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PoliGAF 2016 |OT9| The Wrath of Khan!

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The LA Times survey isn't really a poll. Interesting to look at, not super helpful.

Also polls haven't really tightened. Clinton still has an 8 pt lead on Pollster. Polling in PA, NC, VA and CO still gives her a wide open lead.


nature boy;214349937 [URL="http://thehill.com/blogs/ballot-box/presidential-races/292083-trump-suggests-he-can-win-minnesota" said:
Trump suggests he can win Minnesota[/URL]

Secret State redux

Im hoping he does know that the only reason its not deep blue is that no polls are being done here.

Seriously DFL has this on lock down.


Good shit Bernie!


Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) will be returning to the campaign trail next month to stump for Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton.

"I look forward to it," Sanders told The Washington Post Friday.

"I feel very strongly that Donald Trump would be a disaster for the country. I want to do everything I can to see that Secretary Clinton wins."
Sanders spent a year on the trail for his own presidential campaign, before dropping out and endorsing Clinton last month.

He spoke on her behalf at the Democratic National Convention, but faced backlash from some of his supporters who say Clinton benefited from a rigged primary process.

Sanders has pleaded with his supporters to back Clinton. Now he's expected to hit the campaign trail to target the working-class and younger voters.

He plans to visit New Hampshire, Maine, Michigan and Wisconsin — all states where he won primaries and caucuses — as well as others were he had strong support such as Ohio, Pennsylvania and Nevada.

He'll also campaign for Democratic Senate candidates including Katie McGinty in Pennsylvania, Ted Strickland in Ohio and Maggie Hassan in New Hampshire.

The big guns are about to come out.

Also, on Politico's Playbook (lol) Allen says that the Hill GOP is starting to shit bricks about the fundraising difference between Clinton and Trump. They think the Senate is basically gone either way, but they are bullish on the House for now. BUT, they think if Clinton and the DNC start pumping money to the House races, they're fucked.

The problem is that Donald Trump can't so much as sneeze without getting lots of free exposure. This is something that is hard to account for when you see the money differences.
Good shit Bernie!


The big guns are about to come out.

Also, on Politico's Playbook (lol) Allen says that the Hill GOP is starting to shit bricks about the fundraising difference between Clinton and Trump. They think the Senate is basically gone either way, but they are bullish on the House for now. BUT, they think if Clinton and the DNC start pumping money to the House races, they're fucked.

Yeah but I'm pretty sure Bernie secretly supports Jill Stein. He's just doing this to keep up appearances until his master plan unfolds.

Everyone knows primary opponents are mortal enemies. Look at Obama and Clinton. Obama hates her so much he made her the second most important person in the world (sorry Joe).


It was given in Eaton County, where 6.3% of the population is black. If he was serious, he could have at least gone the twenty minutes over to Lansing.
He was basically as close to Lansing as you can get from Eaton County which is just across the border. The location is on the outskirts of Lansing. He was 7 miles from the Capitol which is in the center of downtown Lansing: http://tinyurl.com/hdra332

He actually was closer (aside from the fact there's no bridges over the Grand River) to the most black part of Lansing than he would be had he been at the Capitol.

/local geography pedantry
Yeah but I'm pretty sure Bernie secretly supports Jill Stein. He's just doing this to keep up appearances until his master plan unfolds.

Everyone knows primary opponents are mortal enemies. Look at Obama and Clinton. Obama hates her so much he made her the second most important person in the world (sorry Joe).

I don't think Bernie is an idiot, no way he supports someone like Stein
The problem is that Donald Trump can't so much as sneeze without getting lots of free exposure. This is something that is hard to account for when you see the money differences.

If money were only about ads, maybe. But it's not. And it's not just Donald Trump the GOP has to fund. The top of the ticket brings in the money for the down ballot people. The GOP's July fundraising was shit. Like, terrible. If they're not making bank, and they have to fund Trump's GOTV then he can be on the news all he wants.

Also, not all publicity is good publicity. I can't think of a single good news story he's had outside PIVOT! which is boring as hell for the media to cover.

Im hoping he does know that the only reason its not deep blue is that no polls are being done here.

Seriously DFL has this on lock down.
Nah man Trump is more electable than Reagan, Bush, Dole, Dubya, McCain, and Romney. He's gonna get the first every-state sweep since Washington.


Nah man Trump is more electable than Reagan, Bush, Dole, Dubya, McCain, and Romney. He's gonna get the first every-state sweep since Washington.


contribute something
Thanks for this, really fascinating. It might also jive with the idea that it's still more rich people than not voting Trump. It's almost like a fear of the unknown and future failure driving support for a guy who I guess would maintain the status quo?

I don't think Trump would really maintain the status quo -- he seems set on revolutionizing America, albeit in a reactionary way. His foreign policy alone would make America in 2024 a pretty different place.
The problem is that Donald Trump can't so much as sneeze without getting lots of free exposure. This is something that is hard to account for when you see the money differences.

Are we still in March? The majority of Trump's free publicity has been damaging. His tactics that draw exposure don't help him win a general election and actively hurt downticket Republicans.
Good on Bernie. I think those are some good places to send him, I guess. Personally, I'd be sending him to Iowa, New Hampshire, Maine (If we really need to, I guess) and Nevada. Ohio seems meh for him to come, but if it helps Strickland, maybe.

Of course, part of my is a cynical bitch and thinks it's just going to be "Millionaires, billionaires, wall street" for an hour followed by a half hearted "Oh, by the way, Hillary Clinton is okay, so let's do that, I guess." Prove me wrong Bernie! You've done it before. Do it again.
Yeah the Iran money story is one of those things where nothing wrong happened but its complicated and nuanced enough that people are going to get the wrong impression (in no small part thanks to the media failing to explain it).


benjipwns, what's wrong with Gary Johnson
he's kinda goofy, and appearing next to Weld makes him look really politically unpolished

also, he'd force Jews to bake for Nazis at gunpoint

and who would you prefer as the Libertarian candidate?
i don't really give a shit who The Party has as their candidate

Gary's just someone I could consider bothering to vote for, like Harry Browne, because he's unoffensive

and i guess if Jedediah says he's okay

tho this guy responding to her says he's a leftist:
Terry Tut ‏@tut5150 Aug 1
and I care why exactly? Good for him his policies are leftist . No sale @csuwildcat @JedediahBila
gasp im scared now, what if he wins???


Republicans, worried about preserving their House and Senate majorities in the face of fierce headwinds, are accelerating their plans to distance themselves from Donald Trump – and may soon concede, if only implicitly, his defeat.

Party strategists are mapping out blueprints for down-ballot candidates, in TV ads and on the campaign trail, to present themselves as checks on a Hillary Clinton presidency. It’s an approach that would essentially admit a Trump loss. In interviews, nearly one dozen Republican operatives said they had begun poll-testing the idea – which one labeled a “break glass in case of emergency” strategy - to gauge how the public would react to it.

he's kinda goofy, and appearing next to Weld makes him look really politically unpolished
That was my takeaway from the Town Hall. The guy's rhetoric is like a hot butterknife through steak.

i don't really give a shit who The Party has as their candidate
Are you going to argue against the legitimacy of the party now?

benji stands firmly against unpermitted erections, no matter how small
Every man has a property in his own erection; every woman, in her man's.


I don't think Trump would really maintain the status quo -- he seems set on revolutionizing America, albeit in a reactionary way. His foreign policy alone would make America in 2024 a pretty different place.

Oh yeah I know that, just saying "perception wise" it feels like that's the mindset more than not from that particular group.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Surprised no one is getting on kellyann for continuing to talk about a "reverse gender gap". Also known as a gender gap.
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