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PoliGAF 2016 |OT9| The Wrath of Khan!

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I'm sorry Adam, I have a new favourite PoliGAF member :p


I feel very unloved.


So, I got the 5 year old off the bus and he was sobbing hysterically. One of the kids on the bus told him that Donald Trump was going to be President. And he's now terrified because Trump scares him. Like, not the policies...he's 5....literally the man terrifies him. He also had a breakdown watching Charlie and the Chocolate Factory...there may be correlation.


To be honest, I could use a pint right now.

We all could man. We all could.


I feel very unloved.


So, I got the 5 year old off the bus and he was sobbing hysterically. One of the kids on the bus told him that Donald Trump was going to be President. And he's now terrified because Trump scares him. Like, not the policies...he's 5....literally the man terrifies him.

I still love you really bae <3

Poor kid, that's awful :(



Maybe they're looking for the names of the sources that keep leaking info about the Trump campaign to the media?


Hmmmmm why would they target the new york times? hmmmmmm

I think this conclusively proves that the liberal media is bought and paid for by Crooked Hillary, probably by all the Clinton Foundation cash.

In other news, Hillary is a reanimated corpse, Bill cheated on her, and brown people are scary.
So Nate's newest article kinda rubs me the wrong way. The one about the LA Times Poll. His argument is, as long as you add 6 points to Hillary's numbers, it's fine. The thing is...if you have a poll with a 6 point house effect....how useful is that really? Like, if they're that far off on the topline, how the hell is anything useful in it. I'm okay with arguing trends based off of it....sure why not. But you're having to "correct" the sample the entire time. That seems silly to me. But I'm an idiot so what do I know.


So Nate's newest article kinda rubs me the wrong way. The one about the LA Times Poll. His argument is, as long as you add 6 points to Hillary's numbers, it's fine. The thing is...if you have a poll with a 6 point house effect....how useful is that really? Like, if they're that far off on the topline, how the hell is anything useful in it. I'm okay with arguing trends based off of it....sure why not. But you're having to "correct" the sample the entire time. That seems silly to me. But I'm an idiot so what do I know.

haven't read the article yet, but he goes over it a bit in this week's 538 podcast if you're interested. although based on what you just wrote, he doesn't expand on it that much other than "weight it how you see fit and throw it in the average with everything else".


No Scrubs

I feel very unloved.


So, I got the 5 year old off the bus and he was sobbing hysterically. One of the kids on the bus told him that Donald Trump was going to be President. And he's now terrified because Trump scares him. Like, not the policies...he's 5....literally the man terrifies him. He also had a breakdown watching Charlie and the Chocolate Factory...there may be correlation.

Damn dude, I don't even know what to say to that. It's so easy to forget what kind of effect our actions have on kids. :(

We all could man. We all could.

I'm like 10 minutes from leaving for the day so I might hit up a place and get one with some food.
Damn dude, I don't even know what to say to that. It's so easy to forget what kind of effect our actions have on kids. :(

It's been a real eye opener for me too. We can't let him watch anything with Trump in it because, well he's scared of him, but also because who knows what he's going to say. We all went canvassing together a week ago, and he loved that. So, we've been trying to show him that things will be okay, and you don't have to think about Trump if you don't want to.

Still I never really appreciated like how much of this stuff gets down to a kid's level. He obviously doesn't get the policy problems, but he knows Trump is scary and that's enough.


Is there an ad with footage of orange turd asking Russia to hack the US? Because if there isn't the Clinton campaign should get right on that.
So Nate's newest article kinda rubs me the wrong way. The one about the LA Times Poll. His argument is, as long as you add 6 points to Hillary's numbers, it's fine. The thing is...if you have a poll with a 6 point house effect....how useful is that really? Like, if they're that far off on the topline, how the hell is anything useful in it. I'm okay with arguing trends based off of it....sure why not. But you're having to "correct" the sample the entire time. That seems silly to me. But I'm an idiot so what do I know.

One of Nate's basic premises since he started was that once you correct for a consistent bias, the average of the polls is valid.

