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PoliGAF 2016 |OT7| Notorious R.B.G. Plans NZ Tour

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Hello PoliGAF:

I’ve lurked the forums for literally years and finally got an account. Over the years I have learned a lot from PoliGaf: Modern Monetary Theory, reading the cross-tabs in polls, the rhetorical use of Drag Race gifs. Above all, I have come to really appreciate a forum full of thoughtful, knowledgable members where no one calls each other “cuck.” So I finally joined. I live in Kentucky, and got the chance to shake Hillary’s hand a few weeks ago. I had a chance to ask Huma for a selfie but chickened out because she was talking on her bluetooth and it would’ve been too weird. I also worked on the Obama campaign in an east coast state in ’08. My favorite political books are probably Master of the Senate and Rick Perlstein’s Before the Storm.

Also I like video games. A list of lifetime sentimental favorites would include King’s Quest 1&2, Blaster Master, Punch Out, SMB3, Sid Meier’s Pirates!, Master of Orion, Herzog Zwei, Ghouls ’N Ghosts, Revenge of Shinobi, Tie Fighter, Ocarina of Time, Banjo-Kazooie, Goldeneye, Shadow of the Colossus; and more recently, Bloodborne, TLoU, and open-world games like Witcher 3, RDR, and GTA5.

Anyway, glad to be here. I shall do my best to enter purse-first, so here’s a Vic Berger video of Trump humping the flag: https://twitter.com/VicBergerIV/status/742875659614179328

Good man!

I think youve got a place here to shit on Adams horrible taste


Thanks! I actually was accused of being from Correct the Record on reddit one time. The odd thing was that the other person in the thread arguing for Hillary seemed to actually admit he was working for them, which made me jealous, doing that shit for free like a chump.

I always lead on I'm being paid by CTR when someone accuses me of it, just to see how people react. Reddit is fun.

Has Hillary finally run out of deep red southern states?

The DNC actually created a bunch of new southern states from scratch for her recently because otherwise Bernie was going to win!
Welcome! Offer some incense at the feet of this statue of Hillary, and you can stay. Your video game taste may be too good though :-/

Oh, I am very pro-Hillary. I remember in '08 thinking Obama would be a big corrective reset on the Clinton's fraught relationship with the beltway media and the GOP, and that he'd be able to work across the aisle. Now I feel I was completely naive, and am excited for her to be president.

As for drink tastes, I had a cocktail a few weeks ago that had sherry and dill in it. I am still not sure what this whipped vodka is all about -- why are people whipping it to begin with?
Good man!

I think youve got a place here to shit on Adams horrible taste

Daily Kos talks about weird it is that Clinton's speeches and assaults on Trump are basically going unanswered by the GOP. She gives a big speech at Planned Parenthood and we hear nothing from them. They say it's because they secretly want her to win, but to me it just seems like plain old incompetence. Hope Hicks is hopelessly outmatched and outgunned here.


The Trump campaign has no surrogates or rapid response team. Regardless of whether they secretly want Clinton to win, there is no real coordinated response, and to whatever extent there is, it's driven by Trump's rants, and nobody wants to attach themselves to that shit.

Yeah, Trump's biggest weakness is that he's got virtually no allies at all. The best he can come up with are super alt-right nutjobs who no one even knows, and his ramblings on Twitter (which get screenshotted immediately for maximum hilarity when he inevitably claims that he didn't tweet something that he definitely did).

It's a one-man show, and that's hugely problematic for him. The GOP knows that when he gets his ass kicked, he'll end up dragging down anyone that ever supported him. The smart ones are Romney types, who know that when Trump loses, the base that supported him will have to shut up. Why bother pandering to a demographic that will be electorally irrelevant in less than a year?

Let Trump, and his swiss cheese boat, sink. And it'll be a lonely drift to the bottom too.

He's not staying in. Every candidate talks about how they're going to continue their campaign. Kasich was still talking about staying in, mere hours before he dropped out.

He wouldn't hold a live stream if he wasn't dropping out

Yeah, he's not staying in. My guess was no later than the 17th, so I think Thursday he'll prove me right on this one. He's got no reason to stay in past that; nothing will change the headlines for him. In every opening line for every article, it'll be "Bernie Sanders, who didn't win the Democratic primary, said blah blah blah today...." and I think he's aware of that. No way does he stay in.


