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PoliGAF 2016 |OT9| The Wrath of Khan!

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The Clinton campaign still has enough to shape the narrative. They can simply go for a lot of "Is it too late for the change?" and quote the multitude of disgusting shit Trump has said.

That's assuming Trump doesn't say / do / tweet something disgusting tomorrow. I mean, you can reboot as much as you want, if the underlying behavior that causes the problem (i.e. Trump being himself) doesn't change it doesn't matter.

If you wipe your PC and fresh install windows and then decide to point Internet Explorer to the fishiest, most ad-laden porn site you know so you can snap one off while you wait for Limewire to install so you can download all your favorite warez again... did it really change anything?

Or the other thing Michelle said

So Trump is going down to Louisiana to scope out destroyed property that he can buy and redevelop then subsequently not rent to losers who weren't smart enough to take advantage of this amazing opportunity, right?
Time to panic? Only a huge jump in Hispanic voter registration that overwhelmed white voter registration in Florida, could be a turning point for Trump, right? He hasn't personally thrown his feces at the baby of 2nd generation Hispanic parents in the last five days so the Hispanics love him now.


I remember when people were freaking the fuck out over Rubio doing well in suburbs outside of fucking DC in the Virginia primary like two hours before he got clobbered everywhere other than DC and Minnesota so this isn't the most embarrassing day of panic at least.

It's not even on the top 10 list of panics these past 12 months. Half the panic tonight is sarcasm anyway.
I think my hatred of conservative talk radio may have started me down the path to being the filthy liberal I am. It's all my father would listen to in the car growing up and at some point I started reading about the issues they were talking about to argue back. Yes, argue back at the radio. I was bored.

I don't tend to go to many conservative forums because I'm surround by Republicans, and mostly Drumpf supporting ones at that, all day. That and I really don't find any humor in them. I swear some of the kookier ones are physically painful for me to read. GAF and one other forum is almost a mental break for me. When I was going to my hippy-dippy college I would force myself to read some right leaning news sources just to remind myself that, no, most people aren't as far left as I am.
I don't blame you. I'm glad GAF has some strict moderation, even if somewhat biased. I don't go to places that are cesspools of awful, misinformed, and hateful rhetoic. That's going to wear you down fast.

For me, I tend to react to news stories speaking on the behalf of communities and want to see how valid they are. Like I mentioned earlier about the Mormon forums. I read that Trump was having issues gaining their vote. So I went to see how true that may be, and why that's the case. Back during the RNC, I wanted to see the reaction of Cruz's speech from his supporters. I find it really interesting.
I don't get people sometimes, after hiring the fucking leader of Breitbart, Trump has obviously given up and/or wants to do things his way no matter the result.

Yeah, he's still in hospice mode (the best analogy, credit to whoever posted that). He's still just touring a bunch of states that he was always going to win, chasing crowds and cheering fans to make him feel better. This campaign, and the last month in particular, have demoralized the guy. Most people didn't really know about all of his failures. Now, everyone does, and it's all they will ever remember about Trump. "Remember how he branded steaks, water, and a fraudulent university after himself, then bombed the presidential election?" Guy's lost the one thing he always had; his name brand. He'll be a walking embarrassment forever now, and he's riding this thing out with people he likes.

They'll all be gone on November 9th.


Louisiana's Governor was on Maddow. He says he directly asked Obama not to visit until they could spare the personnel to secure a visit. Trump visiting will just make things harder for the state to recover.

The media loves Trump now, Don Lemon wants Obama to go and Trump is getting credit for going to help out.
I don't blame you. I'm glad GAF has some strict moderation, even if somewhat biased. I don't go to places that are cesspools of awful, misinformed, and hateful rhetoic. That's going to wear you down fast.

For me, I tend to react to news stories speaking on the behalf of communities and want to see how valid they are. Like I mentioned earlier about the Mormon forums. I read that Trump was having issues gaining their vote. So I went to see how true that may be, and why that's the case. Back during the RNC, I wanted to see the reaction of Cruz's speech from his supporters. I find it really interesting.

