Good man!Hello PoliGAF:
Ive lurked the forums for literally years and finally got an account. Over the years I have learned a lot from PoliGaf: Modern Monetary Theory, reading the cross-tabs in polls, the rhetorical use of Drag Race gifs. Above all, I have come to really appreciate a forum full of thoughtful, knowledgable members where no one calls each other cuck. So I finally joined. I live in Kentucky, and got the chance to shake Hillarys hand a few weeks ago. I had a chance to ask Huma for a selfie but chickened out because she was talking on her bluetooth and it wouldve been too weird. I also worked on the Obama campaign in an east coast state in 08. My favorite political books are probably Master of the Senate and Rick Perlsteins Before the Storm.
Also I like video games. A list of lifetime sentimental favorites would include Kings Quest 1&2, Blaster Master, Punch Out, SMB3, Sid Meiers Pirates!, Master of Orion, Herzog Zwei, Ghouls N Ghosts, Revenge of Shinobi, Tie Fighter, Ocarina of Time, Banjo-Kazooie, Goldeneye, Shadow of the Colossus; and more recently, Bloodborne, TLoU, and open-world games like Witcher 3, RDR, and GTA5.
Anyway, glad to be here. I shall do my best to enter purse-first, so heres a Vic Berger video of Trump humping the flag:
I think youve got a place here to shit on Adams horrible taste