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PoliGAF 2016 |OT9| The Wrath of Khan!

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Believe what?

You people are freaking out. THERE'S NO NARRATIVE HERE. I asked a pretty straightforward question -- describe the hypothetical person who would not be voting for Trump who would hear about this Mateen thing and change their mind to vote for Trump. No answers yet!

I'm talking about the bigger picture of the entire campaign. When you have an army of people posting all kinds of nonsense on social media, it may have an impact on the impressionable.


No Scrubs
"See the conditions"?! Like what, having a verbal exchange like a decent human being? What conditions of the debates could he possibly have a problem with?

It's an out. If he decides he's going to get wrecked and skips it then he'll just say they were unfair to him. That's literally all this is.


I'm talking about the bigger picture of the entire campaign. When you have an army of people posting all kinds of nonsense on social media, it may have an impact on the impressionable.

It's just noise at this point.

Do you think that anyone reasonably on the fence is actually impacted by that Neil Turner bot posting yet another image that someone has no idea whether or not it's real?

They've flooded social media with fake information that people that could be swung in the first place will know is at least in part fake. They are becoming their own worst enemies.


Professional Schmuck
This thread once again reminds me too much success in the face of dire circumstances breeds ridiculous navel gazing and nitpicking of complete non-issues.

On one hand we're actually, literally discussing the Hillary camp having the ability to move resources to states like ARIZONA and GEORGIA. Fewer than 100 days out -- just three months -- and she's up 10-15 nationally, winning states Obama never could and is projected to hit about 370.

On the other, 'can Hillary make dank memes?' 'Can she compete in a debate with an actual idiot?' 'What about her emails response even though we know nobody outside the conservative media sphere gives a shit?'

Love y'all but c'mon. The one thing to focus on is whether or not she has a satisfying answer on her two actual, legitimate problems with voters: military adventurism and ties to big money. That her two problems are blindspots for a complicit conservative movement should be the tip-off that you have nothing to worry about here.

We're not talking about whether she'll be president anymore, we're talking about whether she'll be a good one and she can reign herself in on the two valid criticisms from the left. Everything else is daily noise at this point.


Trump is a manchild.

Probably wants it in the conditions that the moderators have to help him build a lego castle in the breaks

The wall ain't gonna build itself

What a mess

Will be beautiful when he loses

Georgia and SC blue

GOP sinking

All hail Queen

Long live the corporate Democrat whores

Bern down the far left




I'm talking about the bigger picture of the entire campaign. When you have an army of people posting all kinds of nonsense on social media, it may have an impact on the impressionable.

Describe this impressionable person and their thought process that leads them to vote for Trump after seeing this particular meme or whatever.


I'm talking about the bigger picture of the entire campaign. When you have an army of people posting all kinds of nonsense on social media, it may have an impact on the impressionable.
If people really want to push the guilt-by-association angle, they could find a picture of the Clintons hanging out with some self-proclaimed millionaire who was later discovered to have a lot of really questionable views on many issues.


LOL...Hillary should demand same conditions as the ones in 2012.

There are no conditions to check? The debate commission already had it set and put out a statement saying both parties agreed to the details last year.

I don't understand what moving parts are left? He either shows up or he doesn't.
This is a nonstatement. "I will agree to go to the debates if the conditions are satisfactory to me." Well, duh.

“I renegotiated the debates in the primaries, remember? They were making a fortune on them and they had us in for three and a half hours and I said that’s ridiculous,” Trump said. “I’m sure they’ll be open to any suggestions I have, because I think they’ll be very fair suggestions. But I haven’t [seen the conditions] yet. They’re actually presented to me tonight.”

People overreacted to the whole "he's not gonna debate". He's just posturing in order to get what he wants (most likely moderator).

I read this as him laying groundwork to get out of them. Talking about how "no, seriously you guys I want to do them" while also reserving the right to renegotiate all of the terms. Of course he has no power here and will likely get nothing. So this gives him the option to bail while saying the he would have done it if everyone wasn't so unfair to him.