I'm surrounded by Republicans as well, but mostly all very religious Cruz-types. So I still venture around and look for the non-religious right wing folks, just to see the discussions they have.


For everyone freaking, I'll let you know what 99% of the country heard on the news today:


That's what they'll hear tomorrow too. A single speech is not going to change the game (with the exception of the convention speech which Trump, notably, managed to fuck up). The reason the convention mattered so much is that they had such massive exposure. Everything post convention more or less locks in considering how few people follow politics during August.

Besides, even if Trump managed to suddenly change for good (lol), the Clinton campaign is primed and ready to go against a conventional opponent and they currently have a 7% lead.
Liberals/democrats always getting scared and concerned lmao. Sigh.

Trump is behind in every measurable metric. He has shown zero ability to stay on message. I can recall at least two "pivot" moments he's had where he trotted out Presidential Trump only to fall apart days later. Literally.


The pivot will be over by tomorrow, who cares.

Again: as someone who just wants Hillary to win? I'm not concerned.

As someone who wants Hillary to blow Trump out with as wide a margin as possible and capture as many Senate and House seats as she can? The campaign's response was complete limp dick.


Kills Photobucket
Lol. Hannity attacking the GOP who won't support Trump.

TRUMP GETTING 66% of the vote!!!!

Newt... Lol.

This is going to be their narrative when Trump loses. It's not because of their insane candidate and insane base. It must be because of the mostly-insane base and establishment that said "Oh man, we stepped in it this time"


This is going to be their narrative when Trump loses. It's not because of their insane candidate and insane base. It must be because of the mostly-insane base and establishment that said "Oh man, we stepped in it this time"

Trump, Nov 9: "We were robbed"
Police: "Actually we have you on camera knocking over a gas station"


FGC Waterboy
Liberals/democrats always getting scared and concerned lmao. Sigh.

Trump is behind in every measurable metric. He has shown zero ability to stay on message. I can recall at least two "pivot" moments he's had where he trotted out Presidential Trump only to fall apart days later. Literally.

Reason David calls us bedwetters.
Oh there was another pivot today? I wasn't paying attention.

But everything changed! His pivot means he never said the things that have caused him to be losing spectacularly. And he has a ground game now. And all of the people who endorsed Hillary unendorsed and said "Oh man, Trump's fine!"

I can't believe you missed it.

Random: One of the best things about being gay and in a relationship is when you and your bf randomly crush on the chat representative from the cable company, because they've started adding their pictures to the chat sessions.....


get some go again
But everything changed! His pivot means he never said the things that have caused him to be losing spectacularly. And he has a ground game now. And all of the people who endorsed Hillary unendorsed and said "Oh man, Trump's fine!"

I can't believe you missed it.
hillary is currently writing her concession speech. trump might try to not say something stupid but his surrogates will end up saying something that trump will have to respond to and he will get himself in trouble again. boring trump also means less media coverage which is something he doesn't want.


Everyone remember the last time he supposedly pivoted? He gave a speech using teleprompters, in Detroit on the 8th of this month. He was interrupted several times by protestors and didn't respond to them. Nobody in the thread here seemed convinced, and there's lots of comments about it being 'low energy', 'boring', etc., but it was one of those "pivot" moments everyone keeps waiting for.

The very next day was the "second amendment people" comment.

If what Trump said or did today somehow magically erased all the insane shit he did before, it won't undo tomorrow.


I listen to Rush and Hannity just so I can know what my dad is going to try to talk to me about from day to day.

I have this problem too, but idgaf enough to poison my ears with rush and hannity. I have yet to find out if my father is pro or anti trump, and honestly I don't think I want to.


This is a pretty good recap of the history of the GOP trying to delegitimize the Dems:


This is the best example of why Clinton and the Dems need to take a cutthroat, no compromise approach to governing if they take the Senate and the house. The GOP are not, have not, and will not be willing to compromise on any policy of substance. If we are fortunate to take back the Senate and the house, the Dems need to ram through their agenda knowing from the outset that the Republicans will not help them.
How can any of you diablos after how successful NakedTrump was today?

