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PoliGAF 2016 |OT9| The Wrath of Khan!

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The race will basically come to a dead stop during the next two weeks during the Olympics and pretty much the entire month. It'll kick back off in earnest after labor day. this is why these recent polls are potentially bad news for Trump because it solidifies the current standing and he'll have even less time to make up the deficit he faces in all the swing states he needs to carry to win. He can't just run a national campaign through cable news and hope to win. He has to do real work and establish a real ground game.


I have a feeling that Trump is going to feel slighted by the Olympics dominating news coverage and will say even dumber shit in an attempt to break through. I wouldn't be surprised if Trump's campaign is in an even worse position after the Olympics.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
LOL Rudy and Hannity's advice to Trump was "Focus on Hillary and Obama's record?" Seriously? The same Obama that has a 54% approval rating, great unemployment numbers, and torches Trump every chance he gets?

Yeah, I'm sure that'll work.
LOL Rudy and Hannity's advice to Trump was "Focus on Hillary and Obama's record?" Seriously? The same Obama that has a 54% approval rating, great unemployment numbers, and torches Trump every chance he gets?

Yeah, I'm sure that'll work.
Its a bubble they live in. Let them do it.
I have a feeling that Trump is going to feel slighted by the Olympics dominating news coverage and will say even dumber shit in an attempt to break through. I wouldn't be surprised if Trump's campaign is in an even worse position after the Olympics.

Oh man, I hope you're right. I don't know how things could get worse though, I feel like he can only go up from here :(
I mean, I get what you're saying. But, at the same time, there's something to be said for not alienating people...even if they deserve it. Like, yes, if you are supporting Trump you're either for white nationalism or you're ambivalent towards it. Neither is morally acceptable, and both deserve condemnation. And, ya, these people should be called out on it.

But, at the same time, I think there's something to be said for taking a tactful, thoughtful approach in explaining to these people why it's not okay to blame "the other" for their problem. Immediately throwing words like racist/sexist/homophobic/bigot no matter how well they earned them, no matter how accurate they are, no matter how much they deserve them...is not the way to win an election.

Should it be the way? ABSOLUTELY. Do I find it uncomfortable that we have to toe this line? ABSOLUTELY.

But, at the end of the day, I want to win. I think acknowledging people's pain (when it's actual pain and not just bigotry) and explaining to them how "Yes, you have fallen through the cracks. But blaming women, Muslims, and Immigrants is NOT the way to solve it" is a preferable path to saying "You feel this way? You're a white nationalist. Go away."
I don't know any open Trump supporters in real life, so this is all theoretical. Every republican I know on FB (mostly Akron-area conservatives) has gone silent since the primaries. But generally I am more willing to go hard on the moral condemnation of white nationalism if the person is more or less a socioeconomic/educational peer. If we are talking a about a downscale person, a kid, or a confused old person, I am going to be gentler and talk about the danger of Trump's personality and ignorance. You often sense from white racists a weird Oprah-ish need just be heard and stroked and validated that is totally contradictory to Clint Eastwood's "pussy generation" attitude. They may never become democratic voters, but ratcheting them back from their racial extremism and paranoia is a win for America, too.


I seriously think Trump's logic on Obama is limited to the idea that he (Trump) hates Obama, therefore everyone else must too. QED.
Sabato: whoever wins the post-convention bump has never lost the election. Thinks it's peak Clinton, due to Trumpster Fire's back week.

In Larry Sabato we trust.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage


Secret plan to get Ryan out of office. Trump endorses him, voters run away.

Gruco said:
I seriously think Trump's logic on Obama is limited to the idea that he (Trump) hates Obama, therefore everyone else must too. QED.

But this is Hannity and Giuliani, though. If they're in that same mindset, they're out of their minds.


LOL Rudy and Hannity's advice to Trump was "Focus on Hillary and Obama's record?" Seriously? The same Obama that has a 54% approval rating, great unemployment numbers, and torches Trump every chance he gets?

Yeah, I'm sure that'll work.

It's certainly preferable to whatever the fuck else he's doing right now.

It's a long-shot and they know it- but it's the best chance the campaign has.

Did he do it again? I watched him do that about a week ago.

A week? Fuck, I saw it two days ago... In response to Donald refusing to release his taxes, which even as a deflection is pretty pathetic. But this is Corey Lewandowski we're talking about here.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Latest Michigan poll:

Hillary 46, Trump 36 in a 2-way matchup.

Hillary up 43-32 in a 4-way.

The poll, done by EPIC-MRA of Lansing and released to the Free Press and WXYZ-TV (Channel 7) on Friday, showed Clinton coming out of last week’s Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia with a 43%-32% lead over Trump in a four-way race including Libertarian Gary Johnson (8%) and Green Party nominee Jill Stein (3%). Fourteen percent of voters were undecided.
As someone who comes from a culture that is much more on the "shaming people into not doing things" - I promise you that the engagement is far more fruitful in the long run then trying to just shame people into not believing XYZ thing. It doesn't work, and usually leads to growing the very same thing that is trying to be shamed.

