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PoliGAF 2016 |OT9| The Wrath of Khan!

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Trump has gone from a random goon you find at a car dealership (Corey) to a dictator stooge (Manafort) to a guy who sniffs gasoline before using it to burn a cross onto the lawn of a black family (Bannon).


If a historian were to look back at this election, what would be the moment where they would say that the Trump campaign jumped the shark? Did that moment already occur, or are we waiting for the intelligence briefing tomorrow? Maybe waiting for the moment where Trump calls Hillary a bitch/cunt in the debates? Is there a moment that has already defined his loss for the general, or is that too difficult to define? Instead of a single moment, are we talking about a collage or montage of pure shit?

I don't think there was a moment. The campaign he built was doomed from the start. 2016 is all about demographics and the ones Trump appeals to just aren't capable of winning an election on their lonesome.




Unconfirmed Member
No doubt.

‏@costareports 39m39 minutes ago
Trump is keeping on Manafort as chairman but wanted to bring on someone like Bannon who shares his populism & relishes combat

Finally, time to take the gloves off!

Is the grisly reaper mowing? Yes, the danger must be growing, for the rowers keep on rowing!
But Primary Trump was more successful than General Election Trump...

Also, ramping up the incendiary rhetoric and damaging our country/culture even more

Primary Trump was successful to a Republican primary electorate. The general election is night and day from that, that's why you always hear about politicians pivoting.

As for the second part, Trump fucked that long ago and was never going to go down quietly


you can't put a price on sparks
I don't think there was a moment. The campaign he built was doomed from the start. 2016 is all about demographics and the ones Trump appeals to just aren't capable of winning an election on their lonesome.

There had to be a shark under the escalators when he came down


Unconfirmed Member
F5 F5 F5 F5

Wake up PoliGAF, it's happening.

Unhinged Trump supporter: "Hillary is rigging the polls. If Trump wins, Obama will install martial law. If Hillary wins, we'll start an armed insurrection and kill government officials."

Mike Pence: "Trump has big rallies and will win the presidency."


This guy is the biggest coward.
To be fair he got absorbed in a moment of Trump at peak sedation. He is probably wishing he could evacuate on one of those inflatable slides like that flight attendant a few years back.

Also yes. He is a coward too.


If primary trump is going to come back now I can not wait for the polls to get even worse for him. Trump can't appeal to the majority of the electorate no matter what campaign mode he is in.


But Primary Trump was more successful than General Election Trump...

Also, ramping up the incendiary rhetoric and damaging our country/culture even more

edit: But, of course, I could be wrong! Just worried, is all

primary trump won with a really crowded field dividing votes. he only really had 30-40% of the gop vote for a lot of states and sometimes that was enough to carry them with the winner-take-all method. of course, he did get more votes than anyone else, but we'd probably be looking at a different, more contested landscape if it had come down to cruz or rubio or kasich and trump in early february.

right after the dnc, trump said harrisburg looked like a warzone, kicked a baby out of a rally, got upset at fire marshals for doing their job, ignited a feud with the parents of a war hero... and this was the trump that voters hated and manafort's been trying to tone down. things are going to really go nuts if we're back to mexico sending us rapists, john mccain sucks, making fun of the disabled, etc. i think people kind of forgot about that part of the election, or couldn't vote and didn't care. if it's out in the forefront again, and sustained for the next couple of months, it's going to be a nightmare for the gop.


This shakeup smells of Donald, not Ivanka/Eric/Jr.

The kids can fuck right off and go shop/hunt exotic animals halfway across the world, too.

Zero patience or sympathy for their enabling bullshit at this point. They should have institutionalized their father as soon as the birther shit started.
Primary Trump was successful to a Republican primary electorate. The general election is night and day from that, that's why you always hear about politicians pivoting.

As for the second part, Trump fucked that long ago and was never going to go down quietly

Yup, the general election is a reflection of the entire country minus those who are apathetic, while the republican primary is a reflection of the most die-hard segment of one party. It is a totally different audience. Not just a republican audience, but one that is passionately so. Those who participated in the Republican primaries this year represent less than 15% of all eligible voters, and only a bit over half of that 15% actually voted for Donald Trump, meaning that Donald Trump's nomination was willed into being by about 8% of the most far-right voters in the country. Needless to say, what appeals to that 8% is not at all in line with what appeals to the other 92%.
This shakeup smells of Donald, not Ivanka/Eric/Jr.

Robert Costa ‏@costareports 2h2 hours ago
As I continue to make calls, I keep hearing that this was driven by Trump. He wanted to finish race on his own terms, w/ pals at his side.

Although Costa's story does say that Trump reached out to Ivanka's husband (the guy who's really running this campaign), before going through with this
Although Costa's story does say that Trump reached out to Ivanka's husband (the guy who's really running this campaign), before going through with this

I'd have to imagine that at this point, Ivanka's husband hears what Trump wants to do and is just like, "Sure man, fuck it. Do what makes you happy."
I'd have to imagine that at this point, Ivanka's husband hears what Trump wants to do and is just like, "Sure man, fuck it. Do what makes you happy."

Which is exactly what Trump wants to hear

The funny thing about Costa's story is how Lewandowski encouraged Trump to do this, that guy HATES Manafort
The Republican candidate for president is now being controlled by the head of Breitbart and the guy who used to run Fox News, you can't make this shit up


My dog woke me up. After a 330am jog, I come home to find this?


I can't wait to see what this new strategy will look like.. and how GOP fundraisers & establishment will react.
Jesus Christ, he's a shitty politician, but don't write "I told you so!" after a guy's son gets decapitated.

The boys’ father, State Rep. Schwab, consistently voted against regulating big businesses. The lax regulations and no height restriction for amusement park rides are the main reasons the park’s owners chose Kansas City to build their water slide.


Schwab's son went on the tallest waterslide in the world and died on it.


Hillary is unhinged, too weak mentally and physically, has bad temperament, and is a bigot. Get with the rape allegations already.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
I cannot believe Trump will be pivoting even MORE right. This is going to be insane to watch unfold.
I'm only worried in the sense that he is going to drag his hardcore supporters even more farther right which will be extremely dangerous when he loses.


For my first time ever, I think I'm just ready for this campaign to be over. The next 80something days are going to be ugly.

And a shout-out to Trump: the media could be discussing Hillary's weak spots, but instead this will be The Topic for Wednesday. Another week, almost gone.
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