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PoliGAF 2016 |OT9| The Wrath of Khan!

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will gain confidence one day
Just saw that clip of Reid trying to ask Kingston those questions. I have always liked her and now I love her.


Just watched Joy's interview with that annoying Trump supporter.


Don't let them spit nonsense, and don't let them avoid questions without calling them out.


If it satisfied you, then I must see it! link?

I agree that, since Obama, there's been this feeling of "Gezus, just hit back for once" from our side. Not saying Obama or Hillary or pushovers, but they shouldn't stick with the idea that Trump is just another Republican candidate.

They do have to hit back a bit more, which might conflict with the Hillary-Obama way of doing politics. Especially since the lesson Hillary learned from 2008 was that, you should always keep your cool and think before you attack, because that's how Obama won. So now, she's faced with an opponent that actually suited her more combative style from the late 2008 primaries.

God damn, final-form Hillary from the 2008 primaries, when she was fighting for her political life, was something to behold. Remember, she managed to even top Obama in the final popular vote count. I was an ardent Obama supporter back then and hated Hillary (much like Bernie supporters hate her now) at the beginning, but by the end, I had a huge admiration for how she campaigned her heart out when pushed against the wall, her and Bill.

Hell hath no fury like a cornered Clinton. And if Trump manages to climb up in the polls and pose a real danger to a Clinton victory (Bernie never really did), then Trump better hold on.


Criticism of Islam is fine. I certainly have a fair number of my own. But when that edges over into "refugees are incompatible with Western culture" it starts to look a bit nastier.

Yup. I mean I'll shit on organized religion until the cows come home, but villainizing peaceful Muslims is total bullshit. Judge people for the things they do, not the religion they were raised into

Anti-GMO idiot
Thinks vaccines are a government conspiracy

a true liberal hero

he also sucks at being funny


He is occasionally funny when he sticks to shitting on the right, but he's frequently just a huge douchebag and truther


I nominate myself as supreme representative of the alt left.

Na, to be fair, the supreme representative of the alt-left needs to be some some ideological conspiratorial nut-job. Stein and Baraka actually do a pretty good job of fitting that bill.

You have common sense, can criticize your own side, and are willing to take less instead of having a hysterical fit while taking your ball home with you if you don't get exactly what you want.



Michele and Marcus Bachmann are here. She told reporters she's met privately with Trump and is advising him on foreign policy.​


You're too reasonable to be alt- anything.

Na, to be fair, the supreme representative of the alt-left needs to be some some ideological conspiratorial nut-job. Stein and Baraka actually do a pretty good job of fitting that bill.

You have common sense, can criticize your own side, and are willing to take less instead of having a hysterical fit while taking your ball home with you if you don't get exactly what you want.

Gee guys thanks for ruining my cred

*goes off to read Zizek under a picture of Stalin*
What would the alt-left jerk off to though. The alt-right has monopolized anime.


Michele and Marcus Bachmann are here. She told reporters she's met privately with Trump and is advising him on foreign policy.​

Trump continues to make inroads with The Jews. The Jews just love these people.


What would the alt-left jerk off to though. The alt-right has monopolized anime.

legit answer, /leftypol/ and LF (when it used to exist) are/were big on anime also. also remember that tumblr is the epicenter of online leftism and people love anime there too

I remember anime avatars being associated with Maoist posters on LF way before I ever saw the alt right adopt them. hell the poster who got LF shut down (maggotmaster) was obsessed with sayonara zetsubou sensei

Michele and Marcus Bachmann are here. She told reporters she's met privately with Trump and is advising him on foreign policy.​



This election sucks. Who's going to be the next washed up Republican to surface? We've had so many in the last months.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
legit answer, /leftypol/ and LF (when it used to exist) are/were big on anime also. also remember that tumblr is the epicenter of online leftism and people love anime there too

I remember anime avatars being associated with Maoist posters on LF way before I ever saw the alt right adopt them. hell the poster who got LF shut down (maggotmaster) was obsessed with sayonara zetsubou sensei
I think the anime correlation can more be drawn to more...maximal political viewpoints in general, and people just associate it with the alt-right because of all the shit flinging


It probably lasted the longest of any of his pivots.

Seeing how it's open season on black folks in this country lately, I'm not entirely sure he's not still firmly in pivot mode.

Let's not act like dogwhistling isn't a standard in the Republican candidate repertoire. If everyone's expecting Trump's pivot to be a form of liberalism you haven't been paying attention to the party he represents. He still going to be hateful. He's still going to be vaguely racist. He'll just do it in the good 'ol Republican way.
Trump retweeting user "CatOnGlass" to brag about his Twitter followers, very presidential.

