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PoliGAF 2017 |OT1| From Russia with Love

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There would already be 6 committees to investigate. Mattis seems to be just as foolish as the rest of that administration. I'm expecting the fight against ISIS to completely stall soon

Pretty sure they're already basically against the wall as a military force anyway, minus one or two strongholds like Mosul.

They certainly aren't gaining any more territory.


After Mad Dog convinced Trump to authorize a dumbfuck mission in Yemen by saying "Obama would never have the balls to do this," the mission was a disaster and now Yemen is not allowing us to do any more ground missions because of how many people we killed.


So, this is a terrible start for James Mattis and probably another step further to actual invasion of Yemen.

I thought Mattis was suppose to be one of the smarter ones in Trump's cabinet.
Erdogan informed Trump that the Kurdish fighters he loves are actually involved with terrorism and, uhh, I guess Trump's reaction to this info will be interesting...


I thought Mattis was suppose to be one of the smarter ones in Trump's cabinet.

We guessed wrong!

Mnuchin is now the smartest one.

(Mnuchin bribed his way into the cabinet and is somehow the most qualified and holy shit, this is sad).


Mattis is the best of a shitty lot but I am not sure why so many people actively like a guy that Obama had to fire for trying to start a war with iran


We knew a guy like Mad Dog was a hawk going in. We just knew that he was actually qualified and isn't a Russian stooge, which is apparently high marks for this administration.


No Scrubs
Mattis is the best of a shitty lot but I am not sure why so many people actively like a guy that Obama had to fire for trying to start a war with iran

The shittyness of the rest made him look good for a lot of people.

look i think he is insane but i refuse to believe a guy who has as many international business dealings as trump doesn't know the answer to that question.

His dealings are in branding rights and real estate, two things that have jack to do with the strength of the dollar. Hell, all his deals were likely done in USD given the stability of our currency and the dollar amounts involved.


contribute something
Rojava has warm relations with the US and Russia. It's somewhat possible Putin could prevent Erdogan from tearing through Kurdish territory.



lol @ calling Flynn to ask whether a strong dollar or a weak dollar was better for the economy.

I wouldn't put it past Trump, but how do you run with this story unless your source is Flynn? It is so outlandish they'll immediately call it fake news. It sounds like the kind of story meant to catch a mole - give them all a different hour for the call. How many people would have been told a story so embarrassing?


No Scrubs
I wouldn't put it past Trump, but how do you run with this story unless your source is Flynn? It is so outlandish they'll immediately call it fake news. It sounds like the kind of story meant to catch a mole - give them all a different hour for the call. How many people would have been told a story so embarrassing?

According to the story Flynn told someone what happened.


Been looking into subscribing to a magazine or newspaper. Any recommendations from you guys? Living in LA the LA times, jumps out at me, but I'd like to hear if anyone has a different suggestion.
Been looking into subscribing to a magazine or newspaper. Any recommendations from you guys? Living in LA the LA times, jumps out at me, but I'd like to hear if anyone has a different suggestion.

Definitely Washington Post right now. New York Times if you want as well


Professional Schmuck
The problem with Mattis getting the blame for this (perhaps even rightly) is that now Trump can now question his advice when it really matters. I mean he could before, but now he has a built-in excuse.

Sleep well!
She's defended herself against mobs of people (notably Debra Messing) who've taken her to task for propagating "both sides" bullshit that helped Donald win. But it's not her fault Clinton loss, Susan says! Democrats simply should have picked a better candidate, and other such nonsense.

If you're wondering if she's expressed any sort of regret over her pre-election behavior, the answer is absolutely not. Ditto Colin "I didn't even vote lol" Kaepernick. And you know what they have in common? They're both rich enough to not feel any negative effect of this administration whatsoever. How brave they were.
Kaeperneck's stance on voting pissed me off because, ok, thinking Clinton and Trump are the same, fine (I mean not really fine but moving on). But Cali had a proposition for repealing the death penalty, something that disproportionately affects black people, and you can't drag your ass to the polls for the many other candidates and propositions downballot?

