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PoliGAF 2016 |OT7| Notorious R.B.G. Plans NZ Tour

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There's nothing wrong to try to get some of the white working class voters into the party again. But, it is smarter to keep the base right now and expand it slightly over time. Another problem is that a good chunk of the white working class as some fiscal conservative views and don't support welfare for minorities and the like. It will really hard to change their minds.

I don't think so either. If nothing else the party should be pursuing policies which help the working class which, by definition, will help the white working class. What I object to is the idea that white working class support is the key since it understates the strength of the current Democratic coalition and tends to come across as dismissive toward working class minorities.
Dallas mayor (Obama-Clinton PUPPET) trying to take guns away from law abiding citizens and brings shame to all of Texas


When rifle shots rang out in downtown Dallas during Thursday night's protest, some of the demonstrators were also carrying rifles.

In the ensuing chaos, one of them was labeled a "person of interest" after police released a photo of him carrying an AR-15 rifle. Others were stopped and questioned by police.

It was not immediately clear Saturday whether any of those who were legally armed delayed or hampered the police response to the shooter, Micah Xavier Johnson, 25, of Mesquite. Dallas police did not respond to questions.

But Dallas Mayor Mike Rawlings said: "It's logical to say that in a shooting situation, open carry can be detrimental to the safety of individuals."

Johnson, a former Army soldier, was killed early Friday when police used a robot to detonate a bomb near him. That was after he killed five police officers in a rampage through downtown.

It is legal in Texas to openly carry rifles and has been for decades. People with rifles have been spotted at recent public protests across the state.

Rawlings said Dallas police Chief David Brown told him that people running through the shooting scene with rifles and body armor required officers to track them down and bring them to the police department. Whether that was time that could have been spent trying to find and stop the shooter is something police will have to comment on, Rawlings said.

He said Friday that about 20 people in "ammo gear and protective equipment and rifles slung over their shoulder" participated in the Black Lives Matter rally downtown on Thursday night.

"When the shooting started, at different angles, they started running," he said. "We started catching."

Then police interviewed them.

Rawlings said open carry brings confusion to a shooting scene.

"What I would do is look for the people with guns," he said.

Max Geron, a Dallas police major, talked about the confusion during the shooting in a post on a law enforcement website.

"There was also the challenge of sorting out witnesses from potential suspects," Geron said. "Texas is an open carry state, and there were a number of armed demonstrators taking part. There was confusion on the radio about the description of the suspects and whether or not one or more was in custody."

During a speech Saturday in Poland, President Barack Obama criticized Texas' open carry law, saying it complicates the work of police. He talked about confusion and fear among officers Thursday night who tried to separate deadly threats from protesters who carried guns legally.

"If you care about the safety of police officers, then you can't set aside the gun issue and pretend that's irrelevant," Obama said.

But C.J. Grisham, president of Open Carry Texas, said police should be able to separate the good guys from the bad guys in such a scenario because "the bad guys are the ones shooting."

"If you can't identify a threat, you shouldn't be wearing a uniform," he said.

Grisham said some in law enforcement look at law-abiding gun owners as a threat.

"It's not that difficult to tell the difference between a bad actor and a good actor," he said. "The good guys are going to obey commands, the bad guys are not."

Law enforcement organizations such as the Dallas Police Association have generally opposed the state's new open carry law regarding handguns, which went into effect this year.

Senior Sgt. Chris Dyer, president of the Dallas County Sheriff's Association, said large cities like Dallas should pass ordinances that would ban the open carry of firearms during large events like protest marches.

"Normally in a protest, you're going to have two opposing sides at least," he said, noting that tensions can result in violence.

Bringing guns into that situation, Dyer said, is "very distracting" for officers.

"Even open carry proponents will see the common sense in restricting open carry in environments like a protest," he said.

Rawlings said such a measure would make sense.

"This stuff should be common sense and not driven by ideology," he said.

But Grisham said he would not support such a law. He said his 14-year-old daughter could tell a good guy with a gun from a bad guy with a gun. And he said people should call 911 only if they see someone with a gun acting suspicious or posing a threat.

He said the problem is "gun shaming."

"People are conditioned to call the police whenever someone not wearing a badge is carrying a gun," Grisham said. "People should not just call 911 if they see someone with a gun."

Mark Hughes told MSNBC that he learned he was a suspect hours after he gave his rifle to an officer Thursday night after the shooting began.

"I didn't understand how I became a suspect," he said. "I hadn't done anything wrong."

A friend called him to say he saw his photo. Hughes told MSNBC that he was "exercising my Second Amendment right."

Hughes said his older brother, Cory Hughes, told him to give his gun to an officer so he wouldn't be mistaken for the shooter.

"You give this gun to this cop" Cory Hughes, who helped organize the protest rally, told MSNBC.

Mark Hughes said he later turned himself in after learning he was wanted for questioning. He said he has since received death threats.

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton told MSNBC on Saturday afternoon that he rejects concerns about Texas' open carry laws.

"It's designed to protect law-abiding citizens," Paxton said. "It's a working just fine."

It's working just fine, hands off my guns!


I dont even know how conversion therapy works. Like no amount of therapy is going to make me gay. Might as well throw in voodoo doctors and psychic readings.

