nature boy
I guess all that cash is going to the RNC, but seriously no ads yet, outside of Super PACs? Amazing.
Can you elaborate? I've only heard a couple statements from him and they just seemed sad.Ugh fuck.
This is the kind of shit that will land in commercials, especially because all signs point to this man being a piece of shit.
Did anyone watch Hannity's nonsense last night?
Did the Hillary team respond to the reports yet?
The Clinton campaign said today in a statement: "The rally was a 3,000-person, open-door event for the public. This individual wasn't invited as a guest and the campaign was unaware of his attendance until after the event."
According to the CNN article:Did the Hillary team respond to the reports yet?
A Clinton aide said: "The rally was a 3,000-person, open-door event for the public. This individual wasn't invited as a guest and the campaign was unaware of his attendance until after the event."
I didn't really know it was a crime to be related to a mass shooter.
People are buying into the reactionary narrative a lot here. Don't do that, we're winning. Define a better narrative.
Exactly. Are we saying Clinton needs to screen open door public events for Muslims related to terrorists? Is that what we are saying?
Can you elaborate? I've only heard a couple statements from him and they just seemed sad.
I didn't really know it was a crime to be related to a mass shooter.
People are buying into the reactionary narrative a lot here. Don't do that, we're winning. Define a better narrative.
He's a right-wing Islamist. I've got a sneaking suspicion that Seddique Mateen's presumedly virulent homophia was a contributing factor to Omar Mateen's instability.
It's not bad that he was allowed to be present, but the failure to vet this nut is only going to feed the narrative that "Democrats are pro-Islamist". Alex Jones Republicans generally believe that Hillary covertly supports ISIS, while most of the Alt-right thinks she's on a mission to destroy American culture as some kind of post-colonial punishment.
Why? I know, I know, "optics". But seriously? Why? Is he a villain because his son was?
He's a right-wing Islamist. I've got a sneaking suspicion that Seddique Mateen's presumedly virulent homophia was a contributing factor to Omar Mateen's instability.
YOUR LINK said:Since the shooting at the Pulse nightclub, other commenters have left pornographic images in the comments of Mateen’s Facebook page, condemning his son for attacking LGBT people. But there’s nothing in the videos that suggest Mateen was a religious fundamentalist. His diatribes are more nationalist and engineered for self-aggrandizement and political effect.
In comments after his son was killed by police, Mateen made remarks that seemed to condemn homosexuality on religious grounds, but he subsequently tried to walk them back, suggesting that while he might not personally approve of homosexuality, it was no basis for his son to kill 49 people.
It's not bad that he was allowed to be present, but the failure to vet this nut is only going to feed the narrative that "Democrats are pro-Islamist". Alex Jones Republicans generally believe that Hillary covertly supports ISIS, while most of the Alt-right thinks she's on a mission to destroy American culture as some kind of post-colonial punishment.
oh you already know then
He's a right-wing Islamist. I've got a sneaking suspicion that Seddique Mateen's presumedly virulent homophia was a contributing factor to Omar Mateen's instability.
Lately, the videos have taken on a delusional tone. Mateen has appointed himself president of Afghanistan and has posted to his Facebook pages the names and photos of people he claims are serving as ministers in his cabinet. Recent videos on his Facebook timeline show Mateen wearing camouflage fatigues and saluting the camera.
How do you vet 3000 people at an open air event?
Don't you have to sign up before-hand to be behind the camera? Or are those people hand-picked the day of the rally?
I think precautionary measures definitely could have been taken, although I guess staffers shouldn't be expected to memorize the names of criminals' relatives.
I don't think you have to sign up to be behind the camera, there's been events where speakers have been heckled or protested by people behind them.Don't you have to sign up before-hand to be behind the camera? Or are those people hand-picked the day of the rally?
Great. Why do you care what the alt-right think? The more they invest themselves in insane and unbelievable conspiracy theories the less impact they will have on America. I'm excited that the Trump campaign has retreated to the #HillarysHealth smear which has basically zero plausibility among anybody who doesn't read Infowars. If they also talk about Clinton's secret relationship with a guy who came to one of her rallies that's even better.
Adrian Gray ‏@adrian_gray 15h15 hours ago
GOP winning streaks:
White women: 20 years
White Catholics: 20 years
White College Grads: 68 years
(Trump is losing each)
Trump's poll numbers might be down, but the alt-right's social media presence allows their bullshit to quickly spread outside their small core of edgy millennials. Lots of white voters use Hillary's spurious KKK connection as proof that she's actually the racist one, and if this gaffe explodes on Facebook, Trump may get some more votes.
Who is this going to convince to vote for Trump that is not currently planning on voting for Trump?
Describe this target voter.
Yeah, not everyone has realized what an alt-right shit hole Reddit has become.
Two weeks ago, Hillary was 2% above Trump in most polls. Now her lead is 13%.
As wildly different as Hillary and Trump are, 11% of voters can be swayed by two weeks' worth of events. What else could change their minds?
Two weeks ago, Hillary was 2% above Trump in most polls. Now her lead is 13%.
As wildly different as Hillary and Trump are, 11% of voters can be swayed by two weeks' worth of events. What else could change their minds?
Trump's poll numbers might be down, but the alt-right's social media presence allows their bullshit to quickly spread outside their small core of edgy millennials. Lots of white voters use Hillary's spurious KKK connection as proof that she's actually the racist one, and if this gaffe explodes on Facebook, Trump may get some more votes.
Even Diablos would think you're overreacting.Two weeks ago, Hillary was 2% above Trump in most polls. Now her lead is 13%.
As wildly different as Hillary and Trump are, 11% of voters can be swayed by two weeks' worth of events. What else could change their minds?
Two weeks ago, Hillary was 2% above Trump in most polls. Now her lead is 13%.
As wildly different as Hillary and Trump are, 11% of voters can be swayed by two weeks' worth of events. What else could change their minds?
I mean, I'm not happy this happened, but, seriously, if the person makes it through security what else is supposed to happen?
Anyone else find it amusing that during good times, Diablos is nowhere to be found?
So you have become Kristrawberry?I think the polls will definitely tighten slightly by the end of the year. No chance of getting the House. Also, Georgia and Arizona are still out of reach this year.
I don't know how I feel about Norh Carolina. The demographic argument is interesting.
Don Trumps frustration is palpable.
"Every day I get at least one comment," he tells me, gruffly, over the phone. "I rue the day my forefathers took the name."
To be clear, this is not the schismatic Republican candidate. This is a 62-year-old from Virginia, who works as a technician and prides himself as a "free-loving Democrat." But today, Don has become a guilty-by-association casualty of the prominent Trumps antics: He cannot hand over his credit card in a restaurant without being chided. He is coaxed into political debates at backyard barbecues.
Armed with quick one-liner retorts "No relation"; "Not my uncle"; "Im with Hillary" he lives in a perennial state of verbal self-defense. Since the election, his surname has become a gadfly.
I think the polls will definitely tighten slightly by the end of the year. No chance of getting the House. Also, Georgia and Arizona are still out of reach this year.
I don't know how I feel about Norh Carolina. The demographic argument is interesting.
Anyone else find it amusing that during good times, Diablos is nowhere to be found?
Yeah, not everyone has realized what an alt-right shit hole Reddit has become.
He has to conserve energy for when the time to panic comes. So that we'll know the bad times are upon us.
LolDiablos lets us have our good times only to make the fall more sweet.
It's a reference and tribute to a legendary poster on GAF!So you have become Kristrawberry?