Daily Kos talks about weird it is that Clinton's speeches and assaults on Trump are basically going unanswered by the GOP. She gives a big speech at Planned Parenthood and we hear nothing from them. They say it's because they secretly want her to win, but to me it just seems like plain old incompetence. Hope Hicks is hopelessly outmatched and outgunned here.


I think there's a couple of factors. One is that Trump has no campaign, which means that there are no talking points. Normally there'd be a coordinated response being pushed out by the campaign and promulgated by surrogates who are assigned to go on specific shows. That coordinated response provides the messaging for all the other politicians if they need to comment on the issue. But Trump literally doesn't have any of that, it just has his Twitter, and nobody's willing to take talking points from @realdonaldtrump. So even if they want to back him, what are they going to say?

Another factor is, yes, a bunch of them agree with her. Trump really is unfit to be president! There's definitely a big risk to standing up for Donald Trump. On the other hand, he might lose, and on the other hand, he might win. Both are terrible outcomes if you've been talking him up! So, like, best to do nothing. And even then a lot of GOP politicians are just criticizing him directly, which is even further than nothing, because they just can't support him. Trump is touching political third rails that people thought were buried under too much concrete for anybody to touch.
I actually kind of get Trump's strategy with CA and NY. I mean, these are big huge states, and winning them is unthinkable but totally worth it with the right strategy and candidate. Trump probably thinks his star power is that strategy. The problem is that Trump is not the right candidate for the job.


Thanks! I actually was accused of being from Correct the Record on reddit one time. The odd thing was that the other person in the thread arguing for Hillary seemed to actually admit he was working for them, which made me jealous, doing that shit for free like a chump.

Chump indeed. I got $8,000,000 from correct the record

I wish. I need a job
Ywhen Trump loses, the base that supported him will have to shut up. Why bother pandering to a demographic that will be electorally irrelevant in less than a year?

I mostly agree, but all the excitement online with young conservatives seems to be with these alt-right monsters on The_Donald and on twitter. Even older conservative online media institutions like Drudge, Instapundit, Breitbart, have hitched their wagon to them -- for example, the other day Instapundit tweeted fake Indian "heap big squaw" racist talk at Elizabeth Warren. And that guy's a law professor! It feels like these "so-anti-PC-we-are-actually-racist" types are energized and here to stay regardless of how badly Trump tanks the election.
Also does anyone think that the phrasing of "how the revolution continues" from the Bernie campaign could be signaling towards a concession anyways? He might concede and tell everyone how he wants to continue his message or some shit like that.
The revolution
Will live on in our hearts, Sad!
Hillary is lame

His hair was not combed
The establishment, fearful.
He shook up the world

Jeb looked aghast, the
Kingdom set ablaze, by a
Small handed madman


Trump is unwell in the head. Ugh, we are going to keep on hearing more odd and downright disturbing stuff until the end of the GE. I honestly get uncomfortable everytime he opens his mouth.

See? Saying what's been obvious the last year. Damn orange!
Dementia or early onset Alzheimer's is possible. I think his father had the latter

I could believe it. I could also buy the off-ramp theory if he starts to think his businesses will be permanently tainted by the election, as seems very possible. I know his hotel bookings have fallen way off.
I think there's a couple of factors. One is that Trump has no campaign, which means that there are no talking points. Normally there'd be a coordinated response being pushed out by the campaign and promulgated by surrogates who are assigned to go on specific shows. That coordinated response provides the messaging for all the other politicians if they need to comment on the issue. But Trump literally doesn't have any of that, it just has his Twitter, and nobody's willing to take talking points from @realdonaldtrump. So even if they want to back him, what are they going to say?

Another factor is, yes, a bunch of them agree with her. Trump really is unfit to be president! There's definitely a big risk to standing up for Donald Trump. On the other hand, he might lose, and on the other hand, he might win. Both are terrible outcomes if you've been talking him up! So, like, best to do nothing. And even then a lot of GOP politicians are just criticizing him directly, which is even further than nothing, because they just can't support him. Trump is touching political third rails that people thought were buried under too much concrete for anybody to touch.

