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PoliGAF 2016 |OT9| The Wrath of Khan!

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Watch Trump fumble the obvious, upcoming question in his next (non-Fox) interview: "what do you regret about your handling of the [insert something] situation?" Likely it'll be about Khan.


Can anyone think of one non-poll related positive headline for Clinton since the DNC?

Nationally, not much. But locally in swing-states? Take a look:

In a move expected to generate local headlines but be ignored by the national media, Clinton toured the recently rebuilt high school in which she would later speak, surveying the use of robotics, 3-D printers and other innovative teaching aides. She ignored questions shouted by reporters about what Trump’s reshuffling says about the race.

“I for one am really proud of this high school and what that represents,” Clinton said upon taking the stage, drawing some of the loudest cheers of her rally.

And while Trump generates national headlines, Clinton’s visits often generate positive coverage in the local media. Recent headlines have included “Clinton pledges millions of jobs” in the Denver Post and “Clinton pushes jobs in area visit” in the Tampa Bay Times.

That's what I was just talking about. The campaign is focused on their message and more than happy to wait out the Trump meltdown until it's necessary.

But when your opponent is literally setting his dick on fire, you don't try and soak up the oxygen from that story. Doing so would be political malfeasance. If Trump manages to not shit the bed for five minutes, then you start your next thing. That's just how this works.

Exactly. If your enemy's flailing campaign is clearing away obstacles for you and manage to pass him in the race, you should take your feet off the accelerator and enjoy the ride a bit.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
I'm not convinced this will work for Trump, but it absolutely is the right direction for the campaign to take. We'll see how long he can be reined in.

Still over 2 months. LONG way to go.


Not a major national headling, but alot of local papers in cities where clinton has held rallies. I live in NC and their rallies in NC have made local news often

Clinton has quietly been working in the swing states and convincing people, like a competent campaign should do, especially when their opponent is self-immolating.

True. Remember trump was in Detroit giving his business speech and the next day the Detroit headlines were all about Clinton's speech she gave the same day with a tiny mention of Trump below the fold.


remember me
Sopan Deb ‏@SopanDeb 18s19 seconds ago
Trump:Clinton is running to be America’s Angela Merkel, and we’ve seen how much crime and how many problems that’s caused the German people.

And we're adding just a dash of white supremacy.

She's a highly popular, powerful, female politician who's led led her country for 12 years. That's supposed to be an insult?
Some of y'all are exhausting. And coming from me, that is saying something.

There have been quite a few positive stories about Hillary on local news here. She was in Cleveland a few days ago. They've talked about how she has a functional campaign in the state. She gave her economics speech the other day She had her event with Biden.

But when your opponent is literally setting his dick on fire, you don't try and soak up the oxygen from that story. Doing so would be political malfeasance. If Trump manages to not shit the bed for five minutes, then you start your next thing. That's just how this works.


Media need to ask Trump whether he will directly apologize to Khan. They have noted that his act of contrition, though incredible and humble, was quite non specific.


I still think Trump wins in November, if 40% will vote for him then why not 47% to make me frown.

Trump has so many regrets, so many that he doesn't name them in his general reference.


everybody here has a little diablos in them.

everybody here has a little diablos in them.

Obviously, but it was one speech. Literally one speech! And no one has formulated a pitch as to who this is going to magically win over. Because, last I looked, he's still pretty much demographically screwed. He still has no functional GOTV/ground game. His ad buy is pathetic. etc.

One speech. One.
Do you all ever read other forums to see how other demographics/groups view politics? I enjoy it really.

Last week I was scoping forums for Mormons to see what they were feeling. It's nice stepping out the bubble for perspective. I enjoy it.


Anyway, we've seen the influence of Kellyanne Conway in this speech. How about the influence of Bannon? At some point he will encourage Trump's worst tendencies. Otherwise there was no point to hiring him.

Do you all ever read other forums to see how other demographics/groups view politics? I enjoy it really.

Last week I was scoping forums for Mormons to see what they were feeling. It's nice stepping out the bubble for perspective. I enjoy it.

What were they saying?


Do you all ever read other forums to see how other demographics/groups view politics? I enjoy it really.

Last week I was scoping forums for Mormons to see what they were feeling. It's nice stepping out the bubble for perspective. I enjoy it.

I listen to a lot of Rush and local conservative radio to gain perspective.
Do you all ever read other forums to see how other demographics/groups view politics? I enjoy it really.

Last week I was scoping forums for Mormons to see what they were feeling. It's nice stepping out the bubble for perspective. I enjoy it.
A large number of my friends were/are conservative evangelicals so I get it pretty regularly.

One of them posted a Johnson video and I thought about commenting about why libertarians suck but ultimately decided that it was best to just be happy he finds Trump too repulsive. This seems to largely be the case with my base of college educated conservative friends, which is somewhat reassuring.


It's just really frustrating that Trump goes up and reads a speech he no doubt had almost nothing to do with and contained many of the lies he's told over and over and the press is fawning over it because it had a slightly different tone.


It's just really frustrating that Trump goes up and reads a speech he no doubt had almost nothing to do with and contained many of the lies he's told over and over and the press is fawning over it because it had a slightly different tone.

All the more reason why i think he'll win, but it depends if enough voters are easily persuaded to Trump by a fake change. I have so many regrets for those things I said. Those things...let's move on. Hillary is a bigot.


Hopefully this "pivot" signals to the Clinton campaign that it's time to unleash their final form.

