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Man, Bernie is being thrown under the bus pretty fast by the extremely die hards.

Nobody is safe I guess. Just shows they weren't really in it for any of his policies or even because of him as a man.

For some, it's hatred of Hillary above all else. Actual support for other candidates (Sanders) ranks a distant second to the first premise, "never Hillary".
Wall isn't really a wall:

Never in my whole life did I think I would hear a Republican speaking fondly of Bill Clinton.

What Ryan did is perhaps my most despised political trick. They complement the last guy when he no longer matters in order to make the guy who currently matters look worse by comparison.

"I never thought Jimmy Carter would look so good, but Bill Clinton has done the impossible by making Carter look downright moderate."

"Obama sure is no Bill Clinton. The days of Democratic centrism are long gone."

Coming soon: "I never thought I'd live to see it, but Hillary makes me think fondly on the Obama days."

Ryan's been doing it for years. In 2012 before the democratic convention he said that Clintons speech would talk a lot about how great things were back when he was president but nothing about now and the future (boy did he call that one wrong!).

Clintons now so far back for many people that you can cloak yourself in bi-partisanship by praising him.

The Daily Show did a bit on this years ago about Republicans saying Obama should be more like Bill Clinton.



Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Man, the RNC platform battle is going well:

I'm fairly confident that as long as democrats put up a somewhat decent person as a candidate, a republican is going to have a really, really hard time winning the presidency in the near future.
New Morning Consult National Poll

100% post FBI Gate

Hillary 42
Trump 41

(They're each plus one)

In a three way race

Hillary 39
Trump 37
Johnson 12

Hillary gained a point, as did Johnson. Trump stayed the same.

Also, I once stayed at a Knights Inn in Columbus, Indiana. I got doughnuts from a gas station shaped like giant feet.


So here's a full-length sitdown with Ezra Klein and Hillary:


* Hillary defends welfare reform:

hillary via vox said:
Because when welfare reform was passed, there was an expectation — certainly on my part, and I think on the part of many who had supported it — that there would be a requirement that states would have to be contributing to the broadest possible safety net, particularly in economic downturns.

So we wouldn’t help the working poor, particularly through the EITC — which I think is one of the best anti-poverty programs that we have devised — at the expense of the poor. We would be providing a continuing safety net for the poor. And that’s one of the programs that I was referring to when I said after 2001, there were a lot of decisions made that basically did not carry on what had been not just the spirit but the requirements in the law, because we had set the base payment at the highest possible rate and expected states to do that.

Basically, she expected that the federal government would transition to supporting the working poor and states would take responsibility for the nonworking poor. Clearly this didn't happen.
* Hillary explicitly calls for raising taxes on the rich as a redistributionary effort to correct inequality. She says, basically, yes we could borrow at negative interest rates and that would be good but I actually want specifically to raise taxes on the rich!
* Hillary says we should not loosen restrictions on H1B visas alone because that would take political pressure off of the need for comprehensive welfare reform with a path to citizenship. She wants to do nothing until we get a comprehensive bill. Also she wants companies to try harder to retrain American workers.
* Hillary points out that, to the degree that there is a competition between American laborers and immigrants, it is with undocumented workers because they're ACTUALLY cheaper. (In other words, a path to citizenship would actually fix this issue.) But everybody "knows somebody who lost a job to an undocumented worker" so that's why people are agitated.
* Education: Sanders's plan expected states to bear a third of the cost, but states are actually cutting investment in public education. Hillary says that we should subsidize tuition as much as we can, but we need to push states to invest in public education. (In general Hillary spends a lot of time pushing the federalism argument and saying that states need to take a lot of responsibility for their own state services, which is interesting and not necessarily a popular liberal argument.)
* Healthcare: Hillary wants to work on insurance costs, especially copays for prescriptions. She wants to try again with insurance co-ops and other alternative models, which the ACA did not support that well. She supports the public option to help out specifically with the high-risk pool. Medicare should be able to bargain on drug prices and the public option could too. Pharma has been using "gimmicks" to raise prescription drug prices and that needs to be dealt with.
* Governing is hard and tedious. Have to seize moments, Shock Doctrine style. Can't talk about everything you're doing because you're always negotiating with adversaries.
* Hillary thinks the media and social media drive a culture of negativity. She thinks when she's actually president people will like her more.
* Ezra: "Name three books you think everyone should read." Hillary's first book is It Takes a Village. Bad look! Ezra: "You can't plug your own book."
* Hillary believes that somebody should start a news network where if they get something wrong they go on air and say so, instead of just being ideological.


