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PoliGAF 2016 |OT9| The Wrath of Khan!

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For my first time ever, I think I'm just ready for this campaign to be over. The next 80something days are going to be ugly.

And a shout-out to Trump: the media could be discussing Hillary's weak spots, but instead this will be The Topic for Wednesday. Another week, almost gone.
Almost like, trump likes the attentions
I'm only worried in the sense that he is going to drag his hardcore supporters even more farther right which will be extremely dangerous when he loses.

I don't think politicians can pull people one way or another. The willingness to go there has to be in them already. What's really going to radicalize the far-right is Trump losing. They're in complete disbelief that "real america" is a minority. The sentiments Trump tapped into will exist with or without him.
For my first time ever, I think I'm just ready for this campaign to be over. The next 80something days are going to be ugly.

And a shout-out to Trump: the media could be discussing Hillary's weak spots, but instead this will be The Topic for Wednesday. Another week, almost gone.
Same. Like, I don't even want to watch the debates at this point (provided they actually happen). Well, I mean, listening to Hillary talk policy and be a wonk is awesome.... I just can't stand listening to Trump (nevermind his lackeys like Lewandowski trying to twist things every which way) and am ready for it to be over. I've had more than my fill at this point.

Fortunately, the new semester's about to start up, so I can distract myself with that and start tuning out a bit until November.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Keep fuckin that chicken, Mark Halperin. This is the ninth "he will soar ahead in the polls!" moment from that giant walking pair of underwear since May.
Ahahaha, it'll be even more fun to grill the GOP establishment for not pulling their endorsements if Trump goes even more bonkers.

"He might have pulled his junk out on the lectern at the beginning of the first debate, but I love how he's a free spirit! Always staying true to himself. Can't wait for him to be President!" --Paul Ryan in 6 weeks


Jesus Christ I'm not sure I woke up. Am I still dreaming this shit I can't believe the last page. So no more teleprompters right? I'm not sure where else he can go harder right.
These quotes y'all posted man:

Bannon has convinced Trump that rest of campaign needs to be bare-knuckles brawl, w/ full-bore populism/movement politics

Huge rallies. Gloves off. Brutal fights with Clinton. Heavy emphasis on nationalism and populism. That's the Bannon strategy.

These last days are gonna be fucking astonishing.


Ivanka is busy hanging out with Wendy Deng Murdoch.

And the Trump boys are probably off killing a white rhino or something.

Yeah, while Trump finishes off the endangered dying Republican elephant.Like father like son.No compassion, no humility and no fucking decency. At all.


This is incredible and terrifying. The damage Trump is gonna do to the country is gonna continue to increase. As fascinating as this is, i hate this year.

This does serve as a great start to Act 3 of the inevitable Trump movie, tho.


Fairly good timing on sidelining Manafort

WASHINGTON (AP) — An Associated Press investigation finds that Donald Trump's campaign chairman helped a pro-Russian political party in Ukraine secretly route at least $2.2 million to two prominent Washington lobbying firms. The project was structured in ways that obscured the foreign party's efforts to influence U.S. policy.

The revelation was described to the AP by people directly knowledgeable about the effort. It comes at a time when Trump has faced criticism for his praise of Russian President Vladimir Putin. It also casts new light on the business practices of Manafort.

Under federal law, U.S. lobbyists must tell the Justice Department if they represent foreign leaders or their political parties. A violation is a felony and can result in up to five years in prison and a fine of up to $250,000.

I expect a lot more '4 more years of Obama' type of rhetoric. And I welcome that. But I feel that things are going to get pretty incendiary between now and November (and maybe afterwards).

And bless Trump for thinking that his missteps over the last few weeks were where he stayed *on* script. Distancing himself from Manafort was the right reaction, but he's done it in the completely wrong way. Strap in everyone.


Aetna pulling out of the ACA exchanges is kind of a problem. This gives Trump and the GOP lots of good talking points.

We've gotta get back the House... even if Hillary wins the ACA is going to hurt Dems in 2018 and 2020


This is incredible and terrifying. The damage Trump is gonna do to the country is gonna continue to increase. As fascinating as this is, i hate this year.

This does serve as a great start to Act 3 of the inevitable Trump movie, tho.

I'm in two minds about it. On the one hand I'm worried that things will get even uglier than they already are. On the other, sure, let's make it even more clear and undeniable that it's nothing short of white nationalism and unfiltered racial resentment that's on the ballot this year... So that it can be repudiated by a huge majority of the American people.


