The muslin ban is a losing issue. People like muslin bans.
Democrats should be hammering on like why your paycheck isn't bigger or something
The muslin ban is a losing issue. People like muslin bans.
Democrats should be hammering on like why your paycheck isn't bigger or something
Manchin is like the most comical name possible for a guy who, if he had more charisma, would be running for president with basically the National Socialism platform.
You would be fired if you were a TV writer who gave Manchin his name after describing the policies he supported.
The muslin ban is a losing issue. People like muslin bans.
Democrats should be hammering on like why your paycheck isn't bigger or something
CNN reporting gorsuch is most likely the pick
And yes Greta on msnbc is awful
Ginsburg should have retired a couple of years ago
The muslin ban is a losing issue. People like muslin bans.
Democrats should be hammering on like why your paycheck isn't bigger or something
Do you only post drunk these days kev
Opposing the Holocaust in Germany in 1930s would have been a losing issue, but I think German opposition parties (if they existed) should still have opposed it!
It is likely illegal.
The muslin ban is a losing issue. People like muslin bans.
Democrats should be hammering on like why your paycheck isn't bigger or something
The Muslim ban isn't a losing issue so much as it's sort of irrelevant(as harsh as that might sound).
99.9% of people approving of Trump aren't going to be swayed away from him because of it. The hill he'll die on is if the Obamacare repeal is a disaster and/or the economy tanks because of his trade policies.
I am not sure. It's like one of those things where I'd like to see preference intensity. Merkuns care a lot. Protests are pretty encouraging but then you see polls where it's like 50/50. It's hard to reconcile.However, the Muslim ban is one of many issues that will galvanize the left and get those who sat out the election because "both sides" to actually get off their ass to vote.
its not smug liberals, its panic liberals. the dis-empowered liberals that have always felt they can't win and conservatives always will.
Its the anthisis of Obama and Bernie-style optimism
You don't need to change anyone's mind to win a midterm, your side just has to be angry enough.
Satisfied voters don't vote in midterms, fucking mad people vote.
But there's an implicit smugness to saying "everyone wants you to believe x when in reality you're being sheeple who don't see that zy0182382 is actually happening." It's the same type of thing conspiracy theorists (and cultists) do.
I'm not saying Trump isn't dangerous, or that Bannon isn't a major threat. But they're fucking up what should have been a wide open shot. Cut taxes, "fix" Obamacare while working on a replacement plan for 2018, "temporarily" ban refugees (no religious litmus test, leave green cards/visas alone), etc. And then start getting tough in the spring with an insane budget while benefiting from decent approval ratings. But instead they decided to set themselves on fire.
One can justify provocative moves if they serve an important strategic goal, Mr. Mearsheimer told me. It is not clear what purpose these moves are designed to serve.
And yet pointlessness is coming to define American foreign policy. Mr. Trump lacks an end game.
Security experts in the United States are baffled by Mr. Trumps executive order abruptly barring entry by citizens from seven mostly Muslim countries, noting that it will ultimately put the security of the United States at risk by sending a uniform message of hostility to 1.6 billion followers of Islam.
In Mexico, government officials are scratching their heads about what Mr. Trump hopes to achieve by threatening to walk away from the trade agreement that has cemented bilateral relations for the last quarter-century. And who knows what Mr. Trump thinks the United States would stand to gain by leaving the World Trade Organization?
Cordell Hull, President Franklin D. Roosevelts long-serving secretary of state and a key architect of postwar foreign strategy, once wrote, if we could increase commercial exchanges among nations over lowered trade and tariff barriers and remove unnatural obstructions to trade, we would go a long way toward eliminating war itself.
Mr. Trump has little patience for this thinking. The president understands international relations as zero-sum competitions. To win at trade, one must export, he believes. Importers lose. Mutually beneficial, win-win solutions are a figment of some diplomats imagination.
The trade deficit is the number that determines for him who wins and loses, Professor Irwin said. But trade deficits are not determined by trade agreements. Trade agreements just determine the rules for trade.
Trump and Trade: Extreme Tactics in Search of a Point there is the fact that Mr. Trumps macroeconomic strategy, which looks set to marry increased government spending with high interest rates, is in some tension with his objectives on trade: By strengthening the value of the dollar, it will make the trade deficit bigger.
Finally, the problems that the president has resolved to tackle have largely petered out on their own. More Mexican immigrants are leaving the United States than coming in. And Chinese exports to the United States are actually declining.
This. Midterms are 110% about turning out your base. Muslim ban issue riles our guys up, and while theirs are on board with it, they're not throwing counter-protests like they do about abortion and guns. So I'd call it a winner.
In fact, I would argue that judging by the level of polarization and the 2016 results, that's all elections are about now: base turnout. The country is so harshly polarized that voter apathy on each side is the only determining factor, which means that we're probably looking at seesawing government for the foreseeable future.
Assuming we still have elections, I mean. Not guaranteed anymore.
Remember, a lot of this is Bannon the Leninist. It's not about conservative victory in elections, it's about dismantling democracy.
So I was discussing with my dad.
If push comes to the shove and Trump tries to cancel Mexican green card holders from the US, would Mexico retaliate with US expats in Mexico?
Because there seems to be quite a whole lot of them. (1 Million)
Expats in Mexico usually are old retirees whose pension would amount for peanuts in the US, but live like kings here. $30k/year USD is poverty line in USA, while it's certainly luxurious here.
Forseeable fiuture?
We've BEEN in this seesaw mess since the Clinton era.
You think murkins don't care that much? Interesting. I don't know.
Mexico's main possible response is to stop the drug war.
