I bet one of these polls will show closer numbers than the other two. Maybe Iowa.
Iowa for sure will be close.
I bet one of these polls will show closer numbers than the other two. Maybe Iowa.
Well we haven't really gotten much Iowa polling since before the DNC, I'd be kind of surprised if Clinton isn't leading as her convention bounce doesn't seem to have faded away (if anything it's grown on the back of Trump being a total fucking idiot).I bet one of these polls will show closer numbers than the other two. Maybe Iowa.
It's weird, the only mentions from the right wing about the Orlando shooter's dad I'm seeing are just whataboutisms if something similar happened at a Trump rally. These people just can't give up the "media is against us!" narrative.
100% of Trump supporters are delusional, believe in conspiracy theories, and subscribe to the fantasy world Trump has outlined.
The Clintons had a net worth of about $700,000 when they went into office. Bernie Sanders currently has a net worth of $1.65 million.
<check your facts>
I bet one of these polls will show closer numbers than the other two. Maybe Iowa.
forreal? how much was Obama worth before prez run?
forreal? how much was Obama worth before prez run?
I have no idea how you plan to debate Donald Trump one-on-one. If it's impossible to predict how he will behave perhaps you lean into that and plan to ignore him completely; treat him as utterly irrelevant and unworthy of recognition. Perhaps a few lines to reinforce that theme, "If you ever manage to say something substantive Donald, then I'll respond to it". After all, getting his Republican opponents to start slinging mud with him just made them look bad and him look better since it helped to normalize the behavior (if the politicians are doing it too then it can't be wrong for me to do it). Just let him talk and blow himself up by revealing how utterly incompetent he is when forced to talk at length.
On the other hand, a one-on-one debate is so different from the primary debates that perhaps it is worth it to engage him, or at least not engaging him could very well backfire. The problem is, how do you plan to engage him outside of overly rehearsed and clearly scripted attack lines? He will say, deny, and endorse or disparage anything and everyone depending on his mood. You can't even predict whether or not he will use particular phrases in the debate to make fun of. I guess you could prepare a more generalized Christie style attack in terms of highlighting how stupidly simplistic Trump's non-answers are for every single question.
I have no idea how you plan to debate Donald Trump one-on-one. If it's impossible to predict how he will behave perhaps you lean into that and plan to ignore him completely; treat him as utterly irrelevant and unworthy of recognition. Perhaps a few lines to reinforce that theme, "If you ever manage to say something substantive Donald, then I'll respond to it". After all, getting his Republican opponents to start slinging mud with him just made them look bad and him look better since it helped to normalize the behavior (if the politicians are doing it too then it can't be wrong for me to do it). Just let him talk and blow himself up by revealing how utterly incompetent he is when forced to talk at length.
On the other hand, a one-on-one debate is so different from the primary debates that perhaps it is worth it to engage him, or at least not engaging him could very well backfire. The problem is, how do you plan to engage him outside of overly rehearsed and clearly scripted attack lines? He will say, deny, and endorse or disparage anything and everyone depending on his mood. You can't even predict whether or not he will use particular phrases in the debate to make fun of. I guess you could prepare a more generalized Christie style attack in terms of highlighting how stupidly simplistic Trump's non-answers are for every single question.
Plus there's a very real possibility Trump simply refuses to debate (there's no upside for him to participate imo), especially if he's still losing by huge margins. He can just say the whole things rigged and refuse to play by the rules of the liberal media. He already refused to release tax returns so why not break another tradition?
It would be, but Bexar, Dallas, and Harris counties are already heavily Blue. The only urban country that is still safe Red is Tarrant. Funnily/sadly enough, out of the 50 most populous counties in America, Tarrant is the only one that Trump safely carries.
To win Texas, Clinton needs to move the suburban counties to at least a tie. If polling shows that's possible, it might be worth spending in the state. It would come down to turnout in the urban counties and the Rio Grande Valley.
I think it's going to be easy for her. Whatever the topic is, she has an ability to go into detail that he doesn't. For example I'm sure NATO will be brought up at some point. I'm sure she has a vast amount of detail on how NATO operates stored in her head without any need to prepare. Trump doesn't. He might have specific knowledge of a story he read in the paper about a military base in Japan or whatever, but all she needs to do is lead him into uncharted territory. The average joe watching won't know if she's right in her judgment, or might not even care but it'll be easy for anyone to see when Trump is bullshitting and he isn't going to be able to study up in time or even keep his thoughts logically organized off-script.I have no idea how you plan to debate Donald Trump one-on-one. If it's impossible to predict how he will behave perhaps you lean into that and plan to ignore him completely; treat him as utterly irrelevant and unworthy of recognition. Perhaps a few lines to reinforce that theme, "If you ever manage to say something substantive Donald, then I'll respond to it". After all, getting his Republican opponents to start slinging mud with him just made them look bad and him look better since it helped to normalize the behavior (if the politicians are doing it too then it can't be wrong for me to do it). Just let him talk and blow himself up by revealing how utterly incompetent he is when forced to talk at length.
On the other hand, a one-on-one debate is so different from the primary debates that perhaps it is worth it to engage him, or at least not engaging him could very well backfire. The problem is, how do you plan to engage him outside of overly rehearsed and clearly scripted attack lines? He will say, deny, and endorse or disparage anything and everyone depending on his mood. You can't even predict whether or not he will use particular phrases in the debate to make fun of. I guess you could prepare a more generalized Christie style attack in terms of highlighting how stupidly simplistic Trump's non-answers are for every single question.
Plus iirc Carter is the only president to have lived in public housing.Carter and Ford weren't millionaires when they took office. Carter was probably close but not quite.