It's like whenever people say they don't vote because of the Electoral College. You're not some principled genius special snowflake, you're a fucking asshole.
You could start by targeting the programs to be "zero sum." Figure out what average out-of-pocket spending on healthcare is by corporations and families: tax "large businesses" equal to that amount, as well as a small tax on families. Say a middle-income family ($70,000/year household) spends 15% of their gross income on health care, so that family gets a gross income tax of 15% in exchange for universal health care. Wealthy people, who might spend less as a proportion, still get the 15% tax. People making less than the median get less tax, until you get to 400% above the federal poverty line.

This way, for the average family, you and your employer are spending exactly what they would have spent before, but without the hassle of paperwork.

It could be the same way for universal college. The tax hikes would only reflect what the average family spends (which, since a lot of people don't go to college at all, the average would mean more costs for some but less costs for others).

I like stuff like this, but the issue is related to

What does it matter if that insurer is the government?

this part. It makes the gov't the bad guy. People hate paying for things they don't use frequently and are forced to pay for. The nice part about universal coverage through private insurance is that you don't have to deal with the fact that you're controlling prices and are therefore responsible for the costs.

Like, it'd be cool if we could somehow make a system where no one was homeless because the gov't was in charge of all housing, but I'm willing to bet there aren't many people who get warm fuzzy feelings when thinking of their landlords. Anything the gov't takes on, the problems with those things become 100% the gov't's fault.

We knew a guy like Mad Dog was a hawk going in. We just knew that he was actually qualified and isn't a Russian stooge, which is apparently high marks for this administration.

Hawk is fine and expected, but the qualified part is now an issue. The dude's first op caused the country that hosted it to cancel all future operations within their borders. That's an insane level of failure.
*Michael Flynn hears the phone buzz and immediately wakes up fully alert at 3 in the morning like the soldier he is*

FLYNN: The Muslims have done it, haven't they, sir? Who's dead, when are we launching the missiles?

TRUMP: Mike, I don't remember how macroeconomics works.

FLYNN: The Muslims must die.

TRUMP: Is the dollar being strong good or bad?

FLYNN: ... What does this have to do with Muslims, sir?

TRUMP: I don't remember the stuff about currency.

FLYNN: Sir... I am qualified to carry out our crusade, but sir... I am not well informed about this matter.

TRUMP: You are a useless adviser! Bad!
Some piece of shit Republican Senator on BBC World News advocating in favor Betsy DeVos, saying she's all about choice. And saying he couldn't understand how Liberals wanted choice when it came to abortion but not for schools. There's a special place in hell for this guy...


Unconfirmed Member

Obama shouldn't have been planning these military actions in Yemen in the first place for exactly the same reason this raid was unsuccessful.

And now that we have a president that has shown little empathy for civilian life in the middle east, these things should be given even more scrutiny.

And get out of here with that Benghazi comparison. I wouldn't blame Trump for a terrorist attack on a US anything, outside of him needlessly stirring up hatred of the US, but this is an operation signed by Trump. He takes a lot more responsibility for the outcome here.
Obama shouldn't have been planning these military actions in Yemen in the first place for exactly the same reason this raid was unsuccessful.

And now that we have a president that has shown little empathy for civilian life in the middle east, these things should be given even more scrutiny.
Obama was the most careful president in modern US history to consider the use of military force to pursue our objectives. If he thought the targets were worthwhile after 8 years in office and had military experts justifying it to him against all possible alternatives then maybe you should give him a little more benefit of the doubt.

Criticism of collateral damage is always in hindsight. Nobody seems to ask if a country that is already in the middle of a civil war and without stable government should have heavily fortified pockets of al Qaeda militants taking advantage of the chaos (probably because when posed, the answer is clearly no).
And get out of here with that Benghazi comparison. I wouldn't blame Trump for a terrorist attack on a US anything, outside of him needlessly stirring up hatred of the US, but this is an operation signed by Trump. He takes a lot more responsibility for the outcome here.
In fact he should take no responsibility. This was an operation vetted and planned by military officials, and then recommended to be approved by military. If it wasn't recommended by the military I doubt it would even show up on his desk (although I admit I'm not privy to how much deference is given to the commander in chief). In any case I have a lot of problems with Trump but his lack of micromanaging ops at the level of individual operations is not one of them.
So let's see here...

