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PoliGAF 2016 |OT7| Notorious R.B.G. Plans NZ Tour

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Ugh. How did we get to this point? How do we go from Barack Obama to Donald Trump as being the Presidential candidate who gets tons of coverage on the news...


the moment


Why laugh? He even got a new campaign manager.

While we need to take him seriously for various reasons. I don't think this is something to worry about. He's still a loose cannon at rallies and when he doesn't have a script. And this isn't going to magically win him the Hispanic or black vote.
China isn't part of the TPP.

In fact, isn't limiting Chinese influence/expanding American influence in the region a major benefit of TPP? That's how I see it, anyway.

I'm for it in the abstract, but some of the IP rights stuff and corporate protections in specific, I don't like at all. It does have good stuff, though, like raising the standard of worker's rights in general, child labor laws, etc. Then again, I surely don't know even close to everything about it, and in fact, I haven't seen a comprehensive breakdown of TPP online anywhere from a reliable source.


While we need to take him seriously for various reasons. I don't think this is something to worry about. He's still a loose cannon at rallies and when he doesn't have a script. And this isn't going to magically win him the Hispanic or black vote.
We do this this every single election now.
Newt Gingrich, who everyone in this thread said was racist:


Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.), a former House Speaker whom presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump is reportedly vetting for vice president, said Friday that black people in the U.S. “are substantially more likely to be in a situation where the police don’t respect you, and where you could easily get killed.”

“Sometimes, for white people, it’s difficult to appreciate how real that is,” Gingrich said during a Facebook Live conversation with former Obama administration official Van Jones. “It’s an everyday danger.”

“If you’re an African-American, then you’re raising your teenage boys to be very careful in obeying the police,” Gingrich said to Jones, who is black and the father of teenagers. “Literally, their lives are at risk [if they interact with police], and they can see that on television.”

The former House Speaker’s comments came as the nation collectively mourned the five Dallas police officers who were killed on Thursday following a peaceful demonstration against police brutality. The protest was prompted in part by police fatally shooting two black men earlier this week ― Alton Sterling in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, and Philando Castile in Falcon Heights, Minnesota.

“If you’re a normal Caucasian,” Gingrich continued, “you don’t see that, because it’s not part of your experience. What we need is to have a conversation about mutual experiences.”

Gingrich also admitted that he has not always understood the disparity between how white Americans and black Americans are treated.

“It took me a long time, and a lot of people talking to me, to understand that if you are a normal white American, the truth is that you don’t understand being black in America,” Gingrich said. “You instinctively underestimate the level of discrimination and the level of additional risk” that black Americans face.

My standard is sooooooooo looooooooooow


daveweigel ‏@daveweigel 5m5 minutes ago

Ben Jealous warns that weak TPP language will empower Trump: "We have from good authority that the draft GOP platform opposes the TPP."

Where's the GOP platform, don't they have meetings to deal with this stuff too


Is anyone else in PoliGAF in favor of TPP besides me?

I honestly see the geopolitical benefits and the possible economic gains outweighing the potential job losses that might occur stateside especially considering the trade adjustment assistance that was passed.

Lukewarm support here, more as a means of curbing China's potential power then for the straight trade benefits which seem a mixed bag.


So Hillary released her education and health care plans she collaborated with Sanders on, and $15 is in the party platform... does anyone know what else he wants? Aside from TPP, which I think he wants opposition language in the platform so that legislator superdelegates who vote for the platform (which contains anti-TPP language) would either have to vote down TPP in the lame duck session or look like hypocrites.


Well he just got (weaker) anti TPP language in the platform a few minutes ago so he better fricking endorse now.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
I don't see why Hillary should care unless there is a chance it does not pass before she takes office. That doesn't seem realistic given GOP support.


Well he just got (weaker) anti TPP language in the platform a few minutes ago so he better fricking endorse now.
I think he will. The health care plan released just now seems more like a Clinton compromise win than a Sanders win, and he praised it to reporters. The tuition plan seemed more like a Sanders compromise win, on the other hand.


