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PoliGAF 2016 |OT9| The Wrath of Khan!

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Just need Tejas to be DEADHEAT and I will be all



I'm not sure if the Ford crack video is as absurd as Trump currently, and needing to think this over in the first place is ridiculous.


Trump speaking now. So low energy. Sad!

Also, why does he keep namedropping Putin and Russia. You'd think he'd want to avoid that with all the recent press...
What are the most recent Missouri numbers?

Last two polls were Trump by 2 and Clinton by 1.

Political Polls ‏@PpollingNumbers 2m2 minutes ago
'South' Carolina General Election:

Trump 41% (+2)
Clinton 39%
Johnson (L) 5%
Stein (G) 2%

Trump now spinning that the 2007/2008 mortgage lender crisis is all Obama's fault blaming him for the drop of home ownership showing a chart

but not explaining that the crash happened before Obama was inaugurated


I cannot fathom a world in which she is down by 2 in SC, but not very, very close to leading (or tying) in Texas.

There's a pretty sizable black population in South Carolina. Since, it's not an "immigrant" population, there won't be as much of a polarization.
Trump now spinning that the 2007/2008 mortgage lender crisis is all Obama's fault blaming him for the drop of home ownership showing a chart

but not explaining that the crash happened before Obama was inaugurated

Well, Obama created ISIS in 1999 along with First Lady Hillary Clinton using their White House TARDIS....So, the fact that it took Obama until 2008 to destroy the economy is sad! He's really slacking.
Honestly ill be suprised if Russia causes anymore shit with Trumps poll numbers being so horrible. If this was a closer race, or somehow gets closer in October, then i can see them pulling this stunt again.

However if its clear Clinton is about to be POTUS, i dont see any gains from openly trying to fuck with the election again. They would be better kept to keep their cards face down for a later time.
There's a pretty sizable black population in South Carolina. Since, it's not an "immigrant" population, there won't be as much of a polarization.

Sure, but you're also lacking major metropolitan centers like Houston, Dallas, Austin, etc. We only have exit poll data from TX from 2008. But, it was 13% black and 20% Latino. The Black vote will break along the 98/2 lines as 2008. I don't think Trump will manage to get 35% of the Latino vote in TX this year. College graduates broke 60/38 for McCain. If Hillary can manage to keep Trump under 20% with Latinos, increase turnout to 22-25% of the electorate....maintain her edge with white women and the college educated....she has to have an outside chance.
Jennifer Jacobs‏ @JenniferJJacobs

Trump: "Putin doesn’t like our president...Wouldn’t that be nice if we could get along with Russia?"
National home builders crowd: Silence.



(((Harry Enten))) ‏@ForecasterEnten 12m12 minutes ago
Toughest thing for some people to wrap their heads around: states make up the nation. If there's a 6 pt swing nationally, states move too.

(((Harry Enten))) ‏@ForecasterEnten 27m27 minutes ago
More black voters in GA than SC, but the vote by race breakdown between 2 very similar in 2012. Trump's white lead has shrunk in both in 16.

I feel bad for Lindsay Graham. 53% of South Carolinians want to protect LGBT people from job discrimination, but none of them want him to keep his job because they don't like him. :(


Its a fair point but what we're seeing now goes beyond that. Obama won by eight points nationally in '08 but still lost SC by 10. The current polls in places like SC and GA are showing a split where college whites are becoming more Democratic and high school or less are more Republican. If that continues its going to change the elector college map for both parties.
If she's down by 2 in SC, she's up in GA and even more in NC and VA, even though anything past VA is gravy.

I don't know what Trump's path to victory looks like.


If things hold in relatively the same position come November, election night coverage will be super exciting to watch, not because of the overall outcome, but to see which red states turn blue.


Professional Schmuck
Kenneth P. Vogel @kenvogel
The Trumpiest fundraising appeal ever: donate $35 & you get a "Donald J. Trump Gold Executive Membership Card." pic.twitter.com/fL7Iu5nsY3


This is some Apprentice-level amateurism right here.
Hillary doing better than Obama with whites should have been obvious, but republicans spent the last 4 years theorizing that she would somehow perform just as bad while also doing worse with minorities. That's essentially the argument you have to make in order to get a republican into the White House. Perhaps Trump being the nominee is good news, given that even smart republican campaign people will simply dismiss a lot of messages from this election "because Trump." In reality it shouldn't be a shock that a white democrat is doing better with whites than a black democrat.
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