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PoliGAF 2016 |OT9| The Wrath of Khan!

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Finally got around to starting Veep. Glad Amazon Prime has the first two seasons. Just finished episode three, not too bad. so far. It's competing for my attention with No Man's Sky, which I am completely hooked on, for now. I have no idea how long I will like this game. I get the same feeling from when I was playing Minecraft in alpha/beta. I assume I will just be done with it, at some point.
If a historian were to look back at this election, what would be the moment where they would say that the Trump campaign jumped the shark? Did that moment already occur, or are we waiting for the intelligence briefing tomorrow? Maybe waiting for the moment where Trump calls Hillary a bitch/cunt in the debates? Is there a moment that has already defined his loss for the general, or is that too difficult to define? Instead of a single moment, are we talking about a collage or montage of pure shit?

I'll always point to contrasting conventions. The GOP had open rebellion on the floor, "vote your conscience," and was primarily driven by a deep hatred of the country as it exists today. The DNC ran hard on hope; it blasted (from damn near every speech) the "nothing wrong with America can't be fixed by what's right with America" quote.

That Bush advisor who tweeted during the DNC that he was jealous that there was still a party running on pride, hope, and belief in the US and it wasn't his party was probably pretty similar to a lot of right-leaning voters. Hate ran the right wing for the last 8 years, but these two conventions showed how deflated it got. Hate and anger are strong emotional responses that give us a positive rush of pleasure, but it wears off eventually. After that, it's just tiring to force yourself to stay angry.


Ailes is someone Trump respects a lot. So I think he will actually try to take his debate advice seriously. But Trump is Trump. I look forward to watching his internal struggle live on tv as he bounces between his typical gesticulating and facial expressions and lines like "believe me" and trying to look more like a serious politician with poise and coherent answers.
That's not been verified, as far as I can tell.

It also hasn't been verified that Ailes is going to work for Trump at all. The Trump campaign directly denied it even.

Ailes is someone Trump respects a lot. So I think he will actually try to take his debate advice seriously. But Trump is Trump. I look forward to watching his internal struggle live on tv as he bounces between his typical gesticulating and facial expressions and lines like "believe me" and trying to look more like a serious politician with poise and coherent answers.

Maddow pointed out that the Ailes run Bush 92 campaign attempted to dodge the debates. Ailes' strategy might be similar this year.


Here is the audience for Trump's African American speech.



Anyone else see that someone wikivandalised Van Jones' Wikipedia page?

Conservatives can't even vandalize wikipedia pages right anymore. Instead of writing something witty or pithy, it's "hyperbolic excrement ALL-CAPS ideological plot can't spell brain hurts a.k.a commies." Sad!

edit: Looks like the guy who committed the vandalization also removed a dissenting source on an article about controversial psychologist Hans Eysenck, a favorite of white supremacists.


listen to the mad man
how many women do you think anthony weiner has sexted with since the last time he got caught?


Are you still engaging in the activities that got you in trouble? I’m not going to go down the path of talking about any of that. But I will say this: There’s no doubt that the Trump phenomenon has led a lot of people to say to me, “Boy, compared to inviting the Russians to come hack someone’s email, your thing seems almost quaint.”
Reminder: He's not actually in Milwaukee.

People who live in West Bend live there specifically so that they don't have to put up with the shit in Milwaukee and would rather drive an extra half hour to work to avoid it. Is a cute little town though.
Oh I see. One of those white flight towns right?
The head of Breitbart is running a national presidential campaign.

Trump's new campaign manager is someone who just tonight got destroyed on live TV by Don Lemon. WHAT IS EVEN HAPPENING?
You know what? I feel like Hillary Clinton deserves this after all those smears and conspiracy theories.

No doubt.

‏@costareports 39m39 minutes ago
Trump is keeping on Manafort as chairman but wanted to bring on someone like Bannon who shares his populism & relishes combat

Finally, time to take the gloves off!

Trump's new campaign manager is someone who just tonight got destroyed on live TV by Don Lemon. WHAT IS EVEN HAPPENING?
I think she destroyed herself. Don was being as reasonable as possible while simultaneously being a responsible journalist and Kelly really tried as hard as she could to make the entire experience unpleasant for everyone.
I think she destroyed herself. Don was being as reasonable as possible while simultaneously being a responsible journalist and Kelly really tried as hard as she could to make the entire experience unpleasant for everyone.

Yours is a more accurate description. He had to talk her down like she was a cranky 5 year old.
Just when you think you have a handle on the expectation of Trump's crazy, he blows it out of the water.

The chairman of Breitbart, who has never run a campaign before, to turn around the Trumpster fire with less than 90 days.
If you should not readily meet with a lady that you think answers my description you can only advertise in the public papers and doub[t]less you will hear of many competitors for most of the qualifications required, who will be glad to become candidates for such a prize as I am. To excite their emulation, it will be necessary for you to give an account of the lover—his size, make, quality of mind and body, achievements, expectations, fortune, &c. In drawing my picture, you will no doubt be civil to your friend; mind you do justice to the length of my nose

Alexander Hamilton talking about how big his dick is to John Laurens is fucking amazing.



I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Yeah, the House changing hands back to the Dems? I'd put money on it now.

With Trump down 7 and clearly going to lose and with Bannon now in charge, we're going to see some of the darkest shit ever coming up soon.

Trump's gonna lose by 16 points.


Donald Trump, following weeks of gnawing agitation over his advisers’ attempts to temper his style, moved late Tuesday to overhaul his struggling campaign by rebuffing those efforts and elevating two longtime associates who have encouraged his combative populism.


Trump’s stunning decision effectively ended the months-long push by campaign chairman Paul Manafort to moderate Trump’s presentation and pitch for the general election. And it sent a signal, perhaps more clear than ever, that the real-estate mogul intends to finish this race on his own terms, with friends who share his instincts at his side.

While Manafort, a seasoned operative who joined the campaign in March, will remain in his role, the advisers described his status internally as diminished due to Trump’s unhappiness and restlessness in recent weeks.

While Trump respects Manafort, the aides said, he has grown to feel “boxed in” and "controlled" by people who barely know him. Moving forward, he plans to focus intensely on rousing his voters at rallies and through media appearances.


Trump's turn away from Manafort is in part a reversion to how he ran his campaign in the primary with then-campaign manager Corey Lewandowski. Lewandowski's mantra was "let Trump be Trump" and Trump wants to get back to that type of campaign culture, the aides said.


Bannon, in phone calls and meetings, has been urging Trump for months to not mount a fall campaign that makes Republican donors and officials comfortable, the aides said. Instead, Bannon has been telling Trump to run more fully as an outsider and an unabashed nationalist.



We are getting primary Trump back? He has already won the first debate then, but only if that one is also about measuring dick sizes.
Manafort forcing Trump to read about speech about "I'm not racist, it's the Democrats who are the real racists" must have been the last straw if he's turning to a man who thinks Trump's problem is not being enough of a white nationalist.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Sounds like Bannon wants primary Trump on steroids

Will be interesting to see the degree Trump has been held back over the last month or so.

I think the murmurings of him launching a TV network explain this perfectly.

You have to stop! I need to get to bed, and this shit is too hilarious to get to sleep.
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