"@CatOnGlass: 200,000 new followers for @realDonaldTrump. From 10,800,000 to 11,000,000, All in the last ten days or so! #MAGA #AlwaysTrump


To be fair, CatOnGlass seems to be on the more mildly racist side of Trump supporters and isn't actively promoting internment camps which makes this one of the better Trump retweets of this campaign. Always a plus when Trump accidentally manages to not retweet a Nazi.
Is "number of new twitter followers" going to be the next magic metric? Trump had 2% increase in followers over about 10 days! That translates to, I'm sure, millions of votes! Because it's totally representative of, like, stuff!

Imagine a world where we elected world leaders based on twitter followers. We'd be run by shitty singers, DJs, wrestlers and lefty pop culture figures. Think we could get Michelle Obama into the senate on her follower count alone? Would save her the trouble of actually having to campaign in the future.


Is "number of new twitter followers" going to be the next magic metric? Trump had 2% increase in followers over about 10 days! That translates to, I'm sure, millions of votes! Because it's totally representative of, like, stuff!

Imagine a world where we elected world leaders based on twitter followers. We'd be run by shitty singers, DJs, wrestlers and lefty pop culture figures. Think we could get Michelle Obama into the senate on her follower count alone? Would save her the trouble of actually having to campaign in the future.

Don't knock it.

E-democracy worked for the Asari.


Can someone explain to me why the Iran money thing is even being discussed like some huge scandal?

It's the White House holding Iran's money hostage to get back American hostages, while at the same time proving they are an effective force in ensuring that work still progresses in other aspects that are internationally beneficial (Iran Nuclear deal)

Sure, optics are weird but its only weird if you are trying to find something to hit Obama on. This was some smart politics, right? And yet, news outlets are like "MAN TRUMP'S SHIT DOMINATING WHAT WOULD OTHERWISE HAVE BEEN A ROUGH WEEK FOR HILLARY"



I'm morbidly curious about Trump's next disaster. I'm definitely not of the belief that he can keep this latest "pivot" up.

I can't keep track of all the awful things he said the last time he pivoted right after his convention or during his convention.


I'm morbidly curious about Drumpf's next disaster. I'm definitely not of the belief that he can keep this latest "pivot" up.

The time for pivot is over. Donald Trump's latest pivot was him hiring two people who are gonna help him double down on Trump.

He's pivoting 360 degrees.


Sidhe / PikPok
Can someone explain to me why the Iran money thing is even being discussed like some huge scandal?

It's the White House holding Iran's money hostage to get back American hostages, while at the same time proving they are an effective force in ensuring that work still progresses in other aspects that are internationally beneficial (Iran Nuclear deal)

Because in all the coverage that I have seen for it at least, the media never clarifies or plainly states that it was Iran's money. Which effectively just positions it as this mysterious and suspiciously coincidental payment of cash.


Because in all the coverage that I have seen for it at least, the media never clarifies or plainly states that it was Iran's money. Which effectively just positions it as this mysterious and suspiciously coincidental payment of cash.

This boggles my mind and honestly, just embarrassing for these media outlets.

It's almost like they love this controversy (which... I suppose they do)
I'm morbidly curious about Trump's next disaster. I'm definitely not of the belief that he can keep this latest "pivot" up.
Oh, definitely. There will definitely be another disaster, but I've long since given up trying to predict the whens or hows of it.

I'm personally more curious at the moment how long it will take Manafort and his lackeys (like Gates, who's also connected to it and still part of the Trump campaign) to be formally indicted on all the Ukraine stuff because it's sounding preeeeeety iron-clad at this point just from what's already out there. Whenever that shoe drops it will be another one or two news cycles just instantly gone from the Trump campaign, disaster or no disaster. Tick tock.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Because in all the coverage that I have seen for it at least, the media never clarifies or plainly states that it was Iran's money. Which effectively just positions it as this mysterious and suspiciously coincidental payment of cash.

It's infuriating, the interest rate we paid was 3 to 4 percent, more than reasonable. Actually nice of Iran to not be dicks about it. It's seems quite obvious that the they want to try to make the new diplomatic moves between the countries work.


Why the hell does Hillary have to answer anything from Judicial Watch? Written answer or not. It's ridiculous that this is even permissible. Seriously. What the hell.
"What the hell do you have to lose?" was off-script? lolol, does this count as him already botching the new format? As a bonus irony he said it in Michigan, home of the "emergency manager" who could fuck with cities in whatever way they felt appropriate, which is indirectly part of what happened to Flint. Seriously the worst state to be in when it comes to trying to play up "fuck it" to the AA community. Makes talking to the all-white crowd about Milwaukee in not-Milwaukee look like a casual goof.

The strategy here is interesting. Trump needs to pull about +8% of the black vote to regain +1% in the overall average. Is the play from the campaign is "surely it can't be THAT bad," and think they can get a few points nationally back with extremely minimal work? However, it's a passive admission that they think they have a better chance at convincing 6-7x as many AA voters to flip than even one single typical GOP voter to claw back at a win.
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