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Sidhe / PikPok
Seems like Bernie is the living embodiment of the "Give a man an inch and he'll take a mile" saying.

The amount of concessions and slack seemingly given by the media, party, and Clinton relative to his actual primary performance seems far off balance.


The major issues left now are fracking, which might to be dealt with tonight, and most prominently, the TPP, which is supposed to be debated tomorrow morning. Hopefully they can come to some kind of compromise, so Bernie will finally end this and endorse on Tuesday as rumored.

EDIT: That amendment to remove Trump's name actually only removed one instance of it in order to make a symbolic point about the inclusion of his name, lol.

Bah on the last point.

Can they put a thing in that says "absolutes are dumb and so are the people who peddle in them?"


remember me
Seems like Bernie is the living embodiment of the "Give a man an inch and he'll take a mile" saying.

The amount of concessions and slack seemingly given by the media, party, and Clinton relative to his actual primary performance seems far off balance.
The platform is completely worthles and unimportant. They could give him carte blanche and it wouldn't matter.


Pence seems like a very Trump kind of guy. I can easily imagine Trump picking him. The guy is a monster. He does nothing to expand Trump's appeal beyond white conservative voters.


Is anyone else in PoliGAF in favor of TPP besides me?

I honestly see the geopolitical benefits and the possible economic gains outweighing the potential job losses that might occur stateside especially considering the trade adjustment assistance that was passed.


Platform mean squat. It'll be forgotten by the first week of August.

Cesare will you be sharing some pictures from the convention floor?
It's pretty obvious regardless that Bernie is still going to endorse on Tuesday. I don't think he cares that much anymore about platform concessions than about actual concessions he can get from Hillary's platform. Which makes more sense, since party platforms are stupid!


Pence seems like a very Trump kind of guy. I can easily imagine Trump picking him. The guy is a monster. He does nothing to expand Trump's appeal beyond white conservative voters.

I'd be bummed that it weren't Newty (a far superior comedy option), but still.. Pence would be yet another Trumpy decision where I'm more relieved than anything. It wouldn't change anything, and Hillary would retain wide leeway when weighing her picks.
Is anyone else in PoliGAF in favor of TPP besides me?

I honestly see the geopolitical benefits and the possible economic gains outweighing the potential job losses that might occur stateside especially considering the trade adjustment assistance that was passed.

I'm still waiting on a solid editorializing-free layman's version before I form an opinion, but in the abstract I'm very pro-trade, so there is that.


Is anyone else in PoliGAF in favor of TPP besides me?

I honestly see the geopolitical benefits and the possible economic gains outweighing the potential job losses that might occur stateside especially considering the trade adjustment assistance that was passed.
I am, but I'm a Kiwi so that doesn't help you.


Yeah, I know the party platform usually doesn't matter at all, but I'm still interested to see what they come up with, especially in regards to the TPP.

Also, more Bernie supporter outrage:


Shouts of “Are you Democrats?” and “Shame!” as the committee votes down amendment to scrap cap on Social Security taxes.

Chris Megerian


"Are you Democrats?"

"This election is on your hands."

"We've got your names."

Activists heckle platform members


Man these activists really are like reverse Tea Party freaks, trying to apply tests to how liberal/Democrat you are.

God people without perspective are the worst.


Is anyone else in PoliGAF in favor of TPP besides me?

I honestly see the geopolitical benefits and the possible economic gains outweighing the potential job losses that might occur stateside especially considering the trade adjustment assistance that was passed.

I'm weakly in favor of it, mostly because trade is important and valuable and Obama is generally trustworthy to me.

My biggest concerns center on the SOPA stuff.


Is anyone else in PoliGAF in favor of TPP besides me?

I honestly see the geopolitical benefits and the possible economic gains outweighing the potential job losses that might occur stateside especially considering the trade adjustment assistance that was passed.

It's not a make or break issue for me. I mean it's mostly about IP rights as in protecting them even more AND increasing the autonomy of corporations to litigate internationally. However, it positions the US as a partner for the pacific rim and those economic and diplomatic ties are important for the future.


Is anyone else in PoliGAF in favor of TPP besides me?

I honestly see the geopolitical benefits and the possible economic gains outweighing the potential job losses that might occur stateside especially considering the trade adjustment assistance that was passed.

