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PoliGAF 2016 |OT9| The Wrath of Khan!

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Orange turd isn't reaching out to black or minority voters because quite obviously it wont work. His new campaign manager's strategy is to get him back the white female voters that have abandoned him in droves by making him seem less racist and more compassionate.


If the NAMBLA thing isn't real then show me some proof! What's that you have none. Well a lot of people sure are saying it's true so it must be true. Something is going on!
NAMBLA responded to the inquiries about Trump:

Ever since Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump refused to release his tax returns, making him the first Republican nominee not to do so since Gerald Ford released only partial returns in 1976, people have been wondering why.

A rumor started on Reddit last month raised possibility that it might be because he’s hiding donations to the North American Man/Boy Love Association, a pro-pedophilia organization. There’s absolutely no evidence to support this (though it is something I’ve heard from sources I will not name but trust me, they are real people, good people, the best people). While totally unfounded, the allegation bears an uncanny resemblance to a tactic the candidate himself has used repeatedly when making unfounded accusations, say about the president’s birthplace.

We decided to ask NAMBLA about the rumor. The group isn’t very active these days and (not that shockingly) pretty private, so it took a while, but they finally got back.

Eric Tazelaar, a NAMBLA board member, tells Vocativ that the group won’t give Trump-haters any “salacious thrills” by responding to rumors most likely spread just to discredit Trump. NAMBLA also doesn’t make public any information about its members or donors as a matter of policy, for some reason.

“I can neither confirm nor deny that Donald Trump has given us millions of dollars,” Tazelaar said. “Nor, for that matter, can we confirm or deny that Hillary Clinton may have matched his donation, dollar-for-dollar.”

“I might add,” Tazelaar said, “we do not endorse political candidates, in general if, for no other reason, than they are all pretty terrible. We see no signs of political sanity on the horizon let alone any degree of legal respect being extended to the rights of children and adolescents which is, of course, our remit.”

We took the kids bowling this morning. One of the guys next to us had a "trump vs. Tramp shirt, and the other had a Hillary for Prison hat. Luckily, they asked to be moved to a different lane so they didn't have to be near us. Otherwise, we were going to do the same.
We took the kids bowling this morning. One of the guys next to us had a "trump vs. Tramp shirt, and the other had a Hillary for Prison hat. Luckily, they asked to be moved to a different lane so they didn't have to be near us. Otherwise, we were going to do the same.

What shirt were you wearing?
Can someone post a thread in OT on the 400 million Iran state dept leverage development? The other thread just got locked, probably because I bumped it two weeks later.

I really would like to have a discussion on the difference between leverage and payment in this situation. Seems like it's splitting hairs; I'd like to see some context on this.

I would post it but I'm on Mobile
RNC raises $27.2 million in July

The Republican National Committee raised $27.2 million in July -- more than $10 million short of the committee's July fundraising total four years ago.

The RNC has raised $199.5 million this cycle and has $34.5 million cash on hand, according to a release sent Saturday. The average donation for July was $105.

In July 2012, the committee raised $37.7 million and had $88.7 million cash on hand.

Trump suggests he can win Minnesota

“If I could win a state like Minnesota, the path is a whole different thing,” Trump told donors at a fundraiser event in Minneapolis, according to the Star Tribune.

“It becomes a much, much different race. We’re going to give it our greatest shot.”

Trump reportedly told the donors he has “so many friends” in Minnesota and he said he'd be returning “a lot.”

Secret State redux

Trump makes pitch to Hispanics

Donald Trump is making his most visible play for Hispanic support yet, meeting Saturday with a group he calls the "National Hispanic Advisory Council For Trump."

The Republican National Committee (RNC) will be joining the GOP presidential nominee at Trump Tower in Manhattan to meet with "business, civic, and faith-based Hispanic leaders have travelled from twelve states,” according to an RNC statement.

RNC chairman Reince Priebus said in the statement that the convening of Latino leaders at Trump Tower "is just one component of our expansive effort to engage the Hispanic community."

After the meeting with Trump, the Hispanic leaders "will discuss strategies for ensuring the Hispanic community understands Mr. Trump’s proposals to turn around an anemic economy, revive a shrinking middle class, and end international terrorism," according to the RNC.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Go look for AM Joy on the MSNBC website. There's several videos of today's show.


Jim Gilmore said that the "illegalities don't matter" when trying to argue that Hillary did illegal things with the Clinton Foundation. Joy is a national treasure.
Can someone post a thread in OT on the 400 million Iran state dept leverage development? The other thread just got locked, probably because I bumped it two weeks later.

I really would like to have a discussion on the difference between leverage and payment in this situation. Seems like it's splitting hairs; I'd like to see some context on this.

I would post it but I'm on Mobile

If I give you $100 and ask you to do something. Then you don't and I ask for it back, and you say 'Only when you give me back my record collection', that's leverage.

If I steal your record collection and say 'Pay me $100 to get back your record collection' and you do, that's payment.

If you can't see the clear difference between the two, then whatever.


It's even more amusing that for months we kept hearing from republicans that Obama didn't care about the prisoners, when in fact he did, enough to hold billions of dollars of Iranian money back to get them back.