He could afford to do that in the primaries, they had like 15 debates, but in a GE? That's insane.


There are no conditions to check? The debate commission already had it set and put out a statement saying both parties agreed to the details last year.

I don't understand what moving parts are left? He either shows up or he doesn't.

He either wants to flex his "negotiator" muscle, which makes him look good, or is looking for a way out.

Either way, there's an absolutely clear strategy here: Give him absolutely nothing.


aka andydumi
"See the conditions"?! Like what, having a verbal exchange like a decent human being? What conditions of the debates could he possibly have a problem with?

That's the key right here.

Probably wants to know the moderators and questions ahead of time.


Kills Photobucket
Trump will demand that Hannity moderate a debate.

I don't think there's any chance he misses the first one, but I think he'll weasel out of the others if the first goes really poorly.
They can't formulate a good answer for the e-mails and then they let Mateen into the rally. Maybe I'm wrong but it seems like the Obama campaign would have caught onto that one.

I'm not sure if you understand how people are selected to enter public rallies. I mean, they don't sit there and screen each person to determine their worthiness to get in. If you get through security, you're in. They're not going to start randomly denying people entry because they look like they're related to a terrorist.

Obama's team didn't manage to put out the "Whitey tape," the "Rev. Wright" thing or the birth certificate thing. You know why? Because those are stupid, asinine pointless things that no rationale person has hiccups on. You do the best you can with what you have.

There is no answer that is going to satisfy the media or the GOP on the emails. You just have to kinda roll with the punches. Play with the cards your dealt, then go from there.


People overreacted to the whole "he's not gonna debate". He's just posturing in order to get what he wants (most likely moderator).

He has no leverage to get what he wants except threatening not to go to the debate. That's what he did with the primary debates.
Clinton will fucking destroy Trump in the debates. This isn't even up for, well, debate.

She is not hamstrung by basically having to agree with everything Trump says, unlike the GOP candidates.

She is a better debater than that entire clown car combined, anyway.

Trump is not coming into these as the prohibitive favorite, and will likely be losing, badly. The bubble has burst. The spell has broken. The prevailing wisdom currently is and will likely still be that he is a dangerous brainless loudmouth who no one wants to hear from anymore.

Trump is literally the easiest opponent Clinton has ever had to debate in her life.
Wtf is up with Hillary's tax plan? Why is she only increasing taxes for millionaires? We just went through a huge debate about whether we should let the Bush tax cuts expire for the top 5%. We let them expire for people making over 450k but not for people making 250k, which is what Obama wanted. Why is this battle dead?
He has no leverage to get what he wants except threatening not to go to the debate. That's what he did with the primary debates.

He has *some* leverage, it depends on what his demands are. It's not in the interest of anyone to have 3*90 minutes Clinton infomercials.

Either he's starting the groundwork to get out of the debates (unlikely IMO) or he wants to know the fine print before he commits to the debates (which he says he'll find out today).

Ultimately if necessary, he could bypass the CPD and negotiate directly with the Clinton campaign (yes they would probably say no). But there's no obligation to have the CPD organize the debates.
Describe this impressionable person and their thought process that leads them to vote for Trump after seeing this particular meme or whatever.

Is it really that hard to believe there are lot of impressionable people out there? We just had a guy last night make a thread in OT asking people to explain emails and Benghazi to him.
It's an out. If he decides he's going to get wrecked and skips it then he'll just say they were unfair to him. That's literally all this is.

I get that, but I guess I was just curious of what specific conditions he could declare as unfair. Perhaps that was asking too much of Trump.
Wtf is up with Hillary's tax plan? Why is she only increasing taxes for millionaires? We just went through a huge debate about whether we should let the Bush tax cuts expire for the top 5%. We let them expire for people making over 450k but not for people making 250k, which is what Obama wanted. Why is this battle dead?

Has there been polling done on this? Maybe people think the 250K mark is still upper middle class and therefore shouldn't be included?


