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PoliGAF 2016 |OT7| Notorious R.B.G. Plans NZ Tour

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Yes, but it'd be a shitstorm of epic proportions. We're back to the primary dilemma the GOP had: Trump is popular with the base and won by their rules, but is so toxic that he'll destroy the GOP for years, but any white knight alternative, while they'd be better for over all party, would lose them their base for a long time as well. They're damned if they do and damned if they don't. The situation is entirely their own fault for allowing the bullshit of the tea party to flourish.
I kinda feel like his campaign is cratering too soon. Ideally around Aug-Sept would be the right time.


Rachel's segment on the gun that was used in the Pulse shooting, and the ad for it.

God, this country disgusts me sometimes.





Rachel's segment on the gun that was used in the Pulse shooting, and the ad for it.

God, this country disgusts me sometimes.
Yeah, was wondering if anyone else caught that. Foldable stock, which could explain how the shooter was able to sneak it into Pulse by making it small enough to conceal. And on top of that, it's deliberately made to both fire quicker than an AR-15 and with less recoil, and just all around be as easy to fire as possible. A gun that was specifically constructed for military use and with the military in mind, but that they were nonetheless more than happy enough to turn around and sell to the public as well.

I really do hope something actually manages to change this time, even if its just a ban on AR-style weapons, but I'm definitely not expecting anything. Maybe, if all goes well, in say 2024 things might change enough to finally get some leverage and momentum on that, but not any time soon anyway. :(
I wonder if a President Trump would blame soldiers for not beating ISIS like he wanted them to or blame the FBI for not preventing an attack. He just strikes me as the kind of guy who would turn on anyone if he was getting enough heat on the matter.
Uh. No thanks. He has dopeyface. Like Shawn Trashmoreforehead.

So my feeling is that Saint Bernard basically left it far too long in terms of leverage to actually extract concessions. Like if I were to graph it, it peaked a while back. Definitely before California. Probably before her five state sweep of Illinois et al.
Uh. No thanks. He has dopeyface. Like Shawn Trashmoreforehead.

So my feeling is that Saint Bernard basically left it far too long in terms of leverage to actually extract concessions. Like if I were to graph it, it peaked a while back. Definitely before California. Probably before her five state sweep of Illinois et al.


But, I agree with you. At this point, what leverage does he really have with Obama, Biden, and Warren on board? He flew too close to the sun.


Just got home and saw Bern's demands, of-fucking-course at "end closed primaries!!!" but zero mention of caucuses -___________-

I almost posted a big thing in the ot thread but then I remembered I'm trying to ignore him (yes I know posting this is breaking that but I'm working on it).


Here's that California exit poll I was talking about, but it's not really an exit poll. More of like a post-primary poll of primary voters.


Male: Sanders 50% / Clinton 48%
Female: Clinton 60% / 39%

18 - 29: Sanders 80% / Clinton 20%
30 - 49: Clinton 55% / Sanders 44%
50 - 64: Clinton 68% / Sanders 30%
65+: Clinton 67% / Sanders 30%

White: 57% Clinton / Sanders 42%
Black: 78% Clinton / Sanders 21%
Hispanic: Sanders 52% / Clinton 45%
Other: Sanders 51% / Clinton 48%
Here's that California exit poll I was talking about, but it's not really an exit poll. More of like a post-primary poll of primary voters.


Male: Sanders 50% / Clinton 48%
Female: Clinton 60% / 39%

18 - 29: Sanders 80% / Clinton 20%
30 - 49: Clinton 55% / Sanders 44%
50 - 64: Clinton 68% / Sanders 30%
65+: Clinton 67% / Sanders 30%

White: 57% Clinton / Sanders 42%
Black: 78% Clinton / Sanders 21%
Hispanic: Sanders 52% / Clinton 45%
Other: Sanders 51% / Clinton 48%

All the polls of Hispanics this year have been terrible. Sanders constantly has these polls where he wins Hispanic voters only to get crushed in the actual voting in Hispanic districts.


No Scrubs
Running dual language polls are expensive. So younger Hispanics are over represented or extrapolated.

Pretty much. A lot of older Hispanics don't speak fluent English so it's really hard to poll them.

Bill O Reilly called for limits on high capacity rifles tonight O_O

Ever since that Obama interview a few years ago Bill has bouts with lucidity and rationality. It's really a hell of a thing.


All the polls of Hispanics this year have been terrible. Sanders constantly has these polls where he wins Hispanic voters only to get crushed in the actual voting in Hispanic districts.
Mhmm. Looking at the margins in the Inland Empire and the Central Valley, Clinton won Hispanics. But also, looking at the nearly 100% white northern California counties, it's probably likely Sanders carried or tied the white vote, unless Clinton won it decisively everywhere else... which I don't think.


All the polls of Hispanics this year have been terrible. Sanders constantly has these polls where he wins Hispanic voters only to get crushed in the actual voting in Hispanic districts.

Younger Latinos are likely the ones getting hit up for exit polls out here in CA. It's like you're going to miss all the other Latinos in the state by a lack of Spanish language or simply missed opportunities. Like tons of my relatives who I would have never expected to vote ever went in on this primary hard.