I want more head-to-head polling before I panic about Hillary's email fallout, but that looks pretty damn skippy, considering that this past week was likely one of her roughest remaining weeks.

Up by 4% in Nevada, per Monmouth, too. (For what it's worth)
I want more head-to-head polling before I panic about Hillary's email fallout, but that looks pretty damn skippy, considering that this past week was likely one of her roughest remaining weeks.

Up by 4% in Nevada, per Monmouth, too. (For what it's worth)

Like lots of others have said, I think the damage from the e-mails was already pretty built in. People seems to have mostly made up their own minds prior to the FBI recommendation one way or another.

And the GOP platform is almost always wall to wall hideous. Fortunately it doesn't seem to mean too much.


I'm actually super unclear on why Nevada would be so close.

* Mormons hate Trump.
* Hispanics hate Trump.

I would love more information on who these Trump supporters are.


Also, Washington Post is a sellout:

wapo said:
But measured against other major-party candidates of recent times, Ms. Clinton is well within established bounds of competence, knowledge, commitment and integrity. She is not a dumpster candidate.


Wouldn't read much into Nevada poll numbers 4 months out from the election. Wouldn't even read much into Nevada poll numbers 4 days out from the election.
I have only ever seen Andrew Kaczynski tweet bad polls for Hillary, lol.

He would only tweet Dem polls when Bernie and Hillary were close in polls and even had a "WHAT HAPPENS IF HILLARY IS INDICTED, DEMS TOO RELAXED ABOUT THIS." tweet recently. What a strange person, lol.

I really enjoyed this article.

Regardless of how you feel about Clinton, her ability to generate allies and build support is amazingly impressive. And it wasn't by giving speeches. It was through listening, governing, and following through.

And it is useful to get to know the candidate by asking those who have worked with her.

When you constrast her to Bernie Sanders, it's not all that surprising that she commanded such a massive super delegate lead from day 1.
I'm actually super unclear on why Nevada would be so close.

* Mormons hate Trump.
* Hispanics hate Trump.

I would love more information on who these Trump supporters are.

Looking at the polls crosstabs, the only weird(ish) thing I see is that they have non-whites making up a smaller portion of the electorate than in 2012. For example, the electorate was 19% Hispanic in 2012, they have it at 15% in this poll.

Clinton has the lead among women voters by 53% to 38% and Trump has the edge among men by 44% to 37%. White voters prefer Trump by 49% to 37%, while Hispanic, black and Asian voters overwhelmingly choose Clinton by 64% to 23%.

That all seems pretty normal, although her numbers among women aren't quite as good as I would think.
Wouldn't read much into Nevada poll numbers 4 months out from the election. Wouldn't even read much into Nevada poll numbers 4 days out from the election.
I want to say they're better in presidential years, but I do remember NV polls being uniformly sucky in 2010.

The only ones that called Reid's margin (or even his victory) correctly were the internals. I think Ralston was talking about that in the lead-up to 2010 election day, too as he was privy to them.
I want to say they're better in presidential years, but I do remember NV polls being uniformly sucky in 2010.

The only ones that called Reid's margin (or even his victory) correctly were the internals. I think Ralston was talking about that in the lead-up to 2010 election day, too as he was privy to them.

The average in 2012 was Obama +2.8%. He won by 6.7%


*reads answer on legal immigration*


*starts looking up Canada's points system*

Comprehensive reform won't happen on the next couple of years. Off I go.


