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PoliGAF 2016 |OT9| The Wrath of Khan!

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Captain Pants

Killed by a goddamned Dredgeling
Have fun on Saturday! DMing for the first time ever in a couple of weeks, mega nervous.

I'm pretty excited. I've done the map in Photoshop, and I'm going to lay a flat screen TV down on the table where we are playing and project the map on it. I've got a grid over the whole thing and a removable 'fog of war' to obscure the parts of the map they can't see yet and all of that stuff. It's going to be nerdy as balls. Here's the entrance to this dungeon I've made...
I cant. Thats admitting that you like playing cartoon games and I am too prideful to admit that! I AM PATER FAMILIAS DAMMIT. But I really respect you guys for having a totally open line of communication.

Something else I live by. No guilty pleasures. If I like it, I won't hide it or pretend otherwise. Yes including Scream Queens and porn.


I'm pretty excited. I've done the map in Photoshop, and I'm going to lay a flat screen TV down on the table where we are playing and project the map on it. I've got a grid over the whole thing and a removable 'fog of war' to obscure the parts of the map they can't see yet and all of that stuff. It's going to be nerdy as balls. Here's the entrance to this dungeon I've made...

That's cool as hell, I'd love to do something like that in the future when I have a bit more money. The dungeon looks awesome too! Hope you guys have a good time :)
The thing is I can play Witcher 3 on full volume and she wont mind, because to her its like I'm watching Game of Thrones or something. Same thing with MGSV (although the quiet scenes got really uncomfortable), it's like watching a badass military movie. JRPGs areso horrible when it comes to VA and writing.
My bf makes fun of my game choices all the time. He's a dude bro gamer, and only plays Madden and CoD. That is until he got hooked on 3D World 4 player coop. Now he keeps trying to get the boys and I to play. Mess.


No Scrubs
I'm pretty excited. I've done the map in Photoshop, and I'm going to lay a flat screen TV down on the table where we are playing and project the map on it. I've got a grid over the whole thing and a removable 'fog of war' to obscure the parts of the map they can't see yet and all of that stuff. It's going to be nerdy as balls. Here's the entrance to this dungeon I've made...

Dude that looks awesome. Always wanted to get in in that stuff but could never find the people.

Captain Pants

Killed by a goddamned Dredgeling
That's cool as hell, I'd love to do something like that in the future when I have a bit more money. The dungeon looks awesome too! Hope you guys have a good time :)
Dude that looks awesome. Always wanted to get in in that stuff but could never find the people.

Thanks! It's going to be great. Finding people and getting everyone to show up at the same place and the same time is so hard. We had a game going for a while last year and then two of our people, a husband and wife, got jobs in a different city and moved away. My best friend was DMing for the campaign and got really disheartened by it, so this is my attempt at pulling something together and cheering him up. He put a ton of work into his campaign and then it was all for nothing.
your wife sounds cool though

Oh, she is. At least I think so. I'm on call supporting a 911 dispatch center though, so when they need IT help, I have to be able to give them 100% of my focus sometimes until the issue is resolved.

I know it's not a normal thing to have to let someone flip a switch in their brain at the drop of a hat into serious work mode, but I don't really have much choice with this job.

Katy and I have been married for 12 very happy years. We share everything. People think things are perfect between us, but it only looks that way because we work through the problems as they come up.

I could go on about how great she is, but it always feels weird bragging about being *extremely* lucky. At least that's the only explanation I have for my wife. Luck. Oh and white privilege of course.
The message of this is never do charity


or interact with people that might do business with entities you're associated with

You should have heard them talking about this earlier. It went something like this:

Person A: "Is it really any different to politicians talking to people who contribute to their campaigns at fund raisers?"
Person B: "I don't think it's fair to paint all politicians as though they are as bad as the Clintons in light of this news."


I think the big problem is that the Clintons have made zero effort to advertise what the Clinton Foundation does. If you asked the man on the street, they'd probably think it's how the Clinton's make their income.

