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PoliGAF 2016 |OT9| The Wrath of Khan!

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There's not really a thread for this but it looks like the Kurds are now in control of Hasakah?

With Syria, Turkey, and Russia against the Kurds and Iran threatening to screw with the nuke deal if the US gets on Syria's tail for protecting the Kurds, I wonder how this is all going to turn out. The Kurds have been surging but I don't think they can hold against so many forces at once if it comes down to it.

The Kurds are currently the most competent ground force in Syria right now. Turkey can shell them from the across the border but that's not going to stop them from taking and holding territory. Unless someone opposed to them is actually willing to commit significant ground forces into pushing them out, then I don't see them giving up the territory they've fought and bled for over the last couple years. US involvement in Syria will likely end with the fall of Raqqa, then it's up the various remaining factions to figure out the way forward.
It's gonna be an early call for the presidency on election night and the rest of the night will be basking in the down-ticket bloodbath.
Yep, I was just playing with the EV map and telling my wife that unless something major happens in the next few months, it's going to be an early night in November :)

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
There's no hope for Syria and serious, radical change needs to happen in the next 20 years. Iraq is a false country, Syria is a false country, and the Kurds needs their own country. Borders need to be redrawn to certain historical standards. Israeli apartheid needs to end so that attention can stop being drawn. We need to stop taking sides in Sunni-shiite proxy wars and sectarian violence.

I'm against the current Israeli regime as much as anyone but we need to chill with throwing around "apartheid" so easily. Afaik Arabs in Israel have full civil rights.

serttlememts need to stop, there needs to be peace talks, Palestinians need their own land, but Israel is not an apartheid state. It just makes things worse to throw that term out imo. Everything else you're right on :)

Edit: changed muslim to Arab, for accuracy


The Kurds are currently the most competent ground force in Syria right now. Turkey can shell them from the across the border but that's not going to stop them from taking and holding territory. Unless someone opposed to them is actually willing to commit significant ground forces into pushing them out, then I don't see them giving up the territory they've fought and bled for over the last couple years. US involvement in Syria will likely end with the fall of Raqqa, then it's up the various remaining factions to figure out the way forward.

I agree with that, but that's why I'm not sure what happens with the Kurds going forward. Say after ISIS is defeated, the US ends its involvement because our entire involvement in Syria has been staked on "We need to defeat ISIS!" Are we going to continue to provide money and weapons to the Kurds? They need resources from someone/somewhere, and every other group is against them. I mean they've held out for decades but they've never had so much control as they do now, so I'm wondering if they'll have overextended themselves.


remember me
Hillary should use something by Against Me!

Any song, I'm not picky :p

Pints Of Guinness Make You Strong

-1 in Missouri probably suggests an 8 point lead or so has been maintained.

Since the Olympics and the post convention bumps are over, I think the race has stabilized. Putting Hillary's odds of victory at >95%.


No Scrubs
Missouri seems to be the secret state the press hasn't picked up on.
In 2008 it probably would have gotten more attention (and it did!) due to its status as a bellwether state.

I think part of the reason it's not getting attention now is even if Clinton does swing it, it's still trending towards the Republicans and it's not a state I would expect to be made a part of Democrats' long term electoral strategy, the way AZ and GA are.


Yeah.It definitely looks like Hilary will do a bit better than Bush did in Florida in 2014 but I still do not expect her to win that state by double digits.If she starts leading Trump by double digits in Florida she will probably win the election in a landslide.

Honestly this is more exciting to me than the Florida poll given (1) the quality of the pollster, (2) it's broadly in line with what PPP found earlier this month and (3) given Missouri's R-lean, what this implies about the state of the race nationally.

Missouri seems like a good investment to me, especially with a competitive Senate race.
I don't understand what China gets out of being Russia's bitch.

Beijing supports Bashar al-Assad’s Syrian government and is close to Russia. China also regularly criticises Western powers for intervening in foreign wars.

“Critics have suggested that [the video] is part of a propaganda war, aimed at creating a ‘humanitarian’ excuse for Western countries to become involved in Syria,” a voice-over in the report by state broadcaster China Central Television (CCTV) said.

“The workers did not make rapid rescue efforts and instead quickly set up a camera,” it added.

The report was subtitled “Posed picture? Exaggeration? The video is suspected of being a fake”.

Russia is a failed country full of losers with no economic or political future. You don't need to start getting involved in the Syrian War while tossing these ridiculous statements just to keep being friends with Russia.

The best possible investment out of Missouri could be getting Jason Kander in the Senate. He's only down 5 in that poll.

If he gets elected he's on the VP shortlist for life.
I'm against the current Israeli regime as much as anyone but we need to chill with throwing around "apartheid" so easily. Afaik Arabs in Israel have full civil rights.

serttlememts need to stop, there needs to be peace talks, Palestinians need their own land, but Israel is not an apartheid state. It just makes things worse to throw that term out imo. Everything else you're right on :)

Edit: changed muslim to Arab, for accuracy
I'm taking about the West Bank. The situation in the West Bank is de facto apartheid. You cannot vote in the Israeli elections if you have refused Israeli citizenship, which most Palestinians do. This would be alright if the Palestinians lived in their own separate country but they are militarily occupied by Israel. Israel claims to give Palestinians autonomy in their own region but restricts freedom of movement and makes them use certain roads and adhere to military checkpoints. The region has been partitioned so that one cannot move between sectors without a permit. Again: this would be justifiable if Palestine was part of Israel, but if it was, then wouldn't Palestians have voting rights?

There are a million similarities between Palestinian occupation and South African apartheid.

I want to think they were clever and hacked a handful of conservative media outlets, too, but inexplicably they're not that smart. Can hack almost anything on the planet? Yes. Make any effort to cover your tracks or claim plausible deniability? No.

What's the goal here, anyway? Do they expect to find some gigantic liberal conspiracy? Because it's not there. It's not the media's fault that reality has a liberal bias. The irony on claims of liberal news rigging always amuses in a world where FOX exists and is American's top news network, and with Ailes going to Trump + Breitbart in charge it's blatant than ever.


AP said:
Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted (HYOO'-sted) says Ohio offers "generous" opportunities to cast a ballot. He says the issue has been dragged through the courts and produced the finding that Ohio's laws are fair.

In a 2-1 decision, a panel of the 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Cincinnati ruled Tuesday that the law still allowed for "abundant" opportunities to vote.
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