TPP is an Obama backed agreement so putting strong anti TPP language in would amount to a rebuke of a popular sitting president.

I think the compromise language says that democrats are opposed to bad trade deals in general

No I was wrong. It says democrats should apply tough standards to all trade deals including the TPP. Instead of saying we hate TPP, Obama sux


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
I kinda hope Sanders doesn't concede so he doesn't get a chance to do his stump speech at the convention. I hate changing the channel; often I misplace my remote.


daveweigel ‏@daveweigel 10m10 minutes ago

One of the loudest hecklers at this meeting, Richard Hillwig, is wearing a Green Party T-shirt. Voted for Obama twice, voting for Stein now.

The way I see it, sure, Hillary and Sanders can both oppose the TPP. But the king of the Dem party right now is still Obama, and you are not going to turn your back on Obama.

Yo this is a bad graph, what do the bars and percentages measure, percent acceptable or percent wrong?


The police did go after peaceful protestors in Ferguson though. They were imposing free speech zones and hours when people could protest; if you did it outside those restrictions, you'd be detained. You couldn't stand in one spot for more than a few minutes without being arrested.

Edit: this is about Obama's speech right now.
Graph: Number=percent of sample that believes the subject is morally acceptable.

Canada's whole population is a lot more liberal than us in some issues I really care about :mad:

So @costareports (cryptically!) reports Trump's VP thinking "shifting" & his "gut instinct" is someone who's not "current & former official"


People who've spoken directly w/ Trump say shift in thinking also influenced by national unrest, violence here & abroad...


Quick, someone look up the generals who have ranted about sharia law.

Here we go:

“Sharia law is a very serious threat in America. We are being invaded by a group of people who see it as their absolute imperative to establish a legal system in America which will in fact destroy our Constitution and be replaced with this thing called Sharia law,” states retired U.S. Army Lt. Gen. William Boykin.

Boykin has declared that the Muslim Brotherhood has infiltrated our government at the highest levels in the Pentagon, DHS, both Republican and Democratic parties, and virtually all prominent branches of US government.

The first mention of internment came from a somewhat unexpected source: Gen. Wesley Clark, a Democrat known for his progressive-oriented presidential campaign in 2004. Interviewed on MSNBC in the shooting’s aftermath, Clark said the U.S. needed to increasingly get tough on “radicalized” individuals. He spoke favorably of the internment camps set up during World War II, saying that “if someone supported Nazi Germany at the expense of the United States, we didn’t say that was freedom of speech. We put him in a camp.” Lest there be any doubt what Clark was advocating, he insisted that for radicalized Muslims, “it’s our right and obligation to segregate them from the normal community for the duration of the conflict.”
I have no idea of any political positions of Flynn other than him being anti-regime change, anti-drone, and anti-torture, but he's a registered Democrat and Cruz's people are probably not going to be happy if Flynn is pro-choice.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
This is just one proposal. Im not really sure why you think it's the end all of trade deals. Or why companies can't do trade outside of it.

I don't think it's the end (I didn't say that). I said what's the alternative. This seems to be a lot like Brexit to me. Like, "We'll get a better deal!" or whatever. If we could get a better deal, why haven't we gotten it already? What does not doing this deal mean for other countries who are and are not in the pact, especially but not only China?

Trading without a free trade agreement seems, generally, worse than trading with one. So what's the alternative?

Calling it just one proposal seems to be like calling the Affordable Care Act in 2009 just one proposal. True, but it's the only one that substantively exists and is real, from what I can tell.


I don't think it's the end (I didn't say that). I said what's the alternative. This seems to be a lot like Brexit to me. Like, "We'll get a better deal!" or whatever. If we could get a better deal, why haven't we gotten it already? What does not doing this deal mean for other countries who are and are not in the pact, especially but not only China?

Trading without a free trade agreement seems, generally, worse than trading with one. So what's the alternative?

Calling it just one proposal seems to be like calling the Affordable Care Act in 2009 just one proposal. True, but it's the only one that substantively exists and is real, from what I can tell.

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