It's too long for me to have read much of it, but I understand the desire to levy our power against China's and think there's definitely value in that.
As far as TPP goes, I don't see enough actual economic benefits as its currently negotiated that most Americans would feel the effects of for it to be even worth it. Too much of it focuses on IP nonsense and copyright law

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Is anyone else in PoliGAF in favor of TPP besides me?

I honestly see the geopolitical benefits and the possible economic gains outweighing the potential job losses that might occur stateside especially considering the trade adjustment assistance that was passed.

I'm not reflexively against it. There's stuff I've heard of in it that worries me, but also stuff I approve of


They just ended the Democratic platform meeting for the night. They'll resume tomorrow morning and maybe get to debating the TPP.

If you're crazy like me and want to see all the amendments that were debated, Christie Zizo posted pictures of them and whether they passed or failed on Twitter.


I think the Sanders side is crazy if they think the party is going to do something or word something that effectively embarrasses President Obama when it comes to TPP. If he was unpopular maybe but not now. Sanders doesn't give a fuck because of who he is. The Clinton side is not going to do that or allow that.
Is anyone else in PoliGAF in favor of TPP besides me?

I honestly see the geopolitical benefits and the possible economic gains outweighing the potential job losses that might occur stateside especially considering the trade adjustment assistance that was passed.

I'm generally in favor of it. I'll definitely admit to not fully understanding all the details (does anyone?). But overall its big ideas seem important enough to be worth it.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
What countries have ratified the TPP anyway?


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
The TPP should be a good thing but its seems like too much IP right and corporate legal power bullshit is being trojan horsed through with it.


I know very little about the TPP but I know the kinds of people who get incredibly hand-wringaly and doomsday about it so I assume it's not nearly as bad as it's been made out to be.


I think the Sanders side is crazy if they think the party is going to do something or word something that effectively em brasses President Obama when it comes to TPP. If he was unpopular maybe but not now. Sanders doesn't give a fuck because of who he is. The Clinton side is not going to do that or allow that.

The argument right now is really just on the lame duck. Everybody seems to assume that Clinton is willing to oppose the TPP because she expects Obama to pass it in the lame duck. That's why Sanders's goal is an explicit commitment that Democratic senators shouldn't vote for it during the lame duck, and why Hillary just wants to say "some people hate the TPP" so that there's some cover.

Obviously Obama needs GOP votes to get anything through the Senate in any case, so presumably he thinks he has those or this wouldn't be happening, but I guess he doesn't want to have to pass the bill with only GOP votes (or worse, have a Dem filibuster block it).

Ultimately I think they'll put some more general trade language in the platform and stop short of saying not to vote it through so that it can squeak by.


The argument right now is really just on the lame duck. Everybody seems to assume that Clinton is willing to oppose the TPP because she expects Obama to pass it in the lame duck. That's why Sanders's goal is an explicit commitment that Democratic senators shouldn't vote for it during the lame duck, and why Hillary just wants to say "some people hate the TPP" so that there's some cover.

Obviously Obama needs GOP votes to get anything through the Senate in any case, so presumably he thinks he has those or this wouldn't be happening, but I guess he doesn't want to have to pass the bill with only GOP votes (or worse, have a Dem filibuster block it).

Ultimately I think they'll put some more general trade language in the platform and stop short of saying not to vote it through so that it can squeak by.

the only issue I see is what exactly would the general trade language be? What exactly is wrong with TPP as it is?

I wont pretend to understand TPP in its entirety. But Obama's reasoning for it makes sense and, most importantly, opponents of it don't seem to be able to spell out exactly what's wrong with it. At least from what I've read.


What countries have ratified the TPP anyway?

So far, none have. There are two ways for the TPP to come into force:

The first is simple to explain: the TPP will come into force two months after all the original signatories complete their own domestic ratification procedures.

The second route to entry into force is decidedly more likely. As there is significant push back in some signatory countries, it’s reasonable to assume at least one will fail to ratify the agreement. In that event, the agreement can still come into force if at least six countries, which between them represent at least 85 percent of the total GDP of the original 12, have ratified it within two years.

This is the mark everyone will be watching. The TPP will truly be decided between the United States and Japan, which together represent just under 80 percent of the total GDP of the signatories. As Ankit Panda noted in October, “Basically, the TPP can’t come into force if either of these states fail to ratify the agreement in their domestic legislatures because there would be no way for the remaining signatories to fulfill the 85 percent of GDP requirement (even if the United States and all states but Japan ratify, the eleven would stand at 83 percent of GDP).”