It's pretty wild. Either way though, exit polling in CA is just weird.

All we need now is Sean Hannity to say something about gun control and hell will freeze over.


New York Times: Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders Meet as Their Battle Ends

Neither Democrat entered the meeting on sure footing, and both were a little tense, advisers in each camp said beforehand.

Mrs. Clinton, who became the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee last week, wanted to know what it would take to earn Mr. Sanders’s endorsement and whether he would seek policy concessions or political promises, her advisers said. Mr. Sanders wanted to gauge the depth of Mrs. Clinton’s commitment to progressive goals like a higher minimum wage and lower financial burdens on college students, and to making the Democratic nomination process more open in the future.

The chemistry between the two candidates was strained, in part, because Mrs. Clinton and Mr. Sanders had not had any real chances to air grievances or blow off steam with each other away from the television cameras during their 14-month fight for the nomination.


Two advisers to Mr. Sanders described him as concerned that Mrs. Clinton might say all the right things now but embrace more politically moderate positions later if she thinks it necessary to win states like Florida, Ohio and Virginia.

The advisers, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because the campaign had not authorized them to speak, said Mr. Sanders felt no pressure to endorse Mrs. Clinton quickly. He wants her to take steps to win his confidence in the five and a half weeks before the Democratic convention, where his voters and delegates expect him to speak and Clinton advisers hope he will give a full-throated speech backing her.


Whether Mr. Sanders endorses her enthusiastically and campaigns for her, or recognizes her as the nominee but otherwise withholds his blessing, is a significant concern for some Clinton advisers. Others in her campaign think that Democrats will ultimately unite because the possibility of a Trump victory is too great to ignore.


Not burning bridges senselessly a la Sanders matters. Hillary can get petty or she can get things done.

ugh, everything is burning bridges with this dude. The DNC has already given him unprecedented concessions. He won't be happy until Hillary adopts his platform.

Hillary should just tell him to kiss the bottom of her Chanel bag and keep it movin.
ugh, everything is burning bridges with this dude. The DNC has already given him unprecedented concessions. He won't be happy until Hillary adopts his platform.

Hillary should just tell him to kiss the bottom of her Chanel bag and keep it movin.

I just don't think that's a situation that's reasonable at the moment. Bernie does have a decent amount of leverage. Not as much as he had last week, but more than Hillary did in 08 even though she did better because of the makeup of his voter base. It's whatever. I imagine he'll concede on Thursday and then endorse soon after.


Not burning bridges senselessly a la Sanders matters. Hillary can get petty or she can get things done.

Additionally, Bernie's leverage continues to decrease as Hillary's polls go up without him. He also lost a string of contests at the end, a rash of superdelegates, and his revolution was soundly defeated in Nevada. If he is too stubborn, he may get less and less. Hillary will accommodate him but not give in to everything.


ugh, everything is burning bridges with this dude. The DNC has already given him unprecedented concessions. He won't be happy until Hillary adopts his platform.

Hillary should just tell him to kiss the bottom of her Chanel bag and keep it movin.
There's a wide gulf between "give him what he wants" and "tell him to kiss the bottom of her Chanel bag". Congratulate him on his race, speak to your common ground, offer the olive branch, and speak on the work that remains to be done and how you're willing and open to work with him.

Would it be truthful to rub his nose in his loss? Yes. It would also be moronic and pointless.
I just don't think that's a situation that's reasonable at the moment. Bernie does have a decent amount of leverage. Not as much as he had last week, but more than Hillary did in 08 even though she did better because of the makeup of his voter base. It's whatever. I imagine he'll concede on Thursday and then endorse soon after.
I feel like Hillary had less leverage over Obama than Bernie has over her because more of her supporters were Dem machine straight ticket-type voters who were never seriously going to vote GOP/third-party no matter how much they stomped their feet.

Bernie's supporters seem um, far less rational.

I don't know if there's any truth to that, but I feel his voters will need a more affirmative "Yes seriously, it's okay to vote for Hillary, jesus" statement than Hillary supporters did to vote for Obama in 08.
I feel like Hillary had less leverage over Obama than Bernie has over her because more of her supporters were Dem machine straight ticket-type voters who were never seriously going to vote GOP/third-party no matter how much they stomped their feet.

Bernie's supporters seem um, far less rational.

Exactly. Bernie also has to walk a very fine line to feel authentic while also eventually endorsing Hillary after saying she's an unqualified corrupt election rigger. It's a much more delecate game than in 08 even though the race is closer because Hillary's 08 supporters would more naturally come back into the fold.


There's a wide gulf between "give him what he wants" and "tell him to kiss the bottom of her Chanel bag". Congratulate him on his race, speak to your common ground, offer the olive branch, and speak on the work that remains to be done and how you're willing and open to work with him.

Would it be truthful to rub his nose in his loss? Yes. It would also be moronic and pointless.

It also wouldn't happen. They made sure of that last month when they bent over backwards for him.