I think it's going to be easy for her. Whatever the topic is, she has an ability to go into detail that he doesn't. For example I'm sure NATO will be brought up at some point. I'm sure she has a vast amount of detail on how NATO operates stored in her head without any need to prepare. Trump doesn't. He might have specific knowledge of a story he read in the paper about a military base in Japan or whatever, but all she needs to do is lead him into uncharted territory. The average joe watching won't know if she's right in here judgment, or might not even care but it'll be easy for anyone to see when Trump is bullshitting and he isn't going to be able to study up in time or even keep his thoughts logically organized off-script.
Net worth usually includes assets, no?I don't know where you got that figure for Sanders' net worth from? By the 2016 financial disclosure form it is $528,014. Unless you're including the value of his personal brand or something?
If you ask me, it means even the other side has trouble confabulating this into some legit scandal. They recognize it's not a big deal.
I'm interested i No Man's Sky but I'm convinced that I'd be bored out of my ass after 5 hours of repeatedly finding planets, naming aliens, extracting minerals and trading them for better tools.
I don't get the Diablosing over how to debate Trump, if that's in fact what I'm reading today.
He's not playing 9th-dimensional chess, not laying any traps, not drawing you in to play gotcha. He's a blunt force, simultaneously erratic and subdued, ignorant but incisive, utterly lacking in nuance or intelligible answers in any way.
He's not debating, assuming he agrees to them in the first place, he's going for quick one-liners and branded insults. Get one layer below that and he's nothing.
Ask him 'how' on any question and three major themes as you respond to each one:
1. he has no actual plan because he doesn't understand the nuance of the issue
2. 'because i say so' is for children, not for the presidency
3. he's dangerously uninformed and is a risk to global peace
We don't need to hear nuance from Clinton, we know she's nuanced. We need to hear, over and over and over again, that every single thing he says is uninformed, childish, and dangerous.
My guess:
All HRC.
My impression has been less Diablosing than the idea that team Hilldawg is doing overtime in preparation for every possible Trump that may show up. I think this is great and makes me really confident in the debates.I don't get the Diablosing over how to debate Trump, if that's in fact what I'm reading today.
Senate guesses
McGinty + 4
Strickland + 1
Grassley + 7
What about a scenario where Trump does not debate Hillary? There is no way his "handlers" (Manafort) is thinking this will be good for him. Trump opens mouth -> Garbage spews forth. In front of 50 million viewers. If they send a schoolboy Trump by making him rote few policy points/numbers, he will be devoured by Hillary. if they send a bombthrower Trump, he will only display his buffonery. Only move he has is to not play the game. Anyone not see this? Sure he will tank in the polls, but the kool aid is strong and the night is dark, full of terror.
Vaping is up there with weed for the biggest argument against it being the fact that half the people who do it are enormous assholes.
Since the scheduled debates are going to happen regardless, that basically gives her a big infomercial on all the major networks and lets her paint him as a coward all at the same time. If he skips out on any of them, I think he's completely done with no possibility of recovery.What about a scenario where Trump does not debate Hillary?
What about a scenario where Trump does not debate Hillary? There is no way his "handlers" (Manafort) is thinking this will be good for him. Trump opens mouth -> Garbage spews forth. In front of 50 million viewers. If they send a schoolboy Trump by making him rote few policy points/numbers, he will be devoured by Hillary. if they send a bombthrower Trump, he will only display his buffonery. Only move he has is to not play the game. Anyone not see this? Sure he will tank in the polls, but the kool aid is strong and the night is dark, full of terror.
I think whoever posted about memes being spread on the internet has a point more or less. People don't all sit to watch TV new channels to get information anymore and if you give up the internet to shitty memes then there's a lot of people who see it and believe it.
I don't know what to make of the Clinton campaign yet to be honest. They seem to be pretty formidable in some ways but they make some really careless mistakes that I don't remember Obama's campaign making.
I think whoever posted about memes being spread on the internet has a point more or less. People don't all sit to watch TV new channels to get information anymore and if you give up the internet to shitty memes then there's a lot of people who see it and believe it.
I don't know what to make of the Clinton campaign yet to be honest. They seem to be pretty formidable in some ways but they make some really careless mistakes that I don't remember Obama's campaign making. They also don't seem to be as good at being on good terms with the media, the Obama campaign seemed much more liked on a personal level by them.
Except I'm not against vaping in general. However, there are absolutely some places where it should be off limits, and I don't think that's an unreasonable expectation.
Her campaign has been fairly gaffe free to be honest. Outside the Reagan HIV thing, I can't really come up with something uber asinine they've done that's been an unforced error. And, even that, they clarified quickly and got back on message.
As to the first part, you're overestimating the people who live on memes.
Still don't think it's a good idea. Any election in which the national numbers swing far enough for Texas to be in play is already a rout for Hillary. Focus on the scenarios where you might lose.
Donald Trump said Tuesday that he will commit to three debates this fall with Democratic rival Hillary Clinton, but may try to re-negotiate the terms that have been agreed upon by a bipartisan commission.
I will absolutely do three debates, Trump told TIME in a phone interview. I want to debate very badly. But I have to see the conditions.
Trump is down by 8 points, he's going to go to the debates. If he has a good debate, maybe he can get to -4, if he has a bad debate, he'll go to -12, but what's the difference between being 8 points down and being 12 points down from a presidential race perspective?
Agreed, people just want to do that shit anywhere with no regard for anyone around them. What if I don't want your rank-ass apple-ass-smelling smoke getting blown in my face? People seem to always forget that their rights end where mine begin.
I think whoever posted about memes being spread on the internet has a point more or less. People don't all sit to watch TV new channels to get information anymore and if you give up the internet to shitty memes then there's a lot of people who see it and believe it.