If there ever was a time for the GOP to hop off the Trump train, now is the time. Have a little foresight and get the fuck out of the way now before the real nationalism hits and get bombarded with questions.

We're gonna see without question who is weak and who has some political savvy and foresight.
Doubling down on the Trumpster fire?

Kellyanne Conway as campaign manager plus a Breitbart guy? LMAO. Never good when you change the campaign structure.

On the day you're supposed to give a "major" speech? LMAO.
If there ever was a time for the GOP to hop off the Trump train, now is the time. Have a little foresight and get the fuck out of the way now before the real nationalism hits and get bombarded with questions.

We're gonna see without question who is weak and who has some political savvy and foresight.

They'd better do it soon. I'd say anytime after August is too little, too late.


CNN seems to think this shakeup could help Trump to some extent although there's disagreement over how far this will actually take him.


Brian Stetler nailed it. All of those talks we've heard about a potential TrumpTV after the election have way more credence to them now with Ailes and Bannon. This is a real possibility.


CNN seems to think this shakeup could help Trump to some extent although there's disagreement over how far this will actually take him.
They are looking for the trump comeback/cleanup narrative. That's what they want and playing ignorant for a day lets them dream.


Brian Stetler nailed it. All of those talks we've heard about a potential TrumpTV after the election have way more credence to them now with Ailes and Bannon. This is a real possibility.
Trump News Channel. Building the wall to keep out the crooked media.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
The news media is still constructing a reality that was never there. Here's story as I see it:

Primary trump: winwinwin
Teleprompter trump: lose badly
Back to primary trump: win!

The problem is TelePrompTer trump was never actually disciplined. He didn't sink because of his ghastly horrible racist speeches about black people, he sank because he attack khan, said Obama founded isis, said someone should shoot Hillary, etc. There is no presidential trump. This is it.

Halperin can lick my butt.


They are looking for the trump comeback/cleanup narrative. That's what they want and playing ignorant for a day lets them dream.

Exactly. Although there's also a 'nowhere to go but up' vibe. Which sounds logical, except that I fully expect things to go further downhill anyway.
So Trump can recover +10 in places like PA, but Clinton can't recover +6 from Texas?


John Harwood ‏@JohnJHarwood 6m6 minutes ago
Giuliani on Breitbart exec joining Trump campaign, Kellyanne Conway becoming manager: "this is what Reagan did when he brought Jim Baker in"

John Harwood ‏@JohnJHarwood 2m2 minutes ago
Giuliani to Fox on recent Trump performance: "the 2 most substantive, historic speeches any presidential candidate has made in a long time"

Sold his little soul to become AG.
Doubling down on the Trumpster fire?

Kellyanne Conway as campaign manager plus a Breitbart guy? LMAO. Never good when you change the campaign structure.

On the day you're supposed to give a "major" speech? LMAO.

Trump isn't trying to win the presidency. This is all set-up for his bid to take over the conservative base and launch Trump TV. That's what this is all about.


So Trump can recover +10 in places like PA, but Clinton can't recover +6 from Texas?


Sold his little soul to become AG.
Guilliani is a complete joke. It's amazing to me that he was once thought of as a smart republican. I guess his own presidential run ended that misconception. And he's spineless.



It's funny because it's true. And it is also VERY scary.

Seriously, what is he going to do? Add another nickname to Hillary? Complain about Benghazi and emails? Say she founded ISIS? Routinely suggest she is a rape enabler? Talk about how she sleeps? Has to go to the bathroom? Should be in prison?

How much further right can you pivot? Just flat out calling her a bitch?

" PROOF : KILLARY IS A REPTILLIAN" (pay attention to her eyes in this clip)

"Hillary spotted wearing Monicas dress"

" Traitor Hillary "ISIS is not going to be an easy fight" Does she hate AMERICA"

"BREAKING" Bald eagle served at $$$hillarys Wall Street fat cat banquet"

"Why is Hillary " All our children deserve a better,stronger America" calling Melania a WEAK mother"

"RACIST Hillary eating CRACKERS in front of the BLACKS, acting like she owns the place"

" Muslim & Christian sex scandal ! Why is Michelle Obama and Chelsea Clinton still keeping their affair secret ??? AMERICA HAS A RIGHT TO KNOW !"

Nothing is off the table now. Nothing.


Guilliani is a complete joke. It's amazing to me that he was once thought of as a smart republican. I guess his own presidential run ended that misconception. And he's spineless.
Something's wrong with him. He was always a partisan tool post 9/11 but he's clearly out of his mind this cycle.
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