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PoliGAF 2016 |OT9| The Wrath of Khan!

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So Bernie is in bed with who, perhaps the Chinese!?

I don't think he's in bed with anyone....but he could have, you know, followed his supposed principles and been transparent in his finances. He chose not to do that. It's irrelevant at this point, but I think it's hypocritical and reinforces the opinion that a lot of people had of him.
Yep, that and those tax returns are never happening. Amazing that we have two candidates with apparently shady tax returns.

Amazing that one of the candidates won't release his tax returns because it will show that he makes too much income, and the other won't release his tax returns because it will show his income to be much lower than he pretends it to be.

The Year of Our Lord 2016, everybody!
Was waiting for something like this. A candidate has no damn place showing up for something like that, to say nothing of one that's not even a politician. Would be completely unacceptable for Clinton to try to pull anything like this, too. As a comparison, it'd have been entirely inappropriate for Romney to visit NJ after Sandy in 2012. Like, yay, some rich guy and the Governor of a different freaking state want to visit? At least it got called out as a photo op.

Edit: I have this awesome picture in my mind of Trump's plane landing in NOLA and some random guy having to run up and tell him that he's in the wrong city; Trump of course thinking it didn't matter what airport he went to if it was in the general area. Hell, he probably thinks every square inch of Louisiana is under water.

More edit: Beck was on with Don Lemon? This is amusing. Actually, the whole Breitbart vs The Blaze civil war of right-wing loony media should be a toooooooooon of fun for the next 10 weeks.


So let me get this straight.

Trump recruits Stephen Bannon, a man who runs a media outlet that panders to white supremacists and traffics in misogyny, racism, homophobia, and xenophobia.

He then proceeds to give a speech where he says he "regrets" saying "the wrong thing," a notion which is so facially preposterous, so monumental an understatement, that the audience in the room responded by laughing. Which moreover followed on the heels of him saying "political correctness [. . .] takes too much time," and only gets in the way of "achiev[ing] total victory."

And he says this an event so significant that the topic in the OT about it has fewer posts than the one about Eva Marie getting suspended from the WWE for PED use.

If this is somehow the 48 hours that heralds his miraculous comeback, Clinton was doomed from the start.


Whilst I'm not worried about this 'pivot', I do object to the fact the headlines in the press say 'Trump apologies'. He didn't. He at no point said he was sorry, or apologised.mit wasn't even a fake apology 'I'm sorry my words hurt people'. The media are so keen to do trump pivot stories they are literally making up things that he didn't say.

Also, he proclaimed himself the candidate of truth. You can run a billion adds off the back of that alone as the greatest liar in presidential politics in the modern day.


Pivot,smivot. Ain't no pivot.

This is Trump


This is Trump apologizing


Remember all the quotes " this is who he is".

There is no other Trump.


i think it's over-wishful thinking and sort of delusional to think the "trumpster fire" would continue well to election day. a day is forever in the news cycle so even an abysmal candidate like trump can have a "turnaround".

though i don't think the campaign has reached its nadir yet. and even if there is some comeback kid narrative that continues the next few months his pathway to 270 EVs is still razor slim
I just watched the Trump clip you all are worrying about. All I see is a desperate plea for news outlets and voters to stop focusing on the stupid shit he says. It was a delicately worded "get over it."
I just watched the Trump clip you all are worrying about. All I see is a desperate plea for news outlets and voters to stop focusing on the stupid shit he says. It was a delicately worded "get over it."

Reading some stuff it mostly worked then. Although most are also claiming it might be too little too late.


I just watched the Trump clip you all are worrying about. All I see is a desperate plea for news outlets and voters to stop focusing on the stupid shit he says. It was a delicately worded "get over it."

The good thing is barely anyone will forget all the awful things he has said in the past and present about women, muslims(i.e somalis and muslims in general), hispanics and etc.The democrats wil make sure people don't forgot about all the awful things he has said.
Reading some stuff it mostly worked then. Although most are also claiming it might be too little too late.

This. Trump is a well-defined brand at this point. He could run a spotless campaign for the next 80 days and it won't matter. He can't undo the fact that he's the mexican rapist accusing, muslim banning, dead soldier insulting, disabled reporter mocking, assassination inciting, David Duke endorsed, small-handed candidate in this race.


i have a little concern over new hampshire. it's pretty steadily blue, but it's a weird one for sure.

just thinking of a scenario where it's 269-269. i think that's clinton's actual worst-case scenario... especially with comparative ad buys and ground game efforts. what happens if she wins a popular vote and the electoral vote is tied so it goes to the house?


i have a little concern over new hampshire. it's pretty steadily blue, but it's a weird one for sure.

just thinking of a scenario where it's 269-269. i think that's clinton's actual worst-case scenario... especially with comparative ad buys and ground game efforts. what happens if she wins a popular vote and the electoral vote is tied so it goes to the house?

