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PoliGAF 2016 |OT9| The Wrath of Khan!

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Hey Guys.. What's..

*sees last several pages*


So it's gonna be one of those days huh?


Paul Begala saying this is going to be a closer race now? Ugh. Based on what??

Good decision or bad, this shakeup is dominating the news cycle...


Paul Begala saying this is going to be a close race now? Ugh. Based on what??

Good decision or bad, this shakeup is dominating the news cycle...

I can honestly seeing an actual competent stream of directed Clinton attacks helping retain GOPers for Trump which could help tighten some polls, but I think Clinton surrogates main job needs to be ensuring voters don't get cocky and thing this race is over.


Paul Begala saying this is going to be a closer race now? Ugh. Based on what??

Good decision or bad, this shakeup is dominating the news cycle...
Of course it's dominating the news cycle. It's news. But no one actually cares. These 2 people aren't going to win Trump new voters. This is all campagin politics. Nothing to do with actual issues or even electoral poltics.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
And this man is about to get intel briefings...this is not ok. Its time for the ride to stop before it breaks down and explodes.


Also we should recognize that Trump basically had to do something like this with all the attention Manafort has been getting for all the wrong reasons. This puts him out of the spotlight. But even then, this is just a distraction, the Manafort story isn't done yet.


I can honestly seeing an actual competent stream of directed Clinton attacks helping retain GOPers for Trump which could help tighten some polls, but I think Clinton surrogates main job needs to be ensuring voters don't get cocky and thing this race is over.

Yeah, Breitbart guy will actually get talking points to the Trump people.

I'd also bet on some doctored video where someone goes "uncover" to a Clinton campaign office and they're talking about killing babies and taking everyone's guns.


Keep in mind that all orange turd is doing is doubling, no tripling down on lies without any substance and misdirection. I hope nobody falls for it since in a deluge something is bound to catch on.


CNN just spoke to a sec brief expert and confirmed that candidate briefings only have a headline nature and no detailed content is divulged. That does not happen until after november 8th.

Also, can I at least get one pity laugh for my "Breitbart headlines". This election cycle is making me more thin-skinned :0)
So Trump can recover +10 in places like PA, but Clinton can't recover +6 from Texas?



To be fair, Trump can close the gap in PA to like 5 by just convincing more normal GOP voters to support him. Clinton closing in Texas requires converting more Republicans or turning out entirely new voters. Both of which are much harder.

Real life Diablosing.

There's no indication that his campaign is going to be more competitive.

Nah, Begala is one of the heads of HRC's SuperPac and fundraising has been tough because no ones really afraid of Trump. This is Diablosing for Dollars.


Trump isn't trying to win the presidency. This is all set-up for his bid to take over the conservative base and launch Trump TV. That's what this is all about.

I don't think this is true; I'm sure Trump wants to win. But unlike the party he does have his fallback plan to turn this into money for him, and he doesn't much care that he'll leave things for the Republicans worse than he found it.
To be fair, Trump can close the gap in PA to like 5 by just convincing more normal GOP voters to support him. Clinton closing in Texas requires converting more Republicans or turning out entirely new voters. Both of which are much harder.
With all the shit he's said? He hasn't shown the kind of discipline, and IMO it's too late to show another Trump (if he had the discipline).

Nah, Begala is one of the heads of HRC's SuperPac and fundraising has been tough because no ones really afraid of Trump. This is Diablosing for Dollars.

Yeah, they don't want complacency and will waive the fear in order to raise more money.
The thing is, if what's being reported can be believed, this is just going to double (or triple? I've lost count) on "let Trump be Trump." The pivot didn't work because in between trying to not be Trump, Trump went even more Trump than ever before. Trump being Trump was attacking the Khans, attacking the baby, saying Obama founded ISIS, etc. This shit appeals to the 39% of people who are voting for Trump, but it does nothing to win back college educated whites. The more he rants and raves and has his "big" rallies....who cares, because he's going to say stupid shit during them. The idea of "brutal fights" with Hillary isn't going to work, because she's not going to go there. This all screams of appealing to his base, which, if your campaign is dying...makes sense. It makes you feel good. It's like a warm blanket.


The thing is, if what's being reported can be believed, this is just going to double (or triple? I've lost count) on "let Trump be Trump." The pivot didn't work because in between trying to not be Trump, Trump went even more Trump than ever before. Trump being Trump was attacking the Khans, attacking the baby, saying Obama founded ISIS, etc. This shit appeals to the 39% of people who are voting for Trump, but it does nothing to win back college educated whites. The more he rants and raves and has his "big" rallies....who cares, because he's going to say stupid shit during them. The idea of "brutal fights" with Hillary isn't going to work, because she's not going to go there. This all screams of appealing to his base, which, if your campaign is dying...makes sense. It makes you feel good. It's like a warm blanket.