When was the last time SE made a AAA FFXV game?

We should be excited for FFXII Remastered. Balthier is the coolest :)

I've been burned to many times by SE to be excited, feel the same about the dems

I don't see any reason to get excited about a dead series that hasn't demonstrated even a hint of quality since the turn of the millennium (specifically, referring to FF9 here).

My advice: play Cosmic Star Heroine and save your excitement for Dragon Quest 11. That should be here some time in the next 5-10 years.

I hated the combat in all the demos. It's like a poorly implemented and confusing poor man's version of Dragon's Dogma combat with standard SE character design more concerned with showing off the latest leather creations from New York Fashion Week than conveying actual character through costuming.

I also see it as tone deaf in theme showing that the only people capable and with the resources of traveling the world in order to save it are the top 1% of the world's royalty while everyone else has to sit around working to survive just hoping the world doesn't end around them. Not to mention the US is very likely about to elect its first female President while SE can't be bothered to have a female party member in their next mainline FF game.

I'll at least wait for the PC version, that also allows for the honey moon period to fade so you can get accurate impressions.

E3 pretty much killed any hope I had in this game. Will definitely wait this one out.

lol I was in fucking middle school when that shit got announced.

it looks like trash, combat systems looks like trash, the development was trash!


i keep forgetting it exists

Don't diss NY fashion week lol. Fashion industry doing plenty better than what FF15 is using.

Keep in mind that ultimately your tastes would differ from mine. I only suggested waiting in case of technical trouble.
Holy crap. PoliGAF not sold on FFXV. Yeah, I feel the same way. This might be the first single player FF I don't buy right away. It's kind of depressing.

Dramatis, just because we have different tastes in other games doesn't mean we wouldn't agree. I think your concerns are pretty universal across the fan base. It's not more of a polarized opinion i.e. FF12.

teiresais, I see what you mean but XIII, love it it not, was all Lightning all the time. I think they are going with the four bros to balance things out. Not that I agree with that approach. At least one could have been female.

I want it to not suck but the gameplay looks so dull sometimes. The QTE crap especially. Why Squeenix, why.

Back to politics... I'm not too worried about the shooter's dad being at a rally. Crazy that he was able to get right behind Hillary, he has said and done some batshit things in the past. I worry for her safety more than optics or something.


He could afford to do that in the primaries, they had like 15 debates, but in a GE? That's insane.
I agree that this is astonishingly stupid, and I will still be shocked if it happens. I mean, the Trunp campaign is really dumb, but this would be dumb even for them.

But when I read those comments, it makes me less likely to believe he'll show up, not more.

We're not talking about whether she'll be president anymore, we're talking about whether she'll be a good one and she can reign herself in on the two valid criticisms from the left. Everything else is daily noise at this point.
Nah, we're talking about who will be on control of Congress in January and how seriously this election can damage the GOP in the long term. There are a lot of variables in this equation, but the biggest one might be Hill's margin of victory.
Is it really that hard to believe there are lot of impressionable people out there? We just had a guy last night make a thread in OT asking people to explain emails and Benghazi to him.
And when he finds out what happened in benghazi, he'll chalk it up as an unfortunate tragedy and not immediately think Hillary parachuted Sid Blumenthal, David Brock and Huma into that compound and have them killed. Same thing with the Mateen dad in that rally. Normally people dont go snooping for conspiracies, unless they are politically and emotionally invested in other candidate losing. Large number of people are quite apathetic and unassuming, like the guy who started the benghazi thread.


Speaking of Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hears 1.5 and 2.5 PS4 will hopefully be announced in December for a 2017 release. No way Kingdom Hearts 3 makes it next year. Will likely be 2018.


Is it really that hard to believe there are lot of impressionable people out there? We just had a guy last night make a thread in OT asking people to explain emails and Benghazi to him.

I mean, it's telling to me that I've asked this question multiple times and every time I ask it the response is "I'm just generally worried." It suggests to me that nobody can actually come up with an example of a situation where this would be a problem, but they're worried anyway.

