User 463088
Diablosing over 6 EV.
C'mon. Trump's not going 3 for 3 in the South (GA,NC,SC). One of them at least will swing.
I agree. What in the world....
Iowa is 6 EV. There have been two polls this week, one showing Hillary ahead by 4, one showing Trump ahead by 1. (Which has now been adjusted based on partisan lean to a tie by 538...which I still think is stupid). Not only is Trump ahead by 1 in the poll...he's, literally, only ahead by 7 respondents out of 500. SEVEN.
This is a state that is 93% white. She is currently ahead by at least 10 points in states that equal 273 electoral votes. We just got a poll showing her plus 3 in FL!
When the electoral map expands, it doesn't mean that you don't gain at the expense of something else. Iowa lacks the same level of college educated whites, African American and Latino voters that make up the coalition of the ascendant that is the current iteration of the Obama coalition.
Today's polling so far confirms a lead in Florida. It confirms a dominant lead in New Hampshire. It shows the potential for a pickup in South Carolina (and by extension confirming polling data in NC and GA, while raising questions about places like Texas). And a tight race in a state that is demographically made to fit Donald Trump.......
And a 1 point lead is the thing that causes polling amnesia?