Sexual assault, rape, torture, slave labor. The list goes on.

Nah man, your reaction is understandable.

'Conversion therapy' is just abuse and should be outlawed for minors. If a consenting adult really wants to do it I guess we can't stop them

Nope nope nope. Conversion therapy should be completely outlawed. If someone has such self hatred then they should get actual help.


Even for adults, it's basically legalized torture. Also it messes people up mentally.

Nope nope nope. Conversion therapy should be completely outlawed. If someone has such self hatred then they should get actual help.

I'd rather see it gone entirely, but can you even outlaw something like that from consenting adults? It certainly wouldn't be covered by insurance or recommended by any MDs


the rnc committee hearing is on cspan3 and is very fascinating. they are talking about regulating snap benefits for buying junk food and they can't seem to agree.
I'm actually super unclear on why Nevada would be so close.

* Mormons hate Trump.
* Hispanics hate Trump.

I would love more information on who these Trump supporters are.

There's a lot of money in Nevada. They are very much like the California GOPers who basically just care about their taxes and nothing else.

But of course, I doubt this poll accurately grabs hispanics. The aggregate polling will under-perform here, once again.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Dallas mayor (Obama-Clinton PUPPET) trying to take guns away from law abiding citizens and brings shame to all of Texas


It's working just fine, hands off my guns!

"It's designed to protect law-abiding citizens," Paxton said. "It's a working just fine."


Also, the GOP pushing for the Bible to be included as "American History"...I mean, come on. I'm a Christian--I read the Bible daily. However, it should be nowhere near public schools (or government, for that matter), let alone part of "American History" class. That's a huge slippery slope. I mean, you could then argue that Star Wars was such a huge cultural phenomenon in this country that it should be in that class as well.


the rnc committee hearing is on cspan3 and is very fascinating. they are talking about regulating snap benefits for buying junk food and they can't seem to agree.

Is it because there's a faction that outright wants to discontinue SNAP benefits and they refuse to bargain? Otherwise, maybe a faction that wants to turn it into a block grant?


Is it because there's a faction that outright wants to discontinue SNAP benefits and they refuse to bargain? Otherwise, maybe a faction that wants to turn it into a block grant?

the amendment was if the gop controls congress then they will grant the ability of states to block use of snap benefits by individuals to buy junk food.

republicans are allergic to market regulatory measures so there was some debate about the broad definition of junk food and imposing further liability on retailers that have to adhere to these standards

furthermore, there was even more robust debate whether or not the amendment respected the republican value of preserving individual liberty and there was significant resistance to the idea of telling people what they can or cannot eat. bloomberg's name was invoked. the originator of the amendment then counteracted this argument with saying that it's ok to police people's diet when it is being paid for by public funds.

the amendment was voted down strongly.


The Autumn Wind
the rnc committee hearing is on cspan3 and is very fascinating. they are talking about regulating snap benefits for buying junk food and they can't seem to agree.
I don't know why I'm watching this, but I can't look away.
Conversion therapy is one of the most disgusting and terrifying things I can possibly fathom. Electroshock, electrocuting the genitals while showing gay porn, drugs to make you throw up when showing naked pictures of men. (Ya these are the extreme things...) The whole thing is terrifying and sad.

Also, reparative therapy is fucking stupid .Basically roleplay as a straight man until your self-loathing goes away.

Fuck. All. Of. That. Shit. Hard.
Shit man, this should be banned under human rights charter. I had no idea it was this extreme. I thought it would be more psychoanalysis babble but this is straight out of Shutter Island.
The Republican platform committee just voted to officially call coal a "clean" source of energy

Jeez, I just don't know.

Do they even need to lie about this? Can't they just write "we know this bad for the environment, but we value economic concerns of our constituents over the environment."?
Someone on my Facebook just posted that Nintendo should put super rare pokemon at polling places on Election Day.

Am I crazy, or could that actually make a significant difference in voting turnout for the young crowd?
Someone on my Facebook just posted that Nintendo should put super rare pokemon at polling places on Election Day.

Am I crazy, or could that actually make a significant difference in voting turnout for the young crowd?

I entertained this idea for a bit, but my thinking was that it would cause congestion that would stop other voters from voting.

That might be helpful in R heavy districts though, lol.


Someone on my Facebook just posted that Nintendo should put super rare pokemon at polling places on Election Day.

Am I crazy, or could that actually make a significant difference in voting turnout for the young crowd?
If the pokemon show up in the areas of the private voting booths or whatnot, it'll be a problem.
Shit man, this should be banned under human rights charter. I had no idea it was this extreme. I thought it would be more psychoanalysis babble but this is straight out of Shutter Island.

It's fucking terrifying. There's all kinds of bullshit they do. It may not all cause physical pain, but the psychological torture these sick fucks engage in makes my blood boil. I can laugh and joke and find something funny in almost anything.

This shit, though....Fuck.

I'm done. I promise.
otoh that new nominee would then have about 3 1/2 months to come up with new campaign apparatus, fundraise competitively, and almost certainly would need to drive up their name recognition

so gregg is probably gonna have an easier time of things if pence is the veep nominee
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