Like, that is fine, you are in charge of your own emotions, but I think you are maybe reading too many right-wing media sources.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
There are no conditions to check? The debate commission already had it set and put out a statement saying both parties agreed to the details last year.

I don't understand what moving parts are left? He either shows up or he doesn't.

That's my point. Just say, "We'll use what everyone else has." Put the ball in Trump's hands.
Has there been polling done on this? Maybe people think the 250K mark is still upper middle class and therefore shouldn't be included?
Most Americans supported raising taxes on people making over $250k. But I've read the long form of the Tax Policy Center's analysis of the Clinton tax plan and I don't see anything about it.

TPC said:
Filers with income between $295,000 and$732,000 (highest 95 percent to 99 percent)wouldincuran average tax increase of about $2,700 (0.8 percent ofafter-taxincome). Among the top 0.1 percent—filers with income greater than $3.8 million—the average tax increase would benearly $520,000(7.6percent of after-tax income).

That's, like, okay. I guess. I trust her. I don't know how much revenue would even be obtained if you went lower. Probably not much.


aka andydumi
$250K is riiight on the cusp of the 1%, I believe, right?

I remember the discussion back then also raising the point that 250 in the top real estate markets of the US like DC, NY and SF is not nearly as much as it seems. So they went with 450 which is definitely up there no matter where you are.
I mean, it's telling to me that I've asked this question multiple times and every time I ask it the response is "I'm just generally worried." It suggests to me that nobody can actually come up with an example of a situation where this would be a problem, but they're worried anyway.

Like, that is fine, you are in charge of your own emotions, but I think you are maybe reading too many right-wing media sources.

Part of the NBC poll last week asked what issues concern them more and 48% of voters said Clinton's paid speeches were of larger concern than Trumps taxes (only 37 percent!), think about that. What rational people value speeches over taxes in a candidate?
Holy crap. PoliGAF not sold on FFXV. Yeah, I feel the same way. This might be the first single player FF I don't buy right away. It's kind of depressing.

Dramatis, just because we have different tastes in other games doesn't mean we wouldn't agree. I think your concerns are pretty universal across the fan base. It's not more of a polarized opinion i.e. FF12.

teiresais, I see what you mean but XIII, love it it not, was all Lightning all the time. I think they are going with the four bros to balance things out. Not that I agree with that approach. At least one could have been female.

I want it to not suck but the gameplay looks so dull sometimes. The QTE crap especially. Why Squeenix, why.

Back to politics... I'm not too worried about the shooter's dad being at a rally. Crazy that he was able to get right behind Hillary, he has said and done some batshit things in the past. I worry for her safety more than optics or something.
I'm on the FFXV train. Crazy I was in college when it was first announced. I'm going to buy it for sure. I haven't skipped out on a mainline Final Fantasy release since FF7 (apart from online games and FF13 offshoots). I have faith in Squeenix.

It will probably take me a year to finish though. I'm still trying to level up in Witcher 3 newgame+ so I can gain access to the expansion pass DLC. UGH.
1. Nuke the filibuster
2. Computer drawn districts and VRA restoration
3. Amnesty
4. Appoint three supreme court justices
5. LGBTQ+ Civil Rights Act
6. Assault weapons ban
7. Repeal of Hyde Amendment

Hmm, likely or unlikely if the Dems win the House?

... Not certain Hillary would pass a cap and trade or carbon tax bill even with control of both chambers :(

Anyway, here's a great SubRosa song from their upcoming album:



1. Nuke the filibuster
2. Computer drawn districts and VRA restoration
3. Amnesty
4. Appoint three supreme court justices
5. LGBTQ+ Civil Rights Act
6. Assault weapons ban
7. Repeal of Hyde Amendment

Hmm, likely or unlikely if the Dems win the House?

... Not certain Hillary would pass a cap and trade or carbon tax bill even with control of both chambers :(

Anyway, here's a great SubRosa song from their upcoming album:


Constitution will stop you.
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