Felix Lighter
Over 50% in polls is great to see.
The senate Dem candidaet is even winning in PA.
So you're not excited about November?
Is PoliGAF excited for FFXV? I'm not sure what to make of it. Still deciding if i should buy it on day one or wait a bit.
Is PoliGAF excited for FFXV? I'm not sure what to make of it. Still deciding if i should buy it on day one or wait a bit.
Here's a fun little post that came across my fb feed. Anyone care to translate?
Is PoliGAF excited for FFXV? I'm not sure what to make of it. Still deciding if i should buy it on day one or wait a bit.
Is PoliGAF excited for FFXV? I'm not sure what to make of it. Still deciding if i should buy it on day one or wait a bit.
Is PoliGAF excited for FFXV? I'm not sure what to make of it. Still deciding if i should buy it on day one or wait a bit.
The Supreme Court and not vetoing conservative bills that pass through congress.What is appealing to white evangelicals about Trump? His views on reproductive rights are flimsy at best. He isn't religious
The Supreme Court and not vetoing conservative bills that pass through congress.
Also, a lot of them believe that the Democratic party in general and Hillary in particular are anti Christian.
Don't diss NY fashion week lol. Fashion industry doing plenty better than what FF15 is using.I hated the combat in all the demos. It's like a poorly implemented and confusing poor man's version of Dragon's Dogma combat with standard SE character design more concerned with showing off the latest leather creations from New York Fashion Week than conveying actual character through costuming.
Keep in mind that ultimately your tastes would differ from mine. I only suggested waiting in case of technical trouble.As you know I've been out of the FF loop in eons, so... I'm sure you're right.
a lot of Catholics and religious AA's are Democrats. What a weird thing for R's to believe.
a lot of Catholics and religious AA's are Democrats. What a weird thing for R's to believe.
The Supreme Court and not vetoing conservative bills that pass through congress.
Also, a lot of them believe that the Democratic party in general and Hillary in particular are anti Christian.
Not everyone vote based on those issues. My point is that I think it's pretty clear what a Trump presidency brings to the table for people who prioritize banning abortions and gay marriage.a lot of Catholics and religious AA's are Democrats. What a weird thing for R's to believe.
They voted for Romney and many evangelical sees the church of LDS as a cult.I guess one way to make up for a candidate who's not a Christian is to literally say the opponent has ties to satan
The Clinton camp is laying the groundwork for Arizona and Georgia.
It's not weird at all when you consider that Christian/Evangelical is code for White Nationalism to a lot of the right.
I grew up religious. I come from a religious family. I lived in a very religious neighborhood. The majority of black people in this country do.
Neither me, my family, or my (former) congregation have ever felt considered by when the term Evangelical is used in politics. And we're all Democrats. Wonder why that is...
But PA is generally a solid blue state. That probably scales to like Clinton +2 in NC.
Oh shit.
Father of Orlando shooter spotted behind Clinton at rally
Given the speech she gave praises the police etc for their efforts and bravery that night, I'm sure she'll be just fine. The more you can get Trump yelling at Muslim parents the better I think. I don't think this plays too badly at all.
Yay me! Clinton 43 / Trump 41. H2H is 47 / 46
That's crazy, but gotta remember Nowcast is trash, even when it has what we want to see
not in this case, no i don't think so
they really should not have let him stand in camera view -_-
Yay me! Clinton 43 / Trump 41. H2H is 47 / 46
Return of ACORN
not in this case, no i don't think so
they really should not have let him stand in camera view -_-
Some of the quotes from other articles make it sound like a hard story to run with as some sort of negative.How many people would have recognized this guy? Are the people who sit in the background individually selected to sit there? Unless he was put there intentionally, I don't see a problem.
But I have no doubt that right wing media will hammer this. Wouldn't be surprised to see Trump tweeting about it either.
Asked by a reporter why he attended Mrs. Clintons rally near Orlando, Mr. Mateen replied, I spoke a lot about that and wish that my son joined the Army and fought ISIS. That would be much better.
When the reporter asked if Mr. Mateen thought people would be surprised to see him at the rally, he replied, Why should they be surprised? I love the United States, and Ive been living here a long time.
69% of Trump supporters think that if Hillary wins, it will be due to rigging.
Not sure whether to post "This is Fine" or "Nice"
Am I in the wrong for feeling slightly uneasy at the fact CNN ensembles an all-women panel, to debate economic questions concerning tax reductions connected to child care ?
Is PoliGAF excited for FFXV? I'm not sure what to make of it. Still deciding if i should buy it on day one or wait a bit.
Oh Barack Lesnar is Heavy. That does make sense now that I know.
What is this supposed to mean? I may not be the most articulate person on neogaf but I'm not an idiot...I'm observant and think outside the box and point out things that aren't always obvious. I don't like these type of remarks.Oh Barack is Heavy lol
Some of the quotes from other articles make it sound like a hard story to run with as some sort of negative.
Oh shit.
Father of Orlando shooter spotted behind Clinton at rally