Haven't been too comfortable with this coasting campaigning Hillary's been doing lately. Not because I'm afraid that Hillary will lose at this point, but it SHOULD be a blowout. And Hillary's been doing a bit too much sitting back and letting Trump set the narrative. Like tonight; Trump gives a trademark shitty speech, but is getting high marks from the media because he admitted "regret."
Do you all ever read other forums to see how other demographics/groups view politics? I enjoy it really.

Last week I was scoping forums for Mormons to see what they were feeling. It's nice stepping out the bubble for perspective. I enjoy it.

I read Rod Dreher's blog, RedRacingHorses (a elections focused right leaning blog full of #NeverTumpers, and occasionally peek in on the Twitter Left (Jacobin folks and the like) just to keep myself honest as a soulless neoliberal sellout/self hating white cuck/godless liberal.


This is literally just one speech. He's done this before. Question is can he keep this up? The press is fickle. If he goes up there and doesn't literally shit the bed they praise him.


Seriously guys, his last attempt at a "pivot" lasted roughly 1.5 days, long enough for polls to come out showing he was still losing terribly everywhere that mattered. Same thing will happen here.


Hopefully this "pivot" signals to the Clinton campaign that it's time to unleash their final form.

Haven't been too comfortable with this coasting campaigning Hillary's been doing lately. Not because I'm afraid that Hillary will lose at this point, but it SHOULD be a blowout. And Hillary's been doing a bit too much sitting back and letting Trump set the narrative.

Yeah but the narrative is Trump's campaign is flailing and dropping like a rock. That's a pretty desirable narrative.
NeoGAF sure hates Amber Heard because....?

Because a large chunk of GAF, like Reddit, believes all women are devious whores looking to take your money and destroy your life. Amber Heard is likely a golddigger. Johnny Depp is likely an abusive asshole. Somehow, to way too many people on the Internet, the former is a worse crime.
Because a large chunk of GAF, like Reddit, believes all women are devious whores looking to take your money and destroy your life. Amber Heard is likely a golddigger. Johnny Depp is likely an abusive asshole. Somehow, to way too many people on the Internet, the former is a worse crime.

I mean, Heard donated all of the money she got from Depp to charity...


Yeah but the narrative is Trump's campaign is flailing and dropping like a rock. That's a pretty desirable narrative.

No, I agree. But I do think this race is a lot closer than it really should be.

Like, look at this past week. The Clinton campaign has sat back and let Trump successfully label the Clinton Foundation as a corrupt slush fund. Attack these things.


I come to PoliGAF for the DIABLOS lolz. Y'all have not disappointed today.

(Reminder, he was down 10+ in states that lose him the election, full stop.)
What were they saying?
I visited a couple of forums, both rather small but active. One was pretty mixed between pro/anti-Trumpers. Leaned against for the most part. The other was a lot more toward anti-Trump in sentiment. One place loves calling him Darth Trump. Is that a thing? lol.

I listen to a lot of Rush and local conservative radio to gain perspective.
I don't think I could do that. My great grandmother would occasionally listen to Rush when I was a kid and it drove me crazy.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Be hilarious if Trump ended up depressing the overall political ad spend but I guess the money will just get funneled to house and senate races.


Weird, my posts are no longer being quoted in green on mobile. I wonder if this bodes ill for Hillary.

Hispanic vote rising in Florida;

Best Nate said:
Florida voter reg on 8/1, heading into state primary
White 65, Black 13.3, Hisp 15.4
in Feb, going into pres primary:
W 65.7, B 13.3, H 14.9

In 2012, heading into state primary:
White 67.5, B 13.3, H 13.5
Heading into general:
W 66.5, B 13.6, H 13.9


The Clinton campaign still has enough to shape the narrative. They can simply go for a lot of "Is it too late for the change?" and quote the multitude of disgusting shit Trump has said.
Florida voter reg on 8/1, heading into state primary
White 65, Black 13.3, Hisp 15.4
in Feb, going into pres primary:
W 65.7, B 13.3, H 14.9

Time to panic? Only a huge jump in Hispanic voter registration that overwhelmed white voter registration in Florida, could be a turning point for Trump, right? He hasn't personally thrown his feces at the baby of 2nd generation Hispanic parents in the last five days so the Hispanics love him now.


I remember when people were freaking the fuck out over Rubio doing well in suburbs outside of fucking DC in the Virginia primary like two hours before he got clobbered everywhere other than DC and Minnesota so this isn't the most embarrassing day of panic at least.
Do you all ever read other forums to see how other demographics/groups view politics? I enjoy it really.

Last week I was scoping forums for Mormons to see what they were feeling. It's nice stepping out the bubble for perspective. I enjoy it.
I think that was my mindset when I signed up for Stormfront when I was 15. They've been the first to send me happy birthday emails ever since; Always amuses me.


I don't think I could do that. My great grandmother would occasionally listen to Rush when I was a kid and it drove me crazy.

I think my hatred of conservative talk radio may have started me down the path to being the filthy liberal I am. It's all my father would listen to in the car growing up and at some point I started reading about the issues they were talking about to argue back. Yes, argue back at the radio. I was bored.

I don't tend to go to many conservative forums because I'm surround by Republicans, and mostly Trump supporting ones at that, all day. That and I really don't find any humor in them. I swear some of the kookier ones are physically painful for me to read. GAF and one other forum is almost a mental break for me. When I was going to my hippy-dippy college I would force myself to read some right leaning news sources just to remind myself that, no, most people aren't as far left as I am.
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