What do you mean what happens? Trump wins. But that's the most unlikely scenario.


everybody here has a little diablos in them.


2 months is a long time and if this is all Trump needed for a "comeback" then that makes for a dangerous precedent. I love how when Trump doesn't vomit all over the place, he gets high marks, like he's 5 years old. We're all adults here.

Hillary is coasting way too much and Dems are getting overconfident.

Again, do not underestimate the ignorance and stupidity of the American public.


It could change with the new election, but in the House, the D's have a hell of a lot of states they'd need to flip just to get close to 26.

GOP House Delegations: 33
Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming

DEM House Delegations: 14
California, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawai'i, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Mexico, New York, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont, Washington

Split House Delegations: 3
Maine, New Hampshire, New Jersey

Senate is 20-17. That'd be easier to elect Kaine since split states like Illinois and such are the ones they're flipping.


What do you mean what happens? Trump wins. But that's the most unlikely scenario.

i just wonder if there would be enough republicans to side with democrats. maybe enough needed to see the writing on the wall for their party and even the country if they elect that guy president - especially if clinton has the popular vote advantage.


i just wonder if there would be enough republicans to side with democrats. maybe enough needed to see the writing on the wall for their party and even the country if they elect that guy president - especially if clinton has the popular vote advantage.

i think it's clear they want the executive office back, even if it's charles manson on the ticket they don't give a shit at this point. sure some would break party line but it wouldn't be enough

luckily chances of a tie are like .00001


i just wonder if there would be enough republicans to side with democrats. maybe enough needed to see the writing on the wall for their party and even the country if they elect that guy president - especially if clinton has the popular vote advantage.
that'd be risking too much

you definitely shouldn't assume that your voters will support you electing the other party to the Presidency, especially if it also gives them the Senate and Supreme Court


Hillary is coasting way too much and Dems are getting overconfident.

Based on what? The campaign is not coasting, they're running the states, while Trump was killing himself. And the "Dems"? Given that you guys are panicking all over the place, I don't think there's any complacency. House is (long shot) up for grabs, nobody will relax until it's done.

Obama said that he wants everybody "running scared", nobody will be complacent.


that'd be risking too much

you definitely shouldn't assume that your voters will support you electing the other party to the Presidency, especially if it also gives them the Senate and Supreme Court

the only goal would be the supreme court. if the house, which represents the actual population, votes against the popular vote, then the legislative and executive branches will be in dem control in 2018 and 2020 respectively.

of course, complacent democrats would be partially to blame, but i don't see how that move doesn't destroy the republicans if they elect trump by themselves.
I don't think it will actually affect voters much (narrative has never substantially equaled votes) but I do think Bannon set everyone up deliciously by having Trump go out and say "Imma be me" and then deliver this speech, thus getting maximum results. He knows exactly how to ride this to its maximum potential.

Unfortunately, media narrative doesn't win national elections, ground game and infrastructure does, sorry suit dumpster!


the only goal would be the supreme court. if the house, which represents the actual population, votes against the popular vote, then the legislative and executive branches will be in dem control in 2018 and 2020 respectively.
The GOP gained in Congress in 2002 and 2004.

Getting two years of the Senate and the Supreme Court is far more worth it than throwing away the White House, Congress and the Supreme Court for a decade or more out of some absurd sense of respecting the irrelevant popular vote.




2 months is a long time and if this is all Trump needed for a "comeback" then that makes for a dangerous precedent. I love how when Trump doesn't vomit all over the place, he gets high marks, like he's 5 years old. We're all adults here.

Hillary is coasting way too much and Dems are getting overconfident.

Again, do not underestimate the ignorance and stupidity of the American public.

To calm you down unless trump completely changes himself in the next two months he will still lose by seven or more points to Hilary. We are still looking at the guy who's been sitting in the 37%-43% range in the polls for literally a year now. Some guy who runs an ultra rightwing site that writes awful hit pieces on people wo't;t make trump's camapign successful in the next two months.People in the US still need to vote against Trump but this 360 degree pivot won't make him competitive with Hilary.


Let's remember that early voting and casting of absentee ballots actually starts in some states next month. Which favours Hillary, considering how tarnished Trump is. As noted in the article
If Clinton is up by 5 points in early voting states until the last week of the election, when Trump closes the gap, that's a lot of votes that were already cast that favor Clinton

Trump's "pivot" has come far too late to change hearts and minds, and whilst that could've been offset by ad-buys, he's also too little, too late on that front to make a difference for the early voting.
The first debate is where it gets sealed for Hillary assuming nothing major changes till then.