I feel like no matter what the Clinton's do or say, hardly anyone really believes it.
So, one of my clients just hired a bunch of people which means they're throwing a lot more work my way. I have to grade all the new hire's calls to make sure they can start on the floor.

On of the calls one of the employees said "This is a mess" and the guy on the phone made an airhorn sound and said "Sad!" I laughed.

Also, I think I reached peek gayness today. In reviewing a call, I wanted to tell the employee to be brave and just do their jobs. So I told them "Walk into each customer contact purse first." She was confused by my coaching....


I think the big problem is that the Clintons have made zero effort to advertise what the Clinton Foundation does. If you asked the man on the street, they'd probably think it's how the Clinton's make their income.

Yeah, people think the Clinton Foundation is how they make money and that's probably the insinuation Republicans are going to go with.

And Clinton campaign is probably afraid to even combat the attacks because they "don't want to make it a bigger deal".

I mean, how is this a bad thing!?:

Donors who were granted time with Clinton included an internationally known economist who asked for her help as the Bangladesh government pressured him to resign from a nonprofit bank he ran; a Wall Street executive who sought Clinton's help with a visa problem and Estee Lauder executives who were listed as meeting with Clinton while her department worked with the firm's corporate charity to counter gender-based violence in South Africa.

The thing is, HIllary can't go out and defend the work of the Clinton Foundation because, in theory, she didn't had anything to do with it during her tenure as Sec. of State. But at the same time, it's obvious people who donated to the charity would ask for help.

But this is normal, geez.


I'm going to have to figure that out when Persona 5 ships. My fiance will dick around on her computer while I play Overwatch, but I think P5 will be a bridge too far.

Additionally I'm going to DM for my friends this Saturday, and I'm hoping she won't be around to hear me doing character voices and asking my friends to make perception checks and dexterity saving rolls.
I feel for you.. My wife introduced me to DnD and plays FF games. :p ..



Hm. I just got blahblahblah'd when I countered someone's criticism of Obama not being in LA immediately during the floods. Ah well.


The Autumn Wind
I don't know if anyone posted this here yet, but the NYT recently released an article about the chances of clinton winning in a landslide in this election
I read this and I don't necessarily agree with it. They are asking us to compare this to previous elections, when a I don't think you can do that with Trump. He's a completely different candidate with a completely different campaign strategy.
I don't know if anyone posted this here yet, but the NYT recently released an article about the chances of clinton winning in a landslide in this election

Democrat pollsters in a PANIC over something that has never occurred in history of time:

This high level of polarization could contribute to a curious electoral phenomenon, which could cost Mrs. Clinton support: If people begin to believe that she is going to run away with the election, they may lodge a protest vote against her simply to deny her a commanding victory.

“If it becomes a ‘free vote,’ ” said Peter Hart, a Democratic pollster, “I think that could be one of her problems. If it looks all too easy and all too comfortable, there may be voters who will say, ‘I don’t want her to win by a landslide.’ ”

What in the world does "mandate" mean:

The margin of victory, however, is about more than just bragging rights. If voter unease does not subside, a smaller victory could limit Mrs. Clinton’s ability to claim the kind of popular mandate that she and Democrats on Capitol Hill would like.

“A mandate is some kind of issue platform that you have advocated that is the basis of your victory,” said Lee M. Miringoff, the director of the Marist Institute for Public Opinion. “Not fear of the person who got beaten, which I think is the prime motivator of the Clinton people: the fear of Trump. The same thing can be said for Trump voters: fear of Clinton.”

I remember when Obama crushed the GOP in 2008 and then the GOP responded by not using the filibuster on every bill and I'm fucking dying laughing.

Donald J. Trump, after weeks of self-inflicted damage, has seen support for his candidacy in national polls dip into the 30s — Barry Goldwater and Walter F. Mondale territory — while Hillary Clinton has extended her lead to double digits in several crucial swing states.

Time to declare a landslide, right? Not so fast.

The vote may be more favorable to Mr. Trump than the worst-case-scenario prognosticators suggest for a very simple reason: Landslides do not really happen in presidential elections anymore.