I don't see Hillary conceding anymore than she already has.
I think it would be in Hillary's best interest to do the following things:

1) Sacrifice Debbie for Keith Ellison. Who cares about Debbie. Debbie sucks.
2) Push for semi-open primaries and eliminating caucuses.
3) Make sure that progressive aspects of Bernie's positions are in the platform, things that we can all agree on.

But I don't think that's enough. If I'm Bernie, yeah, I'd be suspicious about Hillary too (I am not Bernie and did not vote for him, but I think he's genuinely concerned she'll "pivot", something I do not think is possible in 2016 but whatever). He needs something tangible. I think you're only options here are:

4a) Bernie gets promised a cabinet position. Either Commerce or, more likely, Labor. Bernie would probably not want either.
4b) Chairman on the Banking Committee. This is tough, since Dems typically do their chairmanship by seniority, and Patty Murray would have seniority over Bernie. I don't see this happening.
4c) A promise of a progressive VP. This is where Bernie would push for Perez or, more likely, Warren. I think this is the most likely option.


Flat out NO to 4a and 4b. Sorry, I could see it if Bernie had displayed any sort of intelligence or depth of policy AT any point during the primaries. But he never did. He's an ideologue through and through. It would be a mistake to give him the real responsibility that comes with a cabinet position.

And this has been asked multiple times but nobody seems to have any answer: what "progressive" (read: Bernie's) policies should Hillary adopt. Ideologically, they're on the same page on a lot of issues. Their differences largely come through in implementation, and implementation is a huge part of the reason Hillary got 4 million more votes than Bernie. A lot of his ideas are just unfeasible in the way that he presented them.

Free college for everyone? Maybe if he ever explained how it would be paid for.
Single Payer? Not happening?
$15 minimum wage? Hillary already agrees with this.
Ban on fracking? Hillary already agrees with this, she just understands that an immediate ban would cause more harm than good because clean energy is just not where it needs to be yet.

What is this magical progressive policy that Hillary has been holding out on all this time?



Completely ridiculous:

“I was yelled at when I wore my Hillary shirt to a grocery store in West Hollywood, possibly the most ‘accepting’ neighborhood in the whole world,” said Kate Hess, a 38-year-old producer in Los Angeles.

Danielle Thomson, 34, a writer in New York, said: “The first time I posted about Hillary, I couldn’t even function for 24 hours. I kept refreshing my feed — sweating.”

And if you were young and for Hillary? Forget about it.

“I’m treated like a traitor to my generation,” said 22-year-old Patrick Ross, a playwright in Philadelphia.

And those were just the people you knew in real life. Online, the vitriol was worse. Moderating comments on a single Facebook post was like “a master class in nonviolent communication,” said Lori White, 33, a writer at Upworthy and a founder of “Cool People for Hillary.”

Strangers commented on your feed. Trolls spammed your wall with threats, called you “a warmonger, a corporate whore,” and many terms reserved for female supporters that were far worse, said Laura Bogart, a writer in Baltimore.

Hopefully it will get better now that the primaries are over and people fully absorb the fact that the options are Clinton or Trump.


I think it would be in Hillary's best interest to do the following things:

1) Sacrifice Debbie for Keith Ellison. Who cares about Debbie. Debbie sucks.
2) Push for semi-open primaries and eliminating caucuses.
3) Make sure that progressive aspects of Bernie's positions are in the platform, things that we can all agree on.
I'm all for more progressive platform, though I wish people stop acting like the party platform matter all that much. You want progressive agenda passed, get progressive people into congress, it's not like Hillary is going to veto progressive bills (and she sure as hell not going to consult the party platform when making such decisions.

As for the other points, what do people expect Hillary to do in regard to DWS and how states run their primaries?
The DNC chair is voted by the DNC and the state parties decide about the primary process. I guess Hillary can publicly endorse a position/chair candidate, not sure that's a hill worth dying on to be honest (not to mention that it's a weird thing to be coerced into and that it wouldn't matter all that much at the end of the day anyway).

But I don't think that's enough. If I'm Bernie, yeah, I'd be suspicious about Hillary too (I am not Bernie and did not vote for him, but I think he's genuinely concerned she'll "pivot", something I do not think is possible in 2016 but whatever). He needs something tangible. I think you're only options here are:

4a) Bernie gets promised a cabinet position. Either Commerce or, more likely, Labor. Bernie would probably not want either.
4b) Chairman on the Banking Committee. This is tough, since Dems typically do their chairmanship by seniority, and Patty Murray would have seniority over Bernie. I don't see this happening.
4c) A promise of a progressive VP. This is where Bernie would push for Perez or, more likely, Warren. I think this is the most likely option.
It's pretty damn unprecedented for someone who lost (especially for someone who lost as handily as Sanders) to dictate things like cabinet positions or even VP. And for the record, I think Hillary should pick a progressive VP (not sure about Sanders as cabinet member, does he even wants that?).

As for the Chairman of the Banking Committee, again, what do you exactly want Hillary to do about that?
This is decided by the senate, and really, if you want a liberal chairman there your number one priority is having the Democrats winning back the senate, and I'm really not sure Sanders holding out is helping that.
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