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PoliGAF 2016 |OT9| The Wrath of Khan!

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she'd need about 35% of the two-party white vote with those splits

(obviously that goes down if the latino vote, for example, is more lopsided, but not by much

also i'm assuming the last 4% are groups unlikely to vote trump anyway, which would push that down a little bit further)
Snort meth every day:

Somebody who is good at math help me out.

If the electorate in Texas is

63% White
13% Black
20% Hispanic/Latino

And we assume Hillary gets 98% of the Black vote (like Obama in 2012 and 2008) and, let's say 75% of the Latino vote (in 08 Obama got 63).

What percentage of the white vote would she need, theoretically, to win? (It was 26/73 in 2008 fyi) There were about 7.8 million votes cast in 2012.

I know it's not probable, but I'm just wondering what % she would need among whites.

Roughly 35% with those splits but that is to get 50%. If you assume Hillary needs 47% and some third party takes some of those white votes, then a bit less.


My bf is a manager at a grocery store. I took him dinner tonight, and there were three giant assholes vaping in the middle of the store. The lead cashier tried to ask them to stop, and they went all sublte men's/vaping rights on her. It was so gross. /off topic (and yes, they switched from we have the right to vape to "women don't know shit" in about eight seconds.)
One time I vaped weed in an indoor concert

I figured everyone was drinking and I was under 21 and couldn't buy alcohol, its not fair that I can't get turnt. And I vaped that bud until some woman working there went up to me and I was like "I didn't know I couldn't do that" and put it away.

If snobby alcoholics looked down on me, whatever. I couldn't drink and I had to turn up somehow.
One time I vaped weed in an indoor concert

I figured everyone was drinking and I was under 21 and couldn't buy alcohol, its not fair that I can't get turnt. And I vaped that bud until some woman working there went up to me and I was like "I didn't know I couldn't do that" and put it away.

If snobby alcoholics looked down on me, whatever. I couldn't drink and I had to turn up somehow.

Some indoor places are fine. However, offices, hospitals, libraries, grocery stores, etc. should not have to deal with people vaping on the premises. I would think that would be pretty obvious to most people, but apparently not.
I think it's partly rooted in the anti-intellectual notion that "experts" are really slick talking tricksters using meaningless charts and statistics that are probably made up.

It's a defense against the discomfort of accepting counter-intuitive ideas and information that goes against your picture of reality. If it "feels" wrong due to your own biases, it must be wrong and no facts can prove otherwise.

This argument is usually made by insecure people that are uncomfortable admitting that they know less on the subject in question.



I thought that juniors get perma'd. I'm not saying there's something, but the words don't seem right. And sometimes the links don't seem right either. And the avatars. We should find out what's going on. Many people say that Kris is a mess.
Here is an article on sexist comments made by the media during the Olympics.

I get what they're saying but this over-sensitivity is exactly what Trump and other conservative candidates have exploited in recent years. I think progressive media and groups need to sometimes better pick their battles. I think it's okay to point out sexist undertones whether intentional or unintentional, but it can be done without the outrage, especially if there was no real malice behind it. You can educate without prosecuting someone.

For example, many many many people prior to the 2000s made gay slurs in casual conversations. Accusing everyone of being homophobic isn't how we raised awareness and got people more understanding, it was through education from a variety of sources. Eventually the American public got educated enough where not even hardcore conservatives could turn the tides or claim over political correctness on gay rights issues and things.

Anyway, I just think articles like that do more harm than good. Trump and allies feed off those type of articles and over-reaction. Progressives would be smart not to take the bait.


Somebody who is good at math help me out.

If the electorate in Texas is

63% White
13% Black
20% Hispanic/Latino

And we assume Hillary gets 98% of the Black vote (like Obama in 2012 and 2008) and, let's say 75% of the Latino vote (in 08 Obama got 63).

What percentage of the white vote would she need, theoretically, to win? (It was 26/73 in 2008 fyi) There were about 7.8 million votes cast in 2012.

I know it's not probable, but I'm just wondering what % she would need among whites.

The biggest problem is getting the Latinos out to the polls to even vote. If they showed up at the same percentage as white people then it would have a good chance to go blue this year.


The biggest problem is getting the Latinos out to the polls to even vote. If they showed up at the same percentage as white people then it would have a good chance to go blue this year.

Yeah, I think Texas could be flipped, but it would probably be quite expensive to really go for it. Big state, expensive in terms of advertising and setting up ground game -- tactically a cautious campaign would probably use the money to shore up Florida, Ohio etc.

For long term strategic advantage and congressional election coattails though, I hope they go for it. Also because Trump needs to be crushed in a 400+ EV landslide, not just for being a racist bigot but also to help squash the kind of 'RIGGED!' talk that could honestly do long term damage to US democracy.
Yeah, I think Texas could be flipped, but it would probably be quite expensive to really go for it. Big state, expensive in terms of advertising and setting up ground game -- tactically a cautious campaign would probably use the money to shore up Florida, Ohio etc.

This isn't exact or anything but people around the Democratic party here say that with $100 million for ads and voter registration a candidate could get within five percent or so of a generic Republican. Work on registering voters would probably have to start nearly a year before the election though. It would require a ton of hours walking around small towns in south Texas. Its hard to see how that money couldn't be better used in Georgia or Arizona.
Who gives a shit if Trump and his shitty allies feed off being shitty.

People who used gay slurs, or gay as a slur for that matter, need(ed) to be told it's a shit thing to do, alongside all the smiley Ellen dancing and Modern Family raising awareness.


