Suffolk Iowa:
Trump: 41
Hillary: 40
Trump: 37
Hillary: 36
Johnson: 6
Stein: 3
Republican Sen.-elect Joni Ernst easily won her race in Iowa last Tuesday, beating Democrat Bruce Braley by 8.5 percentage points. Her victory wasnt shocking, but its size was (to everyone except pollster Ann Selzer, that is). The final FiveThirtyEight projection had Ernst winning by just 1.5 percentage points.
"Well, I'm a Republican. But I'm not voting for Trump. This isn't my party anymore. It's a damn shame. If Nancy Reagan were alive right now, she'd be rolling over in her grave.
They need to blanket the state with a "how stupid are the people of Iowa?" ad on repeat.Suffolk Iowa:
Trump: 41
Hillary: 40
Trump: 37
Hillary: 36
Johnson: 6
Stein: 3
This was in April. I can't see how its not close right now in MS.
Yeah, fuck. This is bad. Really bad. Wikileaks is probably sitting on the emails waiting until a later time to release them.
Fuck fuck fuck.
UGHSuffolk Iowa:
Trump: 41
Hillary: 40
Trump: 37
Hillary: 36
Johnson: 6
Stein: 3
Suffolk Iowa:
Trump: 41
Hillary: 40
Trump: 37
Hillary: 36
Johnson: 6
Stein: 3
Our new polls for @resp_solutions show Clinton up 46-43 on Trump in Florida and 50-37 in New Hampshire:
Our polls for @resp_solutions show tight U.S. Senate races: Hassan leads Ayotte 47-42 and Rubio leads Murphy 42-40:
Iowa is going to be ground game based. Trump has none. Stop Diablosing.
lmao how did i not figure that out jesus
anyway, i'm thinking we've got a shot at a clean sweep here
Iowa is the one state where she's underperforming, but I agree with Nate in that it's probably because of her reliance on college educated whites. In a state that's 90% white, Trump is leading by 7 poll respondents. Interestingly, 52% of the people in that poll think Hillary will win. Only 32% think Trump will.
That House Speaker Paul Ryan easily won his congressional primary on Tuesday, by a nearly 70-point margin, should not have surprised anyone. Yet the political world was watching the result on tenterhooks, waiting for a surprise that never came. The fact that there was no upset was, in this season of political surprises, news of its own sort: a signal that perhaps the Trumpist ideology that has disrupted the Republican Party this year doesnt work for anyone not named Donald Trump, and may not outlast him as a force in the GOP.
Thus, even though Trump was technically on Ryans side, Nehlens candidacy was a test of whether theres actually a latent constituency in the GOP base for a Trumpist ideology of populist nationalism. Some Trump fans believe he represents a larger philosophical movement to overthrow the longstanding priorities of the partys donor classthat his victory in the presidential primary has revealed the secret preference of the partys voters for an agenda antithetical to everything the elites hold dear. Ryan favors an interventionist foreign policy, cuts to entitlement programs, and immigration reform; Trump espouses the opposite.
The signal sent by Tuesdays result, though, is bolstered by other pieces of evidence this year. Establishment-friendly candidates have won Republican primaries across the board; another incumbent member of Congress endorsed by Trump in a primary, North Carolinas Renee Ellmers, went down to defeat. On this evidence, Trump would seem to have neither political clout nor an ideological hold over the party whose nomination hes taken.
Thats why Ryans victory is cheering news to the Republicans-in-exile who are hoping to take their party back once Trump passes into history. This is Ryans party, not Trumps, the Republican consultant Patrick Ruffini tweeted after the results were in Tuesday. Its too soon to say for sure, but the Wisconsin primary offered anti-Trump Republicans hope that their 2016 nominee may represent an anomaly rather than a revolution from within.
New Hampshire puts her over the top, but Florida is the no-doubter. Not PA.
in the end, Pennsylvania is the most important state in 2016
Trump has NO PATH without it
thank you Philly
Nevada too. But it's really not a big deal if she's crushing Ohio, PA, VA, etc.
With NV, though, she has the larger minority population to fall back on. Iowa is 93% white. NV is only 64% white.
Hillary has already won (at 273 EVs in states she's dominant in), now just need Rubio and Ryan to lose also in November.
Is this including Iowa (which she's currently losing)?
Could be a big mac. New Mexico and Colorado make it 3 buns.The coast to coast sandwich needs to happen.
I disagree. PA is the central "key"stone state that Trump absolutely requires for his Rust Belt path which is not happening now
the NYT model shows it being hyper difficult to near impossible for him without PA at this moment
Maybe Trumpism Doesn't Work Without Trump
Expect successful party reset after Trump. That's why taking the house now and ramming Clinton's legislation down everyone's gaping throats is dire.
Is this including Iowa (which she's currently losing)?
Maybe Trumpism Doesn't Work Without Trump
Expect successful party reset after Trump. That's why taking the house now and ramming Clinton's legislation down everyone's gaping throats is dire.
Deeper inside the poll, Clinton leads Trump with significant minority communities: African-Americans, 82 percent to 13 percent; among Asian-Americans 53 percent to 42 percent, and among Hispanics 66 percent to 31 percent. Among white voters Trump leads Clinton 62 percent to 24 percent.
I hope they have Kayleigh and Karina on panel during election night coverage.
Diablosing over 6 EV.
C'mon. Trump's not going 3 for 3 in the South (GA,NC,SC). One of them at least will swing.
In GA, from the Breibart poll out today:
Deeper inside the poll, Clinton leads Trump with significant minority communities: African-Americans, 82 percent to 13 percent; among Asian-Americans 53 percent to 42 percent, and among Hispanics 66 percent to 31 percent. Among white voters Trump leads Clinton 62 percent to 24 percent.
Yeah wishful thinking.