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An article on the TPP debate earlier today:

Washington Post: Sanders loses on trade at Democratic platform meeting

Supporters of Bernie Sanders came up short in a fight to oppose the Trans-Pacific Partnership in the Democratic Party platform, a short-term victory for the Obama administration that could spark another fight at the national convention this month.

By a vote of 116 to 64, the platform committee approved language -- critical of "trade agreements that do not support good American jobs," but evasive on TPP -- that had been hammered out by labor groups that supported Hillary Clinton. Seventy-two of the platform committee members were Sanders supporters, meaning that eight of them used their secret ballot to cast a unity vote instead of backing Sanders's position.

They were encouraged to do so by labor leaders, who did not mention that an anti-TPP vote would embarrass President Obama -- an argument that had succeeded in blocking anti-TPP language at the last meeting of the platform drafting committee. Instead, they said that the compromise language did plenty to blunt Republican efforts to run on trade.


Does the platform also get ratified at the convention? Is that what led to that crazy voice vote over the recognition of Jerusalem in 2012?


When creating a "hey guys, Clinton and Sanders collaborated together on this policy proposal" thread creates more fireworks than you wanted.

General Flynn's son Twitter feed is insane, but General Flynn's Twitter feed is just boring other than the few tweets of him violently hating Muslims.


80% of Flynn's tweets are about Hillary's emails.
That's the kind of dark horse pick that makes sense. Trump loves "tough guys". Hillary's biggest strength is her "steady hand" approach and her her foreign affair credentials. Flynn can also speak convincingly about her emails, something he seems to be doing a lot on twitter.

This feels very McCain, with a pick that's needs to shake things up. Trump is down very similarly to where McCain was down in the national polls in 2008, so something electrifying that makes sense on paper feels like it could help.

The problem is that this could be an even worse pick than Palin. You'd have two people who have never been elected before, and Flynn's appeal to people who think that Obama is a Sharia-imposing secret Muslim doesn't really extend beyond Trump's supporters. It further alienates the Republican donor class that want him to pick someone who is mildly conventional, and reading up on him, Flynn seems to be the type who will run his mouth on Muslims and cause more harm than good.

EDIT: Okay, Flynn is legit insane: http://www.vox.com/2016/7/9/12129202/michael-flynn-vice-president-donald-trump
I guess my question is...what is the alternative to the TPP?

There isn't one. Most people that oppose something oppose it and that is it. I think many progressives and liberals that don't support it do not care if there is an alternative or not ,they just don't want TPP. The people that are typical voters, I doubt they care about gaining influence in Asia. Basically, there isn't an alternative.


When creating a "hey guys, Clinton and Sanders collaborated together on this policy proposal" thread creates more fireworks than you wanted.


There will be no pleasing that tiny, emotional sliver. You can offer 100%, and "I don't trust her" justifies torpedoing things for decades.
There will be no pleasing that tiny, emotional sliver. You can offer 100%, and "I don't trust her" justifies torpedoing things for decades.
Clinton could pass every single item on her docket with Sanders' approval and people would still say they don't trust her.

Like she could pass immigration reform, the college plan, a public option etc. and people will start conspiracy theorizing that on her last day in office she'll unilaterally repeal all of it.

And will never think about why that might be beyond "well there were some allegations against her ig"


No Scrubs
Who has the authority to overhaul our police? Congress, senate, Supreme Court?

Unfortunately that might need to be done at the local level. PD by PD. I think justice and homeland security can withhold funds if they don't do it, but the Feds can only do so much here.

That's unless Congress passes some laws of course that mandate certain changes.


Two people in this thread follow Frank Luntz close enough to report on his kidney stone tweeting at the same time.

Nah, someone else tweeted a screenshot of it and I found it hysterical (I've had two stones myself, so I had to giggle after reflexively cringing..)
Megyn Kelly is not amused that Ted Cruz will speak for Donald Trump at the Republican National Convention
On Kelly’s show on Thursday night, Kelly questioned why Cruz met with Trump and is agreeing to speak at the convention. "Ted Cruz, who the last day of the primary came out and just annihilated Trump, saying, 'I'm going to tell you what I really think of him’, and then, you know, just spewed the most hateful, vile things he could think of. And now we're supposed to listen to him speak at the convention like he's some credible witness for Trump's presidency?” Kelly said.

“Hmm. I wonder how the women of America are going to react to Ted Cruz getting up there and saying, you know, good things about the man who insulted Ted Cruz's own wife and her appearance,” Kelly added later.
Hmm, I wonder how the women of America will react to a prominent newswoman ceaselessly defending the honor of a man who put her down with a period diss


Speaking of Trumpy's VP selection..

Anti-Trump Delegates Are Making A Plan To Pick Their Own Vice Presidential Nominee

Anti-Trump delegates are preparing a rules change proposal that would chart a path for delegates to choose their own vice presidential nominee at the Republican National Convention, instead of voting for Donald Trump’s choice.

A draft proposal obtained by BuzzFeed News outlines several changes to Rule 40 that would make it easier for delegates to reject whomever Trump picks as his running mate and present their own alternative. BuzzFeed News has learned that it will be presented at the Rules Committee meeting next week in Cleveland ahead of the convention.

Already, delegates are technically not bound to vote for the nominee’s choice for vice president. But in the past, vice presidential picks have largely been automatically ratified by the convention after being chosen by the nominee.

This year is different, as a vocal contingent of anti-Trump delegates to the convention are searching for ways to stop Trump from being nominated — or, failing that, to at least assert control over the party’s vice presidential nominee.

This week is going to be so gooooood!
Correct. But basically everyone else they trade with is.

If you can influence the countries around China, then China can be influenced because China trade with those countries. If China might wants to get good deals with the other countries than they probably have to abide by the laws, which means strong copyrights and IP against China which doesn't have a goo track recorded with.

People are rightfully concerned about corporations getting more stronger, so that is were the focus really is. It hurts some industries , but it helps others .


What days do the RNC convention run again? I need to know ahead of time so I can stock up on supplies so I don't have to leave my apartment. I live uptown but I don't need to deal with any fuckery that somehow makes its way near me.
I'm listening to NPR and their dollar tree quiz show is on. Now this normally gives a reflexive change the station but they have Big Freedia on rapping, and it is amazing.


No Scrubs
What days do the RNC convention run again? I need to know ahead of time so I can stock up on supplies so I don't have to leave my apartment. I live uptown but I don't need to deal with any fuckery that somehow makes its way near me.

July 18-21

So the week after this coming week. At the rate Trump's going I'm going to have to make the thread the night before because he still hasn't released the speaker list.

Just stay safe dude, that city might be in flames by the end of the convention if some of these rumors are true.


Star Wars Celebration w/ new Rogue One trailer followed immediately by the Republican Convention is going to be the best week ever.
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