Looking at the polls crosstabs, the only weird(ish) thing I see is that they have non-whites making up a smaller portion of the electorate than in 2012. For example, the electorate was 19% Hispanic in 2012, they have it at 15% in this poll.

That all seems pretty normal, although her numbers among women aren't quite as good as I would think.

Polling Hispanics is hard breh


Console Market Analyst
What did he say or is saying?
It's every speech we've seen from him. There was some question over the weekend if he was going to move a little bit to the realm of truth about race relations.

Instead, typical fearmongering, and protecting all citizens from a criminal element. Dog whistle....

"I am the law and order candidate." "I am the compassion candidate." Will be the sound bites.


It's every speech we've seen from him. There was some question over the weekend if he was going to move a little bit to the realm of truth about race relations.

Instead, typical fearmongering, and protecting all citizens from a criminal element. Dog whistle....

"I am the law and order candidate." "I am the compassion candidate." Will be the sound bites.

Ah. Yeah typical. Once again the media will try to pretend there is a pivot in there somewhere in the end.


I knew after that facebook video in with Trump mentioned Alton and Philando by name, once he was out of that prerecorded element he wouldn't be able to stick to message.
It takes a lot of mental fuckery to go up there and say you're the unity candidate when your own party can't even unify with you. The man will say anything at this point. He's better for black people than anyone else, he's better for "the gays" than anyone else, and on and on.

It's like watching a used car salesman say or do whatever it takes to make the sale.
I dont even know how conversion therapy works. Like no amount of therapy is going to make me gay. Might as well throw in voodoo doctors and psychic readings.

Conversion therapy is one of the most disgusting and terrifying things I can possibly fathom. Electroshock, electrocuting the genitals while showing gay porn, drugs to make you throw up when showing naked pictures of men. (Ya these are the extreme things...) The whole thing is terrifying and sad.

Also, reparative therapy is fucking stupid .Basically roleplay as a straight man until your self-loathing goes away.

Fuck. All. Of. That. Shit. Hard.
If polling is bad for Hispanics, then it stands to reason that the Hispanics that speak Spanish aren't being polled. That would mean that the poll numbers could be higher for Clinton. Additionally, if the turnout is higher for minorities than the previous elections( it seems that pollsters underestimate that vote a few times) or about the same than I don't think I have too much to worry about.

What also could very much happen is that moderate and conservative Republicans will stay at home despite showing support of Trump in polls. I say for a lot of those Republicans they only have a few reasons to vote for Trump

What's kind of interesting to me is how the fetishization of the white working class vote can really be found all over the Democratic coalition. Obviously Bernie saw it as key to his revolution, but you'll find this echoed by a lot of the more conservative voices in the party as well. Frankly, I think it's easier to achieve policy goals that benefit the working class within the current Democratic coalition than it would be to win back the white working class vote.

There's nothing wrong to try to get some of the white working class voters into the party again. But, it is smarter to keep the base right now and expand it slightly over time. Another problem is that a good chunk of the white working class as some fiscal conservative views and don't support welfare for minorities and the like. It will really hard to change their minds.
Sorry if my thoughts on conversion therapy weren't well laid out. It's something that scares me to death. I remember seeing something about it when I was little, and knowing I was like those people...and what if my parents decided to have me fucking tortured so I was "normal." I mean, I had nothing to worry about but when you're like 10 and it's right there on 20/20 or Dateline or whatever.

Speaking as a Hoosier, there can be no better outcome of this week than Evan Bayh entering the Senate race and Mike Pence leaving the governor's race.


Sorry if my thoughts on conversion therapy weren't well laid out. It's something that scares me to death. I remember seeing something about it when I was little, and knowing I was like those people...and what if my parents decided to have me fucking tortured so I was "normal." I mean, I had nothing to worry about but when you're like 10 and it's right there on 20/20 or Dateline or whatever.


Nah man, your reaction is understandable.

'Conversion therapy' is just abuse and should be outlawed for minors. If a consenting adult really wants to do it I guess we can't stop them
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