This is literally halos handles every poll.


I'll say it again, if Clinton wins by double digits in FL, Murphy's going to roll Rubio (look at the undecideds in the FL poll. People know the incumbent, especially since elhe ran for president, and they don't know Murphy. It'll tighten after the primary). Also, if Clinton wins MO, AZ, and NC, Kander, Kirkpatrick, and Ross will win as well. The only senate seats I think are going to be a real struggle are OH and IA. Everything else, if Hillary rolls nationally at 8+, she'll own the Senate races.


I think I'm gonna go to Clinton's office opening here in Utah. Or at least I'll drive by and then leave after not finding a place to park.


I don't understand what China gets out of being Russia's bitch.

Russia is a failed country full of losers with no economic or political future. You don't need to start getting involved in the Syrian War while tossing these ridiculous statements just to keep being friends with Russia.


China has Tibet, Xinjiang and a country filled with a lot of other ethnic minorities. They don't like when nations mess with a nation's borders with one of the reasons being to help an oppressed minority since that sets a bad precedent for them and/or can give something to those dissatisfied groups to point to and protest.

Pretty sure China also opposed Russian involvement in Ukraine and anexation of Crimea for the same reason.


Koster (D) 51%
Greitens (R) 40%
Spragins (L) 3%
(Monmouth U. Poll, LV, 8/19-22)

pretty big lead there
I've seen a lot of support for Koster around the state (not just the metropolitan areas). His ads are very folksy and charming. I'd be very happy if he ended up winning. Nixon is a mess.


MOSCOW—In living rooms and kitchens across Russia and Ukraine, the U.S. presidential election is as riveting to TV viewers as “Game of Thrones” is to their American counterparts. Every time Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump speak of Russian President Vladimir Putin, Crimea, Russian hackers or the Donbas (the disputed region of eastern Ukraine)—and it’s rebroadcast here, which it usually is—people in both countries sit up as if some crazy American reality show has just come on. Almost every day, television channels in both countries highlight America’s new scandals and intrigues involving Trump’s connections with post-Soviet oligarchs, or leaked DNC emails, or the endless hurling of insults and the constant debate over America’s supposedly disappearing greatness.

But the main reason the U.S. election has become must-see TV is not because it’s a great reality show, or because Putin and the conflict between Russia and Ukraine come up as issues in the campaign as often as Mexican immigrants, ISIS and Benghazi. It's because the political rhetoric across the Atlantic is actually starting to change facts on the ground in Russia and Ukraine. In both countries, coverage of the political chaos in the United States—the north star of politics for both anti-American and pro-American figures in this part of the world—is stirring public discontent and doubt about the future in Ukraine, and a sense of confidence, even arrogance, in Russia.

In Russia, meanwhile, everything is reported through a pro-Trump lens. On Aug. 14, State Channel One broadcast video footage of burned remains of Syrian children in Aleppo province, saying they’d been killed by U.S. forces (though Russian planes have been flying in the region as well), then segued directly to the U.S. election and Hillary Clinton’s supposed violation of democratic principles as revealed in the leaked DNC emails. The show aired part of a CNN interview with Clinton in which she asserts that Russian intelligence and the Russian government were behind the leak. “Here we go, they primarily like to say ‘we know,’” the Russian presenter said sarcastically. She then added that “the scandal around the fraud of Democrat emails increased popularity for Donald Trump, who promised to improve the relations with Russia.”

Every new Trump attack on President Barack Obama or Clinton is also regularly broadcast, as if the state media wants to say, “See, did we not tell you exactly that for years?” Trump’s latest attack line—that Obama created ISIS—is especially popular in Putin’s Russia, where the state-controlled media would have you believe that Russia’s brave leader is alone in fighting malign forces in Syria. Earlier this month, a young presenter wearing hip glasses appeared on NTV, one of the most popular Russian channels, to inform millions of Russians that Trump accused Obama of creating the Islamic State. According to this summer’s social polls, up to 72 percent of Russians already considered Washington their greatest enemy, but the mainstream media has continued to demonize the United States by deploying Trump’s rhetoric against the U.S. president.