Called Taiwan president, has been consistently vague in how he views our relationship with China.
Belittled the Australian prime minister.
Threatened to invade Mexico. (Maybe?)
Said we might have another chance at oil in the Middle East.
Got banned from speaking at parliament.
While we can't say it's entirely his fault, our relationship with Yemen has been weakened considerably because of that failed raid.
Defended Russia by saying the US also has killers.

Am I missing anything, or that the gist of it?


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
So...uhhh...should the OT title be changed now?

Obama was the most careful president in modern US history to consider the use of military force to pursue our objectives. If he thought the targets were worthwhile after 8 years in office and had military experts justifying it to him against all possible alternatives then maybe you should give him a little more benefit of the doubt.

Criticism of collateral damage is always in hindsight. Nobody seems to ask if a country that is already in the middle of a civil war and without stable government should have heavily fortified pockets of al Qaeda militants taking advantage of the chaos (probably because when posed, the answer is clearly no).

In fact he should take no responsibility. This was an operation vetted and planned by military officials, and then recommended to be approved by military. If it wasn't recommended by the military I doubt it would even show up on his desk (although I admit I'm not privy to how much deference is given to the commander in chief). In any case I have a lot of problems with Trump but his lack of micromanaging ops at the level of individual operations is not one of them.

PoliGAF 2017 |OT1| This is why we lose!


Your annual reminder that just because the military thinks a move is strategic that doesn't automatically mean it's the best choice.


Been looking into subscribing to a magazine or newspaper. Any recommendations from you guys? Living in LA the LA times, jumps out at me, but I'd like to hear if anyone has a different suggestion.

Absolutely the Washington Post.

And I'm tempted to say "Absolutely not the New York Times". It's too variable, and whilst their piece a few days ago about the Trump administration behind-the-scenes was good, I'm not going to promote them after the shitty "both sides-ism" of their campaign coverage.

I got an email about the LA Times being $20 for 6 months. Tempted to take them-up on it, but my WaPo subscription is up in a couple of months, so going to have to set-aside money to renew that.

I'm subscribed to The New Yorker, and that's got some great long-form analysis and coverage. It's not my everyday go-to, but every time I visit the site, there's something worthwhile there I spend time reading.

That comes from the fact that Ted Cruz was a successful debater in High School/College. The problem is that doesn't necessarily carry over well to political debates. I think he's been borderline abysmal in all of the televised debates I've seen. He got smacked around by Trump who's pretty underwhelming, and until everyone else dropped out he was easily bottom half of the pack. He just always seems like a slimeball and doesn't exactly ooze charisma, and that alone makes people weary of what he says, so all it takes is one person arguing a point and he kind of crumbles. I think he can also tell when he falls behind, and goes full tilt. That's when shit like this happens.

I mean prior to Christie executing him and then him committing seppuku while talking about Obama, Rubio was pretty rock solid, but it didn't matter because he didn't have the kind of charm that people wanted from a candidate. The closer someone is to a car salesman the more people will say they won a debate.


In fact he should take no responsibility. This was an operation vetted and planned by military officials, and then recommended to be approved by military. If it wasn't recommended by the military I doubt it would even show up on his desk (although I admit I'm not privy to how much deference is given to the commander in chief). In any case I have a lot of problems with Trump but his lack of micromanaging ops at the level of individual operations is not one of them.

Obama punted the decision due to lack of concrete intelligence. This was a solid decision, considering the US forces got caught in a cross-fire and were surprised by women taking out guns and shooting at them.

So, this is exactly what Hillary meant when she said someone who could be baited by a tweet is not someone you want in charge. It's reckless, with no awareness of the reasoning behind Obama's punt, or any desire to push for more intelligence in order to ensure fewer friendly casualties. "Approved by military" does not mean fool-proof or without issues, and thinking that it does is exactly why Trump went ahead with it.
"Approved by military" does not mean fool-proof or without issues, and thinking that it does is exactly why Trump went ahead with it.

I thought this wasn't fully approved by the military? I seem to recall reading that military intelligence felt they were unprepared and Trump gave them the green light anyway.
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