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PoliGAF 2016 |OT9| The Wrath of Khan!

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Two weeks ago, Hillary was 2% above Trump in most polls. Now her lead is 13%.

As wildly different as Hillary and Trump are, 11% of voters can be swayed by two weeks' worth of events. What else could change their minds?

Understanidng how polls actually work. Hint: the MSM horserace is a manufactured lie to keep eyes on ads.

The swing is simply Democrats and dem leaning voters coalescing around the Democrat nominee.

Trump losing points are moderate GOP fleeing his racism.

Repeat after me. There is NO such thing as independent voters. The data simply doesnt show these mystical voters exist.
I don't think Mateen's presence alone will help Trump, but it opens a line of attack for Trump's campaign.

No Hillary voters will switch sides, but I do think little gaffes like this can change the the mind of casual racists who are ambivalent towards Trump. Soccer moms and white-collar workers who are bothered by demographic change but don't like Trump enough to vote for him.

You know how most Trump supporters insist they're only being hateful in self-defense? I think this kind thing can be exploited to promote Trump's narrative of defending America and its values. Omar Mateen's father in a photo with Hillary Clinton justifies these delusions to some people.

Again, and I understand you're arguing a potential for attack here, and I get that, but I'm trying to figure out what that line of attack is. Is it that Hillary is soft on terrorism because (unknown to her) the father of a mass shooter appeared on stage and she didn't put a blanket ban on brown people? Because, this doesn't make that argument, really. Is the argument that she's not in favor of supporting police/first responders? Again, her words while showing him discredit that.

I'm trying to figure out what line of attack this helps foster that Trump hasn't already used.
A subreddit will decide the election.
Have we reached peak diablos?
Will there be a global diablos shortage, when we need to find a renewable alternative?


contribute something
Who'd have thought r/politics would turn into the anti-Trump oasis in the desert of stupidity

The swing from "WE HATE HILLARY ARGGRGGR" to "We like Hillary now, Trump is a piece of garbage" in the span of 2 weeks.

Of course, the Don is blaming Correct the Record, but it's more likely just the dramatic swing of opinion the entire country had.

Bernie's fall made Reddit more pro-Trump and pro-Hillary at the same time. I guess I should have expected this, but it's kind of funny.

Again, and I understand you're arguing a potential for attack here, and I get that, but I'm trying to figure out what that line of attack is. Is it that Hillary is soft on terrorism because (unknown to her) the father of a mass shooter appeared on stage and she didn't put a blanket ban on brown people? Because, this doesn't make that argument, really. Is the argument that she's not in favor of supporting police/first responders? Again, her words while showing him discredit that.

I'm trying to figure out what line of attack this helps foster that Trump hasn't already used.

Not that Hillary is soft on terror per se, but that she isn't actively opposed to fundamentalist Islam (or any Islam). People who fear a peaceful Muslim takeover of America (which I believe includes a lot of non-Trump voters) are the ones most likely to affected by optics like this.

It's like how the Benghazi mother was apparently furious that Hillary had never used the exact phrase "radical Islamic terrorism". In addition, Trump's campaign has some connections to the fiercely anti-Muslim right-wing of Europe. Islamophobia is so central to the Trump movement that some Trump voters seem more concerned with keeping Muslims out of Britain than they are with keeping Mexicans out of the US.

Remember how they tried to use Saul Alinsky as proof that Hillary is a communist and even a Satanist?
I don't think Mateen's presence alone will help Trump, but it opens a line of attack for Trump's campaign.

No Hillary voters will switch sides, but I do think little gaffes like this can change the the mind of casual racists who are ambivalent towards Trump. Soccer moms and white-collar workers who are bothered by demographic change but don't like Trump enough to vote for him.

You know how most Trump supporters insist they're only being hateful in self-defense? I think this kind thing can be exploited to promote Trump's narrative of defending America and its values. Omar Mateen's father in a photo with Hillary Clinton justifies these delusions to some people.

This isn't a gaffe. This is nonsense. You will die of a heart attack by November if you try to extrapolate from uncontrollable news blips and nothings like this.

Worry about Clinton unforced errors and shitty answers to email questions.
The Green Party is definitely tied to reality.


I think we have a lot of oil and natural gas in North America, guys.
Even Fox News' website's story on this is "Guy is a wackjob" Seriously. If Fox News can't spin it anti-Hillary.....

I've only seen the guy for 2 minutes and I can tell you he's nuts. This stunt just further cements it, I don't think he cares about anything but attention and that's pretty gross.
Ebola didn't really "go after" oil producing countries that much either. It would be in Libya and Egypt if the U.S. really wanted to start a disease in an oil producing nation for.... reasons.

Ebola wasn't nearly as bad of a killer as, you know, malaria, so it's really confusing why the U.S. would try to kill the population of oil producing African nations with Ebola instead of just releasing more mosquitoes into the population.

Captain Pants

Killed by a goddamned Dredgeling
I do like how Obama created ISIS (a huge drag on Obama's popularity and legacy) just to stop an Iranian natural gas pipeline.... So we could help Erdogan.

I saw this post without the context of your earlier post and was about to be like "what the fuck are you talking about you crazy person?"

The Clintons had a net worth of about $700,000 when they went into office. Bernie Sanders currently has a net worth of $1.65 million.

<check your facts>
What about Bexar County? San Antonio looks a lot like Dallas and Houston and would be significant to a win in TX, correct?

It would be, but Bexar, Dallas, and Harris counties are already heavily Blue. The only urban country that is still safe Red is Tarrant. Funnily/sadly enough, out of the 50 most populous counties in America, Tarrant is the only one that Trump safely carries.

To win Texas, Clinton needs to move the suburban counties to at least a tie. If polling shows that's possible, it might be worth spending in the state. It would come down to turnout in the urban counties and the Rio Grande Valley.

Can you guys imagine if Bernie was the nominee? We'd probably be seeing gifs of Bernie sleeping being presented as 'proof of death' (if Hillary's health related hit pieces are anything to go by).

"Scientists say that Resting Grumpy Face is a sign of multiple strokes."


I'm not sure Trump has a leg to stand on when it comes to crazy, bigoted religious fanatics showing up to campaign rallies. That's why the Mateen story won't get much play.



The Clintons had a net worth of about $700,000 when they went into office. Bernie Sanders currently has a net worth of $1.65 million.

<check your facts>


Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) is the proud new owner of a summer home on the Champlain Islands, Seven Days has confirmed.

The Burlington resident last week plopped down nearly $600,000 on a camp in North Hero.

Sanders’ new waterfront crib has four bedrooms and 500 feet of Lake Champlain beachfront on the east side of the island — facing Vermont, not New York. The Bern will keep his home in Burlington and use the new camp seasonally.
According to Clinton aides, they are essentially burdened with preparing for multiple debates with whichever Donald Trump shows up, whether the bombastic bomb-thrower, the subdued school-boy, or someone in between. Trump, meanwhile, has done little thinking about the debates, save for complaining about their conflict with football games. While he debated a dozen times in the primaries, he has never debated one-on-one with a candidate. Through all of the last year he played his rivals off each other, but this will be a very different format that won’t allow him to fade into the background as he has in debates past.

At this point I'm looking more forward to the debates than the launch of FFXV


Just watched the WSJ Facebook live video. They promised to answer questions but quit after answering one about third party candidates.

What a waste of time.
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