User 463088
Everyone tune in, your next president is speaking.
Everyone tune in, your next president is speaking.
You're on fire today
He's in heaven, God almighty
I'm happy for you, America. Maybe, just maybe, you guys might be fixing this mess of an election year.
I had to look it up because I thought it was a lot worse than that. It really shows what a stranglehold the Democrats had on the Congress until Mr. Gerry Mander got his mitts on this shit.
They don't call me flaming for nothing.
in the arms of the angels
More like the Gerry Mander mitts changed hands. That stranglehold was in large part because of Democratic gerrymandering.
His train of thought is- hey! We got a junior here. Remember when neogaf was great back in those day we were juniors? I like the members, i loke the non-members, don't we love the non-members?Again I'm having trouble following his train of thought, including why he was laughing like a school boy, when he was talking about locomotives (I think it was locomotives)
Sad to see a founder abuse his disciples that way.RIP Obama
I guarantee you he doesn't know the policy posted on his own website
His train of thought is- hey! We got a junior here. Remember when neogaf was great back in those day we were juniors? I like the members, i loke the non-members, don't we love the non-members?
Even more good news from the same polls.
NC Gov
Cooper 51%
McCrory 44%
OMG, GUYS. is now at the point ot writing these kinds of analysis:
Dat hopium.
But those probabilities arent that small. For comparison, you have a 17 percent chance of losing a game of Russian roulette.
The 90s really were something else.
LOL when he tries to make them think he can relate to their struggle and says " I FLEW over your closed down plants"
Trump to protestor: "Go home to mommy. And your mother is voting for Trump. Its true. Its true."
Short version: If Hillary wins by a 16-point national margin (think: 53-37), this is the best best-case scenario for her.
"Do i really have to go down there? It looks like the peasants like their war zone""They look like ants from up here."
I wish I got to live in one of the fun states people can dream turns blue. Being an Okie sucks.
I always remember anything trump says is actually what he is doing.Our govT is for sale - says man who selected 13 of his billionaire donors as his team of economic policy advisors
Reporters are the lowest form of life. They are the lowest form of humanity
No, I think that award goes to pundits.Reporters are the lowest form of life. They are the lowest form of humanity