.

With all this recent news and tragedy...
Sometimes I feel fortunate my PD isn't insane. Kinda decent actually. And the Boston PD are pretty kind to me from my experiences and interactions though I realize this is just me.


Peter Nicholas

A Democrat at Platform Committee complains that @realDonaldTrump is mentioned 35 times in proposed platform. Calls for "Trumpectomy."

Alex Seitz-Wald

Democrats narrowly vote to strip Donald Trump's name from the party platform. It's mentioned 35 times, far more than Romney or McCain.


Democrats now debating whether to change some platform references to Donald Trump to &#8220;the Republican nominee.&#8221;

By 88-86 vote, Dems remove a Trump reference from the platform bc it will be &#8220;studied by future generations."

Hehe, "Trumpectomy".
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