I have this problem too, but idgaf enough to poison my ears with rush and hannity. I have yet to find out if my father is pro or anti trump, and honestly I don't think I want to.
I feel for you all. :\ I'm glad my family is fully blue. I called my mom today to see if she was swayed by Trump's LAW AND ORDER speech. She yelled at me for 20 mins and went on a rant about how there weren't any black people at the rally. I think things are fine.

Bonus, she lives in Arizona!
The picture/video of Omran fucking wrecked me. He's a kid. Just a kid. He's the same age as the kid in my life who had a meltdown a few hours ago because we didn't have anymore strawberry yogurt for his lunch. That's the extent of shit a kid should have to deal with. We have failed at every single level in dealing with this.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Probably the best thing this week was seeing Donald (well, Jr. anyway) completely throw the idiot surrogates under the bus for being idiots and making his dad look bad. After all the contorting they've gone through agreeing with whatever the hell Trump says, even after he contradicted them, the Trumps show zero loyalty. It's glorious.
I really don't understand why anyone is freaking out. He gave one speech that had a two-minute segment that was finally delivered better than a random man on the street reading cue cards.

He just hired the primary force behind Breitbart for Christ's sake. This is merely a cheap sorbet before a shit-sandwich party sub.


Neo Member
This is a pretty good recap of the history of the GOP trying to delegitimize the Dems:


This is the best example of why Clinton and the Dems need to take a cutthroat, no compromise approach to governing if they take the Senate and the house. The GOP are not, have not, and will not be willing to compromise on any policy of substance. If we are fortunate to take back the Senate and the house, the Dems need to ram through their agenda knowing from the outset that the Republicans will not help them.

Exactly. The GOP are not there to govern. I don't know why Obama wasted so much time trying to work with these idiots.


This is a pretty good recap of the history of the GOP trying to delegitimize the Dems:


This is the best example of why Clinton and the Dems need to take a cutthroat, no compromise approach to governing if they take the Senate and the house. The GOP are not, have not, and will not be willing to compromise on any policy of substance. If we are fortunate to take back the Senate and the house, the Dems need to ram through their agenda knowing from the outset that the Republicans will not help them.

That strategy is really starting to bite them in the ass because now the racist right is de-legitimizing the establishment right, and thanks to the primary system, that crazy right has a lot of power.


I am spectacularly bad at making posts sometimes.

Anyway, I don't think the pivot will last long before Trump is set off by something due to his thin-skinned nature. We have to remember debates, where he won't have the luxury of 3-7 other people for the audience to focus on. All eyes will be on the Hillary and Trump.

Also, I am surrounded by Republicans, Democrats, conservatives, moderates, liberals alike. I get along really well with them.

So, I know this doesn't matter now....but, I think it's pretty telling. In May, Bernie asked for a 45 day extension to his personal financial disclosure. He got it. Then he asked for another one. And he got it. Now, his people are saying they no longer have to report it because he's no longer an active candidate. And he doesn't.

FEC spokesman Christian Hilland verified that Sanders has not filed a personal financial disclosure. He likewise confirmed that Sanders, who technically ceased to be a presidential candidate when Hillary Clinton secured the Democratic nomination on July 26, is no longer required to file one.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions

So, I know this doesn't matter now....but, I think it's pretty telling. In May, Bernie asked for a 45 day extension to his personal financial disclosure. He got it. Then he asked for another one. And he got it. Now, his people are saying they no longer have to report it because he's no longer an active candidate. And he doesn't.

Yep, that and those tax returns are never happening. Amazing that we have two candidates with apparently shady tax returns.
Exactly. The GOP are not there to govern. I don't know why Obama wasted so much time trying to work with these idiots.

He didn't have a choice Dem voters stayed home and allowed the GOP to take back the senate. Any win the GOP get emboldens them and they feel like they have a mandate. A mandate to do nothing.
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