It has been 32 years since a president won the popular vote by a double-digit percentage. That was when Mr. Mondale suffered an 18-point defeat to Ronald Reagan in 1984. It was also the last time there was a landslide among states, with Mr. Mondale winning only Minnesota and the District of Columbia.

....................................... This is n=7.


Unless Dems win the House back too, the GOP is just going to say that they have a mandate too and the public intended for divided government (despite that advantage being due to gerrymandering). They'll also say people just voted against Trump and not against "true conservatives".

So Clinton's margin doesn't really matter in terms of "having a mandate".


So I take it if Clinton has it too easy with Trump, then the dumb voters would try to protest vote and not make it...too easy for her?
I don't get it.

I don't even know what a mandate could actually do for the democrats. If it meant a landslide should give dems the power to pass in legislation, shouldn't more dems actually strongly vote for Hillary given her platform???


The Autumn Wind
Unless Dems win the House back too, the GOP is just going to say that they have a mandate too and the public intended for divided government (despite that advantage being due to gerrymandering). They'll also say people just voted against Trump and not against "true conservatives".

So Clinton's margin doesn't really matter in terms of "having a mandate".
Exactly. Dems are gonna need both houses to get anything done.
Also, IPSOS (A- pollster) shows the race hasn't narrowed.
15-19th it was Queen +5.
16-20, 17-21, 18-22 is all +8

We are sitting at +6/+7 nationally iirc. Race iant going to tighten, its been near a month of this gap.

After the debates, there is a very good chance we go into double digits nationally.
So, I'm reading the 538 chat thing and they brought up something interesting.

If Hillary flat out apologizes (again) for the emails, and something else negative comes to light, that may be more damaging than sticking by your original apology and story. I think this actually makes a lot of sense, in a way.

The whole chat is interesting enough, but it proves that Harry is the best person at 538.


Exactly. Dems are gonna need both houses to get anything done.

Which won't happen, sadly. Some of the more insane House members may be replaced, but we will still be dealing with half of the legislative branch being cockblockers of anything meaningful. We'll just be dealing with a Dem president, a Dem senate, and rumblings of impeachment every few weeks.


Unless Dems win the House back too, the GOP is just going to say that they have a mandate too and the public intended for divided government (despite that advantage being due to gerrymandering). They'll also say people just voted against Trump and not against "true conservatives".

So Clinton's margin doesn't really matter in terms of "having a mandate".

I would say it would matter for the house. If she wins by like 10 percent the republicans probably won't be able to control the house anymore.I think a bunch of the weaker gerrymandered house seats will fall if that happened.
Democrat pollsters in a PANIC over something that has never occurred in history of time:

What in the world does "mandate" mean:

I remember when Obama crushed the GOP in 2008 and then the GOP responded by not using the filibuster on every bill and I'm fucking dying laughing.

....................................... This is n=7.
According to our wholesome and unbiased media, the president only has a mandate if they win by a hair in one swing state which delivers them the electoral college victory, and they did this by exploiting rampant homophobia, shady electioneering, accusing their decorated war veteran opponent of lying about their service, and running as a tough on turrurists macho man while manufacturing foreign policy crises.

Also if you're a Republican and your name is George W. Bush.


We are sitting at +6/+7 nationally iirc. Race iant going to tighten, its been near a month of this gap.

After the debates, there is a very good chance we go into double digits nationally.

If that happened this will be the second major election in a year I watched where the political party who won that election won by a double digit margin. In that election the political party who won it won it by around 13 points if I recall but that political party got only around 40% of the vote.
According to our wholesome and unbiased media, the president only has a mandate if they win by a hair in one swing state which delivers them the electoral college victory, and they did this by exploiting rampant homophobia, shady electioneering, accusing their decorated war veteran opponent of lying about their service, and running as a tough on turrurists macho man while manufacturing foreign policy crises.

Also if you're a Republican and your name is George W. Bush.

But what did that "mandate" even do for W? He ran on privatizing Social Security and then the bill died in committee because it was political suicide.
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