This isn't exact or anything but people around the Democratic party here say that with $100 million for ads and voter registration a candidate could get within five percent or so of a generic Republican. Work on registering voters would probably have to start nearly a year before the election though. It would require a ton of hours walking around small towns in south Texas. Its hard to see how that money couldn't be better used in Georgia or Arizona.

Is that number for Texas or in general? It's a lot, and as you say late in the game, and yeah there are cheaper targets. Still, if post-DNC/Khan polling shows her close... it would just be a huge, delicious cherry on the sundae.


My bf is a manager at a grocery store. I took him dinner tonight, and there were three giant assholes vaping in the middle of the store. The lead cashier tried to ask them to stop, and they went all sublte men's/vaping rights on her. It was so gross. /off topic (and yes, they switched from we have the right to vape to "women don't know shit" in about eight seconds.)
I'd rather sit next to someone vaping instead of smoking. Easier to tolerate. On the other hand, a lot of people who vape act like they are at an ICP concert. It sucks.


Vaping is up there with weed for the biggest argument against it being the fact that half the people who do it are enormous assholes.


Is PoliGAF excited for FFXV? I'm not sure what to make of it. Still deciding if i should buy it on day one or wait a bit.


Is PoliGAF excited for FFXV? I'm not sure what to make of it. Still deciding if i should buy it on day one or wait a bit.
I don't see any reason to get excited about a dead series that hasn't demonstrated even a hint of quality since the turn of the millennium (specifically, referring to FF9 here).

My advice: play Cosmic Star Heroine and save your excitement for Dragon Quest 11. That should be here some time in the next 5-10 years.


I don't see any reason to get excited about a dead series that hasn't demonstrated even a hint of quality since the turn of the millennium (specifically, referring to FF9 here).

My advice: play Cosmic Star Heroine and save your excitement for Dragon Quest 11. That should be here some time in the next 5-10 years.
FF14 is good. So was X.

Cosmic Star Heroine is out?



WINNING. That's right.
The "good state information" part is interesting too. Unskewing?

So with the news that Curt Schilling intends to run for president in the future, I'm just wondering: what are the primaries going to look like next time? Trump has seemed to give non-politicians confidence that they can do well.


FF14 is good. So was X.

Cosmic Star Heroine is out?
Should be sometime in the next month I think.

I actually should replay FFX someday. It may be better than I remember since it had some decent core ideas. I just found the characters intolerable. Also I know people seem like FF 14 2 for the most part, but I'll be cold dead in the ground before I pay a subscription for the benefit of playing a life-sucking level grind MMO.


WINNING. That's right.
That's right Donald. You hate that stupid teleprompter. Don't let Reince, Ryan, and all those loser donors tell you what to do. If those guys were in charge low energy Jeb or little Marco would have gotten the nom


Is PoliGAF excited for FFXV? I'm not sure what to make of it. Still deciding if i should buy it on day one or wait a bit.
Wait on it. First open world game from SE Japan? Guaranteed to be buggy even on a console.

This actually makes me really nervous. I have not been comfortable with the language used in this election.

"She's a criminal."
"Lock her up."
"should be put in a firing line and shot for treason."
"Deal with the devil. She's the devil." (this was came from the right AND the left)
"She's a horrible, horrible person."
"We must not let Hillary Clinton get into the White House no matter what."

I know I'm not that old yet, but when has such strong, demonizing language been used in a presidential election? And by the prominent members of a party, and not just the erratic fringes of their base?

And now Republicans are planting the idea that the election will be rigged.

Like the guy on CNN just said, this is dangerous. And I'm increasingly nervous about what happens the day after the election. I'm nervous for Hillary's safety.
A bit of a late answer, but back in the early days, it was quite terrible already.

Founding Fathers' dirty campaign [CNN]
Things got ugly fast. Jefferson's camp accused President Adams of having a "hideous hermaphroditical character, which has neither the force and firmness of a man, nor the gentleness and sensibility of a woman."

In return, Adams' men called Vice President Jefferson "a mean-spirited, low-lived fellow, the son of a half-breed Indian squaw, sired by a Virginia mulatto father."

As the slurs piled on, Adams was labeled a fool, a hypocrite, a criminal, and a tyrant, while Jefferson was branded a weakling, an atheist, a libertine, and a coward.
To be fair the two of them got bitter with each other over party politics, but after all the presidential stuff was over and done, they were graceful enough to let that fall behind them and become super friends over the remainder of their lives. Obviously, Trump is neither an Adams nor a Jefferson.
I have real issues with Suvery Monkey. In a sample of 11,000, there is no excuse for 18-24 year olds to make up less than 600 of the people sampled. ESPECIALLY in an online poll. Their response rate among Latino and African American voters is also terrible (700 and 800 respectively.)
Donald J. Trump ‏@realDonaldTrump 46m46 minutes ago
I am running against the Washington insiders, just like I did in the Republican Primaries. These are the people that have made U.S. a mess!


I wake up to a +10 for Queen, and the news that Tebow (aka Football Jesus) is going to play baseball. What a time to be alive!


Is PoliGAF excited for FFXV? I'm not sure what to make of it. Still deciding if i should buy it on day one or wait a bit.

I hated the combat in all the demos. It's like a poorly implemented and confusing poor man's version of Dragon's Dogma combat with standard SE character design more concerned with showing off the latest leather creations from New York Fashion Week than conveying actual character through costuming.

I also see it as tone deaf in theme showing that the only people capable and with the resources of traveling the world in order to save it are the top 1% of the world's royalty while everyone else has to sit around working to survive just hoping the world doesn't end around them. Not to mention the US is very likely about to elect its first female President while SE can't be bothered to have a female party member in their next mainline FF game.
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