Ukraine’s focus on the U.S. presidential election is a newer phenomenon. Today Trump is getting almost much free media there as he does in the United States. Tatiana Popova, an advisor to the minister of defense, told me that both Trump and Clinton were often featured on the most popular television channels--and many Ukrainian viewers were puzzled and angered by Trump’s recent statement that Putin would not make a military move into Ukraine under a Trump presidency, even though Russia had already annexed the country's Crimean Peninsula.

“They show us Trump as a big clown,” Boris Khodorkovsky, an Odessa television viewer, told me. “Of course Putin is not going to bring his army for a huge war, everybody knows that.” Still, Trump’s pro-Russian statements have clearly irritated Ukrainians, Khodorkovsky indicated.

Above all, Ukrainians are unnerved by the idea that a Putin ally such as Trump could occupy the most powerful office in the world. “Trump’s entire discourse—not just not challenging the Russian occupation of Crimea but isolationism, conspiracy theories, little respect for the law and the right to bully—it all looks exactly like what the Kremlin has been saying for years,” Gumenyuk told me.

Trump Is Already Helping Putin Consolidate Control of Ukraine


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
So Nate's newest article kinda rubs me the wrong way. The one about the LA Times Poll. His argument is, as long as you add 6 points to Hillary's numbers, it's fine. The thing is...if you have a poll with a 6 point house effect....how useful is that really? Like, if they're that far off on the topline, how the hell is anything useful in it. I'm okay with arguing trends based off of it....sure why not. But you're having to "correct" the sample the entire time. That seems silly to me. But I'm an idiot so what do I know.

I guess it is really useful for trends whatever the base is (and so long as you know what the base is you can adjust for it). In the extreme, you could have a poll based solely on Republican voters and it would still be useful for determining trends for/against Trump and which votes are moving where.

On an unrelated note, I have a concern about telephone polls. Is there a likelihood of some "stickiness" in the polling in Red/Red-leaning states depending who else is listening to the phone call? I'd guess in multi-person households there may be a tendency to respond "Trump" to a pollster even if in a secret ballot you'd do otherwise - on the off-chance that (say) hubby is listening in.
Rick Santorum corrects flailing ‘meathead’ Rob Reiner about Hillary: ‘Screaming doesn’t make it true’
Appearing alongside Rick Santorum on HBO’s “Real Time with Bill Maher,” the actor and director flipped his lid when the former Republican senator from Pennsylvania implied that Clinton tells lies.

“No no no no,” Reiner called out. “You just say a line like that, you just say it, and it’s not true!”

“It’s true!” Santorum responded, adding that “the FBI said it was true.”
“Let’s talk about the FBI!” the liberal Reiner bellowed.

“There was one email. One email that was not listed as classified — with a little tiny “c” — and [FBI Director] James Comey said anybody could have missed that!” he shouted. “Enough of that! Enough of that!”

Santorum chimed in to remind Reiner that “screaming doesn’t make it true.”

Comey actually said there were “110 e-mails in 52 email chains” that were found “to contain classified information at the time they were sent or received.”

The breakdown included eight chains that contained “Top Secret” information, 36 more that contained “Secret” information and another eight that contained “Confidential” information.
If they were still making all in the family in 2016 this is what it would be like
Looks like Trump is struggling with the coveted Harambe demographic:
Campaign Shake-up: Donald Trump Has Fired The Man In Charge Of Explaining What Donald Trump Is To Gorillas

After nearly $15 million spent on the project, less than 40 percent of gorillas in American zoos were able to look at a picture of Trump and point to a hammer...After it was made public that even fewer gorillas were able to sign “Rage King” after watching a clip of one of Trump’s speeches, Hawkins’ fate was sealed.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Okay, just read up on that Ohio Voter ID ruling, and it's not that bad. Basically it eliminated an extra week of early voting, but the there's still 25 days allowed, which is pretty generous compared to most states.
I'm worried about the cringefest that's going to be FFXV and playing it while my wife is in the same room. She's gonna make fun of my "cartoon games" again :(

I tried headset option but it's not for me. I get headache if I wear them for a long time. What should I do?