The only potential nitpick to be had is that there wasn't clear messaging on the transaction timing at the time.

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
Can someone post a thread in OT on the 400 million Iran state dept leverage development? The other thread just got locked, probably because I bumped it two weeks later.

I really would like to have a discussion on the difference between leverage and payment in this situation. Seems like it's splitting hairs; I'd like to see some context on this.

I would post it but I'm on Mobile

The difference I guess is that US was holding the money hostage vs Iran holding Americans as hostage.
If I give you $100 and ask you to do something. Then you don't and I ask for it back, and you say 'Only when you give me back my record collection', that's leverage.

If I steal your record collection and say 'Pay me $100 to get back your record collection' and you do, that's payment.

If you can't see the clear difference between the two, then whatever.
Consider that in the same way we may be holding cash "hostage" from other nations, though. Does this not set a bad precedence for a path for these countries to "negotiate" from?

You understand what I'm saying, correct? That this was still a transaction even if they were owed the money?
Consider that in the same way we may be holding cash "hostage" from other nations, though. Does this not set a bad precedence for a path for these countries to "negotiate" from?

You understand what I'm saying, correct? That this was still a transaction even if they were owed the money?
The precedent people are afraid of is foreign states or terrorist organizations kidnapping American citizens and soldiers holding them hostage until a ransom payment is found. Nobody is trying to preserve a precedent of the American government being able to not pay meoney it owes to people.


Consider that in the same way we may be holding cash "hostage" from other nations, though. Does this not set a bad precedence for a path for these countries to "negotiate" from?

You understand what I'm saying, correct? That this was still a transaction even if they were owed the money?

Why would terrorists or a country kidnap someone so the US considers not paying them money they were going to pay them? This argument is nonsensical.
The precedent people are afraid of is foreign states or terrorist organizations kidnapping American citizens and soldiers holding them hostage until a ransom payment is found. Nobody is trying to preserve a precedent of the American government being able to not pay meoney it owes to people.
I agree.

I'm talking about US freezing funds or having some sort of other monetary penalty placed on a foreign nation (like Iran), and the nation gets slack on it because of hostage situation

Of course Iran Nuclear deal was made which is a bit of a complex setup

Anyways I really hope it doesn't set a precedent if similar situations come up in the future

Nothing is exact when it comes to foreign policy. . .

Besides if they were getting the money anyways how is it even used as leverage

It's the cynic in me asking these questions


Besides if they were getting the money anyways how is it even used as leverage

It's the cynic in me asking these questions

Let's say I borrow $5 from you and agree to pay it back next week. The next day, you take my favorite pen without permission. I find out and tell you that I'm not returning your money unless I get my pen back. That's leverage.
The problem is that Obama was less than honest about the money having no connection to the prisoner release. I mean, technically, yes we would have eventually given them the money anyway, but he would have been better off just coming out with it.


The problem is that Obama was less than honest about the money having no connection to the prisoner release. I mean, technically, yes we would have eventually given them the money anyway, but he would have been better off just coming out with it.

Meh. Easy to counter talking point and he probably didn't want to rub salt on Iran when we are trying to normalize relations, I can see not telling the public about it. He probably didn't expect it to come back around like this.
Let's say I borrow $5 from you and agree to pay it back next week. The next day, you take my favorite pen without permission. I find out and tell you that I'm not returning your money unless I get my pen back. That's leverage.

Right. You didn't stealing the pen didn't help you get the money back. Quite the opposite.


The problem is that Obama was less than honest about the money having no connection to the prisoner release. I mean, technically, yes we would have eventually given them the money anyway, but he would have been better off just coming out with it.

In the face of a ransom narrative that already ignored all of the details? The language of the question and answer are actually really important. There is no connection at all between the agreement to pay them money and the hostages, which was the talking point at the time.


Apollo Creed: Trump's gettin' killed out there!

Paulie: No, no, no! Trump ain't gettin' killed; he's gettin' mad!

Was just watching Rocky 3. It's like a nice metaphor to draw as Trump is out there getting killed as Rocky by the collective minority vote of Clubber Lang while the GOP (Micky) sits in the back room dying of a heart attack after having pushed an unprepared Rocky into the spotlight.

Also why didn't they just send Micky to a hospital? Come on Rock.
I agree.

I'm talking about US freezing funds or having some sort of other monetary penalty placed on a foreign nation (like Iran), and the nation gets slack on it because of hostage situation

Of course Iran Nuclear deal was made which is a bit of a complex setup

Anyways I really hope it doesn't set a precedent if similar situations come up in the future

Nothing is exact when it comes to foreign policy. . .

Besides if they were getting the money anyways how is it even used as leverage

It's the cynic in me asking these questions
Okay, you've got a point there. But even if we didn't have a frozen transaction with them, I sincerely doubt they were going to be welcoming to a US military boat sailing within Iranian water. Considering we've done things like plant a computer virus to attack their nuclear reactors and bribe their nuclear scientists for military secrets, if I were Iran, I'd think they're up to no good, too.
In the face of a ransom narrative that already ignored all of the details? The language of the question and answer are actually really important. There is no connection at all between the agreement to pay them money and the hostages, which was the talking point at the time.
but I mean...there was a relation
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