Yeah. Charlie Sykes of all people said it best this morning. This is now the Hospice phase of his campaign; he knows it's end is near and wants to go out surrounded by his loved ones.

It's still scary though. I just hope we get through Nov 8th without anyone being killed or seriously injured because of ongoing insane rhetoric.
Yeah. Charlie Sykes of all people said it best this morning. This is now the Hospice phase of his campaign; he knows it's end is near and wants to go out surrounded by his loved ones.

It's still scary though. I just hope we get through Nov 8th without anyone being killed or seriously injured because of ongoing insane rhetoric.

Your avatar proves you're good people.

I also think he did it because, like, people have been telling him (I'd guess) for a few weeks that he's losing, and that he's not going to win. These two idiots probably told him he's still got a chance if we just dial the crazy up to 11. It's confirmation bias. It's what Trump thrives on, the idea that he's not wrong, it's everyone else who is wrong. Plus, the Manafort stuff is going to be an even bigger problem. Why he's keeping him on staff, especially when he doesn't pay him anything, is weird as hell.

But, ya, I agree. I hope that his rhetoric doesn't get too much worse. It's pretty bad now, but I have faith he can, somehow, make it even more disgusting.


Put me in the camp that thinks that Trump's back-up plan is Trump TV. Largely because their first major story, "How Hillary stole the election from us" comes pre-packaged with all the familiar talking heads and Trump-isms his audience has been devouring this whole time. The Trump Campaign will effectively continue, live on television, 24/7. They can even pull people from Fox by saying "Oh, Fox didn't really support us, look at all these Republicans who betrayed us, how can you trust them? They even stabbed poor Roger Ailes in the back for not being politically correct around women!"

Basically, a more extreme right / alt-right Fox News. As insane as it sounds, people will latch onto it because it'll be a steady feed of hate where "the war" is never over.
With all the shit he's said? He hasn't shown the kind of discipline, and IMO it's too late to show another Trump (if he had the discipline).

Clearly there are unique problems with the Trump campaign that these changes aren't likely to change but in general its much easier to bring existing voters back into the fold than converting people from the other party or getting non-voters to turn out.
Yeah. Charlie Sykes of all people said it best this morning. This is now the Hospice phase of his campaign; he knows it's end is near and wants to go out surrounded by his loved ones.

It's still scary though. I just hope we get through Nov 8th without anyone being killed or seriously injured because of ongoing insane rhetoric.

That's a great line. And Trump is talking later today? This should be good.

Oh, also... Trump is the symptom of the GOP primary process. It's terrible at picking anyone who can appeal to moderates. Even against someone as disliked right now as Clinton it found someone people hate more. The shake up the GOP need is to drastically redress either the type of person who registers to vote for their party, or to utterly rethink the candidate selection process even if that means abandoning primaries. It has shown zero signs of doing either of those things however.
Clearly there are unique problems with the Trump campaign that these changes aren't likely to change but in general its much easier to bring existing voters back into the fold than converting people from the other party or getting non-voters to turn out.

I totally get what you're saying, and it's analogous to my rationale for increasing registration so we "own" that voter's vote. However, Trump is a special case. I would argue it's harder for him to win back the GOP voters he's lost, because Hillary hasn't so much won them as Trump has disqualified himself from even being a consideration. In a normal election, I would be right there with you. This ain't normal, though.

John Harwood ‏@JohnJHarwood 14m14 minutes ago
longtime Manafort ally: "no one has any confidence" in two new top figures in Trump campaign
I don't think pouring money into senate and house races is going ti do much if abandoning trump means a double digit popular vote loss.

Although it shouldnt be shocking to see the GOP think abandoning their nominee two months out of the election is somehow going to save them.
Comgress has Clinton FBI notes. Everybodt panic~!!

I don't understand what congress are doing. I really don't. The perjury accusations were a complete joke that anyone with half a brain could see the giant holes in. Does potentially sinking Clinton as a presidential candidate and putting Trump in charge of their party do them any good?


And the attempts are so transparently desperate.

House: "Clinton lied. She said no e-mails were marked classified but some were!"
Defence: "They weren't correctly marked as classified, and shouldn't have been marked classified in the first place."


John Harwood ‏@JohnJHarwood 14m14 minutes ago
longtime Manafort ally: "no one has any confidence" in two new top figures in Trump campaign

Because this circus just shuffled out their P.T Barnum in favor of the greasy paint huffer who runs the Tilt-o-Whirl.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
So wait

You're telling me that all this time we were seeing Trump try to pivot?

He's been "moderated" since the last few months of the primaries to some degree. He's been pushing back for the past month or so though, then his committee sits him down and he does a teleprompter speech or two before going back off of the rails.
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