No Scrubs
I'm worried about the cringefest that's going to be FFXV and playing it while my wife is in the same room. She's gonna make fun of my "cartoon games" again :(

I tried headset option but it's not for me. I get headache if I wear them for a long time. What should I do?

Play better games.

Captain Pants

Killed by a goddamned Dredgeling
I'm worried about the cringefest that's going to be FFXV and playing it while my wife is in the same room. She's gonna make fun of my "cartoon games" again :(

I tried headset option but it's not for me. I get headache if I wear them for a long time. What should I do?

I'm going to have to figure that out when Persona 5 ships. My fiance will dick around on her computer while I play Overwatch, but I think P5 will be a bridge too far.

Additionally I'm going to DM for my friends this Saturday, and I'm hoping she won't be around to hear me doing character voices and asking my friends to make perception checks and dexterity saving rolls.
I'm worried about the cringefest that's going to be FFXV and playing it while my wife is in the same room. She's gonna make fun of my "cartoon games" again :(

I tried headset option but it's not for me. I get headache if I wear them for a long time. What should I do?

Don't play shitty games
I'm worried about the cringefest that's going to be FFXV and playing it while my wife is in the same room. She's gonna make fun of my "cartoon games" again :(

I tried headset option but it's not for me. I get headache if I wear them for a long time. What should I do?

Talk to your wife about how it makes you feel when she belittles the stuff you enjoy. Just make sure not to make fun of what she reads / plays / listens to / etc.

My wife and I have this secret, where in, we talk to each other when we have problems. It's not always fun. Like the other day my wife upset me and I had to tell her not to crack jokes when I'm taking a work call and trying to concentrate on fixing something. I knew she'd be upset by this, because I know she didn't mean anything by it, but it upset me.

So we talked about it. It wasn't fun. But now she knows not to do that again because it upset me. She'll come to me when I upset her too.

That shit works. Don't back pocket stuff. Don't let it fester.

It's 298 really, their Minnesota polling is cocked up.

Edit: Not cocked up, just really old because no one's polled MN since April because, well, she's probably up by at least 10.

Also, it's really only at 298 because that latest monster FL poll bumped her average there over 10 points. Which is pretty unlikely.

Her electoral votes in very safe states is more like (eep) 269.


I'm going to have to figure that out when Persona 5 ships. My fiance will dick around on her computer while I play Overwatch, but I think P5 will be a bridge too far.

Additionally I'm going to DM for my friends this Saturday, and I'm hoping she won't be around to hear me doing character voices and asking my friends to make perception checks and dexterity saving rolls.

Have fun on Saturday! DMing for the first time ever in a couple of weeks, mega nervous.
Talk to your wife about how it makes you feel when she belittles the stuff you enjoy. Just make sure not to make fun of what she reads / plays / listens to / etc.

My wife and I have this secret, where in, we talk to each other when we have problems. It's not always fun. Like the other day my wife upset me and I had to tell her not to crack jokes when I'm taking a work call and trying to concentrate on fixing something. I knew she'd be upset by this, because I know she didn't mean anything by it, but it upset me.

So we talked about it. It wasn't fun. But now she knows not to do that again because it upset me. She'll come to me when I upset her too.

That shit works. Don't back pocket stuff. Don't let it fester.
I cant. Thats admitting that you like playing cartoon games and I am too prideful to admit that! I AM PATER FAMILIAS DAMMIT. But I really respect you guys for having a totally open line of communication.
I'm going to have to figure that out when Persona 5 ships. My fiance will dick around on her computer while I play Overwatch, but I think P5 will be a bridge too far.

Additionally I'm going to DM for my friends this Saturday, and I'm hoping she won't be around to hear me doing character voices and asking my friends to make perception checks and dexterity saving rolls.
Lol. You're in worse situation than me bruh.
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