February 4th, 2018 is the deadline.


The TPP should be a good thing but it seems like too much IP right and corporate legal power bullshit is being trojan horsed through with it.
Yeah, this is primarily why I'm against it based on the info we know. Were it not for that, trade on away!


The TPP should be a good thing but its seems like too much IP right and corporate legal power bullshit is being trojan horsed through with it.

Yup, these are my biggest grievances from what I know about it. The medical IP aspect, in particular, really makes me feel uncomfortable. If those issues were slightly remedied, I'd be fully in rather than somewhat in.


It was reported that Trump said Jack Nicklaus would be speaking at the convention during his meeting at the capital last week. Nicklaus says he isn't and never was. Speakers still haven't been announced other than Trump family, Joni Ernst and Ted Cruz, who apparently had to make a deal that he wouldn't use the opportunity to shit on Trump.


Bernie has to endorse next week. We're done here. We're at a point where we cannot drag this on any longer. It makes Democrats look really bad. I'm tired of it.

We're starting to see the beginning of Trump 2.0 with his latest FB video and Democrats should not be underestimating that.

I saw an article last night with the headline: "Relax, world. Trump won't be President". It's happening again. No one said he'd go anywhere after insulting Hispanics. Same thing after he insulted women. On and on and on. Then they said he'd eventually stop being the frontrunner. Then they said he'd only win a couple primaries. Then he kept winning and now he's going to be the nominee. Now we are saying he can't be President... I know that he will be dealing with all Americans and not just Republicans in the fall, but this guy has a way of defying expectations (and to his benefit) every single fucking time when it comes to actually winning something.

Honestly Trump has said so many negative things that you forget and I think that ends up working to his advantage. He essentially got a free pass on it at crucial points within the debate schedule and primary season, and people hear it so much that it almost desensitizes them.


Bernie has to endorse next week. We're done here. We're at a point where we cannot drag this on any longer. I am sick and tired of it.

We're starting to see the beginning of Trump 2.0 with his latest FB video and Democrats should not be underestimating that.

I saw an article last night that basically said "Relax, world. Trump won't be President". It's happening again. No one said he'd go anywhere after insulting Hispanics. Then they said he'd eventually stop being the frontrunner. Then they said he'd only win a couple primaries. Then he kept winning and now he's going to be the nominee. Now we are saying he can't be President... I know that he will be dealing with all Americans and not just Republicans in the fall, but this guy has a way of defying expectations (and to his benefit) every single fucking time when it comes to actually winning something.

can you and cartoon soilder switch bodies again.


We're starting to see the beginning of Trump 2.0 with his latest FB video and Democrats should not be underestimating that.


contribute something
Violent anarchist counter protests are deeply confusing to me since all the anarchists I know (and I know a few) are against all force, not just state force.

Pretty much all anarchists and communists are vaguely pacifist. Even Stalin's ideal society would be nonviolent -- as there would be no need for violence.

Anticapitalist violence is generally always a means to an end. Marxism is very consequentialist, so unethical actions (such as killing people) are often considered acceptable if it means the abolition of an even less ethical system.

Nestor Makhno, for instance, likely did not see himself as a violent person. But he believed that the creation of an anarchist society was so important that it was worth killing statist agents who tried to stop it. After all, are the deaths of a couple hundred soldiers really more tragic than the abuse those same soldiers would otherwise inflict upon many more people, and civilians at that?


contribute something
Most people who commit violent acts do so because of their morals. They deserved to die, etc.

Oh yeah, nearly all violence is for some consequence, like money or safety or some kind of political aim.

But a lot of right-wing philosophies celebrate violence. Mostly,it's the notion that fighting for your team is always glorious (although some leftists, particularly Maoists, do this a lot), but literal fascists tend to see violence as inherently a good thing. I think some libertarians also feel this way, when they gleefully talk about defending their marijuana plantations with assault rifles and howitzers.


Is anyone else in PoliGAF in favor of TPP besides me?

I honestly see the geopolitical benefits and the possible economic gains outweighing the potential job losses that might occur stateside especially considering the trade adjustment assistance that was passed.
I don't care what's in it. In favor.
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