Not only that, the RNC is doing very little to help. Obviously part of this - well a large part - simply has to do with them not having the cash to compete with Clinton, and they're struggling to figure out how much to allocate to down ballot races. But there almost seems like a non-verbalized, non-publicized pact to let Trump drown. There was a moment where I figured they'd grudgingly hop on board - shortly after he wrapped up the nomination and was leading Clinton in a couple junk polls. Looking back, that couldn't have worked out better for Clinton. Ryan and others jumped on the train and it went off the cliff shortly thereafter.

This is even more baffling when you consider that the Supreme Court hangs in the balance, the 9th Circuit Court just took a clear shot at the 2nd Amendment, and Hillary presumably has Sri Srinivasan on speed dial for Scalia's seat. It's a doomsday scenario for republicans, they're panicking, and don't know what to do. At this point they're probably praying Trump calls someone the n or b word so they can launch an intervention.


I know it sounds crazy, but Trump has been sounding like an absolute maniac. I just don't know what's going to happen.

Dude's been this way from the beginning. Remember when he insinuated Cruz's dad helped kill JFK? This is par for the course or just under it really.


I'm scared that Trump is going to drop out and someone other than Cruz will be given the nomination.

I think I would have been a bit more scared if someone else had won the nomination, or if one of the major candidates had actually taken a strong stand against him before now. As it is, the candidates are people who meekly submitted to and allowed themselves to be tied to Tiny Hands (Rubio), already have been President so they can't run (GWB), or already got the nom and lost in what was a worse year for Dems than this one (Romney). Unless you think Lindsey Graham is a threat?


Not only that, the RNC is doing very little to help. Obviously part of this - well a large part - simply has to do with them not having the cash to compete with Clinton, and they're struggling to figure out how much to allocate to down ballot races. But there almost seems like a non-verbalized, non-publicized pact to let Trump drown. There was a moment where I figured they'd grudgingly hop on board - shortly after he wrapped up the nomination and was leading Clinton in a couple junk polls. Looking back, that couldn't have worked out better for Clinton. Ryan and others jumped on the train and it went off the cliff shortly thereafter.

This is even more baffling when you consider that the Supreme Court hangs in the balance, the 9th Circuit Court just took a clear shot at the 2nd Amendment, and Hillary presumably has Sri Srinivasan on speed dial for Scalia's seat. It's a doomsday scenario for republicans, they're panicking, and don't know what to do. At this point they're probably praying Trump calls someone the n or b word so they can launch an intervention.

I mean, at a fundamental level, I don't think there's a single professional politician, pundit, journalist, or donor class 1-percenter in all of America who actually wants Donald Trump to be the President of the United States. So that's got to be difficult for the RNC.

But for them specifically there's also the existential nightmare that Trump got where he did by running against the RNC. Even if he somehow won, he has no particular interest or desire in being friends with them. Any help they extend him will not be appreciated by him because he's too busy remembering the slights they gave him first. So what benefit do they even get if Trump wins the presidency?

In terms of 2016, basically, I think lots of Republicans are recognizing that the GOP is the Titanic and Trump is the iceberg. The only question is whether jumping overboard or staying and looking for a lifeboat is a better survival strategy. Everybody's still trying to answer that question for themselves. But the question is no longer whether they can win this year. It's whether they will still be around when the party is trying to reinvent itself eight years from now.
You know it's true.. You admitted it before.

He has to be looking for an off ramp.
Do you all think it's possible for him to land it? Because I don't think it is and he might be stuck and has to lie in the bed.

The reasons I think that are
A)The man will never admit it publicly that he wants out. I just don't see it happening that Trump just drops or whatever.

B)wouldn't the party be forced to take the nomination from him then and that would open the can of worms the party really has no desire to open?
I don't know that he wants an off ramp, but I don't think he ever wanted to be President. Do I think he thinks he could be President? Yes Do I think his ego is pushing him....yes. Do I think that he wants to do this anymore? No. But I don't think he can stop.

Also, anyone having a drink in honor of Queen's final primary victory?

I took a Smirnoff Ice Screwdriver, mixed in a shot of whipped vodka, a shot of orange vodka, and a splash of orange soda.

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