I'm backing this up.

I also think pushing anyone too hard on the nationalist angle isn't fruitful, because there are a lot of "not Hillary, and third parties lose" Trump voters. A whole, whole lot.


I'm backing this up.

I also think pushing anyone too hard on the nationalist angle isn't fruitful, because there are a lot of "not Hillary, and third parties lose" Trump voters. A whole, whole lot.

Those people are choosing to vote for a white nationalist because they don't like Hillary.

That's a problem.


I'm backing this up.

I also think pushing anyone too hard on the nationalist angle isn't fruitful, because there are a lot of "not Hillary, and third parties lose" Trump voters. A whole, whole lot.

no, this is dumb. Accepting this bullshit is the way you get an actual fascist n power.

Yeah, sure, he's going to kill a whole bunch of people, but i dont like the other person and no one else wins.

No, this isn't acceptable and holding that view is a reason for scorn because you can fuck up the entire country because you're an idiot
just saw hillary's "short circuited" answer. LOL. come on, man. im even more confused after hearing that labored explanation than before.


Politico has an article about not underestimating Stein and Johnson this time around.

I know it's politico lol but they have a point. I really wish they weren't running. In states where things could go closer than expected they could make for an unanticipated spoiler. It's just so annoying to see them in so many polls. Do they -- Stein especially -- think they can really win? Are you kidding me? Knowing what's at stake Stein especially should just get out of the way. Johnson I can understand because Trump is so toxic to the GOP. But man I get so pissed off at Stein running ads on two major news networks.
Politico has an article about not underestimating Stein and Johnson this time around.

I know it's politico lol but they have a point. I really wish they weren't running. In states where things could go closer than expected they could make for an unanticipated spoiler. It's just so annoying to see them in so many polls. Do they -- Stein especially -- think they can really win? Are you kidding me? Knowing what's at stake Stein especially should just get out of the way. Johnson I can understand because Trump is so toxic to the GOP. But man I get so pissed off with Stein running ads on two major news networks.

Third party candidates never match pre-general election polling numbers. I have no problem with them running, and wouldn't if they were more of a threat either. It's democracy.
Those people are choosing to vote for a white nationalist because they don't like Hillary.

That's a problem.

Yes, but it may not be a priority issue for them.

You can't shame everyone out of it, and kicking them out does nothing but make a bubble.

Ask curious questions, not ones designed to put people on the defensive.


Geez a lot of those questions at the presser really sucked. Immigration question was the only one I found really substantive.

Would it kill reporters to ask more questions about policy?


Seriously, who the fuck is going to vote for Jill Stein? Over 90% of Sanders supporters already say they are voting for Hillary. Let's say every bit of those 10% now vote for Stein, is that even 1% of the electorate?
no, this is dumb. Accepting this bullshit is the way you get an actual fascist n power.

Yeah, sure, he's going to kill a whole bunch of people, but i dont like the other person and no one else wins.

No, this isn't acceptable and holding that view is a reason for scorn because you can fuck up the entire country because you're an idiot

You don't have to accept anything. But not engaging on anything but an attack doesn't work except to define groups.
Politico has an article about not underestimating Stein and Johnson this time around.

I know it's politico lol but they have a point. I really wish they weren't running. In states where things could go closer than expected they could make for an unanticipated spoiler. It's just so annoying to see them in so many polls. Do they -- Stein especially -- think they can really win? Are you kidding me? Knowing what's at stake Stein especially should just get out of the way. Johnson I can understand because Trump is so toxic to the GOP. But man I get so pissed off at Stein running ads on two major news networks.

Just scrounging the ends of the earth to find stuff to worry about.


What was so different about Ross Perot in 1992 and 1996 that let him get so many votes as a third party candidate?
I cannot believe someone asked Hillary, again, that people don't trust her at this press conference.

Oops, sorry, not press conference.
What was so different about Ross Perot in 1992 and 1996 that let him get so many votes as a third party candidate?

This is a bit of an oversimplification, but it was in a sense a reverse 1968. The Republican majority coalition was starting to come apart for a variety of reasons and Perot was attractive to voters who were essentially exiting the coalition.

Captain Pants

Killed by a goddamned Dredgeling
What was so different about Ross Perot in 1992 and 1996 that let him get so many votes as a third party candidate?

If I remember right, and I probably don't since I was 10 in 1992, I think he had the funds to run a larger campaign than most third parties do.
California Republicans are dead.


A surge in Democratic voter registration has cut Republicans’ advantage in Orange County to less than 6 percentage points and has doubled the number of Democratic cities over the past year.