Mexico sacrifices thousands of lives a year to stop heroin from entering the U.S. and Mexico could kill a lot of Trump voters while saving their own people if they stopped the drug war.
Who knows what steps they would take after that.
Mexico's main possible response is to stop the drug war.
Mexico sacrifices thousands of lives a year to stop heroin from entering the U.S. and Mexico could kill a lot of Trump voters while saving their own people if they stopped the drug war.
Who knows what steps they would take after that.
Gives Trump pretense for an invasion maybe?
White House ices out CNN
Trump administration refuses to put officials on air on the network the president called 'fake news.'
The White House has refused to send its spokespeople or surrogates onto CNN shows, effectively icing out the network from on-air administration voices.
”We're sending surrogates to places where we think it makes sense to promote our agenda," said a White House official, acknowledging that CNN is not such a place, but adding that the ban is not permanent.
Before 2017, I didn't even think Mexico had some kind of leverage on the US but it seems it does after all.
- All the border states depend on commerce with Mexico
- The Mexican community is strong in the US
- Big food community depends on them
- Capital and productive chains sunk into manufacturing in Mexico are too huge for US industry to ignore
- Drug war without Mexico's cooperation is flawed from the start.
- Immigration containment from South America without Mexico's cooperation is flawed from the start
- Expats living in Mexico
Any of these issues would make a Mexico-punitive action a political non-starter
[T]Just like Obama did with Fox News! [/T]
[T]Just like Obama did with Fox News! [/T]
You get out of the country, bro?
Also, I imagine gloating about being right about the nazis is never truly satisfying. Like you were right but you wish you hadn't been.
[T]Just like Obama did with Fox News! [/T]
CNN just had its commentators basically repeat what was written in Vanity Fair's Can Jared and Ivanka Outrun Donald Trumps Scandals?, where they claim that from sundown on friday to sundown on saturday, things go awary because Kushner/Ivanka follow the Sabbath and that allows Trump to get out of control without his counsel, and that this pattern is likely to continue.
That article is basically saying Kushner is getting fed up.
She didn't give in to trash populist economics. That's a good thing.
If someone's looking for a scapegoat, she was never going to beat the answer Trump was giving them.
I can't help but feel the "here's what's actually going on/this is calculated chaos/etc" stuff is like the worst aspects of smug liberal shit transferred to a minority power level. There is no conspiracy here. This guy has been an unstable narcissistic fascist his entire life. He's been obsessed with punishing or embarrassing his enemies ever since he won. One of the very first things he did was make Mitt Romney grovel for the Sec of State job only to throw him in the bushes. Now he's rewarding his fervent supporters and punishing groups that hate him. But not just minorities/immigrants...he's also shitting on GOP leadership.'s turning out to be a disaster, he's losing support, etc. Being bad at your job is not a strategy, unless you're the Philadelphia 76ers.
The Muslim ban isn't a losing issue so much as it's sort of irrelevant(as harsh as that might sound).
99.9% of people approving of Trump aren't going to be swayed away from him because of it. The hill he'll die on is if the Obamacare repeal is a disaster and/or the economy tanks because of his trade policies.
The world and media landscape is drastically different from even 9 years ago when Bush left office.
Trump has already disappointed a number of his voters; those who realize he will actually repeal the ACA and they'll be worse off, and those with family caught in the immigration confusion. Even a few who were probably turned off with him focusing on inauguration crowds rather than anything else and congress trying to nerf the ethics committee.
I imagine the bulk are still quite happily in the "hey, look at all this action!" mode.
Once those "wait and see" voters (or their friends or family) lose their healthcare entirely, see their insurance premiums rise or terms change unfavourably, lose access to Planned Parenthood services, don't get their coal job back, see terrorist attacks happen anyway and the country remaining "unsafe", start paying more for Mexican produce, and/or are exposed to ongoing food/water poisoning, I certainly expect he'll lose more favorability. And that only accounts for what Trump has planned, much less whatever hare brained schemes he comes up with along the way (that Bannon feeds him).
Of course, recent history has proved an unfavorable candidate can still be considered "better than the other guy at least", so we'll have to wait and see what kind of candidate Democrats put out there in the face of poor favorables for Trump.
Democrats seem to get complacent if the sun is out.Even moreso, I guess. I'm betting on a lot of 1-term presidents moving forward. If we manage to un-gerrymander things in 2020 without rigging it on our favor, I'd stretch that to a lot of House and Senate seats as well.
I mean, assuming the Democratic base becomes complacent with every win, which feels likely.
Not relative to how much our side does, apparently. Makes a good wedge issue. Something to hammer on that gets us mobilized without drumming up an equal and opposite reaction from the right. Kind of the opposite of guns. If it pans out, anyway.
Manchin won't filibuster SC pick
Fuckin' worthless Manchin.
Why do you guys ever expect Manchin to do anything progressive that isn't based on union interests or working class wages and benefits?
He's an authoritarian, racist, anti-environmentalist who cares about the working class and unions. He's pretty clearly defined by this point...
Why do you guys ever expect Manchin to do anything progressive that isn't based on union interests or working class wages and benefits?
He's an authoritarian, racist, anti-environmentalist who cares about the working class and unions. He's pretty clearly defined by this point...
[T]Just like Obama did with Fox News! [/T]
Democrats seem to get complacent if the sun is out.
Even the Bernie bros. who seemed to think Bernie would win California and New York easily because hurr hurr blue states, and that as soon as he got elected he'd wave his little magic wand and we'd wake up to free college and healthcare for everyone on Jan 21. Like fundamentally too many people are just ignorant.