Also, can we get Obama on the trail already!

The biggest concern is that the media is a Trump follower. If Trump is doing badly it means everything gets magnified.

Similarly, if Trump let's say stays on the pivot and is sane compared to his past then that also gets magnified in the media.

At the end of the day Hillary has not been able to break Trump's free media hold. This free media strategy is awful when your candidate is doing and saying awful things. But if media is now going with always omg Trump didn't say anything crazy today, looks like he is appealing to moderates, etc, etc then it doesn't help Hillary.


getting real tired of you
Wait, what? Why? Because I don't want anyone to take this election for granted? That's not asking for too much, is it?

It's not like I'm saying OMG HILLARY IS LOSING NOW. Just that the next couple months will be interesting if Trump really does go through with this apology tour and starts to tone it down. I find it hilarious that some of the reactions out there were receptive to his speech last night, like he's a little kid who just learned how to tie his shoes.

I still think Hillary is going to win.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009

@PP Presidential Polls 2s
Neo Trump 44% (+5)
Gary Johnson 39%
Crooked Shitlary 10%
Harambe 6%
Jill Stein 1%

No I mean you people are seriously the worst. He has done this speech four times prior. Now he says one line-- "I'm sorry I'm a fucking pig"-- and everyone loses their shit for the next six hours. Can you stop?
Did Trump start one of those AI paradox loops last night? He said he wouldn't lie to the voters, and that Clinton does the opposite. But we know, factually, that Clinton speaks truths and that Trump has lied before. So... *explode*?
No I mean you people are seriously the worst. He has done this speech four times prior. Now he says one line-- "I'm sorry I'm a fucking pig"-- and everyone loses their shit for the next six hours. Can you stop?
Hey now. Be fair to everyone. It's been like 10 hours now.
The NYT probability went from 87% to 86%.

If that trend continues for the next 75 days.

11%! We're fucked!
Trump's retroactive momentum is huge! FUCK!


Who's losing their shit?

I see people commenting on the media losing its shit because Trump has previously dug so deep into hell's asshole that the most halfhearted non-apology ever is being regarded as some pivotal moment.

But I don't see anybody freaking out.

Except...well, all the people freaking out over the alleged freaking out.


They claim Harambe was born in Texas, but I'd like to see the birth certificate.

Plus he might not be a naturalized citizen, that makes a huge difference in regards to eligibility.

Youtube comments suck, but this one is nice.

trump hits with his left when the right fails to connect. if that doesn't work, he denies both swings and kicks the opponent in the balls. classy.

At the end of the day Hillary has not been able to break Trump's free media hold. This free media strategy is awful when your candidate is doing and saying awful things. But if media is now going with always omg Trump didn't say anything crazy today, looks like he is appealing to moderates, etc, etc then it doesn't help Hillary.

I think we need to dispel this idea that Trump has a "strategy". He's been getting free press because he's doing and saying awful things. When he goes to "normal" mode, the press gets bored. It's actually a disservice to himself. Hillary had a press conference and that was all over the news. Whatever she does on the national stage gets coverage. Trump needs to do outrageous things to get the same coverage.


I'm not even freaking out. I was a bit uh disturbed by some of the reactions to his speech in the media like its the GOAT because he didn't vomit the entire time. And I just don't want anyone to take this election for granted in the last couple months. Trump staying disciplined and on message for that span of time seems highly unlikely but it's still possible.
If Trump stays the path, yes it's Diablosing until Election Day.

But he can't.

P.S.: Conway is a pollster, not a campaign manager. She has no experience is ground ops.
My wife told me about the "regret" statement last night, and I thought to myself, "Well, of course he regrets it, because he keeps losing support for saying the stupid shit he says."

When I read the statement last night, I started to get worried because it seemed like people would take it as an apology (he never apologized). Then I watched it on video just a second ago. He was in no way apologizing with that smug ass grin on his face. He looked like some sort of Little Rascal who steals cookies from the cookie jar, gets caught, and says he regrets doing it.
Not until he finishes filming on Curb:
OMG. I don't want Obama doing improv, but a scripted scene with Larry would be awesome.

My wife told me about the "regret" statement last night, and I thought to myself, "Well, of course he regrets it, because he keeps losing support for saying the stupid shit he says."
Yeah. In context it's obvious he regrets it cause he's losing and that should be the main Talking point from the HRC campaign
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