I already explained how.
This is gibberish. Either gender is a correlational or a causal factor.
No, it is actually unreasonable. One is a fantasy that has been adopted by the left as a political rallying cry, and the other is a real-thing-that-does-exist.
It already is illegal.
Disarmingly reasonable thing to say when it's actually meaningless. If the "correlational wage gap" is not the part of the wage gap that is caused by gender, then the only way to "correct" it through public policy is to enact policy that does not target gender issues, since those are not the issues that caused the gap. Thus the "correlational wage gap" is not a gender issue and should stop being used as one.
Obviously it's not trivial if my entire point is that gender discrimination in the workforce is disproportionately portrayed.
I didn't say the remainder of the gap is due to choice. It's due to race, career choice, region, age, college attainment, etc. Controlling for factors is basic analysis.
No, first off, most people don't know. Most people think the wage gap really is that high. And they think it's because people just don't want to pay women the same amount that they pay men. And the reason they think that is because Democrats have sold this story every year since at least Geraldine Ferraro, back when there was actually a wage gap. But as the gap closed, the left didn't want to give up its story and so this horse has been beat beyond the realm of all plausibility.
Second, the conversation isn't larger than that. Maybe in some academic circles there's a broad discussion about getting women into leadership and executive positions as well as technical and engineering jobs. Maybe there's an interesting focus on the changing workforce and how more men are staying at home and women don't need to be the only caregiver. But most people, when they go to the voting booth and start tallying up the reasons they vote Democrat, are probably going to be thinking, "Oh, also, I want women to be paid the same amount for the same work. Why aren't they? I mean wtf is up with that?" It's wrong, and it's a lie.
Also, I don't play video games. I don't know what PS+ means.