The Republican margin has been shrinking since 1990, when the GOP edge was 22 points. But in the last six months, the pace of change has been four times as fast as the 26-year average – thanks in part to the GOP’s controversial nominee. That could hurt the local Republicans in November’s down-ticket races.

“Donald Trump has become our best marketing tool,” said Henry Vandermeir, chairman of the Democratic Party of Orange County. “He’s insulted pretty much every constituency in this county, which has helped drive Democratic registration and turnout to new highs.”

Vandermeir’s registration efforts have gotten a boost from other quarters. In addition to the county Democratic Party, at least four left-leaning groups – including MoveOn.org – have been registering voters in Orange County. County GOP Chairman Fred Whitaker said his party has gotten virtually no outside help.

Additionally, Bernie Sanders attracted young adults who might have otherwise not participated. And the competitive Democratic presidential primary in June boosted turnout, while the Republican contest was already decided.

As a result, more Democrats than Republicans cast ballots in the county. And it was the first time in 48 years that more county ballots were cast for Democratic than Republican presidential candidates.


What would MSM do without the emails and Benghazi ?


What could they do except going total fringed out Alex Jones'sy, and revive Whitewater, Vince Foster and Bosnia sniper fire ?

I mean, there is no serious foundation for a "clash of policies", since the Trump hemisphere all has been faultlessly inoculated with an even more potent anti-FACT vaccine, than the one Jill Stein has been shooting.

Maybe Fox would go so low and dirty they would bring up shit like Monica and Paula ?

I guess I'm saying, once Hilldawg finds the golden comeyPROOF email answer, the press really got no choice but to go exclusively positive, right ?

Am i being naive ?
no, this is dumb. Accepting this bullshit is the way you get an actual fascist n power.

Yeah, sure, he's going to kill a whole bunch of people, but i dont like the other person and no one else wins.

No, this isn't acceptable and holding that view is a reason for scorn because you can fuck up the entire country because you're an idiot

No one is talking about accepting it. That's not even close to what anyone is saying.

What a lot of us are arguing is that you'll only get so far with shame based attacks or critiques. If someone is supporting Trump because they feel the economy has left them behind, what we need to do is show them that, while this may be the case, blaming it on the brown people, women, and Immigrants is not the answer. Simply jumping from that to "Well you support a white nationalist" is not the way to win these people over.

And, ya, a lot of these are too far gone, unfortunately, The people who want the Wall. The people who want to get rid of Muslims. These people probably have white nationalism/racism as a foundation of their political beliefs. Again, while these people deserve nothing but distain and disgust, I'm not sure constantly pointing that out is the way to win the larger argument.

We can simultaneously say "The hateful rhetoric of Trump is unacceptable and indefensible" while also recognizing and attempting to address some of the underlying causes.

This doesn't require us to accept, tolerate or validate hateful rhetoric, white nationalism or anything else. It requires us to engage in a different way. To try to explain that while their concerns may be justified, their reactions to these concerns are not.


No one is talking about accepting it. That's not even close to what anyone is saying.

What a lot of us are arguing is that you'll only get so far with shame based attacks or critiques. If someone is supporting Trump because they feel the economy has left them behind, what we need to do is show them that, while this may be the case, blaming it on the brown people, women, and Immigrants is not the answer. Simply jumping from that to "Well you support a white nationalist" is not the way to win these people over.

And, ya, a lot of these are too far gone, unfortunately, The people who want the Wall. The people who want to get rid of Muslims. These people probably have white nationalism/racism as a foundation of their political beliefs. Again, while these people deserve nothing but distain and disgust, I'm not sure constantly pointing that out is the way to win the larger argument.

We can simultaneously say "The hateful rhetoric of Trump is unacceptable and indefensible" while also recognizing and attempting to address some of the underlying causes.

This doesn't require us to accept, tolerate or validate hateful rhetoric, white nationalism or anything else. It requires us to engage in a different way. To try to explain that while their concerns may be justified, their reactions to these concerns are not.

that would be great if we didn't have countless studies that show appealing to reason in politics changes no one's mind.
What would MSM do without the emails and Benghazi ?


What could they do except going total fringed out Alex Jones'sy, and revive Whitewater, Vince Foster and Bosnia sniper fire ?

I mean, there is no serious foundation for a "clash of policies", since the Trump hemisphere all has been faultlessly inoculated with an even more potent anti-FACT vaccine, than the one Jill Stein has been shooting.

Maybe Fox would go so low and dirty they would bring up shit like Monica and Paula ?

I guess I'm saying, once Hilldawg finds the golden comeyPROOF email answer, the press really got no choice but to go exclusively positive, right ?

Am i being naive ?

the blatant piles of bullshit that the dnc pulled for her in the campaign are definitely talking points they could go to
At the same time, I think it's worth recognizing when you're talking to a brick wall and no amount of earnest engagement is going to make a difference.
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